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Investment Company 
Business idea 
Find investors willing to put money for guaranteed return in 3 months 
1. Investors who will put their money will receive 5% profit in 3 months, regardless of how the Philippine Stock 
Market moves.  
2. Anything over the 5% value will be called profit. These profits will be split between these sectors.   
○ Company - The company will receive 50% of the profits made. The company budget is where we will 
get the salary of each trader or funds for expansion (hiring of more traders) 
○ REPH - REPH will receive 15% of all the profits made. REPH’s job is to find investors and in return, will 
receive the amount based on the company/trader’s performance. 
○ Trader - The trader will receive 20% of the profits made as bonus. We want our traders to be excited 
in making profits for their clients because they get a hefty amount on their payout.  
○ Allowance - 15% of the profits made will be allotted for allowance. This will act as a safety net for the 
trader just in case the market is not in his favor. This is where he will get funds if ever he gets negative 
on his trade. This allowance is still on the company’s bank account. % of the allowance will be spread 
to the Company, REPH, and Trader if ever a certain amount is already hit by the trader for his 

What we need 
● Bank accounts - to be held by HR for safekeeping  

● Trader accounts - held by HR and trader for cross checking of trades and transparency 

● Investa Prime Elite subscription - 1 account will suffice (10k/yr) For trade logging and analysis 

● Legal matters - apparently need namin ng license para maging registered fund managers (not sure ano 
requirements dito) 

● Laptop - needed for trading, majority of the traders use mobile phones for trading our personal accounts. To be 
followed once performance is good on the first 3 months 

● Monitor - extra screen increases productivity and number of charts that can be monitored will be increased. 
To be followed if performance is better after 6 months.  

Man power 
1. 3 Full timers and 3 part timers. I can still get other people but I want to secure my team first because I trust 

2. Concern: Work security. 4 members of my team are currently full time employed and are planning to go full 
time here but the main concern is the security of the job. 

3. Difference of part time and full time 

○ Part time - will be working during market hours (9am-1pm) 

○ Full time - will work from 9am-1pm, the next 4 hours will be spread throughout the day for research 
and chart analysis for trades that will be executed the next day. 2 hr meeting will be required for all 
the members and full time employees will present on Sundays for possible trade plans the following 



week. 1hr meeting every Friday will also be done to make sure that all traders are doing fine with 
their accounts.  

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