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Honourable chair distinguished delegates

Italy stands firm in its stance against the unrestrained use of CO2 emissions which has caused the
collapse of gulf stream and is committed to advocating for sustainable practices that ensure a
healthier and safer future for all. While many people are getting displaced and many nations are
getting submegered due to rising sea levels caused by collapse of gulf stream.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and NASA. As the world
warms due to greenhouse gases — carbon dioxide included — waters heat up and expand,
causing sea levels to rise. Removing the extra ocean heat caused by even short-lived
gases, and consequently lowering sea levels, is an extremely slow process. As the heat
goes into the ocean, it goes deeper and deeper, giving continued thermal expansion.Italy’s
foreign policy states that Italy has nearly become carbon neutral and Italy proposed that UN
takes a note on this issue and restricts the use of fossil fuels and promote uses of renewable

According to Sources due to rising sea levels. around 4800 lots (8200 total addresses) could be at
least partially affected by erosion by 2100

up to around 74,700 properties around the foreshores of estuaries could be partially inundated during a
major storm surge with 1m of sea level rise.

Exposure to sea level rise is highest around tidal lakes and close to the larger and more heavily
populated coastal river systems. Within tidal lake systems, development has often occurred close to
sea level. Much of this development has been shown to be only marginally above current high tide
levels and is highly vulnerable to sea level rise.

In response to this Italy has started usage of robots which will create a temporary sea wall to absorb
the impact of storm surges and rising tides. In order to do this on a large scale , Italy proposes usage
of natural materials like mangroves and reefs to enhance the productive capacity of structures, Italy
proposes to UN to create a gene bank which will contain all genetic information of all the species so
that continuation of species goes on, creation of water bank and food bank to store all food and water
for the survival of people who have been relocated , relocation of people to elevated land(specially
people of island nations). I hope . Now I yield

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