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A. Background of the Study

In a large population-based cohort studies, eating home-cooked meals more

frequently was associated with better dietary quality and lower adiposity. Further

perspective research is required to identify whether consumption of home cooked meals

has casual effects on diet and health.

The prevalence of obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

such as Type II diabetes, hypertension and certain cancers, have been increasing steadily

worldwide. These changes have been accompanied by a decrease in the time spent

cooking at home in the majority of developed countries concern has of food and nutrition.

Regarding a perceived decline in cooking skills which has been hypothesized to be linked

to the increase in diet-related NCDs to date. Research investigating the potential

advantages and disadvantages for diet and health of cooking and preparing food at home

has generally focused on specific dietary indicates rather than overall diet quality on

health and assessed measures cross sectionally or after a brief follow-up period. Most

studies have been small in size with associated limited scope to identify significant

associations limited to a specific geographical area and/or restricted to population

subgroups by for example age [10, 20] or ethnicity[11]. Despite the fact that the evidence

base for relationships between cooking and both diet and NCDs is mixed and inclusive,

the promotion of home cooking part of public health strategies to improve diets and
reduce obesity and diet related NCDs. Internationally further research is therefore crucial,

to investigate on a large scale the potential associations between consumption of home

cooked meals was cross-sectionally associated with indicators of diet and cardio-

metabolic status. In view of the current evidence base, we hypothesized that eating home

cooked meals more frequently would be associated with healthier diet and improve

cardio-metabolic health.

B. Statement of the Problem

What is the impact of home cooked meals on the dietary behavior of ASMHS


Sub- Problems:

1. To know the effect of home cooked meals on the health of ANMHS teachers.

2. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of home cooked meals on the health

of ANMHS Teachers.

C. Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of in-home prepared meals on

the health of ASMHS and shared meals.

Specifically, this study aims to investigate: (1) the impact of in-home prepared

meals on the nutritional quality of meals; (2) the advantages and disadvantages of home

cooked meals; (3) the relationship between in-home eating and family health outcomes;

and (4) the influence of in-home eating on family relationships.

D. Theoretical Framework

As observed, there are some people who indulge buying foods that are already

prepared due to tight schedules of work. We all know that teaching uses more time in

work rather than time spent at home with the family, taking into consideration the normal

situation. Because of hectic schedules, there have been shifts in dietary practices over the

past few years, with less time devoted to food shopping, cooking, and in-home eating

despite the potential benefits of in-home food preparation and eating. Paralleling this

decrease in time spent preparing food in the home and changes in diet is the worldwide

increase in diet-related health concerns such as obesity and diabetes. In light of these

trends, health experts are seeking effective strategies to combat the obesity epidemic,

including the possible role of in-home and family-shared meals. Some research suggests

a potential protective effect of home meals on child health, psychosocial outcomes, and

family relationships. For example, dining together in the home has been proposed to

foster self-esteem, promote academic achievement, and protect against substance abuse in

E. Conceptual Framework


 The effect of  Observation on  The positive effect

home prepared the health status of home cooked
meals on the of the teacher meals on the
dietary behavior  Conduct health status of
of ASMNHS interviews ASMNHS teachers
teachers regarding the
impact of home
cooked meals on
their health

Figure 1.1 Paradigm of the concepts of the researchers from input, process and to the
output of the research


1. The result of the research may see in a short period of time.

2. The effect of home cooked meals is more favorably significant to the health of

ASMNHS teachers as well as to the family members.


Null Hypothesis: There is a significant impact on the dietary behavior of ASMNS

teachers regarding home cooked meals.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is no significant impact on the dietary behavior of

ASMNS teachers regarding home cooked meals.

F. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on the impact of home cooked foods on the dietary behavior

of ASMNHS teachers.
The advantages and disadvantages of home prepared meals will be covered by

this study. The study would be done at the Asuncion S. Melgar National High School as

well as the Municipal Health Office that would take around two months to finish the said

study. The researcher intend to solve these problems and constraints by asking for

assistance from the Municipal Health Office for enlightenment on some technical aspects

of the study. The researcher is also taking into consideration to ask support from the

faculty of ASMNHS regarding the interviews to be conducted.

G. Definition of Terms

1. Dietary. A regulated daily food allowance.


2. Adiposity. It is a term referring to excessive adipose tissue (excessive fat) in the

body. It is sometimes used synonymously to obesity, however, being overweight

or obese does not always mean that the extra weight is due to fats.

3. Obesity. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated

to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. 

4. Diabetes. Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic

disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of


5. Hypertension. Also known as high blood pressure, is a long-term medical

condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.


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