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ANJ: There is no magic, no secret recipe and no short cut to success. It is in one’s mindset that if
you can achieve something, you most probably will.
MARIANNE: But it should be coupled with faith, determination, discipline, and hard work.
ANJ: Today, marks another milestone in the history of our school, as we push the boat out on this
3rd quarter recognition day program.
MARIANNE: Indeed, we are celebrating a very momentous event especially to our talented and
diverse students who will be marching on their way to the stage as they receive their awards and
ANJ: To our strenuous and hardworking School Administrator, Engr. Fe L. Jeong
MARIANNE: To our very inspiring and active School Principal Mrs. Nora B. Villamer
ANJ: To our highly competent and deeply motivated members of the faculty
MARIANNE: To the proud and loving parents; visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant
ANJ: I am Teacher ANJENITH G. OLLERES, grade 9 adviser.
MARIANNE: And I am teacher MARIANNE P. FLORIANO, Senior High School Coordinator.
Both: We are delighted to be your Masters of Ceremony of today’s event, THE THIRD QUARTER
RECOGNITION DAY for the academic year 2022-2023.

MARIANNE: To formally begin this program, may I request everyone to please stand and feel the
presence of our Lord for the opening prayer to be led by one of our faculty members,
______________ and remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem to be
conducted by _____________________.
ANJ: Today is the milestone that marks the culmination of all hard work that our learners have
poured out. This is the day that we, the faculty and staff, your parents, relatives, and friends gather
with you to celebrate your academic achievement and success. This is the day that our students can
finally say to themselves, “I have nailed it and my industry and consistency of prioritizing my
education are well paid off.”
MARIANNE: The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it
I do believe that the secret behind this momentous event is because of our diligent students, their
very encouraging parents, the teachers who have rendered their invaluable service by guiding these
students into the right path, and to our ever supportive and compassionate School Principal and
School Administrator who shared their understanding and willingness to help in every way that
they can.
ANJ: Ladies and gentlemen, to give her Opening Remarks, let us give a round of applause to our
school Principal Mrs. NORA B. VILLAMER.
(Thank you, ma’am, for the heart-warming message)
ANJ: Many wants to be recognized, but a few are worthy of recognition. They are worthy of this
recognition because these students work hard for it. It is time for us to give credit for their
achievement and to acknowledge them for a job well done because a person who feels appreciated
will always do more than what is expected.
MARIANNE: Without further ado, let us move on to the most awaited part of this event, the
presentation of the awardees. At this juncture, to award the medals and certificates of recognition
to our honor students, may we have on stage the School Principal, Mrs. Nora B. Villamer, to be
assisted by the Department Coordinator and the respective grade level advisers.
ANJ: Before we formally give the certificates to the achievers may I read to you the citation,
(Reading of the Citation)
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDEES (refer to the program for the names)

MARIANNE: Congratulations dear students! You rightfully deserve every award you received
today. Ladies and gentlemen, let us give them a big round of applause!
ANJ: A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. If your actions inspire
others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader, a leader who can
inspire and lead everyone who is willing to give their very best for their own success. Ladies and
gentlemen, to inspire us with her message, let us give a round of applause to a woman who gives
inspiration to many and a good role model of success, our school administrator Engr. FE L.
ANJ: At this juncture, may we have our newly appointed Elementary Coordinator to have his
closing remarks Mr. Aijen Eymark Tormes. Let,s give him an applause please.
(Thank you sir)
MARIANNE: Education doesn’t stop the day you received your award; it is only a beginning to do
better. This day serves as a motivation for you. My highest hope is that you will continue such
success and will succeed in the near future.
ANJ: Dream big, work hard, stay focused and surround yourself with good people. Before we all
go, we would like to give you this short message,
BOTH:“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
MARIANNE: Once again, to all the Academic Excellence Awardees
BOTH: Let us celebrate to your success and CONGRATULATIONS! Keep up the good work and
have a great one!
ANJ: once again, I am Teacher ANJENITH G. OLLERES, grade 9 adviser.
MARIANNE: And I am teacher MARIANNE P. FLORIANO, Senior High School Coordinator.
BOTH: Your masters of Ceremony are signing off. Thank You and God bless!

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