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Assessment Task

Subject: ITALIAN
Year Level: 7
AT Title: My School & hobbies – Oral Play
Due Date: Week 7/8

Mark: = % Grade:

A brief description of the task:

Use the vocabulary, grammar, phrases learnt so far to write and conduct a conversation between two students
in Italian. Students are to discuss information about themselves, their school and hobbies. Each student
should also ask and answer questions posed to them.
Conversation scripts should include the following information:

 A general introduction including , greeting name , age and nationality

 Information about their family, school and subjects – including subjects, preferences, likes and
 Information about their leisure activities, hobbies or past times
 Evidence of correct grammar including adjectival agreements, definite & indefinite articles,
conjugation of regular and irregular verbs in the present tense and, pluralization of nouns and
 Evidence of correct pronunciation and intonation
 Inclusion of all necessary detail, opinions and text type features

Process Advice
 Students can use any other relevant information from the Education perfect, class
 Drafting and editing will happen over a 3 session time period,
 Students MUST use both the Rubric below to guide their writing AND presentation
 1 session will be used to complete your draft without devices). One copy will be for teacher- guided
proof reading, and one copy will be to produce the final copy.
 Students must hand in their draft and Assessment Task handout with their final copy
 Students can use the Example conversation provided as an guide
 Students may include additional information with teacher guidance

Yr. Yr.
Yr.7 Yr.9 Above
8 10
BeginningMiddle End BeginningMiddle End BeginningMiddle End BeginningMiddle End
6.00 6.50 7.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00
The extent to which High (3)
Low (1) Medium (2)
your work
Only a few or
demonstrates the Not shown Many errors in Some errors
no errors in
following: (0) spelling and in spelling and
spelling and
grammar grammar
Largely grammar
incomplete or Minimal Most of the
All of the
not attempted required required
information information is Total
No required information is
provided provided
information provided /9
A few text Most text type
No text type All text type
type features features
features features
are evident evident
present evident
Spoken Pronunciation
No evidence Pronunciation
language has is mainly
of script is all or almost
many errors in correct with
all correct with
pronunciation some errors
minor errors
Accuracy of spelling
grammar and
Understand and use
key features and
patterns of the
Italian grammatical
system, including
definite and indefinite
articles, gender and
agreement, present
tense of regular and
common irregular
verbs, and simple
sentence construction

All required
information included
Convey factual
information and ideas
through a range of texts
from a range of sources

All required text

type features
Understand the
features of common
spoken, written and
multimodal texts

Total: /9
Example of Conversation
Amanda: Buongiorno! Mi chiamo Amanda. Come ti chiami?

Peter : Salve! Mi chiamo Peter.

Amanda: Come stai?

Peter : Bene, e tu?

Amanda: Cosi` cosi`. Io ho tredici anni , e tu?

Peter : Io ho quattordici anni. Io sono australiano, e tu?

Amanda: Io sono indiana. Io ho un padre, una madre, e una sorella.

Peter : Io ho una padre, una madre e due fratelli. Ti piace la scuola?

Amanda: Si, mi piace la scuola. Io studio la matematica, l’inglese e la scienza. E tu?

Peter: No, non mi piace la scuola, io odio la matematica perche e` difficile. Amo
l’inglese e l’italiano.

Amanda: il weekend io gioco a tennis, mangio pizza e ascolto la musica pop. E tu,
giochi a calcio?

Peter: No, non gioco a calcio. Il weekend, io cucino la pasta, ascolto la musica rap e
non studio molto. Ti piace giocare sport?

Amanda: Si, mi piace giocare lo sport. Sei sportivo?

Peter: no, non sono sportivo. Mi piace leggere e dormire.

Amanda; Va bene , Ciao!
Peter: Ciao! A Presto.
Reflection Tool Example
Where am I right now?
 What I completed very well
 What I know

Where am I going?
 What do I want to achieve on the next AT?

How will I get there?

 Areas I know, but needing improvement
 Areas I need help with
 What will I do differently next time?

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