Chloe NG - GM 2021

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Measurement &

Verification Pte Ltd

Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd
An Accredited Energy Services Company

BCA Green Mark 2021

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Speaker’s Profile Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Chloe Ng
Measurement & verification Pte Ltd
Business Development Manager

Measurement &
• BCA Registered Energy Auditor (EA) Verification Pte Ltd
• Green Mark Accredited Professional (Facilities Management)- GMAP (FM)
• Singapore Certified Energy Manager (SCEM)

Proprietary Information of Measurement & Verification Pte Ltd 2

Green Mark 2021 Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Green Mark 2021 applies to new and existing buildings including

commercial buildings, industrial buildings, institutional buildings and
residential buildings.

Green Mark 2021 Green Mark 2021 In-


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Agenda Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

• Green Mark 2021

• Green Mark 2021 In-operation

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Timeline Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

• The effective date of GM: 2021 is 1 Nov 2021.

• Projects (New Non-Residential Buildings (NRB), Existing Non-Residential Buildings (ENRB), Residential Buildings (RB),
Existing Residential Buildings (ERB)) applying for Green Mark certification on or after 1 Nov 2021, will be assessed under
GM: 2021. For re-certification, simplified re-cert will be replaced by GM: 2021 In Operation.
• Projects which have applied for Green Mark application before 1 Nov 2021 and assessed under GM2015 or GM2016 or
GM2017, must complete the assessment and receive Green Mark Letter of Award (LOA) by end of 2022.
• If the assessment is not completed by then, they will be assessed under GM: 2021 on 1 Jan 2023.
• In short, from 1 Jan 2023 onwards, all projects (NRB, ENRB, RB and ERB) are to be assessed under GM: 2021.
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Submission for certification Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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Green Mark 2021 Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

The GM: 2021 certification framework covers any one of the three types of
1. New developments, at the design and completion (as built) stage
2. Existing buildings in operation, with no previous Green Mark certification
3. Existing buildings with major retrofit

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Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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GM 2021 Ratings Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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GM 2021 – Energy Efficiency Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Energy Efficiency is the only prerequisite in GM 2021. Three pathways in fulfilling energy efficiency
1. Pathway 1: Energy Consumption based, using the Energy Use Intensity (EUI).
2. Pathway 2: Deemed-to-comply prescriptive performance, using fixed metrics
3. Pathway 3 : Performance-based energy modelling

All projects are required to comply with one of the energy efficiency pathways to demonstrate their energy
efficiency levels.
Total System Efficiency (TSE) of air-conditioning system is required to be demonstrated.

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Pathway 1 Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Total Building annual energy consumption over the gross floor area of the building (kWh/m2/yr). Based on:
• Energy modelling (Design)
• Energy Calculation and measured data (Retrofit)
• Measurement – In operation

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Pathway 1-Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Detailed measurement and calculation (Existing

buildings) or energy model (new buildings) shall
be used to calculate and justify the design EUI.

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Pathway 2 Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

• Key performance metrics (ingredients) that make an energy efficient project. All aspects must be met
• Any shortfall in performance can be made up with the use of onsite renewables, subject to the building
typology multiplication factor.
• For projects utilising a District Cooling System the airside performance shall be used in lieu of Total System
Efficiency (TSE) and shall be as follows:

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Pathway 2 - Key performance metrics Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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Pathway 2 – lighting and mechanical ventilation Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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Any shortfall in performance Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

• Can make use of on-site renewable energy to make up energy shortfall in order to
comply with energy efficiency requirements in the fixed matrix. (pathway 2)
• For example, if the TSE is 0.72kW/RT rather than 0.68kW/RT (requirement), then
there would be an efficiency shortfall of 0.72- 0.68=0.04kW/RT.
• This would be multiplied by the annual RThrs to get the kWh/yr.
• The calculated shortfall, say 1000kWh/yr, will be multiplied by the safety factor,
e.g. 1000 × 1.1 for office buildings etc. to obtain the onsite replacement yield

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Pathway 3 Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Demonstrated energy savings following the Green Mark Energy Modelling guideline which looks at holistic
energy performance against a reference model.

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Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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Energy Efficiency Detailed Requirements
M&V Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Permanent Instrumentation for Measurement and Verification for chilled water system:
• Data logging with the capability to trend at 1-minute sampling time interval, recorded to the 3rd decimal digit.
• Building Management System (BMS), standalone Energy Monitoring System (EMS) or local sequential controller shall have the
capability to compute and display key indicators such as water-side, air-side and total system efficiency and calculated heat
balance of the chilled water system.
• Magnetic in-line flow meter, with 1% uncertainty, and capable of electronic in-situ verification to within ±2% of its original factory
calibration. If installation of magnetic in-line meters is not possible, ultrasonic flow meters or other flow meters that can meet the
indicated performance may be used.
• Temperature sensors are to be provided for chilled water and condenser water loop and shall have an end-to-end measurement
uncertainty not exceeding ±0.05°C over the entire measurement range. Provisions shall be made for test-plugs or additional
thermowells to be installed before and after each temperature sensor along the chilled water and condenser water lines for
verification of measurement accuracy. All thermo-wells are recommended to be installed in a manner that ensures the sensors can
be in direct contact with the fluid flow. There shall be valid justification if direct immersion of the temperature sensor(s) is/are not
possible. Such projects will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
• Dedicated power meters (of IEC Class 1 or better) and metering current transformers, where applicable, of Class 1 or better, are to
be provided for each of the following groups of equipment : chillers, chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling towers,
air distribution system (i.e. AHUs, PAHUs, FCUs)3.
• A heat balance substantiating test for the water-cooled chilled-water system is to be computed in accordance to SS 591 for
verification of the accuracy of the M&V instrumentation. The heat balance shall be computed over the entire normal operating
hours with more than 80% of the computed heat balance within ± 5% over a 1-week period. Heat balance readings should be
generated automatically from BMS/BAS.

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Energy Efficiency Detailed Requirements
M&V Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Permanent Instrumentation for Measurement and Verification for VRF CU and air distribution system
• Data logging with the capability to trend at 5-minute sampling time interval, recorded to at least one
decimal place.
• Building management system (BMS), standalone energy monitoring system (EMS) shall have the capability to
compute and display the overall system energy efficiency to facilitate data extraction for verification
• Dedicated power meters (of IEC Class 1 or better) and metering current transformers (of Class 1 or better)
where applicable, are to be provided for all condensing units of the VRF system and air-distribution sub-
systems (i.e. AHUs, PAHUs, FCUs).
• VRF Suppliers’ in-house monitoring system is acceptable if it’s capable of monitoring the system efficiency
within 10% uncertainty.

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Energy sub-metering Requirements Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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New Building Verification Stage and Existing Buildings in Operation Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

After completed construction or retrofit, a verification audit shall be carried out. For Buildings in operation, not
undergoing retrofit, the assessment would be based upon its operational data.
1. Stage 1 Verification (New Buildings): The Green Mark verification shall demonstrate the implementation of
the design stage strategies and note any deviance from these and their effect on the ability of the project
to achieve the energy performance.
2. Stage 2 Verification and Existing Buildings in operation: The building shall demonstrate compliance to the
committed performance stated in the pathway through 12-months measured data with a requirement of
minimum occupancy of 60% for the period of measurement. The Energy Savings from energy modelling
would require deviance less than 5% else a calibration would be required.
3. The generated renewable energy, using 12-month actual operation data will be audited.
4. The zero energy building shall demonstrate compliance to the committed 100% net replacement through
onsite and/or off-site renewable sources.
5. The Positive Energy building shall demonstrate compliance to the committed 115% net replacement
through onsite renewable sources.

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Five environmental sustainability sections Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

There are 15 points available in each section – a project scoring 10 points and above from each section
qualifies to get a badge which represents their exceptional performance in that area.
1. Health and Well-Being (Hw)
2. Whole Life Carbon (Cn)
3. Resilience (Re)
4. Maintainability (Mt)
5. Intelligence (In)

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Agenda Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

• Green Mark 2021

• Green Mark 2021 In-operation

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Green Mark 2021 In-Operation Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

• For existing building projects applying for Green Mark recertification without change in major energy use or
major retrofit.
• Can maintain the previous Green Mark award rating or upgrade the ratings based on the energy efficiency
• The assessment will be based on measured data. No letter of commitment or undertaking will be accepted.
• GM: 2021 In-Operation is a simplified version of GM: 2021 for projects that have previously been assessed
and fully certified under Green Mark.
• GM: 2021 In Operation tracks the key performance indicators, based on actual operational data to ensure
the building is performing in its operation to the same GM 2021 standard.

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GM 2021 Ratings Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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Energy Efficiency Requirement Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Rating Gold* GoldPLUS Platinum SLE

% Energy
improvement over
2005 levels* 40% 50% 55% 60%

Applicable EE Pathways: Pathway 1 – EUI;

Pathway 2 – Fixed metrics

*Aligns with mandatory minimum energy efficiency requirements to raise energy performance standards of
existing buildings

Proprietary Information of Measurement & Verification Pte Ltd 27

Pathway 1-Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Gold Goldplus Platinum SLE

Building Type
40% 50% 55% 60% • Most recent 12 months' energy consumption
Office Buildings (Large) 165 155 140 115 (occupancy rate >60%) to calculate the most
Office Buildings (Small)
Hotels (Large)
190 recent EUI.
Hotels (Small)
Retail Malls
• For GM2021 full certification, M&V is
IHL (University, Polytechnics and ITE) 150
130 120 90
required for TSE calculation/measurement.
Private Schools and Colleges
Junior Colleges (MOE)
• However, for project previously certified
Secondary Schools (MOE)
Primary Schools (MOE)
under legacy criteria, applying re-certification
Healthcare based on GM: 2021 In-Operation, air side
Hospitals (Private and General) 450 375 340 300
Community Hospitals 280 230 210 185 efficiency can be done by third party energy
Polyclinic 180 150 135 120
Nursing/Youth Homes 105 90 80 70 audit.
Other Non-Residential
Mixed Develpments by GFA mix
Community Centres 180 150 125 110
Civic Buildings 100 80 70 60
Cultural Institution 220 180 140 120
Sports and Recreation Centres 125 110 80 50
Religious/ Place of Worship NA
High Tech Industrial
Light Industrial NA
Warehouses, Workshops and Others
Multi Residential (HDB, EC, Condo, pte apartments)
Cluster Housing
Landed Housing

Proprietary Information of Measurement & Verification Pte Ltd 28

Pathway 2 – Fixed metrics Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Building types PARAMETER Gold GoldPLUS Platinum SLE • For GM2021 full certification,
TSE 0.9 or M&V is required for TSE
For commerical Plant efficiency of 0.8 0.74 0.68 calculation/measurement.
buildings 0.65
TSE 0.9 or • However, for project
Plant efficiency of 0.8 0.75 0.7 previously certified under
For Healthcare
TSE 0.9 or
legacy criteria, applying re-
For Educational Plant efficiency of 0.8 0.75 0.7 certification based on GM:
TSE 0.9 or
2021 In-Operation, air side
For High Tech/ High Plant efficiency of 0.8 0.78 0.75 efficiency can be done by
intensity 0.65 third party energy audit.
TSE 0.9 or
For Light industry/ Plant efficiency of 0.8 0.75 0.7
Warehouse 0.65
TSE 0.9 or
For other non Resi Plant efficiency of 0.8 0.75 0.7
buildings 0.65

For Gold rating, compliance of plant eff of 0.65 Kw/RT will be phase out by 31 Oct 2023 (based on LOA date). All
re-certification have to meet 0.9 min TSE after 1 Nov 2023.

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Airside efficiency Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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GM 2021 In-operation submission Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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GM 2021 In-operation submission Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

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Measurement &
Verification Pte Ltd

Thank you for your


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