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.‫ קי"ז שנה‬.‫ צדי"ק שנה‬,‫ שנת השבעים‬,‫ תש"פ‬,‫ ועש"ק פ' וירא‬.

‫ב"ה‬ ‫תלמידים השלוחים‬

‫ישיבת אור אלחנן חב"ד‬
'‫ קאליפורני‬.‫א‬.‫ל‬

‫ פרשת וירא‬- ‫שאלות לחזרה בלקו"ש חכ"ה‬

:'‫שיחה ג‬
1. What was the debate between yishmael and Yitzchak?

2. What is the rebbes question on Yitzchaks opinion?

3. What do the mefarshim answer?

4. What is the rebbes question on the mefarshim (2 parts)?

5. What is the medrash the rebbe brings, and how do we see from there
that a bris at 8 days old is different?

6. What is the idea of a bris, and why is it only really possible to be

made by the oibishter?

7. How according to this can you answer why we specifically make a

bris milah at the first chance (the 8th day)?

8. How according to all this can we answer the first question of the

9. According to all of the above seemingly it’s impossible to make any

sort of preparation for a bris, so there should be no difference if you
have a bris at 8 days old or after many years of serving hashem?

10.What was different between avrhom’s beis (and yishmoel) and

yitzchok’s (and every yid)?

!‫א גוט'ן שבת‬

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