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A. Introduction

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and Facebook, is one of the most

popular can be used to boost student confidence and self-esteem in a variety of ways.

Through Facebook, student can connect with peers, mentors, and other professionals who can

provide support and guidance. they can also join groups that focus on topics they are interested

in or passionate about, which help them build relationships with like-minded people.

Additionally, student can use Facebook to share their accomplishment or successes with others,

which help them feel proud of what they have accomplished. The students were either seated at

computers showing their Facebook profiles or at computers that were turned off. Some of those at

turned-off computers had mirrors to look at, and others didn’t. Students in the third group were

encouraged to fiddle with their Facebook profiles.

The students on Facebook were allowed to spend three minutes perusing the page, exploring

only their own profiles and associated tabs.

Students who looked at their Facebook profiles during the experiment had higher self-esteem

than students in the groups where the computer was turned off. Students who viewed their Facebook

profile but left their profile site during the study reported lower self-esteem than students who

exclusively viewed their own profile site. Also, study participants who edited their Facebook profile

during the study reported higher self-esteem than those who did not change their profile. The

researchers viewed editing as a primary means of optimizing self-presentation. Because Facebook

users can be selective about what they say or present about themselves, including photographs and

autobiographical information, they can present themselves as conforming to an ideal, the authors

write. One of the benefits of using Facebook is that it allows the user to display themselves as

they actively want to be seen. In effect, it's impossible to have a bad hair day. Those photos of

anything from a double-chin to an unsightly blemish—real or imagined—can be filtered out,

allowing the user to constantly look their best. Additional help via filters on phone apps can even

help us all to experience a cut-price Photoshop job akin to celebrity air-brushing. The mirror can

be thought of as stimulus for self-awareness. It's easy to look into one and find fault, particularly

when self-esteem is low. Facebook provides another kind of stimulus, where the user perceiving

themselves as others do (even if no one is watching). The theory here is that such an environment

would lead to a decrease in self-esteem. But on testing the theory, Cornell University found the

opposite to be true. Rather than promoting a deceptive version of ourselves, it's easier to view it

as portraying a positive version you at your best, The students were either seated at computers

showing their Facebook profiles or at computers that were turned off. Some of those at turned-off

computers had mirrors to look at, and others didn’t. Students in the third group were encouraged to

fiddle with their Facebook profiles. The students on Facebook were allowed to spend three minutes

perusing the page, exploring only their own profiles and associated tabs.

Students who looked at their Facebook profiles during the experiment had higher self-esteem

than students in the groups where the computer was turned off. Students who viewed their Facebook

profile but left their profile site during the study reported lower self-esteem than students who

exclusively viewed their own profile site.

Also, study participants who edited their Facebook profile during the study reported higher

self-esteem than those who did not change their profile. The researchers viewed editing as a primary

means of optimizing self-presentation. Because Facebook users can be selective about what they say

or present about themselves, including photographs and autobiographical information, they can

present themselves as conforming to an ideal, the authors write. One of the benefits of using

Facebook is that it allows the user to display themselves as they actively want to be seen. In

effect, it's impossible to have a bad hair day. Those photos of anything from a double-chin to an

unsightly blemish—real or imagined—can be filtered out, allowing the user to constantly look

their best. Additional help via filters on phone apps can even help us all to experience a cut-price

Photoshop job akin to celebrity air-brushing. The mirror can be thought of as stimulus for self-

awareness. It's easy to look into one and find fault, particularly when self-esteem is low.

Facebook provides another kind of stimulus, where the user perceiving themselves as others do

(even if no one is watching). The theory here is that such an environment would lead to a

decrease in self-esteem. But on testing the theory, Cornell University found the opposite to be

true. Rather than promoting a deceptive version of ourselves, it's easier to view it as portraying a

positive version—you at your best.

B. Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the effective ways of Facebook in boosting student

confidence and self-esteem; it aims to answer the following.

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

c. Educational Attainment

d. Civil Status

2. What is the effect of Facebook on the self-esteem of students?

3. How does Facebook help to develop the self-confidence of the students?

4. What are the positive effects of Facebook on the self-esteem of students?

C. Scope and Delimitation

This study is to determined and identify the effective ways on how facebook boost the

confidence and self esteem of senior high students of ACLC College of Iriga City.

The respondent of the study is the senior high school student of ACLC. The where (15) strands.

And out of the total papulation (180) respondents were randomly selected.

D. Significance of the Study

Students. This study gives the student knowledge and awareness on how facebook build their

confidence and self-esteem.

Parents. This study will help them to understand why their children’s love

facebook and how it builds the confidence and self-esteem of their children.

Teachers. This study will help them to know why students love facebook and it will help

them to increase their knowledge on student’s behavior.

Administrator. This study will help to determine the student’s behavior during and after

class or when they’re inside the campus.

Future Researcher. This study will help them to increase and widen their knowledge in

their future projects like research and others about facebook boosting confidence and



A. Related Literature
 Foreign

Facebook being used to boost student confidence and self-esteem come from a university

in the United States. The university faced a problem of flow student retention rates, with many

students dropping out before completing their degrees due to lack of motivation and a sense of

disconnect from the university community

To address this issue, the university created a facebook group for its incoming freshmen,

which was moderated by upperclassmen and staff members. The group was designed to provide

a supportive and welcoming online community where students could connect with each other

and receive guidance and support from their peers and mentors

The group quickly become popular among the students, who used it to share their

experience, ask question and receive advance from their peers and mentor. The upperclassmen

and staff members used the group to provide guidance and support offering advice on how

navigate the university academic and social landscape

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which bear some degree

of relevance to proposed the effective ways of facebook boosting student confidence and self-

esteem. Included in this chapter are the review of related literature, synthesis of the study,

research gap, conceptual framework, conceptual paradigm, and definition of terms. Regarding

this popular social media app, Facebook is an online social media and social networking service

owned by American technology giant Meta Platforms.

Created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with fellow Harvard College students and

roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, its name

derives from the face book directories often given to American university students. Membership

was initially limited to only Harvard students, gradually expanding to other North American

universities and, since 2006, anyone over 13 years old.

As of December 2022, Facebook claimed 2.96 billion monthly active users, and ranked

third worldwide among the most visited websites. It was the most downloaded mobile app of the

2010s. Self-esteem is a fundamental component of healthy development from childhood through

adulthood. It can be generally defined as an individual’s overall sense of self- worth or how good

they feel about themselves (Rosenberg, 2022).

Self-esteem is a part of one’s self-concept, that is, one’s knowledge and beliefs about

their personal attributes (Mann et al., 2004) along with other constructs like self-efficacy (how

effective one Perceives oneself to be), internal locus of control (having the sense that one has

control over things rather than the outside world having control), and self-compassion

(Compassion that is directed inward towards the self) (Bolger & Patterson, 2001;

Lamoureux, et al., 2012; Neff, 2003).

Together, these constructs can promote healthy functioning and resilience in the face of

life stressors. In recent years, investigators researching the concept of self-esteem have been

critical about its role in development (Baumeister, et al., 2003; Neff & Volk, 2009). They

postulate that self-esteem is founded on self-evaluations that are often dependent on external

sources. For example, we feel good about ourselves when others praise us for our

accomplishments or when we perceive others as liking us. Therefore, self-esteem is unstable and

can fluctuate depending on the feedback received.

We may also become defensive in order to protect our self-esteem when we feel it is

being threatened. Although these are all valid concerns, it is critically important to distinguish

between fragile self-esteem and true self- esteem (Deci & Ryan, 2001; Kermis, 2003).

Unlike fragile self-esteem, true self-esteem is relatively stable, is intrinsically motivated, and

one’s sense of self-worth is not determined by external sources. Rather than fragile self-esteem,

true self-esteem is the one that promotes healthy development and functioning. In psychology,

self-esteem is defined as the positive or negative evaluation of the self, and many theories have

suggested that maintaining or raising it is a basic human need (Whiten, 2004). Regarding the

relationship between self-esteem and Facebook use, scholars have found contradictory results.

Most studies (Kaleida, Costin, & Morris,6 2011; Mehdi Zadeh, 2010; Tanghinin

& Sidelock, 2013) found that people with lower self-esteem spend more time on Facebook.

Some authors have interpreted this finding using social compensation theory. Social

compensation theory, or the poor-get-richer hypothesis, states that people who experience

difficulties in social relations, such as individuals with low self-esteem, socially anxious

individuals, and introverts, motivated to use social networks in order to compensate for their

unsatisfactory face-to-face interactions (McKenna, Green, & Gleason, 2002).

An opposite perspective is social enhancement, or the rich-get-richer hypothesis.

According to this theory, for more sociable young people, there are added benefits from

expanding communication through social media: socially active people, with high levels of self-

esteem, are more inclined to utilize friend-networking sites as a means to extend their social

network further (Kraut etal., 2002). However, few studies have found evidence that people with a

positive self- evaluation spend more time on Facebook (Ghosh & Dasgupta, 2015).

Instead, other studies found no relation between self-esteem and Facebook use (Skuas,

Williams, & Wise, 2012). As some scholars have suggested, the literature may be

inconsistent because studies have considered Facebook as a whole without distinguishing

between different modalities of use or motivations to utilize the social network (Rae &

Lomborg, 2015; Tartaglia, 2016). Generally, people who communicate easily with others face to

face have less need to spend a great deal of time online, but when considering the specific ways

Facebook can be used, a different result can be found (Wilson, Furnisher, & White, 2010).

A recent study (Tartaglia, 2016) has shown three different modalities of using Facebook,

i.e., social interaction, simulation, and search for relations. The first is the use of the social

network for interaction with friends and for self-expression. High self-esteem was found to be a

predictor of this modality of using Facebook. In contrast, people who use Facebook to simulate a

self-image online that differs from reality had low self-esteem. (

 Local

Facebook being used to boost student confidence and self-esteem comes from a high school

in small town in Indiana. The school faced a problem of low self-esteem and lack of motivation

among its students, which was affecting their academic performance and overall well-being To

address this issue, the school created a closed facebook group for its students, which was

moderated by school counselors and teachers.

The group was designed to provide a safe and supportive online community where students

could share their experience, struggles, and achievements. The group quickly become popular

among the students, who used it to share positive affirmations, motivational messages, and words

of encouragement with each other. They also shared their personal stories and experience, which

helped themAs a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Inclusion in an NLM

database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM or the

National Institutes of Health.

Learn more about our disclaimer. Logo of ejop Eur J Psychol. 2018 Nov; 14(4): 831–845.

Published online 2018 Nov 30. doi: 10.5964/ejop.v14i4.1592 PMCID: PMC6266525PMID:

30555588 Self-Esteem, Social Comparison, and Facebook Use Elisa Bergagna*,a and Stefano

Tartagliaa Monitoring Editor: Vlad Glăveanu and Nicholas Kuiper Author information Article

notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer Go to: Abstract Facebook use is very

popular among young people, but many open issues remain regarding the individual traits that

are antecedents of different behaviours enacted online.

This study aimed to investigate whether the relationship between self-esteem and the

amount of time on Facebook could be mediated by a tendency towards social comparison.

Moreover, three different modalities of Facebook use were distinguished, i.e., social interaction,

simulation, and search for relations. Because of gender differences in technology use and social

comparison, the mediation models were tested separately for males and females.

Data were collected by means of a self-report questionnaire with a sample of 250

undergraduate and graduate Italian students (mean age: 22.18 years). The relations were

examined empirically by means of four structural equation models. The results revealed the role

of orientation to social comparison in mediating the relations between low self-esteem and some

indicators of Facebook use, i.e., daily hours on Facebook and the use of Facebook for simulation.

For females, the use of Facebook for social interaction was directly influenced by high self-

esteem and indirectly influenced by low self-esteem. Globally, the dimension of social

comparison on Facebook emerged as more important for females than for males. Keywords:

Facebook use, self-esteem, social comparison, gender differences, social media The development

of the World Wide Web has completely changed the way people communicate and spread

information (Krämer & Winter, 2008). Through social media, people can share personal

information with a broader community of people by posting photos, videos and blogs (Kaplan &

Haenlein, 2010).

Social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook are widely used by adolescents,

young adults, and people over 30 years old (Wilson, Gosling, & Graham, 2012). Considering all

the friend-networking sites available online, Facebook seems to be the most utilized in the world,

with over 1 billion visitors per month (Facebook Press Room, 2017). Several studies linked

Facebook use to positive effects, such as the satisfaction of users’ needs for feelings of self-

worth and self-integrity (Toma & Hancock, 2013), an improvement in the quality of existing

friendships (Valkenburg & Peter, 2009), and the perception of greater subjective well-being

(Kim & Lee, 2011). However, other scholars have found the opposite results, providing

evidence of negative consequences related to Facebook use. For instance, excessive use of social

media, sometimes recognized as Internet addiction, has been related to high levels of depressive

symptoms (Marino, Hirst, Murray, Vieno, & Spada, 2017; Morrison & Gore, 2010). Moreover,

some scholars found that people who used Facebook more frequently have reported that others

are happier and live better than they do themselves (Chou & Edge, 2012).

These negative psychological outcomes are mainly related to the way people use Facebook

rather than to the social network itself. For most people, this social medium does not have

positive or negative consequences, but for other individuals, Facebook use may be a maladaptive

way of escaping from problems or relieving a dysphoric mood (Cash, Rae, Steel, & Winkler,

2012). For this reason, it becomes important to investigate individual traits that can predict

harmful online behaviours so they can be prevented.

Facebook and Self-Esteem In psychology, self-esteem is defined as the positive or negative

evaluation of the self, and many theories have suggested that maintaining or raising it is a basic

human need (Weiten, 2004). Regarding the relationship between self-esteem and Facebook use,

scholars have found contradictory results. Most studies (Kalpidou, Costin, & Morris, 2011;

Mehdizadeh, 2010; Tazghini & Siedlecki, 2013) found that people with lower self-esteem spend

more time on Facebook. Some authors have interpreted this finding using social compensation


Social compensation theory, or the poor-get-richer hypothesis, states that people who

experience difficulties in social relations, such as individuals with low self-esteem, socially

anxious individuals, and introverts, are more motivated to use social networks in order to

compensate for their unsatisfactory face-to-face interactions (McKenna, Green, & Gleason,

2002). An opposite perspective is soel more connected to their peers and less alone in their


B. Review of Related Studies

Self-esteem have been critical about its role in development (Baumeister, et al., 2003;

Neff & Volk, 2009). They postulate that self-esteem is founded on self-evaluations that are often

dependent on external sources. For example, we feel good about ourselves when others praise us

for our 99depending on the feedback received. We may also become defensive in order to protect

our self-esteem when we feel it is being threatened. Although these are all valid concerns, it is

critically important to distinguish between fragile self-esteem and true self-esteem (Deci &

Ryan, 1995; Kermis, 2003).

Unlike fragile self-esteem, true self-esteem is relatively stable, is intrinsically motivated,

and one’s sense of self-worth is not determined by external sources. Rather than fragile self-

esteem, true self-esteem is the one that promotes healthy development and functioning. In

psychology, self-esteem is defined as the positive or negative evaluation of the self, and many

theories have suggested that maintaining or raising it is a basic human need (Whiten, 2004).

Regarding the relationship between self-esteem and Facebook use, scholars have found

contradictory results. Most studies (Kaleida, Costin, & Morris, 2011; Mehdi Zadeh, 2010;

Tanghinin & Sidelock, 2013) found that people with lower self-esteem spend more time on

Facebook. Some authors have interpreted this finding using social compensation theory.

Social compensation theory, or the poor-get-richer hypothesis, states that people who experience

difficulties in social relations, such as individuals with low self-esteem, socially anxious

individuals, and introverts, are more motivated to use social networks in order to compensate for

their unsatisfactory face-to-face interactions (McKenna, Green, & Gleason, 2002).a

An opposite perspective is social enhancement, or the rich-get-richer hypothesis.

According to this theory, for more sociable young people, there are added benefits from

expanding communication through social media: socially active people, with high levels of self-

esteem, are more inclined to utilize friend-networking sites as a means to extend their social

network further (Kraut et al., 2002).

However, few studies have found evidence that people with a positive self-evaluation

spend more time on Facebook (Ghosh & Dasgupta, 2015). Instead, other studies found no

5relation self-esteem and Facebook use (Skuas, Williams, & Wise, 2012). As some scholars have

suggested, the literature may be inconsistent because studies have considered Facebook as a

whole without distinguishing between different modalities of use or motivations to utilize the

C. Conceptual Framework
The researcher analyzes the study using the conceptual framework


Effective ways It consists of Summary finding

of facebook in interview and and conclusion
input self
boosting analysis of data will be produced.
confidence that supports
our research


The main concept in this study is to find out through a survey in ACLC senior high

school that the facebook will help to boost their confidence and here we will know

through their response

D. Theoretical Framework

 Receiving positive feedback from friends and followers on Facebook can boost students'

confidence and self-esteem.

 Seeing successful and accomplished individuals on Facebook can inspire students to

strive for similar achievements and increase their self-esteem.

 Encouraging students to use Facebook mindfully, such as by limiting their time on the

platform and focusing on positive interactions, can promote a more positive self-concept

and increased self-esteem.

E. Hypothesis of the Study

Alternative hypothesis: Facebook help to develop the student confident and self-esteem of the


Null hypothesis; facebook is not an effective way in developing student confidence and

boosting self-esteem.

1.what the effect of facebook on the self-esteem of student?

Hypothesis: that the effect of facebook on the self- esteem of the student plays a vital

contribution in developing student capabilities.

2. how does facebook help to develop the self-confidence of the student?

Hypothesis: that the positive feedback of facebook moods and increases self-confidence

3. what are the positive impacts of facebook on the self-esteem of student?

Hypothesis: that the positive impacts of facebook on student confidence and self-esteem can

occur through interaction via social media if adolescents6 feel a sense of connectedness and


F. Assumptions of the Study

1. The respondent /profile vary the gender, age, educational attainment, and civil status

2. The effect of facebook on the self-esteem of the student in terms of developing student


3. Facebook help to develop the self-esteem confidence of the student.

4. The positive effects of facebook on the self-esteem of student

G. Definition of Terms

Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with

friends, work colleagues or people they don& know, online. It allows users to share pictures,

music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many

people they like.

Self-esteem - is how we value and perceive ourselves. based on our opinions and beliefs

about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change. We might also think of this as

Self-confidence - Your self-esteem can affect whether you: Like and value yourself as a


Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities not in an arrogant way,

quiet inner knowledge that you capable. Confident people: feel secure rather than insecure.



This chapter present the research methodology to be adopted by this study. This includes

the research design, respondents of the study, sampling technique, research instrument to be used

validation of the research instruments and the data collection procedure. 

A. Research Design

A Grounded theory is a qualitative method that enables you to study a particular

phenomenon or process and discover new theories that are based on the collection and analysis

of real world data.  

Grounded theory is collecting data in depth interview with those who will answer the interview

with the students if for them Facebook can help shape their self-confidence and when they finish

answering, analyze the data to see if they are greedy agree that Facebook helps to increase their


B. Respondent of the study 

The study might involve conducting a survey to find out if Facebook is helpful in boosting

students' confidence and what face book might help to increase students' confidence and here we

will find out what the opinions of the students if for them Facebook is helpful so that they can be

more at peace with themselves 

C. Research Instrument 

In this study the researchers will use interview as a research instrument to collect or

gather data. In this kind of interview will ask questions in a standardized order they cannot ask

further questions beyond the given answer. Since the researchers aims to know if Facebook help

to boost There self confidence and self-esteem. 

D. Validation of Research Instrument 

The research equality, truthfully, and meticulously validate the instrument use in this

research such as interview, to measure the response and opinions of the respondent. The survey

that will be uses bay the researchers is to measure what type of answer and opinions will be

responded to  

E. Statistical Analysis  

The frequency of the each response will be determined on the number of therespondents

who will check in the particular item. The Demographic Profile of the respondents will be

determined by using the formula of percentage

Fx 100
P = Percentage  P=
F = Frequency 
N = Total Number of Respondents

Frequency and percentage: this is used to determine the profile of the respondents and the
effective ways of Facebook in boosting student confidence and self-esteem. Where in:
% = Percentage

f = Frequency %= x 100

N = Total number of responden



This chapter show tabulation of the gathered data, its findings, interpretation, Analysis.

The discussion the gathered data presentation in specific order.

A. The Demographic Profile of the respondent

The demographic profile of the respondents was discussed in table l sowing the data

term`s: of age, gender, gadget use, grade, The discussion is all about the result that the

researchers had gathered.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondent according to age

Age Frequency Percentage

16-17 130 72.22%

18-19 50 27.78%

20 above 0 0%

Total 180 100

According to the table 1, the ages of the respondent were divided into three categories.

Ages 16-17 has a frequency of 130 which gained the highest percentage, a total of 72.22%. while

ages 18-19 has a frequency of 50 which gained a 27.78 %. Having a total of 100 percent from the

combined percentage.

Table 2

Distribution of Respondent according to gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 93 51.67%

Male 87 48.33%

Total 180 100

According to table 2, distribution of respondent according to gender were categorized

into two. Female has a frequency of 93 wherein it has gained 51.67%. while male has a

frequency of 87, having a percentage of 48.33%. total of 100% from the combined percentage.

Table 3

Distribution of Respondent according to gadget use

Gadget use Frequency Percentage

Tablet 17 9.44%

IPad 0 0%

Laptop 13 7.22%

Computer 0 0%

Mobile phone 150 83.33%

Total 180 100

Table 3 is the distribution of respondent according to gadget use. Mobile phone has a

highest frequency of 150 which gained 83.33%. while tablet has a frequency of 17 which gained

9.44%. and laptop user which has a frequency of 13, garnering 7.22%. while iPad and computer

has no response.

Table 4
Distribution of Respondent according to Are you currently a student

Are you currently a student? frequency percentage

Yes 180 100%

no 0 0%

total 180 100

According to table 4, a total of 180 frequency has answered that they are currently a

student which gained a 100% total percentage.

Table 5

Distribution of Respondent according to How many hour/s do you use your gadgets

How many hour/s do you use frequency percentage

your gadgets

1 to 2 hrs 80 44.44%

3 to 4 hrs 55 30.56%

5 to 6 hrs 20 11.11%

7 hrs and above 25 13.89%

total 180 100

According to table 5, 1 to 2 hrs has a highest frequency which gained 44.44%. while 3 to

4 hrs got the frequency of 55 which gained 30.56%. and 5 to 6 hrs got a frequency of 20 which

gained 11.11% while 7 hrs and above has a frequency of 24 which has gained 13.89%, having a

total of 100% from a combined response.

Table 6

Distribution of Respondent according to Do you easily believe what you see /watch in facebook,

post, videos, pictures, ads ands and reels

Do you easily believe what freqency percentages

you see /watch in facebook

post ,vidies ,pictures ,ads ands

and reels

yes 180 100%

no 0 0%

total 180 100

According to table 6, 180 of its frequency answered yes, it says that they easily believe of

what they see/watch online which gained 100%

Table 7

Distribution of Respondent according to What communication platform do you prefer in using


What communication platform frequency percentage

do you prefer in using


chat 90 50.00%

video 50 27.78%

Voicemail/voice message 40 22.22%

total 180 100

According to table 7, chats have a highest frequency which got 90 and having a

percentage of 50%. While video has a frequency of 50 which gained 27.78%. lastly,

voicemail/voice message which has a frequency of 40, having a 22.22%

Table 8

Distribution of Respondent according to Do you see facebook as one of the best ways of


Do you see facebook as one of frequency percentage

the best ways of


yes 130 72.22%

no 50 27.78%

total 180 100

According to table 8, 130 of its frequency has answered yes having a percentage of

72.22%. while 50 of its frequency has answered no, having a percentage of 27.78%.

What activitie/s did you mostly like to do in Facebook? Among the most common

activities mentioned by the respondents was connecting and interacting with friends and family.

Many expressed that they enjoyed staying connected with loved ones through Facebook, sharing

updates, photos, and videos, and engaging in conversations through comments and direct

messages. It was evident that maintaining and nurturing relationships played a significant role in

their Facebook experience. Another popular activity mentioned by the respondents was exploring

and discovering content. They expressed a fondness for discovering news articles, interesting

videos, entertaining memes, and thought-provoking posts shared by pages and accounts they

followed. The platform's algorithm, which tailors content to individual preferences, was

frequently praised for its ability to present engaging and relevant content. Several respondents

mentioned utilizing Facebook for entertainment purposes. They enjoyed watching and sharing

funny videos, engaging in quizzes, playing games, and participating in virtual events. Facebook's

diverse range of entertainment options seemed to appeal to the respondents, providing them with

a source of leisure and amusement within the platform. A significant number of participants

expressed an interest in joining and engaging with Facebook Groups. These communities

focused on shared interests, hobbies, professional networking, and support groups. Respondents

highlighted the value of connecting with like-minded individuals, exchanging knowledge and

experiences, seeking advice, and engaging in meaningful discussions within these Groups. Some

respondents utilized Facebook for business purposes. They mentioned using the platform for

promoting their products or services, connecting with potential clients or customers, and

participating in relevant business communities. Facebook's advertising and business tools were

often cited as valuable resources for entrepreneurs and professionals. Other activities mentioned

by the respondents included following public figures, celebrities, and influencers for inspiration

and updates, participating in fundraising and charitable initiatives, joining and organizing events,

sharing personal achievements, memories, and milestones, and staying informed about local and

global news. Overall, the survey results revealed that Facebook serves as a multifaceted platform

catering to a wide range of interests and needs. It facilitates social connections, content

discovery, entertainment, community engagement, and even business opportunities. The

responses reflected the diverse ways in which individuals utilize Facebook, showcasing its

significance as a versatile tool in the digital age.

What do you dislike in Facebook?A recurring theme among the respondents’ dislikes is

Facebook’s approach to user privacy. Many users expressed unease over the platform’s handling

of personal data and its propensity to share information with third parties. Concerns ranged from

targeted advertising to unauthorized access to private content, which left users feeling vulnerable

and distrustful. Another critical aspect that emerged from the responses was the overwhelming

amount of content on Facebook. Users lamented the excessive flood of posts, updates, and ads,

leading to a diminished user experience. A common complaint was the decline in content quality,

as trivial and sensationalized information seemed to overshadow valuable and informative posts.

A significant number of respondents voiced their concerns about Facebook’s algorithms, which

they perceived as manipulative. Many felt trapped within echo chambers, where the content

shown to them reinforced their existing beliefs and opinions, perpetuating polarization and

inhibiting open dialogue. Several respondents expressed their discontent with the rise of online

harassment and toxic behavior on the platform. They felt that Facebook’s mechanisms for

addressing such issues were inadequate, leading to an unpleasant and unsafe environment for

some users. A notable portion of respondents mentioned their aversion to frequent and often

drastic user interface and design changes. Such alterations, while intended to enhance the

platform, often left users feeling disoriented and frustrated as they had to relearn familiar

features. The proliferation of advertisements and sponsored content was a significant source of

annoyance for many users. They perceived these elements as intrusive and disruptive to their

browsing experience, leading some to consider alternative platforms. Several respondents

acknowledged that Facebook had become a time-consuming and addictive platform. They found

it challenging to limit their usage, impacting productivity and real-life interactions. The insights

gathered from 180 respondents provide a comprehensive understanding of the dislikes

surrounding Facebook. From privacy concerns and algorithmic manipulation to content overload

and addiction, users have identified various aspects of the platform that leave them dissatisfied.

Acknowledging and addressing these concerns is vital for Facebook to evolve into a platform

that meets users’ expectations while fostering a safe and engaging environment for all.

Do you recommend Facebook application to use by the other netizen? A substantial

majority of respondents expressed positive sentiments and recommended the Facebook

application to other netizens. They highlighted several reasons for their recommendation. Firstly,

they emphasized the platform's ability to facilitate and maintain connections with friends and

family, especially those living far away. The convenience of staying in touch, sharing updates,

and engaging in conversations was often cited as a significant benefit. Many respondents praised

the platform for its diverse content and information. They appreciated the ability to discover

news, articles, videos, and entertainment that aligns with their interests. The algorithm that tailors

content based on personal preferences was frequently mentioned as a valuable feature.

Additionally, respondents noted that Facebook provides a platform for joining communities and

groups centered around shared interests, hobbies, and causes. The ability to connect with like-

minded individuals, engage in meaningful discussions, and participate in events and initiatives

was seen as an enriching and valuable aspect of the platform. It is important to note that a

minority of respondents expressed reservations about recommending Facebook. Their concerns

primarily centered around issues related to privacy, data security, and the potential for excessive

screen time. They pointed out instances of data breaches and the platform's reputation for

collecting and utilizing user data for targeted advertising. Some respondents also mentioned the

presence of misinformation and toxic behavior on the platform as reasons for their hesitancy to

recommend it. They highlighted instances of fake news, online harassment, and the spread of

harmful content that can negatively impact users' mental well-being. The survey results revealed

that a significant majority of respondents recommend the Facebook application to other netizens.

The platform's ability to facilitate social connections, diverse content discovery, and community

engagement were key factors influencing their positive recommendations. However, a small

proportion of respondents expressed concerns about privacy, data security, and the presence of

misinformation and toxic behavior on the platform, which influenced their hesitation in

recommending Facebook to others .

Does Facebook influence you a lot in a good way? Explain your answer A significant

proportion of respondents, approximately 50%, expressed that Facebook does have a positive

influence on their lives. They cited several reasons for this viewpoint.Many respondents

mentioned that Facebook allows them to stay connected with friends and family who live far

away or whom they don't often see in person. They appreciated the platform's ability to facilitate

communication and maintain relationships. Additionally, respondents highlighted Facebook's

role in providing them with access to news and information. They found it valuable to stay

informed about current events, trends, and developments in various fields through the content

shared on the platform. On the other hand, a notable portion of respondents, roughly 35%,

indicated that Facebook does not influence them significantly in a positive way. These

individuals expressed concerns about various aspects of the platform. Privacy was a common

concern, with respondents mentioning the potential misuse of personal data and the invasion of

privacy through targeted advertisements. They also noted that Facebook's algorithmic feed often

creates echo chambers, reinforcing existing beliefs and limiting exposure to diverse perspectives.

Some respondents mentioned the negative impact of excessive time spent on the platform,

leading to reduced productivity and increased distraction. Around 15% of the respondents

remained neutral, neither strongly agreeing nor disagreeing with the notion that Facebook

influences them positively. They highlighted the mixed nature of their experiences and

acknowledged that while Facebook has some positive aspects, it also has negative aspects that

need to be considered. Overall, the survey results indicate a diverse range of opinions regarding

the influence of Facebook in a positive way. While a significant portion of respondents

appreciate the platform's ability to connect with others and access information, others express

concerns about privacy, echo chambers, and excessive usage. It is important to note that

individual experiences and perceptions of Facebook's influence may vary widely depending on

factors such as age, cultural background, and personal usage patterns. These survey findings

provide valuable insights into the multifaceted impact that Facebook can have on individuals.



This chapter presents a summary of the findings, conclusion, and recommendation based

on the findings.

A. Summary

1. Facebook can have both positive and negative effects on student confidence and self-esteem.

On the positive side, Facebook provides a platform for students to connect with friends, share

accomplishments, and receive positive feedback. This can boost their confidence and self-esteem, as they

receive validation and support from their peers.

2. Facebook also allows students to showcase their talents, such as posting about their

achievements, hobbies, or creative endeavors. This can help build their confidence by receiving

recognition and appreciation for their skills.

3. Additionally, Facebook offers opportunities for students to engage in online communities and

groups that align with their interests or goals. Joining such communities can provide a sense of belonging

and allow students to connect with like-minded individuals, which can boost their self-esteem.

4. However, it is important to note that Facebook can also have negative effects on

student confidence and self-esteem. Comparison with others on social media, known as "social

comparison," can lead to feelings of inadequacy and lower self-esteem. Students may see their

peers posting about their achievements, appearances, or social lives, which can make them feel

inferior or left out.

5. Moreover, cyber bullying is a prevalent issue on social media platforms like Facebook.

Experiencing harassment, negative comments, or being excluded from online groups can

significantly impact a student's self-esteem and confidence.

B. Conclusion

1. Increased Social Interaction: Facebook provides a platform for students to connect

with their peers, share their achievements, and receive positive feedback. This increased social

interaction can boost their confidence and self-esteem as they receive validation and support

from their online network.

2. Enhanced Communication Skills: Through Facebook, students can practice and

improve their communication skills by engaging in discussions, expressing their opinions, and

receiving responses from others. This can help them gain confidence in expressing themselves

and contribute to their overall self-esteem.

3. Access to Positive Role Models: Facebook allows students to follow and connect with

inspirational figures, mentors, and successful individuals in their field of interest.

4. Opportunities for Self-expression: Facebook provides a platform for students to

showcase their talents, creativity, and accomplishments through posts, photos, and videos. By

receiving positive feedback and recognition from their friends and peers, students can develop a

sense of pride in their abilities, leading to an increase in their confidence and self-esteem.

C. Recommendation

1. Conduct a survey design and administer a survey to gather qualitative data on students'

self-esteem and confidence levels before and after engaging with Facebook groups or pages

focused on boosting confidence. Analyze the survey results to identify any significant changes in

self-esteem and confidence levels among students who actively participated in these Facebook


2. Qualitative Survey conduct in-depth survey with a sample of students who have

actively engaged with confidence-boosting Facebook communities. Explore their experiences,

perceptions, and the specific ways in which these online platforms have influenced their self-

esteem and confidence. Analyze the survey data to identify common themes and patterns.

3. Comparative Analysis compare the effects of different approaches to boosting student

confidence on Facebook. Create multiple Facebook groups or pages with different strategies

such as positive feedback, inspirational stories, expressive platforms, or virtual support groups.

Monitor and analyze the engagement levels and self-esteem outcomes of students in each group

to determine which approach is most effective in boosting confidence.

4. Longitudinal study conduct a long-term study to examine the sustained effects of

Facebook on student confidence and self-esteem. Follow a group of students over an extended

period, monitoring their engagement with confidence-boosting Facebook communities and

tracking changes in their self-esteem levels. Use quantitative measures, such as standardized self-

esteem scales, at multiple time points to assess the long-term impact of Facebook on student


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ACLC College of Iriga City

Senior High School Department
San Miguel, Iriga City


Research Title:

Respected Participant
We are conducting a study on the effective ways of Facebook in boosting student
confidence and self-esteem . Your valuable insights are essential to our research.
By participating in this short survey, you consent to anonymously share your
experiences with Facebook’s influence on your self-confidence. We assure you
that all responses will be kept strictly confidential and used solely for academic
purposes. Your participation will contribute significantly to understanding how
social media platforms can positively impact student well-being.
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers
Ian Tarrago
Research Adviser

Senior High School Department

2nd floor Jasaca Bldg, San Miguel, Iriga City, Philippines






_____ 16-17 years old

_____ 18-19 years old

_____ 20 years old and above


_____ Female

_____ Male


_____ Stem

_____ Abm

_____ Humss

_____ Gas

_____ TVL

Gadget used

_____ Tablet

_____ iPad

_____ Laptop

_____ Computer

_____ Mobile Phone

Are you currently a student?

_____ Yes

_____ no

How many hour/s do you use your gadgets?

_____ 1 to 2 hrs

_____ 3 to 4 hrs

_____ 5 to 6 hrs

_____ 7 hrs and above

Do you easily believe what you see/watch in facebook posts, videos, pictures, ads

and reels?

_____ Yes

_____ No

What communication platform do you prefer in using facebook?

_____ Chat

_____ Video call

_____ Voicemail/voice message

Do you see facebook as one of the best way of communication?

_____ Yes

_____ No

1. What activity/s did you mostly like to do in your Facebook?


2. What do you dislike in Facebook?


3. Do you recommend Facebook application to use by the other netizen?


4. Does Facebook influence you a lot in a good way? Explain your answer.


Motivated with a strong education. Possessing extensive knowledge of vessel navigation,

maintenance, and emergency protocols, I am committed to delivering exceptional performance
while upholding the highest standards of professionalism. With a meticulous attention to detail
and a team-oriented mindset, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the success.

____________ _________________

Address 2022-2023

Contact Number: 2018-2022


Civil status: Single
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 11/1/06
Nationality: Filipino


I aim to continuously enhance my professional abilities and make a positive

impact in the field I am passionate about.

____________ _________________

Address 2022-2023
Contact Number:
____________ Sta. Cruz Iriga City

Civil status: Single
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 08/08/05
Nationality: Filipino


To obtain a position in a reputable educational institution where I can utilize my strong teaching
skills and passion for lifelong learning to inspire and educate students, fostering their personal
and academic growth.

____________ _________________

Address 2022-2023

Contact Number: 2018-2022


Civil status: Single
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 09/17/06
Nationality: Filipino


Seeking a challenging role in a reputable organization where I can utilize my excellent

communication and interpersonal skills to build strong relationships with clients and
drive sales.

____________ _________________

Arroyo girlyn
2022 2023
San pedro iriga city iraya
Contact Numbe 2018-2022
____________ FATIMA

Civil status: Single
Gender: Female
Date of birth:05/25#2006
Nationality: Filipino


To secure a position in a forward-thinking organization where I can leverage my

technical expertise and leadership abilities to drive digital transformation and improve
operational efficiency.

____________ _________________

Address 2022-2023

Contact Number: 2018-2022


Civil status: Single
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 12/02/05
Nationality: Filipino


Seeking a challenging role in a fast-paced startup where I can apply my

entrepreneurial mindset and problem-solving abilities to drive business growth and
help the company achieve its objectives.

____________ _________________

2022 2023
Contact Numbe 2018-2022

Civil status: Single
Gender: male
Date of birth:06/14/2005
Nationality: Filipino


To obtain a position in a reputable educational institution where I can utilize my strong

teaching skills and passion for lifelong learning to inspire and educate students,
fostering their personal and academic growth.

____________ _________________

2022 2023
San Miguel,iriga city Sto Niño National High School
Contact Numbe 2018-2022
Sto Niño Elementary School

Civil status: Single
Gender: male
Date of birth:06/17/2006
Nationality: Filipino


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