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Cement and Concrete Research 135 (2020) 106157

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CCR Digital Concrete 2020 SI: Editorial T

1. Introduction issue that needs to be addressed first: the development of a common

frame of reference. The harmonized use of technical terminology fa-
The development of digital fabrication of cement-based materials cilitates academic studies, performance comparisons, and importantly
(DFC) is taking the construction industry by storm. New horizons come the development of technical guidelines. This may seem like a trivial
into view by the promises of geometrical freedom, high construction undertaking, but for a field that has moved from infancy into adoles-
speed, lack of hard physical labour, and reduced use of primary and cence in a matter of a few years, it is a crucial need before maturity can
secondary materials. However, this comes at a price. Behind the see- be reached.
mingly easy free deposition of fresh material, complex phenomena and An important step in this development is provided by Buswell et al.
fundamental questions hide. DFC engages the material in a phase that is [2], who present a classification for DFC processes that aligns to ex-
normally left untouched: during the transition from fluid to solid. The isting ISO guidelines in manufacturing industries, but is tailored to the
(partial) absence of formwork that characterizes most DFC processes, DFC field. The framework for the proposed classification is summarized
poses many fascinating new challenges, in fields ranging from material Fig. 6 of the paper, after first discussing previously suggested classifi-
design (including reinforcement) and process modelling, to quality cations by other authors e.g. in [3,4]. A series of helpful process dia-
control and product application. The complete interaction between grams is presented for a number of examples, to aid in the identification
design, material, process, and product needs to be rethought (Fig. 1a). and distinction of DFC processes. Importantly, Section 3 introduces a
This is now attracting attention from research groups around the very useful set of terminology definitions, specifying e.g. the difference
world. In the slipstream, an increasing number of conferences on the between fabrication and manufacturing. The classification Buswell et al.
topic has been initiated as well. Two years ago, Digital Concrete 2018, propose has been developed based on extensive discussions within the
hosted by the ETH Zurich, was the first dedicated conference in this RILEM TC 276, and therefore carries considerable agreement within the
field worldwide. In July of this year, the TU Eindhoven hosts Digital community already.
Concrete 2020, the 2nd RILEM International Conference of Concrete and As processes will develop further, we expect additional sub-
Digital Fabrication, online. In a mere two years, the number of papers classifications and terminology definitions will be needed, but this
has almost quadrupled, which illustrates the rapid expansion of the paper provides a solid basis therefor.
field. The Digital Concrete conferences are sponsored by the RILEM
Technical Committee 276 Digital Fabrication with Cement-based ma- 3. Chemical & physics background
terials, and are set to be continued under the umbrella of subsequent
RILEM Technical Committees after the termination of TC 276, with the DFC is characterized by a strong interaction between design, ma-
follow-up event expected to take place at Loughborough University in terial, (fabrication/manufacturing) process, and the resulting product.
2022. Complex physico-chemical phenomena underly these interactions,
Digital Concrete 2020 is the topic of this Special Issue of Cement and particularly in the triangle of material – process – product (Fig. 1b). To
Concrete Research. In a sense, it is the successor of issue 112, which was develop DFC beyond the proof-of-concept stage, and obtain efficient
dedicated to the 2018 event. The current issue collects 13 keynote and technologies of consistent quality, a fundamental understanding of their
invited papers across the scale of the conference scope: from the studies background is required.
of the crucial physico-chemical phenomena, through process modelling, Existing in several variants, extrusion-based additive manufacturing
to mixture design, and finally applications. with cement-based materials, otherwise known as 3D concrete printing
A bird's eye view of the field is provided by Khan et al. [1]. They (3DCP), is the most common DFC technology nowadays. Mechtcherine
present a solid historical and technological embedding of the technol- et al. [5] identify the characteristic phases of these processes and pre-
ogies now recognized under the umbrella of DFC. sent a systematic discussion of their underlying physics, including as-
Based on their broad review, featuring a particularly worthwhile pects of flow and pumping, part behaviour during printing, and time-
section on numerical modelling, the authors conclude the future for 3D dependent fresh material properties. They conclude that, in principle,
printing in construction is bright and outline a path for its further de- the underlying physics are well understood. However, to apply them to
velopment. This paper thus provides an excellent introduction into the the development of extrusion-based 3DCP and thus move away from
subject matter. trial-and-error methods, is a major challenge that arises from the in-
tricacy of flow regimes in subsequent stages of the process, as well as
2. Classification the time- and shear-history dependency of the complex cement-based
material mixtures that are being applied.
Before submerging ourselves into the content matter, there is an Reiter et al. [6] focus on a particular aspect: the physico-chemical

Available online 16 June 2020

0008-8846/ © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Cement and Concrete Research 135 (2020) 106157

Fig. 1. (a, left) In the digital fabrication of cement-based materials, the design, material, process, and product are heavily interrelated. (b, right) Complex physico-
chemical phenomena underly these interactions, particularly in the triangle of material – process – product.

processes related to the time-dependent development of the yield stress the influence of geometrical imperfections on the buckling response,
of cementitious printable mortars, also mainly concerning 3DCP. Sub- and the influence of the build-up rate (the equivalent of different wall
sequently occurring phenomena over the time scale relevant to printing growth velocities) on the buckling stability. The experimental results
are identified, from which it is concluded that a set-on-demand strategy are compared to the numerical predictions, and are found to be in very
should be based on the balancing of retarders and accelerators in the good agreement. In line with the conclusions provided by Roussel et al.
mixture as hydration products are the major contributors to strength [9], Suiker et al. conclude that the numerical modelling of the 3DCP
build-up after an initial short time of restructuring after shearing. The process thus provides a solid basis for optimization of the process
authors advocate a continuous low-displacement rate penetration test conditions, such as maximization of the printing speed or minimization
as a practical means to measure yield stress development over time, of the material required for adequate 3D printing.
which could – after calibration – obviate the need for more elaborate
destructive tests. For the purpose of obtaining a first estimate en- 5. Materials
gineering criterion for the yield strength and build-up rate, the analy-
tical buildability models previously proposed by Roussel [7] and Perrot The characteristic physico-chemical phenomena occurring in DFC-
et al. [8] have been expanded to include time induced gradient material based processes, require the use of materials with specific character-
properties. It is concluded that the material property requirements still istics. In the case of layer-extrusion 3DCP, this includes, amongst
scale linearly for plastic collapse failure and to the power of 3 for elastic others, the unlikely marriage between high fluidity during pumping and
buckling failure. high green strength (development) after deposition. As a result, many
printable mortars have a high cement content in comparison to
4. Process modelling common concretes. Considering the CO2 footprint associated with ce-
ment usage, this largely negates gains achieved by reduced material use
Although straightforward analytical models for simplified building made possible by the printing process. Thus, several studies have aimed
situations during manufacturing are enlightening to identify crucial at the partial or full replacement of cement by other binders (see
relations, they generally fall short to predict actual behaviour as most [14,15], amongst others). In this context, Chen et al. [16] present a
real situations are generally much more complex. As already indicated, study on the effect of the viscosity modifying admixture (VMA) content
Khan et al. [1], in their Section 7, present a valuable overview of the on various printability aspects of a limestone and calcined clay-based
state-of-affairs in the development of numerical methods to address cementitious mixture. Calcined clay was deliberately selected because it
these issues, drawing attention to material models, multiscale models, does not suffer from potential depletion questions associated with other
and data-driven (as opposed to physics-driven) models amongst others. cement replacements. In line with theoretical background to structural
Roussel et al. [9] provide a review of available numerical methods build-up discussed by Reiter et al. [6], the authors show through an
to model layer-extrusion 3DCP and assess their potential for systematic extensive experimental program that a suitable set of fresh and har-
process evaluation and optimization of both process and material. dened state properties can be obtained by optimizing the VMA content
While they also discuss modelling of concrete flow and part buildability (which was 0.24 wt% of binder content in the specific mixture). Com-
during printing, the majority of this paper is dedicated to the modelling peting physico-chemical effects result in inferior properties both in the
of filament deposition, i.e. the process of the cementitious mortar being fresh and hardened state when the VMA content is either increased or
extruded from a moving print nozzle. Computational Fluid Dynamics reduced.
(CFD) modelling is shown to be capable of simulating complex effects, Li et al. [17] focus on a different category of printable mortars,
not only limited to the section deformation of single or multiple fila- namely the engineered, strain hardening cementitious composites
ments, but also including filament buckling (when the nozzle speed is (ECC/SHCC). The tensile strength and ductility of this class of materials
too low compared to the mortar flow) and filament breakage (when the renders them suitable candidates for structural, impact prone, and other
nozzle speed is too high). Pointing towards previous publications on applications that would otherwise require different forms of re-
Finite Element Modelling (FEM) of part buildability during printing, inforcement, which are difficult to realize in layer-extrusion 3DCP. The
Roussel et al. conclude that in principle, the appropriate numerical authors discuss the early developments in this area and analyze the
tools for informed theoretical improvement of layer-extrusion 3DCP are process-specific aspects of 3DCP for ECC/SHCC, which differ from other
available. printable mortars mainly due to the presence of flexible, finely dis-
At the level of the print part, Suiker et al. [10] expand upon nu- persed, bond-optimized fibres with a high aspect ratio. The effects of
merical methods to assess the structural behaviour during the 3DCP printing parameters on fibre distribution and thus structural perfor-
process, developed at TU/e in recent studies [11–13]. The two main mance is discussed and a potential solution to achieve ductility in the
types of failure that can occur during printing, elastic buckling and direction across the interfaces is presented. It is concluded printable
plastic collapse, are demonstrated in a series of experiments, including ECC/SHCC show promising potential to address the reinforcement issue

Cement and Concrete Research 135 (2020) 106157

in layer-extrusion 3DCP. geometrical versatility suits contemporary and vernacular architecture

San Fratello & Rael [18] deviate from common cement-based mor- equally well.
tars much further. By showing structures can be 3D printed with an
abundance of different locally sourced materials ranging from salt to 7. Applications and outlook
soil and even grape skins, they underline the versatility and potential of
these technologies. The contributions discussed above present a formidable develop-
ment in the understanding of fundamental principles, material design,
6. Other DFC technologies modelling, and processing. It has to be understood, however, that the
application of parts manufactured through DFC technologies requires
Whereas the majority of DFC operators both in industry and in specific attention too. As DFC parts are often used as load bearing
academia build on the pioneering work of Khoshnevis [19] and use elements, Menna et al. [26] present a highly relevant discussion on the
(different forms of) layer-extrusion 3DCP, other processes are also on implications of these technologies (focusing on material extrusion
the rise, as illustrated by contributions from Kloft et al. [20], Lowke 3DCP) for structural engineering of buildings and infrastructure. Sev-
et al. [21], and Lloret et al. [22] to this special issue. eral realized examples are discussed from this perspective, including
Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) is a material-jetting DFC process the prospect of structural optimization strategies for 3D printing, and
developed at the TU Braunschweig by fixing well-known shotcreting supplemented with the experiences from practicing structural engineers
equipment to a robotic, rather than human, applicator [23]. This results (Section 2.2. of that paper). Building permits are either not required
in a highly versatile additive manufacturing method that can build on a due to the limited consequence of the structure, or obtained through
considerable amount of research and development work available. Kloft exception clauses that generally require extensive experimental testing.
et al. [20] have now studied a well-recognized issue in many additive First steps towards protocols intended to reduce case-specific testing are
manufacturing technologies: the interlayer bond strength, and its de- presented.
pendence on process parameters, most notably the interval (or delay) If the papers presented in this Special Issue have one thing in
time. In a comparative experimental study with material-extrusion common, it is a shared optimism regarding the potential of DFC tech-
3DCP, they found SC3DP yields a lower air void content and thus a nologies. The complexities regarding material design and behaviour, its
higher bulk density, and the interlayer surface is much more pro- interaction with design and process, and the influence of all three of
nounced. This results in higher compressive and flexural strengths. The these aspects on the final product, are well recognized. However,
effect of the interval or delay time on the interlayer strength was found considering the base knowledge previously available and the rapid
to differ for both DFC methods. For SC3DP a consistent decline was advances recently made in these areas, it is not difficult to see the path
observed that was nevertheless not excessive. forward. The future of digital fabrication with cement-based materials
More or less simultaneously with the invention of Contour Crafting, indeed looks bright.
the D-shape process was developed by Enrico Dini [24], a particle-bed
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[21] D. Lowke, D. Talke, I. Dressler, D. Weger, C. Gehlen, C. Ostertag, R. Rael, Particle E-mail address: (F. Bos).
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technology, Cement Concr. Res. 134 (2020) 106077,

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