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Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

Caroline Chisholm Catholic College


Student Name: ____________________________ ID Number: ______________________

Date of completion:
Subject: Unit 4 Mathematical Methods
SAC Title: Calculus Part 1
Subject Teacher (please circle): MDE PDE MSM

Student Declaration

The attached work is entirely my own, except where duly credited. Any assistance I received prior to its
completion by any party was in strict accordance with the rules and guidelines as stipulated by the College
and the VCAA. I understand that the submission of part, or all, of someone else’s work without due credit
constitutes plagiarism, as does the use of other students’ notes/work and I accept the consequences which

I have turned off all and placed any electronic device on the Teacher’s Desk.

Please be aware: At Unit 3 / 4 marks are raw scores, subject to external moderation

Student’s Signature: Date:

Additional Information:
● Equipment permitted: pens, pencils, erasers (no liquid paper)
● You are allowed the USE of CAS Technology and a BOUND reference book for the entire SAC
● You may use a PENCIL for plotting graphs; all answers must be written in ink
● Working out to be shown where possible
● No food or drink is to be consumed in the SAC room. (Water is an exception)
● Students are not to communicate with each other in any way during the SAC
● No mobile phones, smartwatches or other electronic devices are allowed in the SAC room.
● Students must remain for the duration of the SAC.
● Students are to behave appropriately at all times – disruptive behaviour will be considered a
serious breach of SAC rules

Writing Time: 90 minutes

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1


✓ Do not write the CAS syntax in the text boxes.

✓ When not specified, express your answer in exact form / value (an approximated
answer may result in loss of mark).

✓ All Graphs must include all key features that describe the graph.

SAC Details:
This SAC is designed to assess Outcome 1, Outcome 2 and Outcome 3 from the following Areas of
Study and will contribute 25 % of the marks for Unit 3 and 4 SAC work combined

• Calculus (Differential and Integral)

Outcome 1
Total 8 marks
Define and explain key concepts as specified in the content from the areas of study, and apply a
range of related mathematical routines and procedures.

Outcome 2
Total 10 Marks
Apply mathematical processes in non-routine contexts, and analyse and discuss these
applications of mathematics.

Outcome 3
Total 7 Marks
Select and appropriately use a computer algebra system and other technology to develop
mathematical ideas, produce results and carry out analysis in situations requiring problem-
solving, modelling or investigative techniques or approaches.

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

Question 1:
Construction of a new Swimming and Aquatic Centre is being planned by a local council, such that it
complies with international specifications.
To fit this 3-dimensional trapezoid shaped pool as shown underneath, into the ground a hole must be
excavated. Note: (For all calculations and practical purpose assume that, the pool is made of a material
with negligible thickness)

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

Two excavation models are proposed

3x 2 6x
p :  0,50 → R where p( x) = − −2
6250 125

−3 2 x
j :[0,50] → R where j ( x) = −2
a. Analyse both functions to determine the following:
i. function minimum
ii. function maximum
iii. function range
iv. point(s) of intersection (approximate to 1 decimal place)

function minimum
function maximum
function range
point(s) of intersection

b. Sketch the derivative graphs p '( x) and j '( x) for both the functions in the given graphing grid
and label all key points (two decimal places, where approximation is required)

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

c. Using Calculus obtain the derivatives p '( x) and j '( x) for the functions p( x) and j ( x)

d. State the two intersection points of the functions p '( x) and j '( x) .
What information do these points tell us?

e. i. Using calculus find the area as an exact value between the function p( x) and the x-axis

ii. Using calculus find the area as an exact value between the function j ( x) and the x-axis

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

iii. What do you conclude from your answers to parts i. and ii. Above?

f. i. Find the average value for the function p(x).

ii. Would it be right to conclude that the average value for both the functions in the domain
[0, 50] is the same? Justify your answer.

iii. What information does this average value convey or tell us?

g. i. By analyzing all the answers from parts a-e above, which of the two models will you
recommend for excavation? Justify you answer

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

ii. Using Calculus obtain the area bound between the functions p(x) and j(x) given that the
approximate x-coordinate expressed as a fraction for the point of intersection of the two
functions is x  19.1 or . (Answer correct to three decimal places )

iii. What conclusion can be drawn about the two individual sectional areas created by the point of
intersection of the functions p(x) and j(x), Use CAS to answer this question?

h. Given that the cost of excavation is $ 80 per cubic meter ( m3 ).

The width of the pool, which has to be fitted in the excavated hole, is 25 m.
Determine the total cost for the excavation using the function you chose as your preferred

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

The lower base of the dumper truck tub, that will be taking away the excavated soil, is
modelled by the function d ( x) = 2 4 ; 0  x  5 and the top is given by t ( x) = 3 ; 0  x  5
The width of the tub is 2.5 m

As per local council regulations the soil can only be filled up to the brim and needs to be exactly in
level with the top and then be covered, no section of the soil should be above the top level.
i. i. What is the maximum volume each of these dumper trucks can carry?
(answer correct to three decimal places)

ii. How many truckloads equivalent is the total excavated soil that will need to be transported?

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

iii. The cost of transportation per truckload is $ 120, what is the total transportation cost?

Calculations reveal that the actual total cost for excavation and transportation adds up to
$ 303,880.
If the quoted price for excavation of $ 80 per cubic metre and cost of transportation of
$120 per truckload is not negotiable.

j. Can you propose a method or an alternative model, to reduce the total cost for excavation and
transportation of the excavated soil so that the pool fully and exactly fits the dug hole and the top
of the pool is at the ground level? Given that the 25 m wide pool has a length of 50 m, shallow
end depth of 2 m and deep end depth of 3.2 m as shown underneath in the diagram.

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

k. What is maximum amount of money you could save using your suggested model?

Let the Race begin

Question 2

Carl takes exactly 60 seconds to finish the 100 m Freestyle swim race.
If he takes 32 seconds to swim the first 50 m, his position at any instant of time for the first 50 m of
the race is described by the function
25t 2
f (t ) = ;0  t  32

The return 50 m he swims in 28 seconds

(No time is lost while he does the flip turn to swim the final 50 m).

a. i. Suggest a non-linear function g(t) for the last 50 m of the race given that he swims at a
constant rate of acceleration.
(Hint Use the equation of motion g (t ) = ut + a  t 2 ) , this s a Quadratic equation with
time (t) as a variable where u is the initial velocity at the turn around point and a is acceleration.

Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

i. Express Carl’s position C at any given time t for the entire 100 m swim as a
piecewise function.

b. How far away from the finish point is Carl after having swum for exactly 45 seconds?

(Express answer correct to one decimal place)

c. When (time) and where (position) from the start was Carl swimming the fastest during this
100 m race? Justify and explain your answer

d. At what time(s) was Carl swimming at a speed of 3 m/s second?

(answer correct to two decimal places)


Unit 4 Mathematical Methods Calculus SAC 2022-Part 1

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