My Heart Is Yours

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My Heart is Yours

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Barbie (Movie 2023)
Relationship: Allan/Ryan Gosling's Ken (Barbie 2023)
Character: Allan (Barbie 2023), Ryan Gosling's Ken (Barbie 2023), Margot
Robbie's Barbie (Barbie 2023), Midge (Barbie 2023)
Additional Tags: First Kiss, Not Beta Read, Developing Relationship, Walking In On
Someone, Pining, Mutual Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-08-04 Words: 4,186 Chapters: 1/1

My Heart is Yours
by chicascupcake


Allan hasn't exactly been the happiest since Stereotypical Barbie left for the real world. Not
because of all the changes, but because of a certain Ken that is still in love with Barbie.
Allan has no idea how to cope.


See the end of the work for notes

Barbieland had changed since Stereotypical Barbie left for the real world and Allan was absolutely
elated to witness it all. He was sick and tired of all the patriarchy talk that had been going around a
few months ago. It was refreshing to see Barbieland go back to the way it was before, if not better.

But Allan… wasn’t doing as great as the others. He obviously wanted to be happy, but his mood
had just been plummeting and he couldn’t do anything about it. He hated every second of it. Midge
had noticed, and no matter how much she pried at him to open up, he didn’t. He couldn’t . He
didn’t even know why he was so bummed out.

“Hey, Allan!” a voice — Ken’s voice — called out from his front door.

No, he did know why he was so bummed out recently. And he really did not wish to deal with his
thoughts at the moment, so he rushed over to the door and opened it with a strained smile. “Hi,

Ken beamed. He was fairly easy to cheer up nowadays. He didn’t think about Barbie as much as he
used to, which was great for him. Allan was happy for him. And maybe Allan was a little happy
for himself, too. Ken had been spending a lot more time with him once Barbie left. He used to
blabber on and on about how much he missed her (mind you, he still did it occasionally), but he
wasn’t entirely codependent on her anymore. And with Allan’s help, he was able to find himself.

They used to hang out a lot more back then, but they eventually just stopped . Well, Ken stopped,
really. Allan never stopped trying. Allan would always wave good morning to him and give him
pep talks whenever he was upset that Barbie wouldn’t pay any attention to him. Ken was always so
wrapped up in winning Barbie over or patriarchy or beaching off the other Kens that he completely
disregarded his friend. Allan tried not to take too much offense in it, but sometimes it still hurt.

“So, I was thinking we could go rollerblading today.” Ken paused momentarily. “Hey — do you
know how to rollerblade?”

Allan shook his head.

“Oh, I could show you how! It’s really easy once you get the hang of it. It was pretty hard when I
first tried it out, and I ended up falling on my face a lot , but I got it… eventually!”

Allan loved how Ken’s face lit up when he spoke about something he was ecstatic about. His grin
looked divine in the sunlight. “Sure, buddy. I’d love that.”

They had begun to call each other buddy now. It was an old, withheld nickname that had been
forgotten, but Ken brought it up again a few days ago. It was nice.

“I brought you a pair, by the way.” Ken mentioned. He handed the pair to Allan. Allan looked
down and noticed that Ken already had his own rollerblades on. Allan quickly shrugged his shoes
off and changed.

He didn’t have to worry about Ken’s rollerblades not fitting him since he can fit into any of Ken’s
clothes. Ken probably didn’t think much of sharing his clothes with Allan, but Allan thought it was
thoughtful. He also liked the scent of Ken that lingered on his clothing.

“Okay, let’s go.” Allan said.

They left Allan’s house and Ken had to hold onto Allan in a side hug so that Allan wouldn’t fall.
Allan considered faking his ability to rollerblade just to get Ken to hold him longer, especially
since he looked incredibly attractive with his unbuttoned shirt, but he cast that notion aside. Ken
was just his friend and nothing else, so Allan needed to start acting like they were just that.

They rolled all the way to a grassy area that was mostly secluded- there weren’t many people or
buildings there. Allan tripped as he tried to lower himself to the ground, landing on his back.

“Allan, you alright?” Ken chuckled. He smoothly sat down in one motion beside Allan, briefly
rubbing his shoulder.

“Mm-hmm.” he croaked. He didn’t bother getting up. After a beat, Ken laid beside him. Their
shoulders were only just touching each other, but it sent sparks down Allan’s spine regardless. He
side-eyed Ken to make sure he wasn’t looking, and when he found out he wasn’t, he turned his
head to admire him.

Frankly, he wasn’t sure how Ken wasn’t currently in a relationship. He was handsome, had a toned
torso, and had a great personality. He was Stereotypical Ken, for God’s sake! How Barbie had
continuously rejected him, he had no clue. He was practically an angel sent from the heavens.
Allan wanted nothing more than to feel his entire body and envelop his mouth into a kiss. He
would be as patient as Ken wanted. But, realistically, Ken wouldn’t want that. Still, it didn’t stop
him from thinking about how he wanted to cup that stupidly striking face in his hands and kiss him


Allan then realized he zoned out while staring at Ken . “That’s me.” Maybe humor would de-
escalate the situation. Allan met Ken’s eyes but looked away promptly.

“Um, I’ve been thinking about Barbie.”



“I don’t think I ever loved her. Romantically, I mean.”

Allan immediately glanced at Ken, then did a double take with wide eyes. Was this really the same
Ken that would wait outside Barbie’s house every night, attempting to flirt his way into a kiss or to
stay the night?

Ken wasn’t focusing on Allan anymore. I thought I was in love with her because we were kind of
made together. As a duo, y’know? We were, like, advertised as a couple. So we played our parts.
But I guess Barbie noticed how fake it felt before I did, and I just thought she lost interest. That
was never the case, though.”

Allan could relate to that. He and Midge were advertised as a couple, which quickly escalated into
them marrying each other and Midge becoming pregnant. Fortunately, they had realized they
weren’t into each other early on in the whole relationship. They still held onto that label, but it was
mainly for the public. Neither of them were ready to admit they weren’t what Mattel designed
them to be.

Ken turned back to Allan with a weak smile. Allan closed his gaping mouth when Ken began to
speak again. “I never paid romantic attention to anyone else because of it. I really want someone,
Allan, but I don’t think we’re compatible. But I’m willing to at least admit my feelings to them
soon, even if they don’t like me in the same way.”

Well, there went Allan’s dreams. But he kept a friendly face, afraid of Ken thinking he isn’t happy
for his best friend. “That’s great, Ken! I’m glad you finally know what you truly want. You’re very
brave for wanting to do that.” Allan had to keep himself from grimacing when he heard Ken thank
him. He didn’t want Ken to thank him. But even if Ken did want Allan, he wouldn’t try and take
him from Midge. He had no idea that Allan was not interested in her in the least. They didn’t talk
often, mostly interacting in their home, but nobody paid enough attention to realize how frequently
they weren’t together.

“It’ll be getting dark soon.” Ken said.


“We should head home.”


But neither of them got up. Not until Allan spoke up. “You know, you never taught me how to

Ken gasped and immediately sat up. “You’re right! Get up, Allan! It’s time for Coach Ken to teach
you his ways.” Allan snickered and took Ken’s hand when he offered it. Allan got shot up and
would’ve fallen if it were not for Ken grabbing his waist. He carefully guided Allan towards the
walkway and all Allan could think about was how he could get used to Ken holding him like that.
It felt natural, like his hands were modeled to hold Allan.

“Okay, so if you want to have the correct posture, you’re gonna wanna squat down and separate
your feet—perfect! You’re a natural, Allan!”

Allan flushed at the compliment, though the pose was a bit embarrassing. He looked like the Easter
Bunny preparing to lay a few eggs.

“Alright, try to walk now.” Allan obeyed and walked in the Easter Bunny position very slowly.
“Great, Allan! Fasten your pace when you’re comfortable.”

Ken was skating beside him, contributing compliments along the way. Allan slowly but surely got
the hang of it, just like Ken said he would. He was eternally grateful that he had Ken there to
prevent him from falling on his face. He would not be thrilled to have his teeth knocked out

“You’re really talented. It took me at least a few days to stop falling down, and another few days to
move without wobbling around.” Ken gushed.

“Aw, you don’t mean that. I’ve wobbled a lot.”

“Yeah, but you’ve made so much progress, man!”

Allan couldn’t help but crack a smile. “Thanks, Ken.” he beamed. Ken’s cheeks were tinted a
pretty pink from skating, and Allan wondered how much pinker it would look when he was

Once they arrived at Allan's home, Ken seemed hesitant to enter. Allan took his rollerblades off
and gave them back to Ken.

Ken pushed them away. “You can keep them.” Allan raised a questioning eyebrow. “I thought
maybe we could rollerblade some more another day. And you should practice.”

“Um, thanks.”

Ken nodded but didn’t make any other advance to leave. Allan awkwardly looked anywhere but at

“I’m sorry, Allan. I’m so sorry.” Ken suddenly cried out, promptly rushing up to cling to Allan like
he was his lifeline. Allan quietly gasped and wrapped an arm around his shoulder and back. He
ungainly patted his back, though it probably didn’t help.

“Hey, you’re okay, Ken. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Allan reassured him.

“But I did!” he sobbed. “I left you in the dust and I know we were supposed to be buddies but I just
left you like you didn’t mean anything to me and I’m sorry! You mean the world to me, Allan, and
— and when I started the patriarchy I just made you and all the other Kens follow me around like I
brought a great thing here. I could tell you hated it but I still didn’t ask how…I’m sorry, I’m-”

“Slow down, Ken. Breathe.” Allan’s shirt was slowly but surely gaining wet spots, but he didn’t
mind. He hadn’t expected Ken to bluntly break down like this. He must have been holding it in for
a while. It wasn’t like he had any other friends to talk to. They were mostly just acquaintances, or
“frenemies,” as Ken liked to call some of them.
Allan could hear Ken’s breathing steadily return to normal so that he was no longer
hyperventilating. Ken was still crying but didn’t pull away. He hiccuped and gripped onto Allan
even tighter and before.

“Can you look at me?” Allan asked. Ken shook his head no. “Alright, well, can we move
somewhere else? I don’t think the door should be left open right now.” Ken nodded and Allan
stretched his arm out to close the door. Ken, once seeing Allan struggle, quickly took his
rollerblades off and rushed off to the couch with a huff. His head was casted down so that Allan
wouldn’t be able to look at his face.

Allan silently sat down beside him, pondering his mind for what to say. He made sure to leave
quite a few inches in between them. He was surprised when Ken spoke first.

“I’m an asshole.”

Allan winced. “No, you’re not. You’re a better person than you were a few months ago.”

Ken pulled his knees up and rested his head down. “Yeah, but I never apologized to you or… I
don’t know. I feel like a terrible person. We’ve been hanging out for so long and I haven’t even
brought it up yet. What’s wrong with me?”

“Terrible people don’t acknowledge their wrongdoings. Nothing’s wrong with you. Plus, you've
apologized before.”

Ken raised his head and giggled. “You sound so professional.” But the laughs soon turned into
sobs, and he cast his head down again.

“Hey, no — look at me, Ken. You’re not a bad person. Everyone makes mistakes, the humans
taught us that.” Allan said as he rested a hand on Ken’s shoulder. “And I forgive you. I forgave you
a long time ago.”

“You shouldn’t. You don’t have to forgive me.” Ken mumbled.

“But I do. You’re my best friend. I care for you a lot more than you think, Ken.” Which was true,
considering Allan had been in love with him for longer than he could keep track of.

Ken sniffled and turned to look at Allan. Allan met him with a comforting smile that made Ken
reciprocate. Ken looked so pretty when he smiled. Allan wanted to make him content for all of
eternity. He hated seeing him so miserable.

“I’m sorry for not asking you about, um… how sad you looked these past few weeks. Are you
okay?” Ken asked.

Allan dropped his smile and frowned. Was he okay? He hung out with his best friend all the time,
and he was always happy when he was with Ken. Right?

“Ken… Do you remember when you were talking about how you and Barbie were advertised as a
couple so you thought you were in love with her?”

Ken looked wholly confused, but nodded regardless.

“Well, Midge and I aren’t — you know. We don’t…”“You’re not in love with her.” Ken realized.
Allan flinched — he hadn’t expected to tell anyone this information, especially this early. He
couldn’t hold eye contact with Ken anymore.
“Bingo.” he feebly laughed. “We realized early on in the relationship. But Mattel had us marry, and
soon Midge became pregnant, so we were nervous to tell everyone we weren’t together. Nobody
had ever gone against what Mattel designed us to be until Barbie went to the real world, and I
just…” Allan paused before he could admit he was in love with the very person that was sitting
next to him.

“Well, that’s great, I think. I don’t think anyone will judge.” Ken remarked.

“Yeah, but…” Oh God, was Allan really about to admit he was in love with Ken? “I’m in love
with someone else, and I feel like they’d be upset to know I was lying to them.”


Was Ken upset? Was he upset that Allan was a no-good liar? Oh, he knew that telling Ken would
be a bad idea. Allan cautiously looked back at Ken to confirm his suspicions, and Ken looked
rather distressed. Allan was definitely the stupidest person to exist in Barbieland. He mentally
scolded himself for it until Ken spoke again.

“I don’t think they’d be mad. I mean, I’m not upset that you lied. You were just scared. I get that.”
he mused.

Okay, great, he wasn’t mad. But Allan still couldn’t tell him. Ken was in love with someone else,
and no matter what Allan could say or do, he couldn’t change that fact. Why did Allan’s life have
to be so damn complicated?

Ken suddenly took one of Allan’s hands in his own and stared at their interlocked fingers. “Can I
tell you something?”
Allan unsurely muttered a small, “Yeah.” Why were they holding hands? Ken wasn’t going to —
no, he wouldn’t.

Ken looked up at him. “This might change things, though. Are you sure?”

Allan gulped and nodded, acutely aware of how his face was burning up. Ken put his legs back on
the ground before he spoke.

“I’m in love with you. That someone I was talking about earlier was you. I mean, I didn’t want to
make it sound like it was you, so I said that that ‘someone’ wasn't ready. I thought you liked Midge
so I didn’t want to interfere. And I guess I’ve been feeling way too guilty to even hint at it. But I’d
feel bad if you didn’t know.”

Okay. Was Allan dreaming? He had to be dreaming. Ken would never say something like that.
Would he?

Allan slapped himself to make sure he was in reality. A burning pain erupted from his right cheek
— yup, not dreaming. He looked at Ken who looked absolutely mortified.

“Sorry! Sorry, um — I had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.” he sputtered. “But, for the record, I
do like you, too. Love, I mean. I love you, too.”

And there, the secret was out. But instead of Ken reacting in a way Allan thought he would, he
slapped himself. Allan stared at him quizzingly.

“Had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.” Ken chuckled. They both laughed and Allan scooted a bit
closer to Ken. He stopped moving once he could feel their thighs touching.
“Wait, so when you said you were in love with someone earlier, were you talking about me?”
Allan had to stifle his urge to laugh at Ken’s oblivious question.

“Yeah.” he chortled, because he couldn’t hold it in once seeing how Ken’s face lit up. He was a
gorgeous man. He couldn’t believe Ken liked him.

“So why’d you think I’d be upset with you?”

Great. Allan’s insecurities were about to get exposed. “Uh, I just — You didn’t talk to me that
much back then, so at some point I assumed you were upset with me. And it kept escalating, or
something, so when I realized I liked you, I freaked out and now that I’m saying this out loud, it
sounds really stupid.”

“No, no, it’s not stupid. I wish I could go back in time to stop me from drifting away from you. It
was selfish of me and I don’t know why I never thought to check in on my best friend — best
friend? What are we now?” Ken rambled.

Allan was hesitant to answer. “Boyfriends?”

“We’re boyfriends, then? That’s fine with you?”

“Yeah.” Allan was more than fine with it.

“Well, I’m sorry, Allan. You really don’t have to forgive me.”

“It’s okay. I still forgive you.”

Regardless of how monotonous Allan’s last sentence was, his face was actively burning up. This
had escalated quickly. If he had told his past self from an hour ago that he’d be in a relationship
with the Ken he’s had a crush on for ages, he would’ve howled with laughter in Allan’s face.

“Well, if we’re boyfriends, then I’d very much like to kiss you, boyfriend .” Ken grinned.

Holy shit. Allan completely forgot about the kissing aspect of a relationship. Everything felt like a
dream all over again, but Allan had to resist himself from slapping his face like he did before,
because he was absolutely certain this wasn’t a dream now. Ken, his Ken , was in love with him
and wanted to kiss him. And hearing Ken say it straight up to his face made Allan’s insides feel all
mushy, like they were moldable.

So Allan grabbed both sides of Ken’s face and leaned in, and wow , their lips were touching and
the sensation felt electric . When Ken slowly led Allan down so that he could lay down on top of
Ken, Allan tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Allan could taste the chapstick that Ken wore. It was
cherry flavored and that just made Allan’s desire for Ken go up in flames.

Ken snaked one arm around Allan’s waist and another on his head. He began playing with Allan’s
hair, so Allan couldn’t help but lick Ken’s bottom lip to be allowed entrance into his mouth. His
tongue immediately went in and explored Ken’s mouth, tonguing every area he could reach.
Allan’s hands roamed around Ken’s body, eventually resting over Ken’s pecs.

When they finally let go of each other, Allan didn’t move his face very far from Ken’s. He decided
to admire Ken up close. His lips were swollen and just as pink as his cheeks were. His eyes were
half-lidded, and he looked like he was lost in thought about something.

“You’re so beautiful.” Allan murmured through heavy breaths.

Ken blushed and ducked his head down, but Allan could spot a smile. “How long have you liked
me for?” Ken asked.

“Oh, a while. I think it was just before we stopped being best friends.” Ken’s smile faltered a bit at
the mention of the incident. It’d take a lot of talking to get him to stop feeling guilty about it.
“What about you?”
“Mm, I’m not exactly sure how long I’ve liked you for, but I, like, actually realized it a few
months ago.”

Allan smirked as he collapsed onto Ken to hug him. He wrapped his arms around Ken’s waist, and
it was a nice waist. A really nice waist. Allan traced Ken’s abs with his finger, eager to finally be
able to touch him. He must have been blessed by some sort of superior being for this to have



“I want to kiss you again.” Allan immediately got up and smiled at Ken, tenderly leaning in. The
gentle start made no difference in the intensity of their kiss as their tongues clashed in a battle for

They abruptly got up when they heard the door opening. Well, Allan was the only one who got up.
Ken was stuck laying down on the couch as Allan was straddling him.

Midge looked utterly bewildered.

“Hey, Midge.” Allan quavered.

Midge giggled before covering her mouth with her hands. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you! It’s
just… you finally told Ken how you feel, oh my gosh! Whoop whoop! You did it!”

Allan had no idea if he wanted to laugh or cry. Looking down, he could see Ken’s face more
flushed than he had ever seen, which was when he finally registered he was straddling Ken in front
of Midge . He quickly got off and stood up so that Ken could finally sit up.

“Thanks, Midge. Now, if you could just…” Allan motioned towards the door.

“Right! Sorry! Have fun! Congrats! Treat him well, Ken.” she cheered as she stepped out of the

Allan looked back at Ken with an apologetic expression.

“So, um…” Ken started, but Allan jumped back onto Ken and landed a soft peck on his lips.

“She’s happy for us. She’s the one who helped me realize I like you.” Allan gingerly said.

“That’s great.”


Allan laid his head on Ken’s chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

“Can we lay down somewhere else? This couch is, like, way too small for us.” Ken said.

Allan got up and took Ken’s hand, leading him to Allan’s bedroom. They collapsed onto the bed
with muffled chuckles.

“Wanna sleep over?” Allan asked.

Ken turned over to look at the ceiling. “I thought that was already established.”

“Well, not vocally. So do you wanna?”

“Heck yeah.”


Allan rolled over and looked at Ken, who was already doing the same. His cheeks were still lightly
dusted pink from the activities that had pursued just minutes ago. It was insane how much Allan’s
life changed in a mere day. He had never really expected this day to come — it truly felt like it was
too good to be true. Because, really, how could he believe he was laying down beside the love of
his life after they had a makeout session. It didn’t even bother him that Midge walked in, because
now they’d no longer have to hide their true selves and Allan finally got the man of his dreams.

“Hey, Allan?” Ken murmured.


“That was the first time I’ve ever kissed somebody on the lips.”

Allan could feel his face heating up at that statement. “So, I’m… I’m your first?”

Ken nodded, a small smile present on his face. “I’m glad it was you. I wouldn’t have it any other

Allan brought his face up to Ken’s and kissed him again, because why not? Ken was extremely
pleasant to kiss, and he was a quick learner. For someone that was relatively new to kissing, he sure
was good at it. He was still awkward with it, but it just endeared Allan even more. He could feel
his lips curl up into a smile and he pulled away.

“So, we’re telling everyone tomorrow?” Allan inquired.

“Well, I don’t mind when we tell everyone. What about you? Are you ready?”
Allan didn’t even need to think before saying “yes”. He was ready to be his true, authentic self. He
didn’t want to hide anymore.

“Okay. I love you.” Ken said as he turned to hug Allan.

“I love you, too.” Allan replied. Before falling asleep in his boyfriend’s ( boyfriend’s !) arms, he
couldn’t help his life had changed for the better. It was absolutely miraculous how it all happened
so quickly.

For the first time in months, Allan slept soundly.

End Notes


Sort of. at 2:14.

English isn't my first language and I feel like it shows exceptionally well in this fic. Sorry if
that bothers you, lol!

To be honest, I have NO IDEA how to rollerblade. I kind of copied down the steps from a
Wikihow page.

Kudos, comments, and tips are always appreciated!

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