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Um... Ken? Did you mean to give this to me?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Barbie (Movie 2023)
Relationship: Ryan Gosling's Ken/Simu Liu's Ken (Barbie 2023)
Character: Ryan Gosling's Ken (Barbie 2023), Simu Liu's Ken (Barbie 2023)
Additional Tags: Other Barbies and Kens are also there but just kind of in the
background, Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, Boys Kissing,
Boys Being Boys, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Semi-
Public Sex, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, My First Smut,
Rape/Non-con Elements, but still kind of, but not really, Fluff
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-08-11 Completed: 2023-08-20 Words: 14,664
Chapters: 2/2

Um... Ken? Did you mean to give this to me?

by CharlieMarr


After coming back from the Real-World, Stereotypical Ken begins to spread the word of
patriarchy, unknowing that some of the books he brought back aren't what he thought they

basically Ryan's Ken gives Simu's Ken a book on porn and porn ensues. have fun.


Mattel do not sue me I don't own, nor do I sponsor these characters

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

Patriarchy was amazing. Men ruled the world alongside horses. Or horses ruled the world, and the
Kens of the world helped them. Either way, this was incredible. Stereotypical Ken had to share this
with the others.

But how to share one book among the hundreds of Kens. Hmmm difficult. If Mathematician
Barbie were here, she could tell him what to do. Or would he be telling her what to do because of
patriarchy. Interesting.

“Excuse me sir? Will that be the only book you are checking out with us today?”

A real-world Barbie had just asked him a question. Because she respects him. Because of
Patriarchy. Stereotypical Ken had never felt so powerful before.

Turning to this young, respectful Barbie, Stereotypical Ken flashed a winning smile (although the
Barbie seemed to look at him like he was crazy, maybe his smile was too small. Weird). Must be
another sign of respect, should I look weirdly at her? I’ll just keep smiling for now. Don’t want
Stereotypical Barbie getting jealous.

“I can get more than one?”

“Um... yeah, you can check out as many books as you need sir.”

“Hmmm… I see” Stereotypical Ken’s eyes were now ablaze as they darted all over the building.

I bet because of Patriarchy I could take this whole room with me, every book. Might be heavy
though. I could totally lift it though. I have, like, the best muscles. And this real-world Barbie
would just let me. Because she respects me so much. And looks at me weirdly. Now how do I lift a

While Ken was thinking about this it suddenly occurred to him. While he could definitely (not)
carry this entire building of books on his perfectly toned back, and roller blade it back to
Barbieland; he had kind of just learnt how to read/process knowledge. Meaning when he takes it all
back the other Kens will have only just learnt to read/process knowledge. That could hurt the other
Kens. It was only because he was a superior Ken, cause he had been to the real world and was
incredible at Beach, that he had picked this all up so fast and completely accurately (yes, those
words together are definitely correct).

Deciding to only take the essential books back with him, Stereotypical Ken ran down all the isles,
picking only the books with the words “Patriarchy”, “Men and World” together, “Horses” or any
book with a picture of a horse on it, Ooo this one is called Spirit, I bet this is about the Spirit of
Patriarchy, and the horse looks so cool, he definitely is in charge; or really any book that looked
positive to a man on the cover. Only the cover, cause the cover told us everything we would need
from a book, and nothing else.

Now balancing the hundreds of books in an oddly shaped pile in his arms (think the dad from
Horton Hears a Who with the glasses of water) Stereotypical Ken was finally ready to “check out”,
whatever that meant. I can definitely roller blade and ride a bike like this.

Walking past the last shelf, Stereotypical Ken suddenly stops. Though he has all the books he
could ever really need about men, horses and patriarchy, there was one fully red book that caught
his attention on this shelf.
Title: “How to Please your Man”

A book about pleasing men. Pleasing Kens. Perfect. The picture looked like a man sitting on a
really comfy chair, that looked like it could also recline, Ken suddenly felt like he would enjoy
having a chair that looked like that; and a woman, who kind of looked like Physicist-Barbie but in
a small black and white dress. She looked nice. He bet Physicist-Barbie would look good in it too,
maybe he should tell her to wear one when he got back. She would probably love that, not having
to worry about what to wear and just being told by a man instead. O yeah. This is going to be great.

(Somehow, I really don’t know how) Stereotypical Ken grabbed this final book and made his way
to “check-out”, which he assumed just meant leave, it did have the word “out” in it.

So, with dramatic music playing in his head, (and the scream yelling of the real-world Barbie
saying something about a lib-bu-a-rry card) Stereotypical Ken set off on his epic journey back to


Upon his return Stereotypical Ken ordered an emergency meeting on the Beach. At first the other
Kens were confused why a giant stack of books in a Star Vette were giving them orders, until they
realised Stereotypical Ken was under all the books, somehow driving Barbie’s car. Also why was a
Ken giving orders, and where was Barbie.

Despite these questions, the Barbies and Kens did, for some reason unknown to them, follow Ken
and the car of books too the plastic Beach.

It was there Stereotypical Ken informed them all on the truth that was patriarchy. They hung onto
his every word. He had never felt so powerful.

The Kens were pumped and the Barbies, the Barbies looked like they were slowly coming to terms
with this in a way that made them act all happy. Like more happy than usual, but happy and nice
towards the Kens...? It was strange, but also great. Patriarchy was solving everything in
Barbieland, and everyone was respecting Stereotypical Ken. Hell yeah!

“Go Kens, take my amazing findings, and spread patriarchy throughout Barbieland. Surfer Ken,
Scuba-Diver Ken, Olympic Swimmer Ken, go inform the Mer-Kens and Mer-Barbies of this, let
everyone know about Patriarchy. Come on!” Fist raise, just cause it felt right in the moment,
Stereotypical Ken’s words were greeted with cheers and excited running.

Everyone was listening and doing as Stereotypical Ken said, as he said it. This was incredible. This
was Patriarchy. As a man he was now in charge and had amazing power. Nothing could ruin this

“Wow Ken, gotta say, this is new. You leading people. Making rules and orders. And after just
coming back from the real-world, by yourself. With all those books. Must have been really hard.
Shame Barbie wasn’t there to help you. But let’s face it, we both know I could have done it better.
Finding patriarchy, could have done it faster. Bringing books, could have brought more. But hey,
you must feel great, you know, for doing all you could do.”

Pompadour Ken.

Though it sounded like he was giving compliments, there was a tone to his voice that made it seem
like not only did he not mean what he was saying, but he meant the opposite and was saying it to
hurt Ken. Which he probably was. Trying to hurt Stereotypical Ken.
And he had succeeded. Flushed, Stereotypical Ken turned towards is rival’s mocking smile. But
now, because of patriarchy, and people doing as he said, Stereotypical Ken felt powerful, and he
was going to tell Pompadour Ken exactly what he thought. Yeah!

“Yeah well, you didn’t go to the real world. You were too scared. But I went. And there, people
respected me. One lady asked me the time. Another one called me sir. It was magical. And you
weren’t there. Were you.”

With each word Stereotypical Ken had taken a step towards Pompadour Ken, till they were now
inches apart. Stereotypical Ken didn’t care he was in Pompadour Ken’s space, or that he was now
realising Pompadour Ken was ever so slightly taller than him. He puffed out his chest. Flexed
whatever he could to make himself look big and tough. And grabbed the closest book he could
reach from Barbie’s car and pressed it hard against Pompadour Ken’s perfectly shaped pec.

“So why don’t you, and your pompadour, go spread the word of patriarchy. The thing I


Pompadour Ken had frozen slightly at Stereotypical Ken’s outburst and had done a weird jerk thing
with his body when Stereotypical Ken had placed his hand (on top of a book) on Pompadour Ken’s
body. Now Pompadour Ken’s hand had slowly moved to cover the other Ken’s hand. Probably just
to grab the book, the book Stereotypical Ken was still holding against his rival’s incredibly toned
chest. Their hands brushed against each other as Stereotypical Ken retracted his and Pompadour
Ken grabbed the book. They now were just kind of staring at each other.

This felt awkward. This was an awkward moment. And why was Stereotypical Ken’s hand warm
and buzzy where Pompadour Ken had touched it? And why were they still staring at each other?
And were they always this close? With the anger and ranting over, Stereotypical Ken wondered
why Pompadour Ken was still allowing him to be in his space, it felt weird, like he was feeling that
consciousness towards himself Barbie had talked about.

They really were really close. This was weird.

Pompadour Ken was the first to break eye contact, looking away with a slight cough to break
whatever tension the two felt had been building. “Yeah… whatever man… no need to get so
emotional.” With that Pompadour Ken turned and strutted coolly off the beach. His toned back and
perky butt looking snug in his beach shorts, bouncing slightly with each step, Why am I thinking
that, still tightly clasping his red covered book.


“Hey… Um… Ken… Why did you give me this?”

Urgh, Pompadour Ken. Why did he always have to show up when Stereotypical Ken was feeling

It had either been a few hours, a few days, or a few weeks since Stereotypical Ken’s return to
Barbieland (soon to be re-named Kendom Land), time worked weirdly here. But a lot had changed
since then. The Barbie’s had unanimously decided to give their Dream-Houses to the Kens,
making them their Mojo Dojo Kasa Houses. Each Ken now had his own Kentastic Ken-truck-
mobile. And the Barbies were now listening and doing whatever the Kens wanted. Even as Ken
reminisced about this, he could see the former-Supreme-Court-Barbies were dancing across from
him on the beach for the Kens as they played all their sports.
This is perfect. This is Patriarchy. I’m so glad I did this. Nothing could rui-

“Um… Ken? You listening to me man?”

Oh, right Pompadour Ken, why was he here again?

Stereotypical Ken finally turned away from his sand sculpture of the Spirit Horse he had read
about, Man that horse was so cool, to face his rival.

Stereotypical Ken hadn’t actually seen Pompadour Ken since their standoff a few
hours/days/weeks ago. According to a few other Kens, Pompadour Ken had been alone, reading
the book Stereotypical Ken had given him, like a lot.

It had been nice, Pompadour Ken leaving him alone, but also kind of strange. Like whenever
former-Physicist-Barbie (now wearing the black and white outfit Stereotypical Ken had
recommended to her. He knew she would like that) complemented him, he always half expected
Pompadour Ken to be there and say something snarky or laugh at him. But he wasn’t there. And
that made Stereotypical Ken feel weird. Like sad. Because he was expecting this one thing to
happen. And it didn’t happen. Which … let down… Stereotypical Ken. Was that right? Had he

“Dude. Seriously. Focus. Why did you give me this?”

Damn! Got lost in thought again. What were we talking about. Probably nothing too important. Ok
Ken you got this. Just don’t let him figure out you have no idea what we are talking about.


Double Damn!

Pompadour Ken signed. He was visibly starting to get annoyed with the other Ken’s lack of basic

“I am going to say this really slow so you can understand, ok.”

“That would be great.”

“Ok” Pompadour Ken took a deep breath, centered himself, avoided the urge to hit Stereotypical
Ken, and began. “Nod if you are following.”



















On the last word Pompadour Ken had held the book in front of Stereotypical Ken’s face. How to
Please your Man. Stereotypical Ken remembered grabbing this book. It was the one with former-
Physicist-Barbie on the front.


Ok so here was the thing.

Stereotypical Ken hadn’t read that book. To be fair he hadn’t read most of the books he brought.
He knows for a fact that they all have to do with patriarchy but hadn’t gotten around to reading all
of them. And he definitely hadn’t read the one Pompadour Ken is showing him now.

But that was because Pompadour Ken had had it this whole time. Otherwise, he definitely would
have read it.

But now Pompadour Ken was looking to him for answers.

Not going to lie. Stereotypical Ken kind of liked the power he had of Pompadour Ken right now.

But that was a different thing to what was happening right now. Which was Pompadour Ken.
Looking at him. For answers. About a book he hasn’t read. And randomly gave it to him. Because
it was the first one he grabbed. When ranting. At Pompadour Ken. And Stereotypical Ken has no
idea what is in it. Or what it is about, besides Patriarchy.

This might be bad.

Because Pompadour Ken looks serious.

And kind of …mad?

He was definitely red.

And is still waiting for him to say something.

Which he hasn’t yet.

Still just staring at the book.

Ok Ken. You can do this. Just make something up. Whatever you say he will have to believe. Just
be confident when you say it. Ok. We got this. No pressure. “How to Please your Man.” It’s about
pleasing men. Making them happy. Making them feel respected. Making them feel good. Very
useful book. I got this.

And with that, Stereotypical Ken knew exactly what he was going to say. The perfect thing to say.

Looking now from the book to the still expectant face of Pompadour Ken with all the fake
confidence he could muster, Stereotypical Ken unleashed his perfect-totally-not-lies-because-he-
definitely-knows-whats-in-the-red-book words into the space between them.

“I gave you … that book … because I want us to do that stuff.”



“You know. Because of patriarchy we no longer have to fight for Barbies. Because they’ll be
fighting for us. So, I gave you … that book… so you could learn how to “please men.” So we
could please each other. And not have to be so mean to each other. Duh. I mean it’s totally obvious
when you think about it.”

Nailed it!
Continuation~ (smut ensues)
Chapter Summary

Smut chapter as promised.

Just a couple of dudes with their feelings.

Chapter Notes

Smut as Promised.

Massive chapter. So many feels. all the feels


See the end of the chapter for more notes

What Stereotypical Ken had just said had definitely changed the atmosphere between the two.

At least Pompadour Ken no longer looked mad.

He was still red though; he had actually gotten a lot redder when Stereotypical Ken had stopped

And he looked …shocked?

Stereotypical Ken knew that was the right word for the expression Pompadour Ken was making,
but there seemed to be multiple variations (big word for Ken) of the “shocked expression” fighting
for dominance over his chiseled face.

The first was a shocked look at Stereotypical Ken for what he had just said, the second being a
shocked look at the book, and then a shocked look around to see if the other Barbies or Kens (or
Allan) had heard any of their conversation. Then back to looking shocked at Stereotypical Ken.

Just keep smiling Ken. This might be a weird reaction but just keep looking confident. He is
probably just shocked that you would want to make him happy. Because he’s your rival. And you
aren’t usually nice to each other. But maybe you can be. You have been somewhat… missing …him
recently. Maybe this isn’t such a lie. I’m sure if we follow the book’s instructions, we can learn
how to please each other. Yeah. For sure. This is going to work. Just don’t stop smiling.

“Can you stop smiling at me like that … like for a second.”

“Oh, um… yeah sure man. No problem.”

Ok. Weird. Keep Looking Confident though.

Pompadour Ken was still looking all over the place, figuratively and physically. “And stop looking
like… that … how can you just say … that… suggest that.., and look so ok?!”
“I really don’t see what the big deal is. I think I really just want to make you happy.” (Oh, you
poor, poor, innocent Ken)

“… Look … just” Pompadour Ken was beginning to lose his redness, but still had an unnatural
pink glowing from his … everywhere. “Just give me a minute all right.”

Stereotypical Ken didn’t say anything, looking slightly to the side to avoid staring at Pompadour
Ken anymore. He seemed pretty fazed by what Stereotypical Ken had said, like all his usual
confidence and swagger had left him. He looked so vulnerable, uncomfortable even, it had
Stereotypical Ken feeling … guilty, making the other Ken feel bad about himself had never gone
this far before, he himself had never felt bad in the process either, but he was in too deep to admit
the truth now.

“…are you… *cough* … Are you being serious right now. Do you… actually want this….?”
Seeming calmer after his minute of quiet thought, Pompadour Ken gestured between the two of
them, now turned fully to model Stereotypical Ken’s fake-confident stance. Looking earnestly at
Stereotypical Ken, so many emotions all dancing in his eyes. Like every guard, mask, or wall ever
made by the other Ken had just disappeared, leaving Stereotypical Ken to only stare at this new
Ken in front of him. So vulnerable. So expectant. Whatever he said now, in this moment, he felt
was going to be big.

If I stopped now, how mad would he be? Would admitting the truth now hurt him? Do I want that?

Despite how Pompadour Ken had acted towards him in the past, Stereotypical Ken didn’t think he
could bring himself to hurt the other Ken, at least not as much as this situation made him feel he
would. That is, if he said the wrong thing.

Or the truth. This was so hard for Stereotypical Ken. Wasn’t lying supposed to make problems

Looking at Pompadour Ken, Stereotypical Ken just couldn’t do it. Tell him the truth that is.
Despite all the emotions flashing in his now-actually-because-I-have-been-staring-at-them-so-
much-kind-of-beautiful-in-a-warm-chocolate-way eyes, all of them seemed to be telling him that
saying Yes to whatever was about to happen, … would make Pompadour Ken happy. That is what
he wanted right. That is what the book was about. Despite the fact that it was this Ken, and
Stereotypical Ken still hadn’t even read the book, Stereotypical Ken still felt as though … doing
this … making Pompadour Ken happy … would also make him happy… in a way. This felt like a
big gamble. But for some unknown reason, Stereotypical Ken wanted to try his odds. Why did this
still feel so weird though? What was in that damn book?

“Um, yeah man… if you want to that is.”

No going back now Ken. Whatever happens, just let it happen. … And make sure you look cool
doing it.

“Ok… let’s do it then.”


And with that said, every wall, guard, mask, it was back on Pompadour Ken’s face. And moving
towards Stereotypical Ken. Kinda fast. This was somewhat threatening.
Before stereotypical Ken could say anything, Pompadour Ken was now in front of him. Searching.
His …face? Why was he looking so intently at his face? Did he forget to put on his eyeliner?

Dammit, I really thought Barbie’s makeup made my eyes pop. Do I have time to go put it on? Ooo,
maybe I could use those fluffy makeup brushes she never lets me touch.


There was a hand on his mouth now.

Pompadour Ken’s hand was on his mouth now.



Eyes seemed to be done searching his, Pompadour Ken hand began to move lower until it cupped
Stereotypical Ken’s neck. Thumb rubbing over that weird lump all the Kens had attached to their

That felt… interesting. Like good… but in a way that made Stereotypical Ken groan in pain… but
also in a good way.

Which he did.

Then he felt that weird consciousness towards himself that Barbie had talked about.

Pompadour Ken had paused after Stereotypical Ken had made this noise. Turning slightly red
again. Shit, he was mad again. And looking intently at his thumb over Ken’s throat-lump, while
stereotypical Ken was also staring at his. It had just moved up and down a lot cause Pompadour
Ken had taken a big swallow. Weird. Stereotypical Ken can’t remember seeing him put anything in
his mouth.

“…Follow me.”


I don’t think he was asking though.

Taking Stereotypical Ken’s hand in his own, Pompadour Ken walked the both of them away from
the loud screaming of the other Kens and Barbies, further down the beach.

To a place only the two of them had been to before.


The two Kens were the only ones who had been this far down the beach. Past the singular Pink
Palm Tree that marks the end of the main Beach.

They had come over here by accident.

Well, Stereotypical Ken had at least.

He was trying to impress Barbie by attempting to be a Surfer Ken instead of just a Beach Ken. As
usual he had been thrown off the plastic wave. Just harder than usual that time.
He had flown further than usual, landing in this uninhabited part of the Beach.

When he had regained consciousness only Pompadour Ken had been there. Though he had
expected Barbie and Doctor Barbie to be with him, he assumed they would be the ones whose lap
his head would have been resting on.

But they were Barbies. They were important and had jobs to do. and he was a Ken. Who made a
mistake. And went somewhere different. He was fine they hadn’t come to help him. That wasn’t
their problem. He was glad they chose to conserve their energy.

… Right?



Pompadour Ken was walking them past the Pink Plastic Palm Tree now.

To the part of the Beach only the two have them have ever been to.

And no one else would come to.

A place filled with large rocks that formed a sort of wall formation.

An extra measure so no one saw them.

Making each other happy.




Why had he been there that day?


Pompadour Ken’s strong, but also kind of soft, hand had been grasping Stereotypical Ken’s equally
soft but strong hand as he lead him to the outcrop of rocks. Large and flat in size but smooth in
texture (probably because it is plastic).

Pompadour Ken finally released Stereotypical Ken’s hand.

Oh, …I kind of wanted him to keep doing that. My hand feels cold now… and buzzy.

Pompadour Ken had walked them towards one of the rocks with a flat wall face. Stereotypical
Ken’s back was to that rock, still a few steps away, but still, weird Pompadour Ken would place
them here.

“You ready… for,” gesturing between the two of them, “…this.”

What is “this.” Should I be ready for something? Weren’t we just going to be making each other

“Yeah… I mean yeah totally.”

I am totally playing this perfectly. …Now what are we doing?

That thought had just entered Stereotypical Ken’s head when, out of nowhere, Pompadour Ken
suddenly pushed him. Hard. It wasn’t exactly a push. More like a continuous push that quickly, and
a bit roughly, guided Stereotypical Ken’s toned, fur covered back to the rock wall. His back to its
cold, smooth material, his front…. All his space had been taken up by Pompadour Ken.

“Hey! What are y-“


Hot mouth.

Pompadour Ken’s hot mouth.

On Stereotypical Ken’s.

Was he kissing him?


Pompadour Ken was kissing him! With his mouth! On Stereotypical Ken’s mouth! Why was he
doing this?!

Pompadour Ken’s hands had come to rest on his former-rival-not-really-sure-what-we-are-now-

because-HE-IS-KISSING-STEREOTYPICAL-KEN shoulders. Just holding him there. An anchor
for the kiss.

That was still happening.

Stereotypical Ken’s hands were glued to the wall, despite Pompadour Ken’s closeness. His eyes
wide open, while the slightly taller Ken’s were closed, body pressed to his, and mouth… oh my
Mattel mouth that felt good.

Stereotypical Ken didn’t know what to think.

He was a Ken.

And so was Pompadour Ken.

They were made to kiss Barbies. Made to be Barbie’s partner.

Barbie AND Ken. Not Ken and Ken. That wasn’t a thing. That couldn’t be a thing. It was wrong.



But Pompadour Ken’s mouth was really soft. And doing this thing where it was open, and slowly
opening Stereotypical Kens’. Why did this feel like this.

It felt nice.

Really nice.

Is this how Patriarchy says to make people happy? Is that why he’s doing this?

Despite Pompadour Ken deeply kissing Stereotypical Ken’s mouth, Stereotypical Ken was yet to
return the kiss. Eyes still open. Mouth somewhat open. But, kissing… Pompadour Ken…

He just didn’t know how.

Or if he still should.

This was the first time he had ever kissed someone.

He had tried kissing Barbie hundreds of times. But she always turned him down. Which he
respected. And was totally cool with.

But this was kissing. Real kissing. His first-time kissing. And it felt good. His mouth on someone

Someone …. who was stopping to kiss him….

Wait… no …What?

Pompadour Ken’s eyes were opening now, slowly, pulling his mouth away from Stereotypical
Ken’s. And, by some unknown force, Stereotypical Ken was following him. Pushing himself
slightly off the rock wall, lips still grazing against Pompadour Ken’s.

Wait … Hold on … no… don’t, … don’t stop.

“Look…. Um Ken… Man I… *ahem/cough*… I thought… we don’t have t-”

Stereotypical Ken didn’t know what he was doing. Everything in his Mattel branded head told him
he is supposed to be with Barbie. Barbie AND Ken. But something. Something else. Something
that was deep inside him and has now spread throughout his body, his whole plastic body. It was
all telling him one thing.

I might not know how to kiss…. But I don’t want Pompadour Ken to stop kissing me.

Before he could even think to stop himself, Stereotypical Ken had grabbed his former rival by the
barely existent straps of his green singlet and crashed his mouth against his.

Literally crashed.

He had no idea how to kiss someone.

Especially like this.

Thank Mattel Pompadour Ken did, must have been a lot of instructions in that book.

It felt like Pompadour Ken was smiling now, while kissing Stereotypical Ken, smiling into the
kiss. He was enjoying this. So was Stereotypical Ken. He was happy.

The book was right.

Pompadour Ken was more than eager to take over the kiss, and Stereotypical Ken was happy to let
him. Mouth moving slowly to open Stereotypical Ken’s, Pompadour Ken gingerly added his
tongue, moving slowly, almost tentatively. Teaching the other Ken about the rhythm and speed.

And boy was Stereotypical Ken a fast learner.

He may be hopeless at Surf, but from the noises coming from Pompadour Ken, he thinks might be
pretty good at this.

The two continued this pace, mouths open, tongues moving in unison, hands now moving freely
over the others’ body. Causing shivers, groans, gasps, and one sound that was almost a drawn-out
low scream. This felt incredible. There was something building between the two. An almost
buzzing that craved more. More movement, more touch, more tongue, just more of… everything.

Breaking apart for air, the two dolls now looked at each other. One electric blue gaze meeting
another warm chocolate stare. This was incredible. With the little break that had been provided,
Stereotypical Ken was now able to fully look at Pompadour Ken.

During the latest kiss his hands had somehow moved off the straps of the other doll’s singlet and
now groped the back of his thick, pulsing neck. One hand intertwining in his incredibly soft and no
longer perfect hair. Pompadour Ken’s hands had remained mostly where they were, moved only
slightly from his sculpted shoulders, now to his equally sculpted pecs.

This was incredible. Breath barely back, Stereotypical Ken dove back into Pompadour Ken’s
mouth. Dominating their tongues, worrying the latter’s bottom lip, grasping almost roughly into
their hair. All the while they made what sounded like a harmony of pleased noises.

Stereotypical Ken, now overwhelmed by the feelings the other body was giving him, barely
registered where his hands were moving. This is, until something felt somewhat off.

Slick. Almost slightly wet. What am I touching right now?

Half opening his eyes, Stereotypical Ken looked at the other Ken, mouths still working as one,
bodies still grinding against one another. His hands were still against the other’s neck (yeah, you
thought they would be somewhere else. Calm down. That comes later), so why were they wet?
Was it cause his neck was wet. Why was that? They were breathing heavily… were they
exercising… were they…

I didn’t know we could sweat. It’s never happened before, no matter how much Beach I did.

…I wonder what…. Hm.

Before he could even think about it, Stereotypical Ken pulled away from Pompadour Ken’s mouth,
the latter making a soft whine that suddenly turned into a very loud drawn-out-scream-thing as the
former licked a long stripe up the pulse of his neck.

Instantly pulling away, Stereotypical Ken cupped Pompadour Ken’s face in his hand. Was he hurt?
What was that sound? Shit, he shouldn’t have done that.
“Hey, are you all right!”

Pompadour Ken’s hooded gaze was glazed over as he looked to Stereotypical Ken, face heavily
leaning into the other’s firm touch.

“y-Yeah… do t-that again…”

“You sure?”

Stereotypical Ken was unsure. The first time seemed to hurt him, which he really hadn’t meant to
do. But as Pompadour Ken had asked this, his face had moved side on to Stereotypical Ken’s, neck
now fully exposed and in clear view. Did he really want this?

Stereotypical Ken slowly placed his hand to the side of Pompadour Ken’s neck. Lightly brushing
his thumb over pulse and fully exposed collarbone. Enticing a small whimper out of the taller doll.
Did it hurt when he did this? If it did why did he seem to lean into it? This was all so confusing to
Stereotypical Ken. Maybe he should double check with Pompadour Ken to be sur-.

“…please…. Ken…please…mm…do it again.” Pompadour Ken was begging now. Leaning

heavily into Stereotypical Ken, panting, whispering these words. Mattel, he looked so vulnerable
and needy. And Stereotypical Ken refused to hold back anymore.

Hooking his fingers into the small hair on the back of Pompadour Ken’s neck, Stereotypical Ken
spun the two of them around, thrusting the other hard against the rock wall, eliciting a cry from the
man that soon turned to a series of cries as Stereotypical Ken attacked the other’s throat with his

Groan after high-pitched moan escaped the pinned Ken’s lips as Stereotypical Ken dove deeper
into his pulsing neck. He didn’t exactly know what he was doing, he was going purely off
Pompadour Ken’s reactions. Moaning louder when he licked a certain spot, that spot now became
his priority. Shivered and slightly whimpered when his teeth grazed his collarbone, continue to do
that whenever possible cause the sound was beautiful. Hooking his fingers just right into the
other’s hair causing it to pull, leading to loud moans and further arching of Pompadour Ken’s neck
and back, like hell he was going to stop doing that.

Mhm…feels so good…so salty…so warm…Ahh…can’t stop…mmm….so delicious…. hand feels so

good holding me here… aahhh… …fuck…don’t stop.

Stereotypical Ken couldn’t stop himself now even if he wanted to. Pompadour Ken was holding so
tight to his throat, and even if he wasn’t, everything about Pompadour Ken just tasted so good. He
was salty, musky, and sweet all at the same time. With a hint of something Stereotypical Ken
couldn’t quite explain, but just felt as … him. A taste that just was Pompadour Ken. And it was
intoxicating. Stereotypical Ken wanted more.

Shrugging off his, now burden feeling, somehow damp, large fur coat, Stereotypical Ken removed
his hands from Pompadour Ken’s neck shoulder and hair, and act that was greeted with a gospel of
needy whines; only to then replace them just under the hem of Pompadour Ken’s green singlet.

And at this… Pompadour Ken froze. Stiff.


Stereotypical Ken stopped immediately.

He had done something wrong.


He removed his hand instantly holding them at is sides as he took a step back.

“Sorry…I um… I should have asked…”

Shit. Stereotypical Ken would stop now. He had gone too far. He had just wanted… the singlet had
been sticking to Pompadour Ken chest… even touching it he could feel it was soaked with a
mixture of their sweat… he had just wanted… he thought if he could taste…. Argh Dammit! The
both of them would just stop here. Mattel, he felt terrible. He had made Pompadour Ken
uncomfortable. He had ruined whatever this was and now had to stop because he didn’t want the
other Ken to feel bad.

He had liked both of them enjoying whatever …. this…. was. Just him enjoying it would be …
selfish. And wrong.

Whatever had been building inside of Stereotypical Ken was slowly beginning to dissipate as he
bent down to grab his now sand covered coat, refusing with a passion of guilt to look at Pompadour

“We can … um… *cough/ahem*… we can stop now if you wan-”



See, now it was Stereotypical Ken’s turn to freeze. Firstly, because Pompadour Ken had just yelled
at him. Like full on scream-angry-panicked-yelled at him. And secondly. As he yelled at him, he
had grabbed Stereotypical Ken by the very hand he was picking up his coat with (coat now
dropped btw) and was now holding it tight. Very tight.

“Fuck sorry… I mean… shit… I didn’t mean… argh… just… hmmm… I wasn’t… frick…”
Pompadour Ken had released Stereotypical Ken’s hand like I was a piece of hot metal and was now
sorting through the various word he knew, …trying to say something that sounded both like an
apology and an explanation for something.

Stereotypical Ken didn’t know why, but he found whatever Pompadour Ken was trying to do…
kind of cute. Like, he was the same colour as the Mojo Dojo Kasa houses and was rambling about
something Stereotypical Ken couldn’t quite understand, all while completely messing up his hair
from running his fingers through it so much. It was all slightly…adorable. Stereotypical Ken could
help but smile. Where was all that cocky smugness he was used to?

“What I’m…um…. Look… I’m trying to say that… argh… by Mattel… I-”


Pompadour Ken stopped. Instantly at the mention of his name on the other Ken’s lips.

“…Ken… do you want to stop this now?”

Pompadour Ken’s head shook violently at the mention of that, the moment the word “stop” had left
Stereotypical Ken’s mouth.

“No, I don’t! Look … I’m sorry… I froze cause I wasn’t expecting it was all… I want…. ah… I
really want… hah,” Pompadour Ken, now looking at himself, quickly hooked his own fingers
under the hem of his singlet, pulling it off and tossing it aside in one fluid moment, exposing his
entire upper body to the other Ken (who was also naked from the waist up let’s not forget). Once
again Pompadour Ken took Stereotypical Ken’s hands in his own, pulling them sharply to his
chest, with just enough force to create a light slapping sound that surprisingly made the taller man

Looking deeply into each other’s eyes, the two stayed like that for a moment. Stereotypical
seeming stuck by the rawness of Pompadour Ken’s words and actions. But mainly, his eyes. So full
of emotions and words Pompadour Ken was having difficulty saying, conveying each syllable with
the chocolate honey that swam in his irises. Mattel, Stereotypical Ken was so drawn to him, to that
gaze, he almost didn’t register Pompadour Ken speaking, “…I want you to touch me… please
Ken… I need it…”

Oh, by Mattel, Stereotypical Ken wanted nothing else than to give in to the other Ken’s pleading.
…There was… it was just one thing he had to do first…

Stereotypical Ken didn’t know why, but when Pompadour Ken had frozen like he had hurt him, …
it hurt Stereotypical Ken. I scared him. He didn’t exactly know why it had scared him so much, the
thought that he had injured his former rival, but it did. A great deal. Stereotypical Ken didn’t want
to be scared like that again.

Now leaning in, Stereotypical Ken moved his hands upward of where Pompadour Ken had placed
them on his pec, weaving both back into the taller (by literally like an inch and a half) Ken’s hair,
much to the other Ken’s satisfied hums. Leaning in, breathing now just next to Pompadour Ken’s
ear, “Ken… listen to me… if… um… if at any point you want to stop… just say so ok…and we
stop…no…no bad feelings either way…ok man?”

Pompadour Ken now turned to him. He really did look so vulnerable. And …. grateful? He was
desperately leaning into whatever touch Stereotypical Ken was giving him, looking at him in a
way that did weird things to Stereotypical Ken’s chest. Mattel! How had he never seen Pompadour
Ken like this before. The looks. The shuddering breaths. Those beautiful eyes. He wanted nothing
more than to worship the doll before him. … He just needed that ok. Needed to know he wouldn’t
be hurting Pompadour Ken if they were to continue whatever this was.

“Yeah… yeah ok.” Nodding while saying this Pompadour Ken couldn’t wait anymore. Cupping
Stereotypical Ken’s cheek, he pulled him through what little space the latter had kept between
them, mouth meeting his for another chaste kiss.

This one was softer though. Still just as needy and passionate. But no longer with that edge of
“rush” or “hurry”. Tongues moving in unison, like old friends sharing a known dance, while hands
chose to explore the unknown planes, dips, and ridges of the others body.

While Pompadour Ken’s hands had chosen to rest in between Stereotypical Ken’s shoulder blades
and the small of his back, Stereotypical Ken’s hands had refused to still. Constantly tracing,
dipping, and feeling; enticing the smallest, most beautiful moans he could from the other doll. He
wanted to feel it all, hear it all. …He wanted to taste it all too.

Slowly, not to scare Pompadour Ken again, Stereotypical Ken placed small kisses along
Pompadour Ken’s neck, working his way down, to his nape, to his collarbone, before placing a
singular light kiss on the moaning doll’s chest.

Stereotypical Ken kissed him again, same spot.

Still no sign of discomfort.

Stereotypical Ken’s had finally come to a stop on Pompadour Ken’s waist, pinkie brushing every
now and then against the elastic of his shorts.

Stereotypical Ken looked up slightly, investigating Pompadour Ken’s hooded gaze for any note of
discomfort. Seeing none, the Ken decided to continue. Tracing his lips and tongue along the plains
of the other’s chest, Stereotypical Ken became drunk on the salty delicacy that was Pompadour
Ken. Licking and sucking his way across the expanse that was the pinned Ken’s upper body,
Stereotypical Ken couldn’t help but add his own moans to the mix that was this tantalizing
experience. Finding Pompadour Ken’s nipples to be the greatest of candy, he mercilessly devoured
the two buds, alternating between teasing them with his hands, to tasting them with his teeth,
relishing the excessive moans and high pitch screams that came from his delicious treat as he did

Mmm ahh~… so good… can’t stop… Mattel I need this… I need all of this…

Stereotypical Ken somehow managed to push his body closer together till it was as if they were
one, moving in perfect rhythm, Pompadour Ken holding him painfully close, as Stereotypical Ken
devoured all he could reach with his mouth without breaking the embrace.

He’s Mine.



Despite Pompadour Ken’s plea-like moans and firm hands holding the other to his body,
Stereotypical Ken pulled himself back slightly.

Something was poking into his leg.

Breathing hard, Stereotypical Ken looked to the other as he came off whatever high had him still
arched slightly off the wall. Pompadour Ken’s hooded gaze now lowered to Stereotypical Ken’s,
confusion lining his eyes as to why the latter had stopped.

“Um… Ken…?” Stereotypical Ken didn’t exactly know what to say. He was looking down at what
appeared to be a large tent-like structure created in Pompadour Ken’s shorts. Weird. He thought
Pompadour Ken’s shorts were too small to smuggle anything. Anything, that is, except that weird
third leg all the Kens had. Only the Ken’s had it though. Stereotypical Ken remembered asking
Doctor-Barbie if she had one before she slapped him in the face. He had taken that as a no.

He didn’t realise Pompadour Ken had put something else in his shorts or realise why. Seemed a bit
weird to Stereotypical Ken. Like how had he not noticed it before. Surely, he would have felt
something that hard sticking into him before.

“Hey… Ken… what is…that?”

Pompadour Ken, still confused as to why the other Ken had stopped touching him, followed
Stereotypical Ken’s gaze downward.

Upon seeing the object of Stereotypical Ken’s interest, Pompadour Ken burst into a colour very
similar to the book that had started all of this.

“Fuck, I’m hard.”


“Hard. It’s where our penis gets stiff, and gets bigger, because we are happy… the book talked a
lot about this.”


“What we’ve been calling our third leg, turns out they’re our genitals. The book says they’re called
a ‘penis’.”

Stereotypical Ken didn’t exactly know what to do with this information. It was somewhat
overwhelming. For the longest time he had thought the Kens didn’t possess genitals, like at all.
And this whole time, ... they had just been… there. Damn… this was a lot.

“Hey… you alright man.”

“Yeah. Yeah fine, … So, um…” Stereotypical Ken’s eyes found their way traveling back over
Pompadour Ken’s body, once again locking onto the tent caused by his ‘hard penis,’ “what do we
do now?”

“Well, …um….I think we… that is to say…argh… I like it… I mean… it feels nice when… when
I… *cough/ahem* … when I touch … it….” Pompadour Ken was acting shy and embarrassed
again. Fuck, Stereotypical Ken loved it when the doll acted like this.

Touch it… Hm. I wonder if I…

Without thinking, Stereotypical Ken moved his hand down as Pompadour Ken seemed lost in his
words, trying to find the best way to talk about this, making up explanations and talking about
something he had read in the book. Stereotypical Ken was oblivious to what he was saying
however, as his hand reached the clothed member, wrapping around it, and giving it the slightest


Pompadour Ken fell into Ken, knees instantly buckled from the light touch, cock twitching as if it
was alive in Stereotypical Ken’s grip. Pompadour Ken’s strong arms were looped over the other
Ken’s shoulders, grasping onto him for dear life as his legs turned to jelly. Stereotypical Ken
steadied the other with his free hand, the other still wrapped around the pulsing member.
Stereotypical Ken refused to move, though the sound that had come from Pompadour Ken was like
pure ecstasy unleashed, he would hold himself still until Pompadour Ken confirmed that to be true.

Pompadour Ken’s head had found its way to the crook of Stereotypical Ken’s neck, breathing
heavily. “Please Ken…” that begging, holding nothing back, just pure begging like he needed it to
live “keep goin-Ahh~”.

Stereotypical Ken hadn’t waited for him to finish. He had gotten the confirmation he needed and
was now… doing something. To be honest, Stereotypical Ken had no idea what to do. His hand
was still locked on the clothed member, stroking it gently with his thumb. Pompadour Ken was
moving his hips into his hand to create more friction, letting out light moans as he did so. But it
still wasn’t enough. Stereotypical Ken wanted… he needed to know how he could do more!

“Ken, how do I… what do you want me to do… I’m not sure how to…”

Pompadour Ken’s head was still in the crook of Stereotypical Ken’s neck, every sound the former
made playing right in his ear like the world’s best headphones. Stereotypical Ken now looked over
to the leaning man, trying to tell him with his eyes just how much he wanted to keep him making
those noises. He just needed to know how.

“I-I like it li-like this.” Not removing his head from the other, Pompadour Ken placed his hand on
top of Stereotypical Kens’, slowly bringing away from his pants, only to then put the hand inside
the shorts.

Stereotypical Ken let out a gasp. This was like nothing he had ever felt before. Just like Pompadour
Ken had said, it was hard… but also soft, and so warm. Like steel wrapped in velvet. It felt
incredible to hold, running his fingers over the exposed flesh, the sounds that came from
Pompadour Ken confirmed he was also enjoying the feeling.

Pompadour Ken’s hand, still guiding Stereotypical Kens’, began to move his hand along the shaft,
going back and forth, ensuring that Stereotypical Ken’s grip was tight enough to move the skin.

Oh… It’s like a bike pump… ok then.

With this idea in mind, Stereotypical Ken began pumping the other doll, an act that was met with a
flurry of moans that went straight to his head, literally. Pompadour Ken, no longer needed for
guidance, removed his hand from his shorts to resume clinging to Stereotypical Ken like his life
depended on it, each stroke rocking through him like a tidal wave, each thrust he gave in response
sapping him more and more of energy he didn’t appear to even have.

Fuck… f-feels so good… thrusting against my hand…. So warm… he looks so good too…. I want…
Mattel… I want to see it!

Once again, without thinking (sorry for the bold, I have just said that a lot because really this man
just refuses to think), Stereotypical Ken shoved Pompadour Ken off him to lean against the wall.
Two emotions flashed across the latter face. The first being hurt for being shoved so roughly off
the person he had trusted and onto a wall; and the second being gleeful surprise as Pompadour Ken
now saw Stereotypical Ken’s new position.

On his knees, Stereotypical Ken freed the trapped cock, stroking it mere inches from his face,
watching as the throbbing member continued to grow in size as Pompadour Ken’s moans filled the
open air. Placing his free hand on Pompadour Ken’s now exposed upper thigh, Stereotypical Ken’s
eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the sight of the other doll. He was thrusting mindlessly into
Stereotypical Ken’s hand, harder than before, one hand now clinging to the wall for support while
the other rejoined Stereotypical Kens’, both Kens working his dick as he looked to be building to
something. Some great climax, a release he seemed to crave, beg for even.

So beautiful… is it leaking, fuck… I don’t even care.

Stereotypical Ken watched as clear liquid began to seep out. It didn’t look like sweat, but it was
definitely something. Something that smelt of Pompadour Ken, and therefore… smelt delicious.

Being mere inches from his face, it didn’t take much for Stereotypical Ken to taste the clear liquid
beading from his former-rival’s cock. Simply leaning forward and sticking his tongue in the very
slit it was coming out of seemed to work well. “AHH!~ Oh fuckk~ Ken~.”

Hmm. Not bad.

Stereotypical Ken continued to work his tongue in and out of the beading tip of Pompadour Ken
dick, savoring the many sounds it caused the other man to make. Pompadour Ken’s hand was no
longer around his own cock, and had instead locked itself into Stereotypical Ken’s scalp, nudging
him closer to the pulsing member, silently asking him to do something.

Stereotypical Ken tried listening to the breathy ramblings coming from the other doll, making out
barely any words. He was trying, the nudging against his head clearly meant something, he just
couldn’t make out what. The word “please” was all he could make out.

Please? Please what? Come on man, help me out.

“Ken…hah…please man…your mouth…mmm…hurry ahh… suck it please.”

Ok. That was information he could work with. Stereotypical Ken felt stupid for not figuring it out
sooner. If just touching it with his hand and tongue felt this good, actually putting it in his mouth
would probably get Pompadour Ken to that climax he was looking for. Duh. Stereotypical Ken’s
thoughts of kicking himself, however, were soon replaced. As he placed his lips over the swollen
head, a force from behind his head immediately forces him down the member, swallowing it whole
(fun fact, plastic Ken dolls don’t have a gag reflex).

“Shit…s-Sorry ahh… sorry Ken…nnn…feels so good…and warm…ah…sorry…here…hah…

Mattel your mouth feels amazing…let me just...”

Pompadour Ken removes his hand from the back of Stereotypical Ken’s head, allowing him the
chance to remove himself from the dick pulsing in his throat.

No wait….Please…don’t.

Stereotypical Ken grabs Pompadour Ken’s hand before it moves too far out of reach. Holding it for
a second, Stereotypical Ken looks up at Pompadour Ken. He is entirely naked while Stereotypical
Ken still wears his now very tight pants, he is still covered in an adorable blush and blissful, almost
pained somehow, expression, as he stares at the man with his cock resting deeply in his mouth.

Stereotypical Ken places the hand back into his hair, leaning into the feeling of its fingers tangling
through his hair. Looking now away from Pompadour Ken’s confused and needy face,
Stereotypical Ken gets back to the task at hand, literally.

‘Suck.’ That was the word Pompadour Ken had used, and so that is what he would do. Moving his
head back slightly for more room, Stereotypical Ken plunged his mouth up and down the length of
Pompadour Ken’s cock, receiving a throaty moan from the other doll, and a tightening in the back
of his scalp as Pompadour Ken used his hand resting there to work Stereotypical Ken’s mouth
along his thick shaft.

The two moved in almost perfect unison. Pompadour Ken using his free hand to steady himself
against the rock face, while the other push-n-pulled Stereotypical Ken’s mouth like the cock sleeve
it was, pulling out all the way only to slam back in at full force. Stereotypical Ken loved this; he
didn’t mind being used in such a way. He was licking, sucking, slobbering, and moaning all over
Pompadour Ken’s cock. Edging the latter closer and closer to this big release he seemed to be

Not enough.

Stereotypical Ken hooked his arm under the other Ken’s thigh, bringing it to rest on his shoulder as
he worked on the cock in his mouth from another angle. This was met with a series of moans, and a
weird shiver like tightening that came across the other body. Pompadour Ken’s eyes shot open as
the tightening grew, looking down at the still moving Stereotypical Ken with a panicked

“k-Ken, ah, Ken y-you have to, ah, yo-you h-ha-ve to move your mo-mouth! Q-quickly before I-I-

Hot liquid came in bursts down Stereotypical Ken’s throat. Pompadour Ken, despite what he had
said about moving, had both hands intertwined in the Ken’s hair, humping his mouth relentlessly,
releasing cuss word after moan after apology into the air as wave after wave of pleasure rocked
through him before he finally pulled himself out Stereotypical Ken’s mouth and went limp.

Reacting quickly, Stereotypical Ken pulled the collapsing doll into his still kneeling form.
Pompadour Ken’s legs were straddling his hips, his exhausted body resting against Stereotypical
Kens’, his head once again finding the crook of his next like it was made for him. Stereotypical
Ken holding him close and running his hand along his back, he wasn’t entirely sure what had just
happened, but it seemed to take a lot out of the other Ken, and he was willing to stay like this for as
long as the other needed.


Pompadour Ken appeared to have his breath back after a few minutes of sitting like this. Despite
being the taller Ken, Stereotypical Ken had cradled Pompadour Ken close, enjoying the feeling of
him relaxing into his body, waiting for whatever was to come next. Because in all honesty,
Stereotypical Ken wasn’t entirely sure what they were now, or if this even meant that they were
something. Which made him…sad. After what had just happened, a large part of him … wanted to
be something… with this Ken.

“Ken…listen…I’m, hah, I’m sorry about what just happened. I told you to pull away, and then I
pulled you closer, and then I did that… I… I’m really sorry. I should have asked or maybe pushed
you away at least… I lost control and I…argh.”

Pompadour Ken had finally moved from Stereotypical Ken’s shoulder, though the latter was still
holding him to his lap. The Ken looked embarrassed, like on an incredible scale too. His face was
in his hands as he spoke, and when it wasn’t he looked as though he was purposefully trying not to
look at the Ken holding him.

“Oh, um that, right. I um… I’m actually ok with…that. I liked it. With you.” Stereotypical Ken
didn’t know why it had felt so important to stress that doing this, with Pompadour Ken specifically,
had felt good.

Pompadour Ken just looked at Ken, an expression that was a mix between surprise and relief dance
across his face as he slowly leaned back into Ken. Stereotypical Ken met him halfway with a kiss
that was no longer hungry, or rough, or fast, but still just as passionate. A slow meeting of tongues
and lips as the two held onto each other, neither breaking this kiss that seemed to say everything
they were feeling but couldn’t express.
Pompadour Ken was the first to pull away, his forehead leaning against Stereotypical Ken’s as he
tried to continue kissing him only to have his mouth softly blocked by Pompadour Ken’s hand, a
smile playing on his beautifully bruised lips. “Ken, did you know you’re still hard…?”

Stereotypical Ken’s eyes went from dazed bliss to slight shock as he looked down at the growing
black tent in his pants.

So that’s why they had felt so tight.

Stereotypical Ken didn’t exactly know what to do. He wanted to do… something… with
Pompadour Ken. Something that would give him his own release and allow clear liquid to shoot
out of him. But he didn’t want to ask. After what had happened, he shouldn’t feel so shy about this
stuff, but like, what if it was rude to ask someone to help “please” you after you had just “pleased”
them. Yes, Pompadour Ken had been asking Stereotypical Ken to a lot of stuff just a few minutes
ago, but what if he didn’t want to do that with Ken? What if Ken asking about this ruined whatever
they were sharing right now? He really didn’t want Pompadour Ken to leave him, least of all like

A light laugh broke through Stereotypical Ken’s thought, forcing him to look up and see his former
rival, staring at him in a way that made the Ken know he knew exactly what he was thinking.
Pompadour Ken leaned in once more to ever so lightly kiss the other Ken, before pulling away to
look at him almost seriously. “Let me help you, ok?”

Stereotypical Ken could only nod as Pompadour Ken’s hand traced down his body to the growing
formation in his pants, causing the other Ken’s eyes to flutter. Slowly, Pompadour Ken began to
palm the front of his jeans, causing small groans to escape the other doll’s lips. Stereotypical ken
had never been touched before. It felt amazing, like nothing he had ever felt before. His hips were
moving on their own, bucking into each movement of Pompadour Ken’s hand as needy breaths
escaped his mouth.

f-Fuck… feels amazing… need more… so much more…

Quickly, before he could overthink it (like that is possible), Stereotypical Ken pulled the other Ken
closer, bringing him in for a hot open-mouth kiss. Pompadour Ken was surprised by this because
he was now closer to Ken. He was now sitting, naked, on the mass forming in his former rival’s
pants and the angle they were at meant Pompadour Ken could no longer palm against Stereotypical
Ken. His body, however, was arched in a way that made it so he had to lean down to kiss the
seated Ken.

He wasn’t aware, however, that that was exactly what Stereotypical Ken wanted. Breaking the kiss
messily, he began kissing the other Ken’s body, now knowing all the places that made him scream
the loudest. Sucking deeply into that one spot on Pompadour Ken’s neck, fingers tracing then
pinching at his rose-budded nipples, crotch still ablaze and hungry moving upward into Pompadour
Ken’s naked behind. That part of his body was doing that of its own accord, like his genitals
somehow knew something he didn’t.

f-Feels so good… he is m-moaning so much… fuck… I lo-love hearing him sound like this….so
needy for m-my…ahh~…my touch.

All this was overwhelming Pompadour Ken. How did Ken know to do all this? It felt so
incredible, and perfect, and made specifically for him. Fuck… he could feel himself getting hard
again. Stereotypical Ken was…. ah…he was so good to him. Pompadour Ken felt as if he would
cum again just from these touches… just from Stereotypical Ken touching him…

Had he done something wrong.


Stereotypical Ken had asked him here, had done this with him because he wanted to. Right?

He had said he wanted the both of them to “please” each other.

So why was Stereotypical Ken the only one pleasing him. Why wasn’t he allowed to touch him

Had he …not liked t.

He had looked concerned about asking for help with his erection, he had looked so flustered and
cute. But had Pompadour Ken read that wrong.

Had he not done it well enough, maybe if he had been faster, or tried to take off Stereotypical
Ken’s pants first, then maybe…

Was he not good at giving the other doll pleasure.

Even as he thought these things his body was being overwhelmed by the incredible feeling
Stereotypical Ken was providing it. He was humping his clothed shaft upwards into Pompadour
Ken’s rear like a wild animal, moaning as he sucked on every spot that got Pompadour Ken closer
to his release. At the moment he was licking stripes up and down the taller Ken’s perfect abs,
causing the former to become a whimpering mess while clutching his head against him. Looking
down at Stereotypical Ken, he looked happy, pleased with himself, eyes closed but clearly full of

So, …this was fine.

Stereotypical Ken was just deriving his pleasure from touching and using Pompadour Ken’s body,
instead of Pompadour Ken actually being the one to give him the pleasure…personally.

That was ok… right?

Pompadour Ken’s body was still getting pleasure, clearly so was Stereotypical ken, and what
Stereotypical Ken was doing felt good, really good.

So, he was ok with this.

This was ok.

He shouldn’t do or say anything to ruin this.


“H-hey Ke-Ken…wait…could yo-you… ah mmm….” Why was Pompadour Ken doing this. He
was fine with what was happening…he shouldn’t ruin this.



Lips off. Moans stopping. Hips frozen. Arms in a sort of held-up-surrender at his sides fashion.

Shit. What did I do? Is he ok? Did I hurt him? Fucking hell Ken, how do you keep screwing this

Even though Pompadour Ken was still straddling his hips, Stereotypical Ken was leaning as far as
he could from the other Ken. Whatever the reason, Pompadour Ken had asked him to stop. He
wasn’t going to touch him until he knew it was ok to do so again.

Stereotypical Ken was looking up at the Ken he was so scared of hurting. Fear, confusion, panic,
guilt, shame, all emotions fighting for dominance over his face.

“I’m sorry. What did I do? Are you ok? Did I do something wrong? Are you hurt?”

Stereotypical Ken didn’t know what question to ask first and instead chose to ask them all. All his
questions did was bring a look of… oh my Mattel was that shame! Pompadour Ken was looking
ashamed,… but not at Stereotypical Ken?

What is going on?

Still unsure if he could touch Pompadour Ken, Stereotypical Ken made a show of slowly lifting his
hand, making sure Pompadour Ken saw it as he moved it close enough that all the other Ken had to
do was lean ever so slightly to the left, and Stereotypical Ken would be cupping his cheek. He still
refrained from doing so, waiting for Pompadour Ken to take charge of whatever this situation was.

“Look…I’m sorry. It’s really nothing. Can we just go back to-” “Tell me what’s wrong, now.”

Ok. Stereotypical Ken may have been a bit blunt then. It may have come out a bit harsh sounding.
But he was upset that Pompadour Ken was trying to hide what he was feeling. He was upset that
before he left for the real world, all Kens would hide their feelings, even him. Since his creation
Stereotypical Ken had gotten used to not telling anyone how he felt and bottling it all inside. The
only one he ever shared his feelings with…was Pompadour Ken. He was the only doll who
actively got on his nerves and provided a release, no matter how small, for any anger that was
inside him. He was strong, confident, tall, incredibly muscled, and overall amazing. And now
Stereotypical Ken was seeing him vulnerable, in a way no other doll in Barbieland has, to the best
of his knowledge. He didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t tell Stereotypical Ken if he felt
something was wrong, especially during a time like this! He needed Pompadour Ken to be… ok.

And so, he waited.

“Are you seriously not going to touch me?”

“Not till you tell me what’s wrong.”

“I told you…it was nothing.”

“Not to me. …Ken…Please.”

It was Stereotypical Ken’s turn to beg now. Whatever had happened, Pompadour Ken had been
sure in the moment he wanted it to stop, even if thinks it was nothing now, if it was something
then, Stereotypical Ken doesn’t want to risk doing it again. No matter how much his body just
wants to give in and go back to touching the doll on top of him.

“Look it’s really nothing. I just felt…weird…about how you were touching me. It seemed as
though you didn’t want me doing for you what you had done for me. You instead just wanted to
use me, use my body to get yourself off. But…it felt good. So, I shouldn’t complain…right?... see
told you…stupid.”


Oh, my Mattel, he had really thought I was just…using him.

It felt as though Stereotypical Ken’s heart was breaking. Words cannot describe how fast he pulled
himself to Pompadour Ken, embracing his torso and holding back the many tears that threatened to
fall. How could he do that. To THIS of all Kens. Had he ruined everything?

He felt so…worthless.

“I’m so sorry,” Stereotypical Ken nuzzled his face further into the other doll’s chest, he wasn’t
entirely sure if he was allowed to touch him yet, but it was all he could do to lessen the shaking
that was threatening an appearance, “please understand…It was because of how you touched me…
because being with you pleases me beyond words…that I lost control. I’m so, so sorry…I never
wanted to hurt you…I would never just use you…you mean so much more than that to me…”

Pompadour Ken let out a sigh of relief before cradling Stereotypical Ken’s head against his chest.
He was so relieved the latter didn’t think less of him because of this. Quite the opposite.
Pompadour Ken was the strongest Ken Stereotypical Ken knew, besides himself of course. He was
just so glad Pompadour Ken accepted his apology.

“I’m so, so sorry.” Now looking up at Pompadour Ken, Stereotypical Ken gazed into his eyes, he
was so full of …remorse. If there was any way he hadn’t said enough, he hoped he could see how
sorry he was.

“I know…I’m sorry too…I can’t exactly complain…I held you against me while I came down your
neck…it’s a bit hypocritical-”

“Just cause I like something…like I’m ok with something…doesn’t mean you have to be too. I’m
sorry I didn’t notice sooner.”

“Probably couldn’t tell over all the moaning.”

The two laughed. It was comfortable. Relaxing. That they could just talk to each other about this.
They both knew what it was like to not have a voice, a choice, they didn’t have to pretend, not with
each other.

In his joy Pompadour Ken leaned back down to brush his lips over Stereotypical Kens’, a kiss he
eagerly returned. This was perfect, truly.

Pulling away slightly, Stereotypical Ken felt the need to make the offer, again.
“Look, if you want to, we really can sto-”

“Stop talking. Keep kissing me.”


Stereotypical Ken still wasn’t sure if he could touch his former rival. He didn’t want to lose
control. Not again. He wanted to hold him and do things to him he couldn’t understand. But he
couldn’t risk it. He wanted this release he knew existed, but he couldn’t bring himself to chase it.
Not if there was a chance…

“Ken…are you focusing.”

“Yeah, um sorry, I am, I promise, it’s just…”

“Hey…it’s ok.”

“I just don’t want to…”

“I know,” foreheads resting against each other, “hey, um, i-if you are up to it, I think I know a way
we can do this.”

Meeting the other’s eyes, Stereotypical Ken knew he looked desperate. He felt hot. Needy. He was
losing control but refused to truly touch the taller doll. He needed something. This release, this
climax that got rid of the tightness. Mattel, he needed it.



Pompadour Ken moved to remove himself from Stereotypical Ken’s lap, causing a whine from the
latter. Smiling, the former rival moved slowly to seat himself away from the rock wall, lying
himself down in the sand, holding himself up with his elbows, looking over to the other Ken past
his semi-half cock.

It took more willpower that Stereotypical Ken wanted to admit to move slowly over to the other
Ken, stretching his body above the other, holding himself there. Looking down at the vulnerable
Ken below him, he couldn’t help but lock their lips once more. He truly tasted amazing.

Light touches. Tracing each other’s bodies. Pompadour Ken’s hands worked quickly over the
zipper of Stereotypical Ken’s pants. Pulling them down, Stereotypical Ken moan slightly as his
fully erect cock, now free, rubbed lightly against the growing hard cock of the doll beneath him.

Wrapping his legs around Stereotypical Ken’s back, Pompadour Ken placed his hands on the
other’s shoulders, breaking the kiss.

“Here,” Moving one hand down to grasp lightly at Stereotypical Ken’s twitching member. Fuck, he
felt so close to something, the lightest touch was driving him insane. Lining it up just in front of his
back entrance, Pompadour Ken returned his hands to the shoulders of the Ken above him, much to
the whining of the other Ken. “It goes in here. …but um…look…the book says it might hurt…
me… just a bit…at first though…it’s supposed to feel good after a bit…just a warning.”

Stereotypical Ken appreciated the warning, he never wanted to hurt Pompadour Ken, not after
everything…but if he’s telling him this, than it means he’s ok with it, right?
“Are you sure…if it’s going to hurt, maybe we shouldn-”

“Ken. I want this, you. Just- Argh ah.”

Both groans of pain and pleasure erupted from the two men. Stereotypical Ken felt as if he was
being sent to another dimension. Holding himself still, he watched as Pompadour Ken’s face
slowly lost the lines of contortion, eyes opening with a flutter to stare calmly at the worried
expression above him.

“I’m fine really, just…move slowly at first.”

Stereotypical Ken could only nod. He felt if he moved at all he would explode. Slowly he exposed
half of himself to the cool sea air, then returning it to the warmth between the other Ken’s legs. He
continued this pattern, moving slowly at first before gradually gaining more speed. Both sets of
eyes remained open, locked onto each other, holding a gaze like holding on for dear life.
Pompadour Ken’s groans had long become gasps and moans of ecstasy, eyes constantly staring at
Stereotypical Ken in amazement. Stereotypical Ken couldn’t help but gaze back at him…almost …
lovingly. He couldn’t even care that that was the word he was using. Because it felt right. This, this
felt right.

“I can’t believe how wrong I was about you.”

Pompadour Ken released a light laugh that halfway through became a moan, “Most people are.”

Moving down, and moving up, the two Ken met for another kiss. It was more sharing breath than
kissing as the two could barely keep their mouths closed, but it felt good. Pompadour Ken’s hand
travelled to once again rest in Stereotypical Ken’s hair, making itself at home there as he moved
his fingers through the above Ken’s perfect golden locks, deepening the kiss. He could feel
Stereotypical Ken was close, whether he knew it or not, rolling his hips more for the above Ken, he
clung to his hair and back, unsure if he was excited or scared to feel what came next.

The orgasm rolled through Stereotypical Ken without warning, causing him to release moan, after
pent up moan into the other Ken’s mouth as his load burst into him. This caused Pompadour Ken’s
growing shaft to release once again, allowing Stereotypical Ken to swallow each sound the doll
beneath him made.

Slowing his thrusts down to a halt, Stereotypical Ken collapsed onto the other doll. Every part of
him felt exhausted, heavy, tired. Pulling himself out of his former-rival-turned-I-don’t-know-what,
Stereotypical Ken fell heavy into the sand next to Pompadour Ken, hands resting in each other’s, as
his eyes slowly closed.


Stereotypical Ken hadn’t fallen asleep, his eyes had simply shut, and he had taken a moment to
relax in the sun, in the sand, while holding Pompadour Ken’s hand… and the rest of him.

Stereotypical Ken wasn’t completely sure how the two of them had moved from holding each
other’s hands to now facing each other and running their hands over their bodies. It wasn’t enough
to start anything between the two of them again, but it was enough for Stereotypical Ken to curl in
on himself and gasp lightly whenever Pompadour Ken traced his fingers over his ribs or down his
abs. It was enough for Stereotypical Ken to graze every dip and curl of Pompadour Ken’s face, for
some reason trying to retain the softness of his jaw to memory. It was enough for Pompadour Ken
to whisper sweet nothings into the air between them while looking deep into Stereotypical Ken’s
eyes, seeing them as more than just the plastic spheres that they were. Looking into something
more that was just…Ken.

The two had been lying like this for who knows how long. It was long enough that the sand that
was previously sticking to their sweaty bodies, was now drying, and beginning to fall away.
Stereotypical Ken still couldn’t believe they could sweat. He had never seen another doll sweat in
the past. Then again, he had never seen another doll do…what they just did… in the past either.
Neither Ken nor Barbie, to the best of his knowledge anyway. (Quick disclaimer, Sugar-daddy Ken
and Magic-earring do this all the time, he just doesn’t know about them).

Now thinking about Barbies, caused him to think about his Barbie, Ken was unsure what to do. He
was Barbie’s boyfriend, technically. I mean, he had never kissed, or properly even hugged, let
alone done…this…with her, but they were still technically together. And he was supposed to be
with her. And she was coming back. And she would want him to be with her, …right?

What am I supposed to do…I need to be with Barbie. She’ll probably be so sad without me.

But … I like this. I think I want to do more of this, …but just with Ken. This Ken…

…I think I might want to be with-

“You ok Ken? You seem…lost?”

Shit! Don’t tell him what you were just thinking! Thinking about Barbie while doing this is bad. I
think. For once listen to me and say literally anything else! Quick think! Wasn’t there something
you wanted to ask him before he started kissing you?!

Right. Stereotypical Ken feels like it was a lifetime ago before all this happened, when it probably
had only been a couple of hours. He had wanted to ask Pompadour Ken something. About this
place. Why he had been there when they first discovered it. It was out of bounds. Off the regular
Beach. No one ever came here. He didn’t even mean to come here. He got knocked off his board.
A board Pompadour Ken had pressured him into riding. And ended up here. With his head on
Pompadour Ken’s lap. Why hadn’t that seemed weird at the time? Why was he-

“Ok Ken, you’re actually starting to scare me man…is something wrong?”

Pompadour Ken had stopped touching him now. He had propped himself up on his elbows and was
now somewhat looking down at Stereotypical Ken, worry beginning to line his gorgeous features.

Fuck! Say Something! Just as long as it’s not related to Barbie!

Fight with his internal monologue aside, Stereotypical Ken looks to the growing-increasingly-
more-worried Ken.

“No. Nothing’s wrong! I was just thinking…” by the look on Pompadour Ken’s face he was clearly
meant to keep talking, “Why were you here?”

“When I first wiped-out… here, why were you here?”


Pompadour Ken was clearly expecting him to say something else, most likely something along the
lines of what he had already been thinking. But this is the question Stereotypical Ken had asked
him. It may not have been the question he had wanted to ask him, the question he wasn’t yet brave
enough to ask him. But it was still an important question. One Stereotypical Ken did honestly want
the answer to.

“Well…when you failed, horribly, to surf…I, like everyone else expected you to land back near us.
And, um, when you didn’t…when you were sent flying over…here…I panicked…and started
running. But um,…” Pompadour Ken took a shuddering breath, this confused Stereotypical Ken,
did…did telling this story hurt him, “…I soon saw no one was following me. Apparently, they
didn’t want to come find… you…didn’t want to go out of bounds. Doctor Barbie said that you
were probably fine, and that I shouldn’t bother, that if you were injured, you should still be able to
walk enough and then come see her.” Stereotypical Ken had known none of this. He had thought
the Barbies, at least his Barbie, had been too busy to come find him. Had they…had they just not

“Anyway…um…that didn’t really …sit right…with me. So, I ran over anyways. I really don’t
think anyone even noticed I left. And um…” Why was this story so hard for Pompadour Ken to
say, “I saw you, found you, here. You were…um, shit… you were still. Like just…still. But um, I
mean *cough/hiding fact he is trying not to cry* I knew you were ok; no one gets hurt here right.
But um, I panicked a bit, and cradled your head a bit, and held you in my lap a bit. Look…I know
it sounds weird, but I was really scared, and I don’t even know why. I knew you were ok, but you
looked not ok and that made me…scared. Really scared. I’m sorry if I weirded you out when you
woke up. I honestly didn’t think you remembered that day so well… you um… you ever get that
though…fear of something that you can’t really explain?”

This is not at all what Ken had thought happened that day. Yes, he had found it weird that he woke
up with his head on a red-eyed Pompadour Ken’s lap, but somehow had never thought much about
any of it. About how much the other Ken cared for him. About how none of the Barbies had asked
if he was ok after he came back. And after telling him all that, Pompadour Ken asked him if he had
ever been scared for what seemed like no reason for another doll, and…all Stereotypical Ken
wanted to do…really wanted to do…was be honest.

“I have actually.”

Don’t you dare.

“I have felt that type of fear a lot actually.”

Don’t you do it.

“Namely today, and namely these last couple of hours.”

There would be no going back from this, and Stereotypical Ken knew it. If he said what he said
now, it could change everything. It could ruin whatever this moment they were sharing was, and he
knew it, both him and his internal monologue. But he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t lie to this doll, THIS
doll, anymore.

Now Pompadour Ken really did look worried. They were both fully sitting up now. Stereotypical
Ken with his legs outstretched but looking only at Pompadour Ken. And Pompadour Ken, legs
crossed, hands on knees, looking ready to receive whatever harsh words or criticism Stereotypical
Ken wanted to throw at him.

Mattel, he looks so cute, ok fine, now you have to tell him.

Stereotypical Ken gingerly placed his hand on Pompadour Ken’s cheek. A touch that was instantly
rewarded with the other Ken’s hand shooting on top of it, refusing to meet his eyes but leaning in
deeply to the touch and placing the lightest of kisses on Stereotypical Ken’s wrist.

Smiling Stereotypical Ken began, “I got scared today when you froze after I touched you, because
I thought I had done something wrong. I got scared, really scared, when you told me to stop. I
thought I had hurt you and then I got even more scared when I found out you thought I was just
‘using you’. I was scared the entire time I was inside you. You had told me it hurt you and I was
scared you weren’t enjoying it. I was scared till the very end…. And I think the reason I’m so
scared for you…is because I care…for you.” Pompadour Ken was looking at him now,
overwhelming emotions seemed to be pooling within him, he looked as though he wanted to say
something important. Not yet though, Stereotypical Ken still had one last thing he needed to say, “I
was um…I was also really scared that you would figure out that I never…that I had never read
‘that’ book…that I didn’t actually know what was um… what was in it. Believe me I do now…but
before…when I suggested this…I didn’t know…I’m really sorry.”

There…all out in the open. I just officially ruined whatever this was.

Stereotypical Ken had removed his hand after he finished, refusing to look away from the sand.
Pompadour Ken hadn’t made a move to stop him, so that officially meant that this…perfect…thing
they shared, was over.

“…you didn’t know…” the words were basically a breath from Pompadour Ken. It was unlikely
Stereotypical Ken would have heard them, were they not surrounded by an uncomfortable silence.

“No. I had no idea what I was saying when I suggested …this… I had never read the book. I just
saw the cover and thought I knew, which I obviously didn’t. But um…” He refused to look at
Pompadour Ken while he said all this, he sounded pathetic, and worse yet, he had lied, the other
Ken most likely felt betrayed, hurt, he couldn’t lift his eyes from the sand. “I kinda did figure it
out…after you kissed me. And then found out that I wanted this when I kissed you back…. The
um…the in-between… was me figuring it all out and then…everything after…I had no idea what I
was doing. I’m so, so sorry.”

Tears were definitely falling from Stereotypical Ken’s face now; they were creating small craters in
the sand below him. He had seen Barbie cry in the real-world but never knew it felt like this. So
full of emotion but …empty at the same time.

“I’m so sorry. I mislead you. I broke your trust. But I really liked doing this, with you, how you
made me feel, so I didn’t say anything. I should have. I shouldn’t have acted like I knew anything. I
know so little. And I forced you into this. I tricked you by suggesting something I didn’t even
know. I made y-”

“Shut up would you.”

Stereotypical Ken was full on cry-speaking, but immediately silenced at those words. Those yelled

Finally turning to face maybe-no-longer-former rival, Stereotypical Ken was met with a gaze that
could only be described as blazing.
He’s so mad…is he going to hurt me?

I deserve it.

With that, he closed his eyes and braced for whatever form of pain Pompadour Ken wished to
inflict upon him. He deserved all of it. He hurt him. He had only just realised how much he never
wanted to hurt this doll and had done just that. Whatever was coming, he deserved it.

Stereotypical Ken could practically feel the air move as Pompadour Ken’s hand came for his face.
It made sense for him to hit him. Stereotypical Ken had watched as Barbie hit a man who had
disrespected her. After what he did to Pompadour Ken he deserved to be hit at the very least.

Here we go.

The hand moved past his face, fingers lacing into his hair, establishing a tight grip.

Oh, he’s going to pull my hair, that’s ok also.

There was a pulling motion happening. But instead of pain, it was a slow, simple motion, edging
Stereotypical Ken’s head closer to the taller Ken. Before Stereotypical Ken could open his eyes,
the familiar feeling of Pompadour Ken’s lips on his flooded his senses.

Though Stereotypical Ken was unsure as to why Pompadour Ken was kissing him, he couldn’t
help but return it. Bringing his hands up to cup either side of the Ken’s face, Stereotypical Ken
deepened the kiss, opening his mouth as Pompadour Ken began to worry his bottom lip. Tears
streamed down Stereotypical Ken’s face as he clings to the other Ken, lips salty with tears as he
refused to break this kiss. For some unknown reason, Pompadour Ken had chosen to kiss him
instead of hitting him, after yelling at him. He didn’t realise how relaxed he had become in
Pompadour Ken’s kiss until the other pulled away, and Stereotypical Ken nearly fell after those
beautiful lips.

Foreheads resting against one another, eyes open. “You didn’t force me into anything Ken. You
didn’t make me do anything either. Yes, I was surprised when you first suggested this. And yes, I
was surprised just now. And yes, I probably should have noticed sooner you had no idea what was
going on. But I came here, I brought us here, because I wanted to. Because I’ve wanted this, you,
for a while now…I didn’t really realise it at first. But I think me being scared for you that day, was
me realising how much I cared about you. Realising how much I wanted you. I never really had
that with my Barbie, that need to always be with her and want her to be ok. It’s probably why we
broke up so quickly. But… I want that for you though. I want to be with you Ken. Lies, flaws,
idiocy, and all. Because I think I …love…you...”

Stereotypical Ken was at a loss for words. How had they even gotten here? How had all this
started? Looking at Pompadour Ken, he knew the doll was being serious. And he was so…


Pulling this truly perfect doll in for a singular chaste kiss, Stereotypical Ken worshipped
Pompadour Ken’s mouth, before pulling back quickly. He couldn’t get caught up in this, not before
he said what was still fresh in his mind.

“I…think… I love you too. …I care about you! A lot! Really! But I’m still figuring all this out. My
feelings, the whole me-not-being-with-Barbie situation, what we could even be. I …I might need
time. But, … I know for certain, that I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you, …I
just need…time. Is that… ok?”

Pompadour Ken’s smile looked like it could light up every Barbieland (soon to be named Kendom
Land) rager for a week.

“Yeah, I think I can wait a little while.”

Stereotypical Ken was beyond words at this point. All gratitude, respect, love, said with his body
as he leaned into Pompadour Ken, moving to sit on Ken’s lap as he told him everything, every
word he would say one day, with his lips.


Moving to the edge of the alcove, the two Ken’s stood at what now felt like a gateway to another
world, one they may longer belong in. After everything they had experienced together, did
Stereotypical Ken want to go back, act like the other Kens enjoying the Patriarchy. He wouldn’t
pretend what had happened between him and Pompadour Ken didn’t exist. But would he have to
act differently now? Would they all act differently towards him?

What was he going to do when Barbie came back? Would she be ok breaking up with him? Would
she be hurt?

I don’t actually think…she’ll care. And…I don’t think I care. Not anymore.

“Are you ready for this?”

Pompadour Ken was beside him. That felt right. Placing his hand in his former-rival-now-
boyfriend(!!!)’s hand, Stereotypical Ken put on what he knew now to be his real smile. Not a smile
that made other people feel good, but a smile that was made for him to feel good. It just happened
to also be a smile that made Pompadour Ken feel good.

“If you’re with me…then yeah, yeah I think I am.”

Giving his hand what was probably the most reassuring squeeze, “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Then let’s go.”

And with that, the two Ken stepped out of the peaceful alcove only they would ever know about, to
rejoin the rest of their people. Walking forward towards the future that they would work hard to
create and maintain. And from the past that had brought them here.


Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed.

sorry it was so big
thats what she said
was legitimately only supposed to be 8000 words max
(if you know which line i stole from red, white and royal blue, then you know)

End Notes

Did not expect this to turn out as a chaptered fic. was really just going to make it the one
thing, but it just felt to long.
Hope you stay tuned for the next chapter, there will only be 2 I swear.

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