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Name: Nirvan Rampersad.

Class: 5s.

School: Iere High School

Topic Drugs.

1) Find definitions for the following terms:

I. Drug abuse.
II. Drug tolerance.
III. Drug addiction.
IV. Withdrawal Symptoms.


i) Drug abuse- The use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-
counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or
in excessive amounts.

Figure 1- Showing consequences of drug abuse.

ii) Drug Tolerance-

Drug Tolerance - is a person's diminished response to a drug, which occurs when

the drug is used repeatedly and the body adapts to the continued presence of the
iii) Drug Addiction- Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a
disease that affects a person's brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control
the use of a legal or illegal drug or medicine.
Figure 2- Showing the effects of drug addiction.

iv) Withdrawal Symptoms- The unpleasant physical reaction that accompanies

the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug.

1) Discuss the physiological, social and economic effects of drug abuse using:

I. Alcohol
II. Cocaine.

Drug Physiological effect. Social effect. Economic effect.

Alcohol ● Impaires ● Increased ● The cost of

mental crime or even health care for
functioning, proaitiution as an alcoholic is
concentration the abuser has very high.
and judgment. to find money
to pay for the ● Loss of
● Impaires alcohol. productivity
muscular and
skills, reduced ● Upsets employment.
muscular relationships
coordination with friends ● Increase of
and slowed and family. revenue for
reflexes. the owners of
● Can lead to bars.
● Causes personal
memory neglect.
● Automobile
● Causes accidents.
blurred vision
and slurred ● Increased
speech. demands on
● Fatty liver services.
hepatitis and
cirrhosis of
the liver.

Cocaine ● Paranoia, ● Increase in ● Increase in

Anxiety and violent revenue for
depression. crimes. dealers and
● Bizarre, ● Can cause
erratic and financial ● Reduced
violent hardships. workforce due
behavior. to
● Increase in imprisonment.
● Hallucinations turnover rates
● Increase in ● Cost of
● Schizophrenia domestic rehabilitation
and other violence for addicts is
mental between very high.
disorders. spouses
● Children can
● Constriction be the
of blood recipients of
vessels can maltreatment
lead to heart from addicted
attack or parents.

2) State the effects/ problems associated with the abuse of prescription drugs
and OTC’s ( over the counter drugs).
I. Diet pills
II. Tranquilizers
III. Steroids
IV. Caffeine
V. Analgesic.

Drug Affect/ Problem with abuse.

Diet pills ● Diet pills are used to help persons who

are overweight.
● Abuse of diet pills can cause:
nervousness, dizziness, anxiety,
difficulty sleeping and high blood
● Diet pills can usually be found in most
pharmacies hence abuse can start
quickly and quietly

Tranquilizers ● Tranquilizers are used to treat anxiety

and insomnia.
● Abuse of tranquilizers like valium can
cause slurred speech, poor muscle
coordination, reduced attention span
and hallucinations.
● Tranquilizers such as sleeping pills are
one of the most prescribed drugs and
unregularized drugs making them very
easy to become addicted to

Steroids ● Steroids have many uses especially in

the field of sports. They most
commonly used to help players have
quicker recovery times
● Abuse of steroids can cause
restlessness/ agitation, decrease in
appetite and in extreme cases can
cause excessive hair growth in women,
deepening of the voice in women and
growth of breast tissue in men.
● Most steroids are not available in
pharmacies without a prescription,
however excessive use of steroids can
cause them to become addictive and in
some cases chronic amounts are
administered due to drug tolerance.

Caffeine ● Caffeine is a natural chemical with

stimulant effects. It is found in coffee,
tea, cola and many other drinks.It is
most commonly used to treat
headache, migraine, athletic
performance, memory, and obesity and
many other conditions.
● Abuse of steroids can cause insomnia,
nervousness, restlessness, nausea, and
increased heart rate. If used in larger
doses, it might cause headache,
anxiety, and chest pain and extreme
doses can cause irregular heart beats
and cause death.
● Caffeine is widely available in most
groceries in the form of coffee. Due to
the lack of awareness coupled with the
strenuous lives many persons live,
caffeine is quickly becoming one of
the most addictive substances

Analgesics ● Analgesics also called painkillers are

used to relieve many ailments from
headaches to injuries to arthritis.
● Analgesics are generally safe however
abuse of analgesics can cause damage
to internal organs, such as the liver or
kidneys, diarrhea or constipation and
heart problems.
● Painkillers of all kinds are widely
available in pharmacies however some
have to be prescribed by a doctor. All
painkillers are very addictive due to
the chemical makeup of them. People
often develop tolerance to painkillers
due to overuse. Analgesics also cause
countless deaths across the world due
to overuse and overdosing.

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