The Emancipation of Ken

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The Emancipation of Ken

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Barbie (Movie 2023)
Relationship: Allan/Ryan Gosling's Ken (Barbie 2023)
Character: Allan (Barbie 2023), Ryan Gosling's Ken (Barbie 2023), Kate
McKinnon's Barbie (Barbie 2023), Sugar's Daddy Ken (Barbie 2023)
Additional Tags: Depression, Self-Discovery, Self-Acceptance, Gay Sex, Canon Gay
Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Boys In Love, First Kiss, Winter
Romance, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Allan maybe shy but he's
freaky, Ken is a big cinnamon bun, Ken is a curious virgin
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-08-08 Updated: 2023-09-03 Words: 4,484 Chapters:

The Emancipation of Ken

by QueenNymeria23


This is a tale of Ken's journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and love.

A Ghost

Barbie's words still echoed through Ken's head over and over again: "You have to find out who you
are without me." But how can he? He was Stereotypical Ken. The blonde haired, blue-eyed dream
that the other Kens admired and envied. That was life...for him at least. But the moment Barbie
left, it was as if his whole world shut down. He spent the better part of the month locked inside her
former dream house, locked in the dismal despair of his mind. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't go out
into the sun. The other Kens and Barbies have tried their best to get him out of this haze, but
eventually left him to his own devises. Soon, that hot, carefree summer turned to autumn and still
no word from Ken. Stories and rumors began to circulate around Barbieland that Ken killed himself
and that his ghost was roaming around the halls of Barbie's old house.

However, one person wasn't convinced. Allan , Ken's quirky and curious friend, walked up to the
house. He didn't bother to knock or ring the doorbell. Marching into the house, Allan was shocked
at the amount of filth that accumulated over the past few months: rats and bugs scurried along the
floor, the stench of spoiled food and unwashed laundry burned his nose. Allan made his way
upstairs, careful as to where he stepped. The door to Barbie's room was half open. From where
Allan was standing, the room was dark, cold, and unwelcoming, but the redhead was determined to
see his friend. And saw him, he did. Tears began to sting Allan's eyes when he saw Ken. Ken was
sitting in a chair, surrounded by empty beer bottles. His once perfect and beautiful friends wasn't
himself anymore. Ken's blond hair was dirty and brown roots were beginning to grow underneath
like weeds. His godlike form was dwindling away. Those beautiful blue eyes that Allan loved to
admire were dull and lifeless, full of sorrow and sunken into a dirty, bearded face.

"Ken, buddy," Allan said, "we need to talk."

"Go away, Allan!" Ken shouted.

"You have to stop moping about!" Allan exclaimed. "Get up, bathe, and find a way out of this

"How, genius?! She's gone."

Allan sighed. "But that doesn't mean that you should stop living."
He took Ken's hand, feeling how soft it was. His cheeks grew hot and red as he had often imagined
what his friend's skin would feel like if only he had the pleasure of touching it.

"Come on," he said, "let's get you cleaned up."

Ken was reluctant at first, but followed Allan to the bathroom. After seriously disinfecting the
place, Allan filled the tub with hot water. Luckily Ken had some soap tucked away, albeit unused.

"When you're finished, meet me outside."

A Night Out

Allan's sudden presence got the attention of the other Barbies and Kens. They all stood outside the
dream house in the cold autumn air, asking how he managed to get Ken out of whatever funk he
was in.

"He's not completely out of it." He explained. "I'm just showing my support."

"How is he?" Midge asked.

"Not well." Allan replied.

A few minutes later, Ken walked out. The moment the cold air touched his skin, he shivered. A
sign that he was slowly coming back to life. Allan handed him a jacket. It wasn't as stylish as the
stuff Ken was used to wearing, but it was still nice. It was the same shade of blue as Ken's eyes.
Allan took a moment to study him; to admire how handsome he looked with his damp hair and

"Ok, Allan," he said, "I'm outside. What now? Tell me quick because it's freezing."

"We're gonna help you break out of this."

Ken scoffed. "I'm not in the mood for this."

"Well, you're gonna be!" Allan exclaimed, shocking everyone, including himself. "I've tolerated
your crap attempt at patriarchy, your mini fridges, and your leather couches, but I can't take another
moment seeing you like this for one more day. It's gonna break my spirit!"

Ken was shocked by his friend's bold behavior. It was impressive and a bit scary. "Ok " he said.
"what do you have in mind?"
Chapter 3

Weird Barbie suggested that the two go into the Real World. Perhaps a day away from Barbie's
house would be good for Ken and his mental health. Some of the others volunteered to go with

"Let's make a day out of it!" Allan exclaimed.

"The sun's about to set, man "

"All the more reason."

Ken sighed again. He didn't know why Allan was becoming increasingly annoying, but if it means
this much to him, he'll go. Everyone got into their cars and drove to the Real World. It was just as
chilly here as it was in Barbie Land. Ken hadn't been back here since Barbie left and he was
amazed that a lot has changed.

"So where are we going?" Ken asked.

"I thought you could use some food." Allan replied.

Ken was getting hungry. His current diet wasn't exactly filling him up. Allan parked Ken's purple
hummer* by the pier. The water looked much darker and mysterious given that the days were
shorter. However, it was no less gorgeous. It even brought out a tiny smirk from Ken. Allan loved
this time of year when the unbearable heat melted away, letting in the cool air and the irresistible
scent of pumpkin spice. Ken wasn't so enthusiastic. He only had his buddy's jacket. No beanie, or
gloves, or a scarf. Allan took his hand (something that surprised the hell outta both of them),
pulling him inside a nearby pub. "Finally," Ken said, "some warmth." The pub was filled with
people, eating and drinking. Some were crowded around the tv, rooting for their favorite team to
win while others sat in their booths, chatting within their friend group. There was laughter, crying,
arguing, and Ken was starting to enjoy the intoxicating buzz from the life surrounding him. "So
what are we ordering?" Weird Barbie asked. "I'm starving!"

Food and drinks were brought out to their table. Soon, everyone was joining in the fun. Even Ken
was starting to emerge out his shell just a little. And Allan just sat there, silently but delightfully
watching him. Seeing him smile was enough to get him through the day and he secretly wished
that it was only him and Ken. Ken could feel his friend staring at him, so he smiled and winked at

"Tease." Allan thought.

Chapter 4

Allan slowly scooted closer to Ken until their hands were just inches away from each other. Allan
could feel the heat coming from Ken's skin. The feeling was making him blush. He suddenly
thought back to when he grabbed his hand. He marveled at how soft and warm it was.

"We're all gonna get pumpkin spice lattes," one Barbie said, "you wanna come?"

"Yeah." He said, snapping out of his thoughts.

"I don't know." Ken replied. "I'm pretty tired."

"Come on," Allan whined. "We can go home afterwards."

Ken chuckled. "You're never gonna let up, are you?"

Allan shook his head.

"Fine." He said. "Lead the way."

Pumpkin spice lattes were definitely not Ken's favorite thing. He mainly just sat back watching
everyone gleefully drink the disgusting orange liquid. Ken decided to settle on anything alcoholic.
However, his friends are not about to let him go down the slippery slope again.

"You don't need that stuff." Allan replied, taking the drink away from him.

"Allan, please."

"Trust me."

Ken slowly gave the drink to Allan.

Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Over the next couple of months, Ken started to show progress. He started cleaning his house and
exercising again. He even got his hair done, albeit he kept the brown roots that were peaking
through. He didn't know why, but liked them. Ken was starting to become a new person. He even
got a job involving horses. Ken didn't need the money all that much. He just liked working around
the animals. Allan would visit him sometimes whenever Ken was on his break. Ken's coworkers
started teasing him by making kissy faces at them or asking Ken when the wedding is. But Ken
just rolled his eyes.

"Very funny, guys!"

Nevertheless, he showed Allan around his new job. Like a giddy little kid, he showed him the
stables and the horses.

As the weather grew colder, autumn gracefully gave way to winter and it wasn't long before snow
began to cover the ground. he found himself hanging out with Allan more, which wasn't as weird as
he initially thought. After work, the two would often walk or drive around Barbieland or the Real
World, talking about this and that. Allan sat back in the car, attentively listening as Ken talked
about this and that. Those deep brown eyes would looked at him in silent enthusiasm. The two men
would often blush a little whenever they locked eyes with each other.

"What are doing this weekend?"

"Nothing, to be honest." Allan replied. "Just binge watching TV. Why?"

"I was going to go ice skating ," Ken replied, "and I was just wondering if you'd like to go."

"Sure." Allan said.


Ken drove back to his house, excited to go ice skating with his friend...his very handsome friend.
The very thought of holding Allan as they skated made his cheeks flush red. But skating wasn't the
only thing Ken thought about doing with Allan.

If he didn't know better, Ken was developing the same feelings for his friend that he once had for
Barbie. Was that normal? Could it be possible? Nevermind. Only three more days til the weekend.

Chapter End Notes

Will the next chapter be their first kiss? Let's find out.
Lips of an Angel

It was finally here! After three days of anticipation, it was finally Friday! Ken watched the clock,
waiting to three o'clock to come. And when it finally did, he wasted no time in getting back to
Barbieland. Standing outside Ken's house was Allan. He was shivering despite wearing ton of
hoodies and scarves.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked. "It's freezing!"

"I was waiting for you." Allan replied sweetly.

"You didn't have to that." Ken said. "Come on. I'm sure they serve something hot at the skating

Ken and Allan drove to the skating rink. The rink was filled with people skating on ice. From
amateurs to pros; to families and couples. Everyone was having a good time. Ken, being a self-
proclaimed athlete, entered the ice first, with Allan close behind him. Ken was a pro on the ice.
Weaving his way through everyone, he looked so graceful and ethereal. Allan, however, was not
so graceful. He did his best to catch up to him, but kept falling. Ken looked back at the crowd and
saw his buddy struggling. "Here," he said, "hold onto my hand."

Allan more than happily obligated. There it was again. That strange warm feeling. Ken instantly
felt his cheeks heat up. The blonde wanted to dismiss it as the cold air getting to him, but that
would be a lie. He couldn't deny it any longer: he was starting to fall in love with Allan. Sweet,
shy, beautiful Allan.

"Come on," he gasp. "Let me show you how to do this."

Ken stood behind Allan, holding him steady, but close. Together, the two glide through the ice,
never daring to let the other one go. Soon, Allan got the hang of it. He was confident enough let go
of Ken's hand. Ken stood there, watching him with fascination. "There's a vendor serving hot
chocolate over there." Ken said. "I'll buy you one, if you like." "Sure." Ken and Allan sat on the
bench, sipping their drink and watching people skate. The snow was coming down a little harder,
but it was ok. All the more reason for Allan to cuddle closer to Ken. As he gazed at him, it seemed
that everything was going well in the world. "He's so amazing." Allan thought. "And he's all for
me!" The two stayed at the skating rink until evening set in, and by then it was far too cold to do
anything else. When they finally reached Allan's house, the two stood outside, shivering but no
wanting to part. "This was fun." Ken said awkwardly. "We should get together again sometime."
Allan was silent. He only gave the object of his affection a little nod in agreement. The hurt in his
eyes was prevalent. He didn't want to say goodbye just yet (even though they would see each other
the next day). "Good night, Allan." Ken replied. "Night." Allan never made it to the door. Not at
first. He was suddenly spun around, forcibly facing Ken. Within seconds, Ken's lips collided with
Allan's. A sudden rush washed over Allan. It might've been freezing, but Ken's lips felt as hot as a
summer's day. "I've been wanting to do that all day. Sweet dreams, buddy."
Dream a little dream of me

Allan spent all night thinking about that kiss. The poor guy barely got any sleep, but when he did
finally, his mind began to wonder, to fantasize about Ken's lips traveling along his body. Allan's
hot, sweltering skin screamed to be favored by Ken's touch. He thought about laying in Ken's bed,
calling out his name in the darkness as he fucked him. He thought about Ken's warm breath on his
neck, uttering faint whispers of 'I love you ' into his ear.

Allan tugged at his pajamas, worming his way out of them and sending them flying across the
room. Allan's curious hand journeyed down to his cock. It was long, hard, and begging to be
touched, Allan grabbed it with his fist and instinctively moved his hand up and down the shaft.

The pleasure he felt now was immense. His mouth dropped open and he threw his head back
against the pillows. The shy little redhead had never felt such a sensation before. Before he can
stop himself, Allan was moaning out Ken's name into the empty room. To prevent from waking up
the entire neighborhood, Allan bit his lip to stop himself from becoming too loud. When he came
down from his high, Allan was a sweaty wreck.


Ken laid in his bed, thinking about what he did. He was red with embarrassment. Allan must hate
him now. How could he just kiss him like that? What was he thinking? What had gotten into him?
But he had admit that that was the bravest thing he's ever done. Ken lightly touched his lips as if to
taste that kiss again. Perhaps he should apologize. But then again maybe not. if he saw Allan
again, kissing might not be the only thing they do.
The Texts Part 1

Ken was a nervous wreck the next morning. He couldn't eat, he couldn't watch tv. Last night he
had kissed Allan. It wasn't something he prepared, specifically, but it happened. Now he was
scared shitless because how was Allan going to look at him now? His heart skipped a beat the
moment he heard the notification sound go off on his phone.

A: Morning

K: Hey. How r u?

A: Good. U?

K: Listen. About the other night. I didn't mean kiss you like that.

A: Wha?

K: I mean. I like kissing you. I don't think you're ugly or anything. It's just--

A: I get it. I'm glad you kissed me. I actually think you're cutest man in the world.

K: Thanks. What r u up to today?

A: Going to Weird Barbie's house later. She's having a party later. Well, it's really Sugar Daddy's
idea. Y?

K: Wanna come over so I can kiss you properly?

A: You're making me blush.

K: Good. I like seeing you blush. It's hot.

A: Stop it! Do you wanna go with me to Weird Barbie's party. You don't have to if you don't want

K: No. I'll come. I mean I'll go!


K: Now I'm blushing!

A: You look dashing when you're red all over.

K: Dashing? No one's ever called me that before.

A: I've always thought you looked rather dashing in whatever you do.

K: Careful. I might come over there, pick you up, and carry you back to my place. But I'll
wait til after the party.
Party Rock
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Ken and Allan collectively spent the entire day rummaging through their closets, hoping to find
something to wear for Weird Barbie's rave. Granted no one has ever been to a rave at Weird
Barbie's before so this will be a new experience for everyone.

Allan wanted to look his best for the night. He threw a bunch of clothes onto his bed and tried out
damn near all of them, but it still did seem right. Until he found what he was looking for. The
perfect outfit: a T-shirt with rainbow geometric designs, black ripped jeans, and the brightest lime
green sneakers he had. Pairing all of that with green sunglasses he was ready to go.

Ken, however, was having a worse time. A party at Weird Barbie's? How can anyone dress for
that? When Stereotypical Barbie was here, he had everything figured out. But now? Nevertheless,
he was determined to look better than anyone there. He was Ken after all.

Tonight was the night. All of Barbieland drove up the hill to Weird Barbie's house. The music
could be heard from even the lowest sector of the city, but the closer they, got the louder the music
became. To everyone's surprise, the rave was the wildest thing anyone has ever experienced. It was
refreshing to see everyone ditch their pastels for hot pinks and blindingly vibrant neons. There was
no disco ball or bedazzled sequins, only eye-catching ultraviolet lights. Thankfully everyone had
sunglasses on. Ken's hummer rolled up wearing his famous mink coat. Once inside, he took it off
to reveal a holographic muscle shirt and matching pants.

Ken walked in, prowling through the room like a lion in search of prey. He was in search of
someone in particular, but couldn't find him amongst this growing crowd. All those vile bodies
dancing around him in wild abandon

Ken stood on the balcony, looking down at Allan dance with the other Barbies and Kens. When
Barbie was here, he would get jealous watching her dance with the other Kens. But this time it was
different. He just watched his boyfriend dance. Boyfriend. That sounds nice.

"Why don't go down there and join them." Ken turned to see Weird Barbie standing behind him.

"He seems to be having a good time." Ken replied. "I don't wanna spoil it."

"I can see how you feel about him." Weird Barbie grabbed Ken's hands. "C'mon!" She said. "Let's
have some fun!"

Weird Barbie pulled Ken to the dance floor. She waited for the perfect opportunity to push him in
front of Allan. The two just stood there awkwardly for the briefest moment before pulling each
other close. In that moment the music died down and noise surrounding them melted away until it
felt like no one existed except them. The music soon morphed into something slow and sultry.
Allan and Ken crept closer to each other until they were inches away from the other.

"Let's go outside," Allan said. "It feels like a furnace in here."

Outside the snow was beginning to fall. Not in a shower, but in a soft drizzle. There was something
haunting beautiful about the night. The moon was at it's fullest, basking everything in a ghostly
glow. The subzero temperature didn't seem to bother the shy little redhead much.
"Ahh!" Allan said. "That's better!"

Can we go back inside." Ken asked. "I don't have my coat and It's fuckin freezing out here." Allan
found it cute whenever Ken swore.

"It's not that cold out here." Allan replied, throwing snow at him. "Don't be such a wuss." Ken got
up and playfully threw some snow back. The two chased each other the frozen garden until Ken's
arm found their way around Allan's waist. He held him closed, taking in his warm scent. His
budding curiosity was growing when the thought of having Allan in his house, being with him in
every way possible.

"Let me go!" Allan exclaimed but only wanted Ken to hold him tighter.

Ken just looked into Allan's chocolate brown eyes. He wanted to kiss him again, but properly this
time. But Allan was quicker than he looked and captured Ken's lips, subtly licking away the
snowflakes landing on his mouth. Suddenly Ken wasn't so cold anymore.

"You want to go home?" He asked.

Allan chuckled. He got him all hot and bothered.

"Not yet." Allan said, pushing Ken into a large pile of snow. "You need to cool off first."

Allan straddled Ken's lap, kissing him again. Let him freeze to death. Ken didn't care. Allan's body
would keep him warm.

"What has gotten into you?" Ken asked.

"I've always had a thing for you, Ken," Allan explained. "I've always had, but you liked Barbie, so
I stayed away.

Ken had no words. He indeed saw the hurt on Allan's face. "Do you want to make it up to me?"


"Take me home and I'll show you."

Chapter End Notes

Steamy chapters are on the way, guys.

Bring Me To Life

Ken and Allan left Weird Barbie's rave quietly. Everyone was too busy dancing and drinking to
notice their absence. Allan drove like a bat outta hell down the hill to Ken's house. The streets were
quiet with everyone either at Weird Barbie's or somewhere else. Going to the fireplace, Ken
quickly started a small fire.

"There," he said, " now it doesn't feel like an icebox in here." Allan' couldn't wait anymore. It was
if his hands had a mind of their own when they roamed up and down Ken's shoulders, causing Ken
to shiver a bit.

"You're shaking." He said

"Just hold me tighter."

Ken's mind, body, and soul were reeling from the way Allan's lips felt on his skin. The raging heat
that was burning within him was hot enough to melt the snow. When Allan's lips descended from
his mouth to that tender spot on his neck, Ken's baby blue eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy,
enjoying the sensation. Allan's lips trailed down his body, kissing his naked chest. Sweat began to
bead from Ken's neck and chest, gleefully followed the path Allan's lips laid out.

"Let's go upstairs." Ken managed to gasp out. "Please, I need you."

Allan shook his head. "No." He whispered.

"No?" Ken asked. "Why not?"

Allan kissed the lobe of Ken's ear and whispered, "It's too far." Those words alone sent Ken into a
frenzy. He grabbed Allan's shirt, wanting so desperately to rip it off his body, but the redhead
stopped him. "Here," he said. Allan took off all his clothing until he was as naked as the day he
was created. Granted, though he wasn't chiseled like Ken was, he was beautiful nonetheless. Allan
did possess some muscles, but his body was more that of an angel than an athlete. And the fiery
glow of the fire bouncing off his flawless alabaster skin made him even more so.

"You're beautiful!" Ken replied. He suddenly felt unworthy to be near such a creature, much less
look at him. However, Allan's kisses reassured him. Ken wanted so very much to make love to him
then and there.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered in the blonde's ear.

"With my life." Ken answered.

"Lay down then."

Ken obeyed and laid down on his living room floor, ready. Allan's hands snaked their way up
Ken's jeans, his fingers playfully teasing the large bulge that was there. "Hold up!" Ken said. "I
never did this before."

"You want me to stop?"

"No." He answered. "I'm just nervous, that's all."

Allan smiled, then whispered, "You're so cute when you're nervous. Don't be scared, lover. I'll take
good care of you."

He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them off his legs, exposing Ken's eager cock. Allan played with it
a little, admiring it, stroking it. Seconds passed before Ken's cock felt the glorious warmth of
Allan's mouth.

Ken prayed that he didn't wake up all of Barbieland with his moans, but what Allan was doing to
him felt like he entered heaven. Ken's fingers gripped his angel's red hair. Never had he felt
something so soft.

"Oh fuck!" He cried. "Allan, please!" Ken begged.

"What is it?"

Ken stared into Allan's eyes, his blue eyes darkening with land uttered those three words that he
had always wanted to hear, "I need you."

Allan leaned close to Ken's ear and whispered, "Turn over."

Ken eagerly obligated. He moaned and let his legs spread open further. Sthe lovers one final thing
before their journey home: lube. Allan fished the small bottle out of his jean pocket and pulled his
Ken’s hips up so his ass was exposed to him. Allan popped the cap of the lube off and coated his
fingers in the smooth, wet substance. Rubbing a well lubricated finger around his boyfriend's pink
hole, Ken moaned at the warm sensation. Allan slowly sunk one finger into the knuckle, before
pulling it out and pushing it back in.He began thrusting his fingers in and out, and scissoring them,
stretching Ken open.

“Allan!” Ken whimpered, “Please..”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes!" Allan reinsured Ken, kissing him softly. He pulled his fingers out of Ken’s hole and lubed
up his cock with the remains on his fingers. He slid Ken back on the couch and got on himself. He
kneeled in between his boyfriend's legs and lined the tip of his cock up with Ken's hole. He sucked
in a breath and pushed forward slowly.

Allan felt like he was entering the gates of heaven as the tip of his cock entered the soft, velvety
tightness of Ken's hole, entirely engulfed by the tight wet heat. He noticed the delightfully
delicious sounds Ken made and the way his back arched. Allan started to quicken the pace, his
hips thrusting against his lover. As for Ken, he was enjoying every minute of this. Allan was fierce
and untamable like a wild colt. Each thrust was sent him over the edge. Who knew the shy little
redhead was such a beast?

Allan growled in his ear, placing hickeys onto the blonde’s neck, branding him as his and his
alone. The other man moaned uncontrollably as his dick got impossibly harder.

"Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't stop!" He begged. This sent Ken over the edge, and with a loud
whine, he came all over the couch beneath him. Allan followed soon after, collapsing on top of
Ken. The pair rolled on the floor, coming down from the high of their love making.

"Where did you learn how to do all that?" Ken asked, twirling his fingers in Allan's hair.

"My curiosity got the better of me." He replied. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

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