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The Learning Cycle: A Reintroduction

Article  in  The Physics Teacher · February 2006

DOI: 10.1119/1.2165443


16 2,996

2 authors:

Steven J. Maier Edmund A. Marek

Northwestern Oklahoma State University University of Oklahoma


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The Learning Cycle:
A Reintroduction
Steven J. Maier, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva, OK
Edmund A. Marek, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

he learning cycle is an inquiry approach to in- has always been called the “exploration,” beginning
struction that continues to demonstrate signif- with Karplus et al.16 Explorations can be done in
icant effectiveness in the classroom.1-3 Rooted the form of open or guided inquiry, in small or large
in Piaget’s theory of intellectual development, learning groups, or as an entire class. However, the exploration
cycles provide a structured means for students to con- must result in “good” data that were gathered by the
struct concepts from direct experiences with science students. The design of the exploration must be con-
phenomena. Learning cycles have been the subject of structed so that reproducible data ensure that students
numerous articles in science practitioner periodicals as will be armed with the evidence required to derive the
well as the focus of much research in science education concept. Data collected must also be free of “noise”
journals.4 This paper reintroduces the learning cycle that would require students to know the concept a
by giving a brief description, followed by an example priori in order to elicit data relevant to the concept to
suitable for a range of physics classrooms. be developed in the next phase.
The development of the learning cycle dates back to Ideal explorations are designed to reveal something
the work of Atkin and Karplus in 1962. Papers unexpected to students, causing them to think about
discussing the use of learning cycles can be found in how the data or experience they encountered fit with
The Physics Teacher and the American Journal of what they already know. If a student can account for
Physics.5-11 The most thorough of these deals with the the data based on prior knowledge or if the experi-
use of learning cycles for large-enrollment courses.12 ence was not unexpected after all, assimilation has
More recent articles suggest applications of the learn- occurred. During assimilation, observations or experi-
ing cycle for classrooms ranging from conceptual to ences are accounted for by students’ existing knowl-
calculus-based physics but do not offer details of its edge. A failed attempt at reconciling the unexpected
theory base.13,14 This paper serves to reintroduce the results or observations with what one already knows is
time-tested inquiry approach to science known as the termed “disequilibrium” by Piaget.
learning cycle. Because students have varying experiences and
Learning cycles consist of three distinct phases: knowledge bases, it is unrealistic to expect collective
exploration, concept development, and concept ap- assimilation or collective disequilibrium in the class-
plication. The phases and the order of the phases were room. Furthermore, some students may have
derived from the mental processes individuals engage assimilated the experiences based on alternative under-
in as learning occurs.15 A brief description will be out- standings. That is, students may arrive at correct ex-
lined here, followed by an example. pectations based on false premises. For these reasons,
Learning cycles begin with an exploration where assimilation and disequilibrium will occur among dif-
students are charged with collecting data. This phase ferent students simultaneously during the exploration.

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 44, February 2006 DOI: 10.1119/1.2165443 109
Following the exploration is the concept develop- Circles & Bubbles: A Learning Cycle
ment phase, when students analyze and interpret the
newly collected data. Usually this is in the form of a Here we briefly describe a learning cycle that is
whole class discussion or group discussions. Although appropriate for an introductory nonscience major’s
this phase of the learning cycle is more teacher-cen- course or general physical science course. The full
tered, it should not take on the form of a lecture. version of this learning cycle, including the teacher’s
Instead, students are guided by the teacher in a discus- guide, is available online and by contacting the au-
sion designed to let them interpret the class data. Stu- thors.21 The concept students develop by the comple-
dents arrange and report their group data so that they tion of the second phase is the following
can formulate hypotheses for the phenomenon under
examination. As students develop the science concept Data following a linear trend are related by a
from their data, they re-equilibrate. Piaget termed this single slope while data of nonlinear trend are
mental process “accommodation.” The second phase not. This means the slope of a graphed non-
of the learning cycle is designed to allow students to linear trend is not constant. Despite the differ-
re-equilibrate and accommodate the new concept. ence, the plots of linear and nonlinear trends
Appropriate scientific terminology is introduced after can still be used to make predictions.
the development of the concept. This phase was origi-
nally called “invention” by Karplus et al.17 Establishing the difference between these two types
For those students whose assimilations were under of relationships and understanding some of the
false premises, the concept development phase is dou- implications of those differences are powerful aids for
bly critical. The analysis of the data collected should understanding numerous other concepts in physics.
reveal a more plausible explanation than other com-
mon alternative explanations. This possibility clearly Exploration
indicates that disequilibrium is not limited to the ex- We have divided the exploration for this learning
ploration phase of the learning cycle. Disequilibrium cycle into two parts. In part I, students are asked to
should occur prior to the end of the concept develop- make a prediction about how much the circumfer-
ment phase. ence of a circle will change if the diameter is doubled,
The third phase of the learning cycle, known today tripled, or quadrupled. They then begin taking mea-
as concept application, was originally called “discov- surements of the diameters and circumferences of an
ery.”18 It should not be assumed that once students assortment of supplied circles. As students collect data
have collected the data and developed the concept that the instructor visits with each group and asks ques-
learning is complete. According to Piagetian theory, tions such as “Can you identify any trends in your
there is more required on the part of the learner for a data” or “In looking at your data, can you come up
full understanding of the concept. In concept applica- with a general rule that applies to all of your data?”
tion, students must apply the newly accommodated The instructor needs to make certain that data are
concept in a different setting or context and relate it to being recorded carefully and accurately. Once all of
held conceptions. Concept application, therefore, of- the data are collected, specific questions lead students
fers additional opportunities for students to apply the to look for a relationship among the diameters and
newly accommodated concept to what they already circumferences. As an example, students could be
know. This effectively tests and reinforces students’ asked to predict what the circumferences would be for
understandings of the concept. To summarize, the circles of diameters different from any of the supplied
purpose of concept application is to simultaneously circles. Generally, it does not take long for students to
reinforce the concept, validate the newly developed conclude that the circumference is about three times
concept, and foster thorough understanding. This the length of the diameter, and multiplying the diam-
process is termed “organization” in Piaget’s theory of eter by three is straightforward enough that the pre-
intellectual development.19,20 dictions are easily done. Recognizing what this factor
represents and its role in the linear relationship is not

110 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 44, February 2006


Linear Fit For: Data Set: Circumference Auto Fit For: Data Set: Time
y = mx+b y = A + BX + CX2 + DX3
m(Slope): 3.14 cm/cm 30 A: 45.8 +/- 2.85
b(Y-Intercept): -0.220 cm B: -1.69 +/- 0.238
Correlation: 1.00
150 C: 0.0283 +/- 0.00553
RMSE: 1.30
Circumference (cm)


Time (s)



10 30 50 70 0 20 40 60 80 100
Diameter (cm) Angle (o)

Fig. 1. From the raw data or from a plot, students can Fig. 2. Despite the nonlinear trend of the data, time
easily make predictions for circumference within and predictions can still be made from inspection of the raw
beyond their collected data. data, albeit use of the graph reveals the general trend
and illustrates the changing slope.

critical at this point. compare their predictions to trends of the graphs.

In part II of the exploration, students are provided This phase of this particular learning cycle also dem-
a stopwatch, an angle indicator, and a water-filled onstrates the need for continuity of data and the value
glass tube with an air bubble trapped inside. Students of graphing data as the best-fit lines confirm or chal-
are first asked to record their predictions for how the lenge their predictions.
time will vary for the air bubble to traverse a certain
length of the tube as a function of its angle from the Concept Development
horizontal. To prompt discussion among groups, the A plot of the data from part I of the exploration is
teacher could simply ask how fast the bubble will obviously different from that of part II (see Figs. 1 and
move if the tube is lying flat on the table versus held 2, respectively). Determining the slope of the graph
perpendicular to the table. Students then begin re- from part I is straightforward but meaningless for
cording the time it takes for the trapped air bubble the bubble data of part II due to its nonlinear nature.
inside the tube to travel a specified distance for several Recognizing how data from each part of the explora-
different angles from the horizontal. tion can be used to make predictions, while at the
Due to the nature of the nonlinear trend, students same time being confronted with the fact that the two
should collect at least nine pairs of data between 0 trends are very different, serves as the beginning of
and 90. They should soon realize this trend is not like the concept development phase during which “why”
that of part I; that is, one measurement of a paired questions are asked and answered by the students.
data set is not just a simple factor of another. Despite By the time the class begins the concept develop-
the lack of a linear relationship, students are asked to ment phase of Circles & Bubbles, students are well
make time predictions for various angles. prepared for the interpretation of their collective data.
An integral part of the exploration in this learning The instructor’s role during this phase is to facilitate
cycle is graphing the data. Although there is value in discussion and guide students as they develop the
having students make predictions from inspecting concept.
the raw data, graphs help reveal trends that might not Regarding exploration part I, the linear nature of
be seen otherwise. Students are asked to draw best- the relationship between a circle’s diameter and cir-
fit curves for parts I and II of the exploration and to cumference can easily be observed by having students

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 44, February 2006 111

report the corresponding circumferences for diameters Concept Application
of 4 cm, 8 cm, 12 cm, and then 2 cm, for example.
Then students can be asked to make predictions about For the third phase of the learning cycle, students
the circumference of a circle whose diameter falls out- apply the concept to a different context during a stu-
side the range of their data. Students should be able dent-centered activity. Often the concept application
to arrive at a solution by multiplying the diameter by phase of a learning cycle serves as a lead-in for the next
a factor of about three or by setting up a proportion learning cycle. For Circles & Bubbles, concept ap-
based on data already collected—prompted by the plication involves collecting data using toy cars. Each
questions asked of them moments earlier. Important group is provided a car that travels equal distances for
to the concept is the fact this proportionality holds equal times (constant speed) and a car that does not
true for linear trends regardless of the numeric value (accelerating). The constant speeds and the accelera-
of the slope. tions need not be identical among student groups. It
In contrast, the data for exploration part II yield may be beneficial to have a variety of speeds and accel-
predictability although they do not follow a simple erations to offer opportunities for students to see the
rule. To demonstrate this, student groups could be relevance of the newly developed concept to a variety
asked to estimate the angle for which the bubble will of systems.
travel the specified distance in the shortest and lon- The structure of the third phase is variable and can
gest durations of time based on their findings. They serve as a means of evaluation. For the concept ap-
could then be asked, if the tube was placed at an angle plication phase of this learning cycle, students record
exactly between these angles, would the time be twice the position of their two cars as a function of time.
the shortest duration of time? Such questions help Recalling the need for several pairs of data in the ex-
students recognize and understand the nonlinear be- ploration, students are instructed to collect as much
havior of the data. data as necessary to accurately represent the position
As part of the discussion, students should contrast of their cars as a function of time. To make this clear,
the constant slope of part I’s graph with the varying ask students if they can make accurate predictions for
slope of part II’s graph. After they make the connec- specific times or distances based on the data collected.
tion between the behavior of the slope and the charac- Whiteboards (2-ft-x-4-ft sections of white bathroom
teristics of the trends, the terms “linear” and “non- wall paneling) and dry erase markers have been used
linear” should be introduced. The descriptions of in the past for students to record their data, generate
terminology introduced during the concept develop- graphs, and answer questions during the concept ap-
ment phase must coincide directly with student ex- plication phase of this learning cycle. For additional
periences within the current learning cycle. This does material on questions designed to probe students’
not preclude referring back to previous experiences. understandings and on the importance of the concept
Instead, this is a means to avoid “telling” in lieu of developed in this learning cycle, see the first chapter of
“learning” by introducing anachronistic terminology. Teaching Introductory Physics by Arons.22
To conclude the concept development phase of
the learning cycle, a final question should be asked Comments
of the students so that they have the opportunity to Each learning cycle has at its core a concept for stu-
express in their own words the concept that has been dents to develop. This does not mean that learning cy-
developed. Typically this is in the form of a concept cles are limited in depth or level of use. For example,
statement. It could also be in the form of a summary in Circles & Bubbles, students could determine the
of the activity using the appropriate terminology. Stu- numerical relationships for each of the data sets using
dent statements or summaries should closely parallel graphing software. If the concept application included
the concept indicated at the beginning of the teacher’s an investigation of distance or velocity as a function
guide of the learning cycle. of time, taking the derivative or integral, respectively,
of the mathematical functions representing the trends

112 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 44, February 2006

would be appropriate for a calculus-based physics 11. S. Gang, “Removing preconceptions with a ‘learning
course. cycle,’” Phys. Teach. 33, 346–354 ( Sept. 1995).
With Piagetian theory as its foundation, the learn- 12. See Ref. 10.
ing cycle is a time-tested approach to instruction. The 13. L. Escalada, N. Rebello, and D. Zollman, “Student ex-
purpose of this paper is to reintroduce the learning plorations of quantum effects in LEDs and luminescent
cycle by articulating some of the finer details of the devices,” Phys. Teach. 42, 173–179 (March 2004).
three phases of the learning cycle by example, while at 14. P. Engelhardt, K. Gray, and N. Rebello, “How many
the same time stressing the importance and rationale students does it take before we see the light?” Phys.
Teach. 42, 216–221 (April 2004).
for each.
15. J. Renner and E. Marek, “An educational theory base
for science teaching,” J. Res. Sci.Teach. 27, 241–246
(1990). See also Ref. 3.
1. E. Marek and S. Methven, “Effects of the learning cycle
upon student and classroom teacher performance,” J. 16. J. Atkin and R. Karplus, “Discovery or invention?” Sci.
Res. Sci.Teach. 28, 41–53 (1991). Teach. 29, 45–51 (1962).
2. V. Birgit and A. Lawson, “Effects of learning cycle and 17. Ibid.
traditional text on comprehension of science concepts 18. Ibid.
by students at differing reasoning levels,”J. Res. Sci. 19. J. Piaget, Biology and Knowledge Theory: An Essay on the
Teach. 36, 23–37 (1999). Relations between Organic Regulations and Cognitive Pro-
3 J. Renner, M. Abraham, and H. Birnie, “The neces- cesses (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1975).
sity of each phase of the learning cycle in teaching high 20. J. Phillips, The Origins of Intellect: Piaget’s Theory, 2nd
school physics,” J. Res. Sci.Teach. 25, 39–58 (1988). ed. (W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, CA ,1975).
4. For example, a brief search for “learning cycle” yields 21. Send requests for electronic copies to sjmaier@nwosu.
numerous references in Journal of Research in Science edu or Circles & Bubbles can also be
Teaching, International Journal of Science Education, downloaded from
Science Scope, The Science Teacher, Journal of Science science/homepage.htm. Follow the “Current Happen-
Teacher Education, and Science Education periodicals. ings” link.
5. J. McKinnon and J. Renner, “Are colleges concerned 22. A. Arons, Teaching Introductory Physics (Wiley, New
with intellectual development?” Am. J. Phys. 39, 1047– York, 1997). In particular, see Chap. 1 for the emphasis
1051 (Sept. 1971). placed on linear trends and student reasoning of graphs.
6. J. Renner and A. Lawson, “Piagetian theory and in- PACS codes:, 01.40.Ha
struction in physics,” Phys. Teach. 11, 165–169 (March
Steven J. Maier received his M.S. in physics from
7. J. Renner and A. Lawson, “Promoting intellectual de- Oklahoma State University. He is currently working on his
velopment through science teaching,” Phys. Teach. 11, Ph.D. in science education at the University of Oklahoma.
273–276 ( May 1973). Northwestern Oklahoma State University, 709
8. R. Sapp, “Titius-Bode law: An astronomy project for a Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717;
cloudy night,” Am. J. Phys. 48, 138–141 (Feb. 1980). Edmund A. Marek received his M.Ed. and Ph.D. in sci-
9. D. Dykstra, “A learning cycle on exponential growth ence education from the University of Oklahoma.
and the energy crisis,” Phys. Teach. 20, 245–246 (April University of Oklahoma, Science Education Center,
1982). Physical Sciences Building, Room 323
Norman, OK 73019;
10. D. Zollman, “Learning cycles for a large enrollment
class,” Phys. Teach. 28, 20–25 (Jan. 1990).

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 44, February 2006 113

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