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Omahri Allamby

Dr. Smith
Eng 201

Charlotte Amalie Postal Office

9846 Estate Thomas 
St Thomas, VI 00802

Dear General P.O.

Good morning, General Post Office, I hope that you are having a splendid time today and

that your day is going well. Unfortunately, not everyone is granted such bliss due to a series of

disconcerting events. Last week, I went to the post office to pick up my mail, like any other

person; however, I was met with troubling news about my mailbox being locked. So, naturally, I

asked one of the office clerks—I believe her name was Charlotte—and she refused to open my

box due to security reasons regarding my account. I found this news to be quite upsetting

because I have never done anything illegal or "bad" using my mailbox. Nevertheless, I decided to

take the mature route, and I told the office clerk that if there are any problems regarding my

mailbox, please let me know in advance and if there was any way to resolve the issue. They told

me to come back in three days, and they will let me know if I am due to use my mailbox again.

Now, three days later, I am unable to access my mailbox. Consequently, I asked the office clerk

about the "situation" regarding the security matter of my account, and she had the nerve to say

that I was being too impatient and I "shouldn’t rush her". Not only was I denied the right to look

in my mailbox, which I am still paying for, but I was offered rude customer service on top of all

of it. Now, I do not know if this is regarding my late payment for renewal; however, if this is
how you speak to your customers, I highly recommend that you all take some classes on how to

speak to people. Seriously, the level of disrespect I received was unprofessional, and I hope you

know I will be suing for neglecting a client and wrongfully holding my mailbox from me.

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