VSF Brochure 22 4

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Sponsored by: Department of AYUSH, Government of India

The institute: IAIM is a multi-disciplinary research, education and outreach arm of a public trust called Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT). FRLHT was founded in 1993 by Sam Pitroda and Darshan Shankar. Sam Pitroda, continues to be the chairperson of the governing council of FRLHT. Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (IAIM) came into existance in order to execute a bold strategy to upscale and diversify FRLHTs education, research and outreach programs to demonstrate an innovative Institutional model for the promotion of Ayurveda for the new millennium. IAIM-FRLHT is recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) as a Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (SIRO). The vision of IAIM is to revitalize Indian Medical Heritage through creative applications of Traditional Health Sciences for enhancing the quality of healthcare in rural and urban India and globally. One of the thrust areas of IAIM's mission is High priority research and education on Indian Systems of Medicine. With this idea in mind, IAIM has come forward with an innovative Vaidya Scientist Fellow program to imbibe scientific temper among young and aspiring Vaidyas who will become true ambassadors of Ayurveda. The program: A new academic fellowship program for teachers of Ayurveda who have demonstrated high levels of scholarship, innovation and research potential Vision: Creating agents of change, and ambassadors of Ayurveda, who will carry its great legacy forward into a new age of collaboration between Shastra and Science for the betterment of humanity. We envision Vaidya-Scientists, a scholarly group of change agents, who are well versed in the richness of the Ayurveda classics - and the details and insights of modern biology. Mission: To develop high quality human resource in Ayurveda sector, focusing on under graduate & post - graduate education Rationale:

The country has more than 240 UG & around 100 PG colleges of Ayurveda. They produce around12000 medical graduates/year. A small number of PG colleges also offer PhD programs. The infrastructure in terms of both physical and human resources in 90% of the educational institutions is below the prescribed levels. While the remaining 10% meet with the standards, the quality of education is far below the benchmarks set by worldclass Institutions. The major lacunae in educational institutions are: Almost all the Ayurveda Institutions are purely teaching schools with no research infrastructure. This prevents them from being sufficiently contemporary, as there is little researched input derived from solving present day health problems that forms the education of medical graduates globally. The design of the 5 year UG course in Ayurveda provides limited exposure to Good Clinical Management and none to scientific standards of clinical documentation & reporting. Students receive no training in modern tools like bio-statistics and bioinformatics. Hence practitioners are unable to generate fresh evidence about the efficacy of Ayurveda which is important for building confidence among the discerning consumers of health care. There is no systematic exposure to both the theoretical foundations of Ayurveda as well as to the interface between Ayurveda Shastra and Bio-medical sciences in both UG and PG programs and this inhibits creative dialogue amongst medical professionals of different systems of medicine. Meeting the challenge of putting the two systems on an equal platform requires developing a new kind of 'Vaidya-scientist', highly motivated to reduce the mismatch between the two systems, and eventually eliminate it. UG and PG students are not exposed to contemporary global challenges facing Ayurveda in its potential role as a complementary system of healthcare. Thus the content of PG specializations in all aspect of general medicine and surgery have gaps and fields like public health, bio-medical engineering, pharmaceutics, clinical pharmacology are totally left out. Recognizing this need, I-AIM is launching a new academic fellowship program for teachers of Ayurveda who have demonstrated high levels of scholarship, innovation and research potential. Fellows will be expected to become agents of change, and ambassadors to catalyse the much needed Ayurveda renaissance to invigorate and renew its teaching, research and practice. Features Duration: Two years (4 Semesters) Seats: 15 On Campus:

15 days Residential Gurukul program every semester at I-AIM campus participating in well structured projects guided by mentors Off Campus: Continuously monitored, structured online self-learning program throughout the entire two year period. Fellowship privileges: No tuition fee will be charged to selected candidates. A scholarship of Rs 10,000/ every month will be paid to all selected Fellows. Additionally, Fellows will be given a modest contingency amount and full travel support for residential program four times during the Fellowship duration. As part of the Fellowship program, all the admitted Fellows will be given lodging and boarding at the I-AIM hostel in Bangalore. Eligibility: MD/PhD in Ayurveda with excellent track record of teaching and/or research in recognized Ayurveda Institutions Age: 30 Years and 45years. Selection Process: To tap the best minds, this process will be extremely rigorous comprising of screening test, interviews, profile statements and group discussions and it will be an ongoing evaluation to ensure that the output of the program will be of exceptional quality. Curriculum of the Fellowship Program: The curriculum is designed to give a broad scientific knowledge, rather than mastering a particular discipline. It will give fundamentals of the subjects included in the curriculum. The curriculum will give opportunities to reflect on contemporary applications of Ayurveda and demonstrate interface with bio - medical sciences. The central objective of this program is to make Ayurveda Scientists.

The core curriculum will involve the following Components: 1. Ontology and Epistemology of Shastra Science Bridge 2. Perspective Subjects in biomedical sciences 3. Operational Frameworks in the bridge areas 4. Shastric Studies 5. Research Component/ Dissertation 6. Leadership, & Communication Skills

The core curriculum involves:


Ontology and Epistemology Perspective Subjects 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Holism and Reductionism (The overarching framework of whole & part) Overarching ontology of Shastra Science Bridge Epistemology for Vaidya Scientist Cell biology Physiology and Biochemistry Biophysics Immunology and Microbiology Pharmacology Pharmaceutics (Modern and Ayurvedic) Human Genetics and Molecular Biology Nutritional Sciences and Neutraceutics Bio statistics/ Biometrics Neurosciences Bioinformatics and Biotechnology Clinical Pathology and Modern Diagnostics Epidemiology & Public health Health Education for Masses Internationalization of Ayurveda IT applications Molecular biology & Dosha prakriti Ayu-genomics Shad kriya kal and cellular pathology Rasa and Drug discovery Veerya and Pharmacodynamics & kinetics Reverse Pharmacognosy Clinical design for whole systems research Bio-statistics for whole systems research and CONSORT like guidelines Bhasma and chemistry Panchkarma and metabolism and immunology. Epistemology of Ayurveda based on Darshanas Complete knowledge of One Samhita Key component of Ayurveda and their contemporary relevance Management of medicinal resources Cataloging, digitization and translation of medical Manuscripts Theory Component 1. 2. Research (Literary, Drug, Clinical & Trans-disciplinary) Scientific writing Project Work (Elective) 1. 2. 3. 4. Two reviews Clinical research. Original research Education Technology/Pedagogy

Operational Frame work for collaboration with Science

Shastric Studies

Research Component/ Dissertation

Leadership and communication skills

Contact programs (Gurukul Component): A total of four visits of 15 days each has been planned to give the fellows an opportunity for free interactions with the legendary scholars of various subjects included in the curriculum. This component will also emphasize on nurturing correct mindset, confidence building and thought leadership issues related to Ayurveda and Integrative medicine. All the components of the curriculum will be facilitated and monitored in the contact programs The focus of this component will be on grooming the fellows for strong foundations in science and shastric knowledge development for the 'Vaidya'. Visits and Demonstration: There will also be few exposure visits to reputed research centers. This component will give a broad idea in the developments and methods employed in reputed research institutions. Off campus Mode of Knowledge transfer: When fellows return to their own Institution, online courses in perspective subjects will be conducted through online platforms designed akin to various university distance learning courses. Fellows will also participate in online group tasks to promote synergies. Credits: This course structure includes 100 credits. (For Every 15 hours of study, the student will earn 1 credit). Evaluation: Except for the Contact programs and the final assessment, the rest of the evaluation will be conducted online and students will be allowed to earn necessary credits. For the Gurukul component, students will be evaluated based on daily participation, comprehension, compliance, quality of interactions, debates, reviews, reports and scholarly contributions, oral and written tests during the period of their visit. This will enable them earn certain credits. Collaborations: To ensure the highest academic standards, I-AIM will act as nodal agency and the program will be run through collaboration and partnership with many Institutes of national and international repute. This program is structured to strengthen the scientific insights and research components of present curriculum to create qualified and knowledgeable Vaidyas who are equipped with the positive attitude, mindset and relevant skills of scientists. We are adopting an innovative approach where traditional and modern pedagogies are balanced and appropriately blended.

Overview of the Induction Program of first VSF:

The induction program of the 1st Vadiya scientist fellow program started with the inauguration session on the morning of 15th March 2011 at 9:15 AM at the Patanjali Block, Seminar hall at IAIM Campus.

The session was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by dignitaries. The Dignitaries were led by Dr GG Gangadharan that included Padmashree Darshan Shankar, Dr Ashok Vaidya, Smt Dr Rama Vaidya, Prof Bhushan Patwardhan, Dr Vishnu Joglekar.

The session was also attended by Dr Tanuja Nesari and Dr VV Doiphode. All the 15 candidates selected for VSFP were present for the induction session. It was also graced by other faculty and staff from IAIM. The Induction program included discussion among the Mentors and the fellow students to understand the program in its full depth. Under the eminent guidelines of scholars like Dr.Ashok Vaidya, Prof.R.H.Singh, Prof.Bhushan Patwardhan, Dr.G.G.Gangadharan and many more, fellow students selected their choice of perspective subjects and Samhita on which they will be working during their tenure of fellowship.

On 17th of March, the induction program concluded with fellow students appearing for baseline tests which would help them for self-assessment.

The following are the selected candidates with details of their educational qualification and their field of interest.

Name: Dr.Amnish Verma Age: 31 Qualification: M.D.(Rasashastra) Designation: Lecturer Work place: Desh Bhagat Ayur College and Hospital, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab Choice of Samhita: Charaka samhita Shashtric Subject: Role of Rasayana in Geriatrics Perspective Subject: Pharmaceutics & Internationalization of Ayurveda Research Project: To lay down various SOPs under the preview of Schedule T (GMP) for ASU drugs of Drug and Cosmetic act 1940 and Rules 1945

Name: Dr.Anand S. Age: 31 Qualification: M.D.(Rasashastra) Designation: Lecturer Work place: Govt. Ayuvedic College, Trivandrum Choice of Samhita: Sushruta Samhita Shashtric Subject: Rakta & Raktajanya vikaras in Sushruta Samhita; Ayurvedic Biology & concept and stages of oncogenesis Perspective Subject: Genetics & Molecular Biology Research Project: Shataputi abhraka clinical applications: Rasayanatvam of Abhraka in relation to Nanochemistry & its efficacy in Glioma

Name: Dr.Deshpande Sachin Hari Age: 30 Qualification: M.S.(Shalyatantra) Designation: Lecturer Work place: Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Pune Choice of Samhita: Sushruta Samhita Shashtric Subject: Annavahastrotas vikriti nidana Perspective Subject: Biotechnology and Bioinformatics & Cell biology Research Project: Ayurvediya Biology and Understanding Stages of Oncogenesis

Name: Dr.Dornala Sathyanarayana Age: 36 Qualification: MD (Kayachikitsa), PhD ( Panchakarma) Designation: Sr. Medical Officer Work place: Municipal Corporation of Delhi Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Contemporary relevance of Tantrayukti w.s.r to Research methodology Perspective Subject: Nutritional Sciences and Neutraceutics Research Project: Oushada dasaimani

Name: Dr.Girish Tillu Age: 35 Qualification: MD (Dravya Guna), PhD scholar Designation: Group Leader, CDAC Work place: CDAC, Pune Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Whole system trials, CONSORT like guidelines Perspective Subject: Biostatistics &Biometrics & IT Applications Research Project: A whole system pragmatic clinical study of Amavata

Name: Dr.Jamdade Yogita Abhijit Age: 38 Qualification: MD (Samhita) Designation: Reader Work place: College Of Ayurved and Research Center, Akurdi, Pune Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Complete knowledge of one samhita; Cataloging,digitization and translation of medicinal manuscripts. Epistemology of Ayurveda based on Darshanas Perspective Subject: Clinical Pathology and Modern Diagnostics Research Project: Pragmatic understanding of Avruttavata in relation to sequence of chikitsa

Name: Dr.Joglekar Priyadarshan Muralidhar Age: 37 Qualification: MD (Agada Tantra) Designation: Lecturer Work place: Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Pune Choice of Samhita: Sushruta Samhita Shashtric Subject: Adravya chikitsa for cognitive disorders Perspective Subject: Neurosciences & Immunology and Microbiology Research Project: Integrative management of cognitive disorders (as a result of pradnyaparadha) with adravya chikitsa

Name: Dr.Kishor Patwardhan Age: 36 Qualification: PhD (Kriya Shareera) Designation: Asst.Prof. Work place: BHU, Varanasi Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Ayurveda antecedence of medical physiology Perspective Subject: Physiology and Biochemistry Research Project: Understanding the concept of Upadhatu and Dhatumala with special reference to Rasa and Rakta Dhatus

Name: Dr.Namburi U. R. Sekhar Age: 42 Qualification: M.D. (Shalyatantra) Designation: Research Officer. Work place: Ayurveda Mental Health Research Institute, Nagpur Choice of Samhita: Sushruta Samhita Shashtric Subject: Madhumehaja vrana with special reference to Diabetic foot Perspective Subject: Microbiology and Immunology Research Project: Conceptual understanding of Shashti Upakramas in Wound Management A review

Name: Age: Qualification: Designation: Work place:

Dr.Namyata Pathak 27 M.D. (Kayachikitsa) RA, KHSMRC Kasturba Health Society Medical Research Centre(KHS-MRC) ICMR Advanced Centre for Reverse Pharmacology in Traditional Medicine, Mumbai Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Selecting fundamental sutras with high empirical content Perspective Subject: Pharmacology & Biophysics Research Project: Exploratory clinical study of Ayurvedic intervention for Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

Name: Dr.Neelambika G. B. Age: 31 Qualification: M.S. (Shalyatantra) Designation: Lecturer Work place: PNNM Ayurveda college, Shoranur, Kerala Choice of Samhita: Sushruta Samhita Shashtric Subject: Vatarakta Perspective Subject: Human genetics and Molecular Biology Research Project: Vatarakta and Peripheral vascular diseases a conceptualized correlation and management

Name: Dr.Shashidhara G. Age: 34 Qualification: M.D. (Kayachikitsa) Designation: Registrar Work place: I-AIM, Bangalore Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Charaka samhita Sutrasthana Perspective Subject: Public Health and Epidemiology Research Project: Integrative approach to management of Psoriasis with special reference to Inadvertent use of Kashayams

Name: Dr.Basavaraj Tubaki Age: 35 Qualification: M.D. (Kayachikitsa) Designation: Asst. Prof. Work place: SJGCH Ayurveda Medical College, T-Gokak. D-Belgaum Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Understanding of Mind: A conceptual study Perspective Subject: Neurosciences Research Project: Integrative approach in the management of Chittodwega: A clinical study

Name: Dr.Sriranjini Jaideep Age: 34 Qualification: M.D. (Kayachikitsa), PhD Designation: SRA Work place: I-AIM, Bangalore Choice of Samhita: Charaka Samhita Shashtric Subject: Vatadosha and Vatavyadhi Perspective Subject: Neurosciences Research Project: Integrative approach to understanding and management of Parkinsons disease

Name: Dr.Sheshashaye B. Age: 35 Qualification: M.S. (Shalyatantra) Designation: Registrar Work place: I-AIM, Bangalore Choice of Samhita: Sushruta Samhita Shashtric Subject: Kshudra Roga Perspective Subject: Clinical Pathology and Modern Diagnostics Research Project: Management of surgical conditions in Kshudra Roga with Parasurgical technique

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