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Student name:Wanqiu Liu

Course name: Comm120 - Public Speaking

Professor name: Perry Adams

Date: December 8, 2022

Answer for question #1: How well do you think you persuaded the class?

I think I did very well in persuading my class that "Animal performance should be banned."

Before the speech, I did research on the topic I had chosen, and I read a lot of materials, which

guaranteed the quality of the concepts in my speech; I also practiced a lot to make that I

pronounced the words right and have good hand gestures and everything. In my speech, I used a

lot of facts to persuade my audience, and I also gave workable plans for the problem. Overall, I

did well in persuading my audience to ban animal performances.

Answer for question #2: What persuasive techniques did you use?

The main techniques I used in my speech were pathos and logos, which refer to emotion and

logic. For example, I stated a variety of harms that animal performance brought to the animals,

which will make my audience compassionate and achieve a good persuasion effect. Secondly, I

used the pathos technique to explain the bad sequences that animal performance will cause and

the benefits of banning animal performance. After my audiences realize that, they will know the

importance of banning animal performance.

Answer for question #3:What could you have done better?

The first aspect I can do better is eye contact; I couldn't make enough eye contact during my

speech because I was a bit nervous. Also, the nervous feelings made my brain blank a few times,

so I had to check my flash card, which also affected my fluency. So in the future, I will try to be

more confident and memorize my content better to deliver a good speech. Secondly, according to

the feedback my classmate Di Wang gave to me, I could use more research results from some

authoritative journals to convince the audience.

Answer for question #4:How well did others persuade you?

I chose to discuss Oy Ives' speech about the increase in violence due to the proliferation of guns.

In general, I think her speech served as a good persuasive speech. First of all, her speaking speed

was moderate, which allowed me to understand what she was saying well, and on the other hand,

in her speech, she used research data, such as"The FBI reported background checks to continue

to grow since 2020 record 1.2 million people who bought handguns for self-protection." ( Rabin,

2022) etc. All the data she used makes her speech more reliable. She also used a lot of hand

gestures to get the audience's attention.


1. Rabin, R.C. (2022) Gun-related suicides and killings continued to rise in 2021, C.D.C.

Reports, The New York Times. The New York Times. Available at:



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