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Journal of Arts and Ethics in Language Teaching



Siti Laila Barkah, Tria Rizky Nadya Ayu, Rizki Anisa, Dinni Zuharia

Email : lailaalbarkah@gmail.com
English Education, Faculty of Languages and Arts
Universitas Negeri Medan


Humans cannot be separated from education because in essence humans have

potentials to be educated. Full day school as the current issue attracts researcher to have the
study on it. This research aims to analyse the implementation of full day school toward
creating student’s character at MAN 2 Medan. This research was conducted based on
qualitative research . Technique of collecting data is by using observation and interview. It
can be found that the form of activities outside of learning as long as full day school
including: Dhuha prayer in congregation, Ashar prayering congregation, murajaah juz 30
before prayer, infaq every Monday andFriday, alms of rice, arranging mats for prayer in

Key words: Full day school, students, character. prayer

INTRODUCTION every two hours. Thus the school can

arrange lesson schedules by deepening the
Education is an absolute necessity
material. According to Mujayanah (2013:
by humans in their lives. Humans need
13) full day school is an alternative
education to face all forms problems in
education model, where students are full
their life. Baharuddin (2009: 223) stated
day at school to conduct the learning
that Full day school is an all-day school, or
process and the worship process. Hilalah
teaching and learning process that starts
(2009: 22) argues that full day school is a
from 06.45-15.00 with a break duration
learning process that is carried out a full that character education has a higher
day that applies the basis integrated meaning than moral education
curriculum and integrated activity, which becausecharacter education instills habits
means that almost all activities of children about good things.Naim (2012) states that
are in school, ranging from learning, the essential thing in the framework of
eating, playing, and worshiping in the implementing character education is how
world of education. to understand the substance of education
and how students position. Because, if the
According to Soapatty&Suwanda
substance of education has been displaced
(2014) that the factors that support the
by various interests, such as business,
existence of fullday school system are the
political, or other interests, it will affect
availability of facilities and infrastructure,
the support of parents or the community as
well as teachers or teaching Some efforts have been made by
staff.According to Barsihanor& Hafiz the education office to obtain a quality
(2016) states that both learning systems product or educational outcome, namely
full-day school and regular possible to by making improvements and curriculum
have different influences in the development and the quality of school
development of children's social skills. education gradually and continuously.
The time for children who attend regular Referring to Minister of Education
elementary schools to adapt to school is Regulation no.23 2015 one alternative that
less, but the time to is used is to implement a full day school
get together with family and socialize with program. In general, a full day school was
peers in the neighborhood is more than the established to accommodate various
children who attend elementary school problems that exist in the community, who
full-day school. want their children to get the best
education from academic and non-
Prihastanto, Samsudi, Masrukhi&Prihatin
academic aspects and provide protection
(2016) states the lack of the
for children from promiscuity. The
implementation of character education in
expectation of this full day school program
schools is caused by teachers who only
is that children are not only mature
pay attention to cognitive (intellectual), not
academically but also in terms of character
enough to pay attention to the affective,
and time students can be filled in school so
psychomotor andspiritual aspects of
students. Leasa&Batlolona(2017) stated
that parents no longer worry about their subjects so the time that is owned by
children. students is more mostly done at school and
carry out positive activities that exist at the
In this modernization era, more
school carry out learning conducted at
schools are following government
school starting from morning to evening.
regulations to use the full day school
system, that is considered able to make Full day school, the institution is
students able forward, develop, compete free to set its own subject schedule while
and able to survive in this era. According still referring to the national standard time
to Arifin (2012: 107) "Learning with full allocation as a minimum standard and
day school system requires school according to the weight of the subject, the
planning learning from morning to most important are the methods in each
evening”. In another word Full Day subject that aim so that students do not get
School, is a school that conducts teaching bored in teaching and learning activities.
and learning activities from morning at The purpose of this research is to analyse
half 7 to 3 pm. And this system is carried the implementation of full day scholl
out in five school days. The purpose of this toward creating students’ character at
system is to take up a little of their time to school. It did not escape the positive
be allocated to study in school or to do school activities and will help the
activities in schools which are certainly formation of the character of each student.
under the supervision of teachers. And this study will be discuss about
adventages and disadvantages of full day
Character education in the full-day
school. The problem of the research was
school system, is one way or strategy to
how full day school can affect the
overcome the erosion of the uncivilized
student’s characteristic.
character in the era of modernization. At
school, students will always be monitored
by teachers in the school. At least this way,
can reduce the time a teenager to do things
that are not useful. Seeing this fact, to This research was conducted based
deliver Indonesian children who will face a on qualitative research . This model is
very competitive era of globalization, proposed by Borg & Taylor (1990).
MAN 2 Model Medan uses a more in- According to Borg & Taylor (1990),
depth education system that is carried out qualitative research us a research that
at school by increasing the hours of
produces descriptive data in the form of confirms that in the analysis qualitative
written or oral words from people and data is carried out interactively and is
behaves that can be observed directed at ongoingcontinuously until completely, so
the background and individuals that the data is saturated, data analysis
holistically. Thus, the research data comes techniques collected as data reduction, data
from interview script, field notes, presentation, and conclusion.
photographs, personal documents, notes or
memos, and other official document.
Man 2 Model Medan is one of the
The subjects of this research is vice
schools located in Medan. This school has
principal of curriculum, teachersand
also implemented a full day school system
student from MAN 2 Model Medan that
since 2014. This school has also used the
was conducted “Full Day School”.
Curriculum of 2013. That is why the full
Technique of collecting data is by using
day school program was implemented to
observation and interview. This interview
realize the Curriculum of 2013 and also to
method is used to know and get the data
improve the quality of learning in the field
from the research subjects that is
informations which is related to the
implementation Full Day School system in The effective learning time starts at
students’ character education in MAN 2 07-15 – 14-45 WIB. After that there are
Model Medan. Before the interview begin, additional classes from 15.00-18.00. Full
the researchers compile a list of questions day school is only held for five days, from
that will use as a guide in interview Monday-Friday. While on Saturday, after
method. returning from school at 13.00 WIB
students can take part in extracurricular
All qualitative data analysis
activities until the appointed time. This
techniques are closely related to the data
applies to all students, namely classes X,
collection method, namely observation,
XI, and XII.
interviews and focus group discussions.
Sometimes even a theory chosen is closely Man 2 Model Medan has a main
related technically to the data collection program that is overall, namely character
method and the data analysis method education. In addition, at full day school
(Burhan Bungin, 2007: 79). This research students are expected to memorize the
uses an interactive analysis model. Miles surahs in the Al-Qur'an. Not only are
andHubermen in Sugiyono (2014: 246)
those, for class XII there special lessons The inhibiting factor itself comes
that must be taken by students to prepare from outside the school (external), namely
for the National Final Exam (UN). Every the association of students when out of
Dzuhur or Ashar students will go to the school, as well as some students who are
mosque which is located next to the still carried away by association in junior
school. It aims to train and guide students high school. And also parents are one of
to carry out their obligations. the factors inhibiting due to lack of
attention tothe association of children. So
Programs owned by the school in
when it is outside of school, the teacher
carrying out character education include
cannot control students anymore. The
starting from how to behave, how to dress,
success of education is not only
how to meet friends, meet with teachers,
determined by those who are in school but
and worship habits starting from Dzuhur
the family and the environment also
and Ashar held together in the mosque.
Not only that, every day except Monday
and Friday, there is a morning ceremony. The implementation of full day
The morning ceremony was held to train school emphasizes the inculcation of
students to be independent and students character values that can be grouped into
can also give lectures to other friends. activities outside the classroom and inside
Meanwhile, on Friday every morning the classroom. The implementation of full
students are expected to be able to read day school students automatically spend
Yasin and quote Infaq. When entering the more time with the teacher and their
class students pray before learning begins. friends at school so that the relationship
between the teacher and students is not
The supporting factors for
only when learning, but the teacher can
implementing full day school are human
also guide and become a close feature with
resources, teaching staff, and everything
including school facilities and
infrastructure that support the Character education not only
implementation of full day school. This teaches what is right and wrong to
can be seen from the comfortable students, but also instills good habits so
classrooms, students can decorate their the students can understand and want to
own classes and also clean them according carry them out. Thus character education
to the schedule of pickets that are carries the same mission with moral
available. education or moral education (Marzuki
2015: 23). Understanding character values congregational prayers and singing
that can be done through the learning Indonesia Raya song.
process and other activities by providing
Activities in learning with the
motivation and advice to students so that
implementation of full day schoolstudents
students are able to feel and distinguish
have more time to learn.Supporting factors
what is good to do and what is bad to
for the implementation of the full day
school system in education. Student
characters include educators who support
and haveagreed to implement full day
school and the facilities and infrastructure
In the implementation of a full day that is inadequate schools for the
school system in student character implementation of full day school. As for
education at MAN 2 Model Medan, there factorsthe obstacles include parents who
are several activities that can begrouped pay less attention to their children,the
into activities outside of learning and influence of student interaction outside of
activitiesin learning. The form of activities school, public transportation is difficul to
outside of learning including: Dhuha be accessed, and there are also inhibiting
prayer in congregation, Ashar prayerin factors that come from participantsstudents
congregation, murajaah juz 30 before who are less active in participating in
prayer, infaq every Monday andFriday, activities at school.
alms of rice, arranging mats for prayer in
Value of religious character,
discipline and social care are expected to Basuki, S. (2007). Full Day School, Harus
be formed through Duha prayer activities Proporsional Sesuai Jenjang dan Jenis
in congregation, murajaah before prayer, Sekolah. Diakses pada 18 November 2019,
arranging matsfor prayer in congregation, dari http://caksukur.blogspot.co.id
ashar prayer in congregation, infaq every Dhermawan, A. (2017). Model Analisis
Monday and Friday, alms rice every Interaktif Miles & Huberman. Diakses
month. While the value of the love pada 18 November 2019, dari
character of the motherland, responsible, https://agroedupolitan.blogspot.co.id/2017/
hard work and independent are expected to 04/model-analisis-interaktif
be formedthrough arranging mats for
Depiyanti, O. M. (2014). Model
Pendidikan Karakter di Islamic Full Day
School(Studi Deskriptif pada SD Cendekia
Leadership School, Bandung).
TARBAWY, 1(2), 132-141.

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