Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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Exercise for a Healthy Body

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good morning, The honorable Mam marry and all my dear friends. My name is M Ade Nur Wahyudi
I'm from light vehicle engineering three. First, let us praise and thank God for His blessings, Mercy
and guidance so that we can all gather in this place. I also express my gratitude for the opportunity
given to me to deliver a speech regarding The Exercise for a Healthy Body.

Everyone wants to be healthy and no one wants to be sick and also lie helpless in the hospital.
Some things they can do to get a healthy and fit body, one of which is by exercising and by
consuming healthy and nutritious food. And the easy thing to do is exercise. This exercise doesn't
have to be done in an expensive gym but can also be done in the field by jogging and of course this is
free and you don't have to pay the slightest fee to exercise on the field.If we talk about health, we
must be familiar with a term that we often hear during school. Yes, the term is “Mens sana in
corpore sano”. The term means “In a healthy body there is a strong soul”.Many also say that health
is very expensive. Just imagine if we are sick, ofcourse we need drugs to overcome or prevent the
disease from becoming severe.And when a person’s illness makes him/her have to be hospitalized, it
certainly requires a large amount of money during the person’s treatment period.So, it is true if
health has an expensive price considering the costs that must be incurred when sick to be able to
return to health as usual. So, what can we do to maintain health? One way is to do sports.Doing
exercise can be beneficial for our health. By exercising regularly, the body will be able to remove the
toxins that exist and the body’s metabolism will become smoother.

I have enough speeches to say. I apologize if my words are wrong and not pleasing to the
audience. For the attention of the audience, I say thank you very much.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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