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CONTAMINACION AMBIENTAL at present, on our planets some scientist are talking about environmental pollution, this mean that the earth’s clime are changing by human activity. this is a serious problems..firstly humans are the main cause of climate change. because our actions have polluted our planet. for example our cars ejected very much carbon dioxide, which creates the atmosphere the greenhouse effect and this is the principal caused of climate change because of climate change the earth's temperature is increasing and the polar ice is disappearing This increases the water's level of the What is environmental pollution? Environmental pollution refers to the presence of external agents in the ecosystem either: physical; Chemical or biological, which attempt against the integrity of nature, becoming harmful not only to the environment, but also to the living beings that live in it Types of environmental pollution © Water contamination It occurs when it is integrated into the water; strange components such as residues of chemical products, industrial remains, as well as other wastewater. * Air pollution occurs as a result of the emission of smoke from industries, factories, as well as fossil fuels discharged from automobiles. * Acoustic poll It is pollution generated by excessive sound; taking place especially in those open places where the volume of the sound is high. = Causes The human being is the main responsible for environmental pollution: its industrial and technological development and its demographic growth are some of the most evident causes of the increase in pollution in recent years. In this way, the emission of polluting gases, the production of waste, the felling and burning of forests, the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, all of which are linked to industry, mining, agriculture, commerce, oil exploitation. , as well as to the daily life of the human being, are among the main causes of environmental pollution. * Consequences it produces alterations in ecosystems that directly affect the living conditions of animals and plants. affects the health of people, can lead to the extinction of species, and contributes to the accentuation of global warming on Earth as a result of the gases that produce the greenhouse effect. solutions * Recycling is an activity in which we can all collaborate: separating materials, correctly and ensuring that their selective collection is done at the point of origin to avoid contamination when transported * Avoid making annoying noises: because noise pollution is one of the main causes of psychological discomfort such as stress. + When buying products for the home, try to make them as polluting as possible. + Reforestation: recover areas where there has been an indiscriminate felling of trees and plants. * Save water and find methods to recycle it: the water we use in homes can be reused, * Use of alternative energies such as solar and wind energy. Qué es la contaminacién ambiental? La contaminacién ambiental se refiere a la presencia de agentes externos en el ecosistema ya sea: fisico; Quimico o biolégico, que atentan contra la integridad de la naturaleza, llegando a ser nocivo no solo para el ambiente, sino también para los seres vives que vivimos en él Tipos de contaminacién ambiental Contaminacién del agua Se da cuando se integra al agua; componentes extrafios como residuos de productos quimicos, restos industriales, asi como de otras aguas residuales, Contaminacién del aire se da como consecuencia de la expedici6n de humo procedente de las industrias, fabricas, asi como combustibles fésiles descargados de los automéviles. Contaminacién actstica Es la contaminacién generada por el sonido excesivo; teniendo lugar sobre todo en aquellos sitios abiertos donde el volumen del sonido es alto. Causas El ser humano es el principal responsable de la contaminacién ambiental: su desarrollo industrial y tecnolégico y su crecimiento demografico son algunas de las causas mas evidentes del aumento de la contaminacién en los ultimos afios. De este modo, las emisiones de gases contaminantes, la produccién de desechos, la tala y quema de bosques, la explotacién indiscriminada de los recursos naturales, actividades todas ellas ligadas a la industria, la minerfa, la agricultura, el comercio, la explotacién petrolera, asi como a la vida cotidiana del ser humano, se encuentran entre las causas principales de la contaminacién ambiental. Consecuencias produce alteraciones en los ecosistemas que inciden directamente en las condiciones de vida de animales y plantas. afecta la salud de las personas, puede dar lugar a la extincién de especies, y contribuye a la acentuacién del calentamiento global en la Tierra como consecuencia de los gases que producen el efecto invernadero. soluciones Reciclar es una actividad en la que todos podemos colaborar: separar los materiales de forma correcta y procurar que su recogida selectiva se realice en el punto de origen para no contaminar al transportarse. Evitar hacer ruidos molestos: porque la contaminacién sonora es una de las causes principales de molestias a nivel psicolégico como el estrés. ‘Al comprar productos para el hogar, procurar que sean lo menos contaminantes posible. Reforestacién: recuperar areas donde se ha producido una tala indiscriminada de 4rboles y plantas. Ahorrar agua y buscar métodos para reciclarla: el agua que utilizamos en los hogares se puede reutilizar Uso de energias alternativas como la solar y la eélica

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