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A valid copy of this letter must be available on the Safety File.

The Principal Contractor shall ensure that all other Contractors appointed; also comply with the above
requirements defined in the COID Act.

No Principal Contractor/Contractor will be allowed to commence work without proof of good standing. Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Although a Health and Safety Policy is not a legal requirement the Principal Contractor/Contractor will be
required to provide such as indication of the organizations commitment to the Occupational Health and
Safety Act.

The Policy is to be signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the organization and placed on the Safety File. Health and Safety Meetings

Where there is more than one Health and Safety Representative appointed on a project or when instructed
by the OHS Agent, at least monthly Health and Safety Meetings will be required.

The Principal Contractor will be responsible for the arrangement as well as minuting of such meetings. All
contractors involved on the project will be required to attend.

Copies of the minutes must be placed on the Safety File. Record Keeping and Reporting

In accordance with the requirements set out in the Construction Regulations 2014 and the requirement set
out in this Specification the Principal Contractor/Contractor must ensure a copy of all Health and Safety
records generated during the course of construction are placed on the Safety File and handed over to the
OHS Agent upon completion of construction. Please refer to clause above.

All other records must be kept in line with the requirements of the OHS Act 85 of 1993. Incident Reporting

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor to ensure that all incidents and near misses are
investigated, recorded and reported to the OHS Agent as well as the Department of Labour when required
within twenty four (24) hours. All investigation reports must be completed and forwarded to the OHS Agent
within seven (7) working days from the date of the incident.

Where incident reports cannot be made available within the above stipulated timeframe, extension can be
applied for from the OHS Agent.

The appointed Safety Officer will be required to draft a monthly list detailing all near misses and incidents
for that calendar month. This list must be forwarded to Safetycon each month for record purposes.

Records of incidents as well as investigation reports must form part of the Safety File.

Rev: 00 11-03-2018 13 Internal Audits

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor to ensure that the appointed Safety Officer conduct at
least monthly audits on all contractors as well as its own system. All non-conformities found during the
audit must be rectified and placed on the agenda of the monthly safety meeting.

Records of the internal audits must be forwarded to the OHS Agent and placed on the Safety File. Permits

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor to ensure that all permits required are applied for before
the work commence. These permits include but are not limited to:

• Isolation Permits
• Working on or in public areas
• Required by local authority and the client Site Rules

The Principal Contractor will be required to establish site specific rules for this project. Site rules must
incorporate the contractors own rules as well as those specified in this document. These rules must be
communicated to all visitors and employees and must be promptly displayed.

Items to be incorporated in the site rules.

• No firearms, alcohol or drugs will be allowed ons site.

• No person suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed to enter the site.
• All persons with prescription drugs or medication must report this to the Construction Supervisor.
• Existing security measures, if applicable.
• Access to restricted areas.

The OHS Agent reserves the right to change these rules as required. Employee Identification

It is the responsibility of each contractor to ensure that their employees are identifiable. All employees will
be issued with an overall or other clothing indicating their company name.

All employees to be issued with a reflective vest while on site. All Construction Managers, Site
Supervisors, Safety Officers and Safety Representatives to be issued with a red reflective vest as to be
easily identifiable.

A copy of each employees’ ID document must be placed on the Contractors Safety File for record
purposes. These records must be kept up to date. Visitors to the Site

All persons not permanently employed on the project will be treated as visitors.

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The Principal Contractor is responsible for keeping record of all visitors entering the site. These records
must be available always. All visitors must be inducted to the site and made aware of the safety
requirements before entering. No person will be allowed on site without the required ppe.

It will be a requirement for the Principal Contractor to have available at least five (5) new hard hats for
visitors to the site. Health and Safety Training

Training of personnel is a legal requirement and a necessity for all Principal Contractors/Contractors.

Training must include the following: Induction Training

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor to formulate the site specific Induction Training for this

Induction training must include:

• Own requirements as well requirements mentioned in this document.

• Hazardous Areas and activities on the site.
• Storage and control of Hazardous chemicals.
• Site Rules.
• Emergency Procedures.
• Method Statements.
• Welfare facilities.

Induction training must be attended by all Principal Contractors, Contractors, suppliers and Visitors to the

The Principal Contractor must keep a register of all attendees to the induction. All inducted persons must
sign the register as proof. Records of this must be available on the Safety File.

All personnel of the Principal Contractor/Contractors must be provided with proof of induction. Awareness Training

Weekly awareness training sessions must be conducted by the Principal Contractors nominated person.
All persons attending these sessions must sign the attendance register. The subject discussed in these
sessions must be noted on the register.

Records of these must be placed on the Safety File. Task Specific Training

All task specific training identified through the risk assessment process as well as required by legislation
must be conducted prior to the commencement of that activity or process. Proof of this must be placed on
the Safety File.

Task Specific Training will include:

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• Safe Work Procedures for dangerous activities.
• Plant Operator Training. (Competency Certificate as well as Medical Certificate required)
• Working at Height. (Medical Certificate with proof of training on the Fall Protection Plan)
• Operators of Machinery.
• Confined Space Entry.
• Asbestos Work.
• Handling of Hazardous Substances.

9.7.2 Appointments Assignment of Overall Responsibility (Section 16.2)

The Principal Contractor will only be required to comply with this appointment in the event of a Project
Manager being assigned to the project by the Chief Executive Officer of the organization.

This appointment, if applicable, must be in writing and placed on the Safety File. Assignment of a Construction Manager (Section 8.1)

The Principal Contractor must in writing appoint one full-time competent person as a Construction Manager
for the project. The appointee will have the duty of managing all the construction work on the project. Assignment of a Construction Work Supervisor (Section 8.7)

The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall appoint in writing a Construction Work Supervisor for this project.

The name of this appointee must be made available to the OHS Agent before work commence on site.
The OHS Agent has the right to request the qualifications of such an appointee should there be doubt as
to his/her ability to manage the project and taking into consideration the nature and scope of the project.

This appointment must be in writing and form part of the Safety File.

Should it be required by the Safety Agent a Subordinate Construction Work Supervisor must be appointed
to assist the Construction Supervisor with his responsibilities. This appointment if applicable must form
part of the Safety File. Appointment of a Safety Officer (Section 8.5)

The appointment of a part-time, SACPCMP registered, safety officer is required. It is compulsory to

provide the name, CV and proof of registration of such an appointee before work commences. The OHS
Agent has the right to request the qualifications of such an appointee should there be doubt to his/her
ability to manage the project and taking into consideration the nature and scope of the project.

This appointment must be in writing and form part of the Safety File. Appointment of a Risk Assessor

The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall appoint a competent person in writing at commencement of the
project to control the risk assessment process.

This appointment must be in writing and form part of the Safety File.

Rev: 00 11-03-2018 16 Appointment of a First Aider

The Principal Contractor is to ensure that where there are more than ten (10) employees employed, a
qualified First Aider is appointed. The number of First Aiders required must be determined by the Principal
Contractor but must be in line with the General Safety Regulations Section 3 and must include contractors
on site.

All appointed First Aiders must be in possession of a valid certificate. All appointments and certificates
must for part of the Safety File. Appointment of a Health and Safety Representatives

The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure at least one (1) Health and Safety Representative be
nominated, elected and trained to carry out his/her functions in his/her area of responsibility. This shall
also be required in areas where less than fifty (50) employees are engaged in activities.

The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure employees elected shall be designated in writing for a
specific area and period. All persons appointed as Health and Safety Representatives must be in
possession of a Health and Safety Representative Certificate. The designated persons shall be required
to conduct monthly inspections within their area of responsibility.
The designated person/s shall be permitted to participate in the Health and Safety Meetings.

All appointment letters as well as competency certificates must form part of the Safety File. Appointment of an Emergency Co-ordinator

The Principal Contractor must appoint a person in writing to act as the Emergency Co-ordinator. The
Emergency Co-ordinator will be required to affect the Emergency Plan as formulated by the Principal

This appointment must form part of the Safety File. Site Specific Appointments

The Principal Contractor/Contractor will be required to appoint a competent supervisor or inspector for all
high risk activities or machinery as stipulated in this document. These appointments are specified under
the physical applications section of this document.

9.7.3 Physical Requirements Site Establishment

The Principal Contractor will be required to provide the following details for site establishment before
commencement as part of their Safety Plan.

• Demarcation (Hoarding) of the site or work area.

• Access for vehicles (Plant and deliveries).
• Establishment and placement of a site office, storage areas and parking areas.
• Establishment of fresh water and electricity to the site.
• Establishment of welfare facilities for employees.

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• Establishment of communication (Telephone, eMail, Fax).
• Safety Signage.
• Acknowledgment of existing services and their protection.

The Principal Contractor will be required to display a site plan indicating the layout of the site. Emergency
planning can be done on this plan for training purposes as well. This plan must be updated and the site
conditions change.

Welfare facilities must comply with at least the following:

• Resting and eating area with protection from the elements.

• Storage of personal items of personnel.
• Toilet facilities sufficient for the number of employees on site and properly maintained.
• Fresh water for drinking as well as washing of hands. First Aid Facilities

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor to ensure that when five (5) or more persons are employed
a first aid box with at least the content as stipulated in the Annexure to the GSR 3 is available on site. The
first aid box needs to be of sufficient size for the number of employees working on the site and must be
easily reachable and secured. Depending on the site layout it might be required to have more than one
first aid box available. The required signage must be in placed. The name of the person in control of the
first aid box must be displayed and communicated.

The Principal Contractor is to communicate this requirement to contractors as required. Housekeeping

It is expected of the Principal Contractor to maintain a high standard of housekeeping on this site. Planning
of storage areas and the demarcation of rubble areas is a requirement and must be incorporated on the
site plan as discussed under “Site Establishment”. Piling of rubble will be allowed but must be controlled
by removing materials on a regular basis.

Walkways and general work areas must be kept neat and clean of rubble and any other materials. Where
chutes are used for the removal of rubble from higher levels, the area must be demarcated and kept clear
with signage placed. Stacking of Materials

Should it be a requirement to stack any material on the site the following must be complied with:

• The area must be demarcated and sufficient for the materials.

• Surfaces must be level.
• The height may not exceed three times the base width.
• Access must be clear and maintained.
• A Stacking Supervisor must be appointed in writing.
• Daily checks on the stacked materials must be done by the appointee and record of such inspections
must be kept.

Rev: 00 11-03-2018 18 Hazardous Chemical Substances (HCS)

The Principal Contractor will be responsible to ensure the following:

• All HCS brought to site must have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
• All persons handling HCS’s must have proof of training with regards to the handling of such substances
and in possession of the required ppe.
• All HCS must be stored in a secured area that is sufficiently ventilated.
• Signage to be placed at the entrance to such a storage area.
• All empty containers must be removed from site.
• The First Aider must be made aware of all HCS’s and the required treatment.
• A HCS Supervisor must be appointed in writing and must be in control of all substances issued and
• An updated list of all Hazardous Chemical Substances on site must be kept. Flammable Liquids

The storage of any flammable liquids (paint, paraffin, thinners, petrol, diesel etc.) must comply with the

• All such liquids must be stored in a flame proof store that can be secured and is sufficiently ventilated.
• The required signage must be erected.
• Firefighting equipment must be placed for easy access.
• All containers used for flammable liquids are to be secured after use and removed from site once empty.
• The storage area must be clean of rags, paper or any other flammable materials.
• When decanting flammable liquids to metal containers, ensure the container is bonded or earthed.
• Persons handling or applying such liquids must be issued with the correct personal protective equipment.
• The person in control of the flammable liquid store or storage must be appointed in writing.
• An updated list of all flammable liquids used on site must be available for audit purposes. Public Health and Safety

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor to ensure that all persons that might be affected by the
construction activities are protected and kept aware of dangers always. Public protection measures must
be evaluated on a regular basis to ensure they are sufficient as the work progress.

Sufficient perimeter fencing with the required warning signage must be the first requirement and must be
maintained as the site conditions change. All access points to the site must display the required ppe to be
worn, no unauthorized access as well as to inform visitors to report to the site office. Site access must be
controlled with records kept of all persons entering that are not permanently employed on the project.

Where scaffold or any other type of support work is erected close to public walkways the Principal
Contractor will be required to enclose such structures with netting. Where overhead work from public
areas is being done the erection of cantilever scaffolding with netting or enclosed public tunnels will be
required to protect the public from falling objects. Signage must be erected to inform the public of the risk.

Rev: 00 11-03-2018 19 Fire Equipment and Protection

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor/Contractor to ensure that fire protection equipment is
available for all hot work or any other activity that might cause a fire. All fire equipment must comply with
the following;

• Extinguishers shall be placed in positions to ensure fast and easy access is maintained always.
• Placement of all extinguishers shall be depicted with the required pictograms.
• Extinguishers shall be serviced once annually, and after discharge or visible signs of depressurization.
• The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure all employees are adequately trained in the safe use of
the extinguishers and proof of training is kept on site for inspection by the OHS Agent.
• The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure a person is appointed to inspect the extinguishers
monthly and the results entered in a register designed for that purpose.

It is a requirement that at least one fire extinguisher is kept in the site office. Occupational Hygiene on Construction Sites

Occupational Hygiene of all workers must be a priority for the Principal Contractor/Contractor. The
following must be complied with:

• Workers exposed to noisy environments must be issued with ear protection.

• Workers working with vibrating equipment must be issued with insulating rubber cloves.

Occupation Hygiene controls must be included in the baseline risk assessment. Dust Management

The management of dust on construction sites is vital and must be controlled by the Principal

Effective dust management controls must be discussed and implemented and must form part of the
baseline risk assessment. HIV Management

Although a HIV program is not a requirement for this project, it is the responsibility of the employer to
ensure that these persons are catered for in the work place.

It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor/Contractor to ensure that all hygiene hazards encountered
on the project are evaluated and controlled. Electrical Installations and Equipment

All electrical work on this project must be done by a competent electrical company registered with the
Electrical Contracting Board of SA and appointed in writing as the Electrical Installations and Machinery
Inspector. This appointment must form part of the Safety File.

All electrical work must comply with the following:

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• All electrical installations must have a electrical compliance certificate. This will apply to the site office
as well.
• All electrical installations (distribution boards) must be fitted with an earth leakage system.
• All temporary lighting must comply with the legal requirements and must be properly fitted or fitted with
a tripod.
• All distribution boards must be numbered and tested on a weekly basis.
• All distribution boards must be depicted with the correct signage.
• All electrical leads used must be in good condition and properly insulated.
• All generators used on the project must comply and must be inspected daily.
• Record of all inspections must be kept on the Safety File. Portable Electrical Tools

The Principal Contractor/Contractor must comply with the following:

• A register of all portable electrical tools used on this project must be kept.
• All portable electrical tools must be inspected at least monthly with a visual check before use. (To be
done on a register)
• The person responsible for these inspections must be appointed in writing.
• No sub-standard equipment will be allowed on site.
• Hired tools must comply as above. Plant and Machinery

Definition: Plant includes fixtures, fittings, implements, equipment, tools and appliances and anything
which is used for any purpose in connection with such plant. Construction Plant

The Principal Contractor/Contractor will be required to formulate a safe work procedure for all Plant

All Plant must comply with the following:

• The OHS Act requirements in relation to operation and maintenance thereof.

• Maintenance of the vehicles must be of a high standard always.
• All plants shall be fitted with back-up alarms and audible indicating devices.
• Ensure that all construction plants moving parts are adequately protected.
• Pre-start inspections shall be conducted on all motorized equipment daily and deviations found during
such inspections shall be recorded.
• Construction plant identified for use shall be operated by a trained and authorized operator who must be
appointed in writing.
• All operators of plant must be in possession of a medical certificate as well as a valid operator’s
certificate. (These documents must be placed on the Safety File.)
• All construction plant shall be operated under the direct supervision of a person competent to identify
potential hazards in the work being done.
• Work involving the use of construction plant shall be conducted in accordance with an approved safe
work procedure.

Rev: 00 11-03-2018 21
• The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure all operators are equipped with the necessary PPE
namely; safety shoes, overall, safety glasses, gloves and hardhats.
• All Plant shall be fitted with an extinguisher where practicable.
• Record of all daily pre-start inspections must be placed on the safety file.
• All persons working close to mobile plant must wear a reflective vest.

The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure that all the equipment moving to and from site is
adequately secured, and that all Principal Contractor/Contractors abide by this requirement. Hired Plant and Machinery

The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure the following criteria are adhered to when considering
hired plant and machinery:

• Hired plant must be checked for safety compliance prior to being accepted for use on site.
• Should hired equipment be accompanied by an operator, the Principal Contractor/ Contractor shall
ensure that the operator’s competency be verified and the operator undergoes an induction training
• The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure the operators of hired plant attend weekly toolbox talks
in conjunction with the Principal Contractor / Contractor site personnel.
• The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure that all operators are equipped with the required PPE
before commencing work on site.

Should a deviation be identified, the OHS Agent reserves the right to order the removal of such equipment
from site. Medical and Psychological Fitness

The Principal Contractor/Contractor must provide proof of medical fitness for all staff on site. The safety
plan must stipulate the requirement and process for identification of medical fitness and must be in line
with the approved risk assessment. Vessels under Pressure (VuP) or Gas Bottles

The Principal Contractor/Contractor shall ensure they comply with the requirements of Vessels under
Pressure Regulations, with specific reference to the following:

• Ensuring all Equipment owned and hired-in Vessels under pressure, comply with the 36-month pressure
vessel inspection, and a certificate of testing is available on site for inspection by the OHS Agent.
• Ensuring that all personnel who shall use this equipment are competent and trained.
• Ensuring the users of this equipment is issued with the required PPE.
• Ensuring the area is adequately identified as a noise area and warnings are posted if applicable.
• Ensuring daily pre-start inspections are carried out on all the equipment and the findings recorded.
• Ensuring the correct fire prevention and fighting equipment is available.
• Ensure proper use and storage of gas during construction which may include trolleys upon which bottles
are moved and chains to prevent bottles falling over.

Rev: 00 11-03-2018 22 Working at Height

The Principal Contractor/Contractor will be required to formulate a Working at Height Risk Assessment as
part of the Fall Protection Plan for all work to be done higher than one (1) meter. This risk assessment
and plan must be approved by the OHS Agent before work commence.

The appointment of a qualified Fall Protection Plan developer responsible for the drafting and constant
review of the plan will be required. This appointment must form part of the Safety File.

This fall protection plan must include:

• Description of the scope of work to be done.

• Risk Assessment for fall risk.
• Training of persons working at height. (Fall Plan and Rescue Plan)
• Procedure for inspecting, testing and maintenance of equipment.
• The evaluation of employee’s medical fitness for working at height. (Include medication and fasting).
• Access to work area.
• Rescue plan.
• Method of safeguarding fall edges. Scaffolding

The Principal Contractor/Contractor will be required to formulate a safe work procedure for the erection
and dismantling of all access scaffolding.

All access scaffolding used on this project will comply with the requirements as set out in the SABS 085
code of practice for scaffolding.

• All scaffolds shall be erected under the control of a person trained and competent to conduct scaffold
• A Scaffold Erector must be appointed in writing.
• Competency of such a person may be requested by the Safety Agent at any time.
• All persons involved in the erection of scaffold must make use of the required ppe.
• Scaffold must be fully boarded with toe-boards on all working levels.
• Scaffold boards must be removed or tied down during windy and shutdown periods.
• Safe access must be available for all persons to all levels.
• Guard rails must be fitted to all working levels.
• All access points to scaffold must be depicted with the required signage. (Safe or unsafe for use).

• A scaffold Inspection must be appointed in writing. (This may not be the same person as the scaffold
• All scaffold must be checked daily.
• Record of these inspections must be kept on the Safety file.
• Where a contractor is used to erect scaffold, a certificate must be obtained stating that the scaffold is
safe for use. A copy of the certificate must be placed on file for audit purposes.
• Only the scaffold erector will have the authority to make changes to the existing scaffold as these
changes must be signed off again.

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Deviations found on any scaffolding, will result in the activity being stopped by the OHS Agent until
compliance can be achieved. Ladders

The Principal Contractor/Contractor will be required to formulate a safe work procedure for the use off all

Use of ladders must comply with the following:

• A register must be kept of all ladders used on site.

• A Ladder Inspector must be appointed in writing with the responsibility of numbering and checking
ladders monthly.
• Record of all monthly inspections must be kept on the Safety File.
• Ladders must be fitted with non-skid devices at the bottom end.
• Ladders must be secured to a structure if another person is not available to assist in holding the ladder
in place.

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It is a requirement that the Project Manager of the Principal Contractor sign this document as an
indication of the acceptance of the terms and conditions as placed upon them by the client
through this specification.

Project Manager / Principal Contractor:

____________________________ _________________
Name Sign


Client Representative:

_____________________________ __________________
Name Sign

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