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B. Inggris Tk. Lanjut
Level 2
#1 Raisyah Malika Putri

#2 Aisyah Syahira Ramadani

#3 Jihan Salsabila


One day, in a village in Central Java, there was a middle-aged widow who lived alone. This old woman was named Mbok Srini,
her husband had died a long time ago and she had no children. Mbok Srini spends her days alone and every day she feels
bored and bored because she doesn't have anyone to accompany her. Mbok Srini has always wanted to have children.
However, this one dream was never realized. Plus, now that she didn't have a husband, the possibility of her having children
was of course gone. Mbok Srini could only wait for a miracle to come to her so that she could have children. Mbok Srini
always prayed to God every morning, afternoon and evening so that God could see her and give her a child. Then, one night,
Mbok Srini dreamed of a giant who told her to go get a package under a big tree in the forest where she usually looked for
firewood. When she woke up in the morning, of course Mbok Srini was confused about the meaning of the dream. With
various doubts and curiosity in her mind, Mbok Srini continued to walk into the forest and follow her feelings. When he
arrived in the forest he was looking for a package under a big tree-like the one in his dream last night.

Actually, Mbok Srini hoped that the package she was about to find contained a baby, but all she found was a cucumber seed.
His heart was disappointed and felt sad. Suddenly, there was a giant who approached him while laughing out loud. "What do
you mean give me a cucumber seed?" asked Mbok Srini while screaming but still holding back her emotions. When Mbok
Srini paid attention to the giant, it turned out that it was the giant who had approached her last night. Mbok Srini was
scared, she felt the giant would eat her. Mbok Srini also begged the giant to feel compassion and let her live. "Calm down,
don't be afraid. I won't eat you, old woman!" Said the giant. Apparently, this giant asked Mbok Srini to plant the cucumber
seeds she gave. He said, he would be rewarded with a daughter if he planted them. However, when the child grew up, Mbok
Srini had to give the child back to the giant because he would eat it. Because Mbok Srini really wanted a child, she agreed to
the agreement
When she returned home, Mbok Srini planted the cucumber seeds in her farm. Mbok Srini took very good care of the
cucumber seeds every day. Two months later, the plants began to change, and the cucumber plants only bore one fruit. Day
after day, this special cucumber became bigger, bigger than the cucumber in general. The color also shows a golden yellow
color, looks beautiful. When the cucumber was very large, Mbok Srini picked it and when it split open, there was a very
beautiful baby girl. Mbok Srini was very happy to hear the sound of the baby crying. He also gave the name Timun Mas.
Mbok Srini felt so happy that she forgot that she had made a promise to the monster that she would give this baby to her
one day. Mbok Srini raised Timun Mas with love and patience. Timun Mas grew up to be a beautiful, kind, and very intelligent

One night, Mbok Srini again had a dream that she was visited by a giant who gave her a message that within a week, she
would pick up Timun Mas. Since then, Mbok Srini has often been sadly alone. He kept thinking that he would be separated
from his son whom he loved so much. Sometimes, tears fell down his cheeks without him noticing. It turned out that Timun
Mas often paid attention to her sad mother, so she asked Mbok Srini, "Mom, why have you been crying so much lately?" At
first, Mbok Srini didn't want to tell her child, but because Timun Mas pressed her and kept asking, Mbok Srini also told the
true story of Timun Mas' birth. Mbok Srini also told the part that she had to return Timun Mas to a giant and a few nights
before the giant approached her back in a dream. Timun Mas also felt sad and she didn't want Mbok Srini to return her to the
giant. Finally they both thought and found a way so that Timun Mas could be free from the giant. On the day Timun Mas had
to be returned, Mbok Srini suddenly thought of a way. Mbok Srini asked Timun Mas to pretend to be sick so the giant would
not want to eat her. Luckily, this method was successful enough to buy time, the giant would come back when Timun Mas
had recovered.
Before the monster came back, Mbok Srini thought about how to free her son. In the morning, Mbok Srini met the first
person on the mountain, he was a friend of her husband who had died. When he got there, Mbok Srini immediately told him
about his condition and he wanted to drive the giant away. The hermit gave Mbok Srini four small packages. He said these
packages contained cucumber seeds, needles, salt and shrimp paste. The hermit told him to give these four packages to his
son and if the giant chased him, scatter the contents of these packages. After that, Mbok Srini went home feeling a little
relieved, at least she now had a plan. A few days later, this giant came back to pick up Timun Mas. Mbok Srini and Timun Mas
stood side by side without fear. Timun Mas suddenly ran as fast as she could and the giant chased her. After running far
enough Timun Mas sowed the seeds her mother had given her. It's a miracle, the forest around him suddenly turned into a
cucumber field. In an instant, the cucumber stalk spread and wrapped around the giant's entire body. However, the giant
was able to escape and chase Timun Mas again

Timun Mas immediately threw the package containing the needles. In an instant, the needles turned into many tall and spiky
bamboo trees. However, the giant was able to get past it and continued to chase Timun Mas, even though he was bleeding
profusely from being stabbed by the bamboo. Seeing that his efforts had not been successful, Timun Mas opened the third
package containing salt and spread it. Instantly, the forest he had passed suddenly turned into a wide and deep sea, but the
giant still managed to get through it easily. Timun Mas was worried, because she only had one weapon left. If the weapon
doesn't kill the giant, the giant will catch and eat it. With a very big hope for survival, Timun Mas threw the last package
containing shrimp paste. Instantly the place where the shrimp paste fell suddenly turned into a sea of ​boiling mud. The
giant was defeated because it fell into a sea of ​mud and he died very quickly. Seeing that, Timun Mas immediately ran
towards his house to meet his mother. Seeing her son safe, Mbok Srini immediately thanked God and since then, Mbok Srini
and Timun Mas lived happily.

- Mbok Srini : broken promises, and
- Buto Ijo : greedy
- Timun Mas : never give up

: village in Central Java, forest

: chronological plot

: A woman named Mbok Srini who wanted to
have children, because she felt lonely living
alone after her husband died.
: When the giant will pick up Timun Mas in a week. Mbok
Srini was frightened and met a powerful ascetic. The hermit
gave me four small packets containing cucumber seeds,
needles, salt and shrimp paste.

: Timun Emas tried to escape from catching a giant who
wanted to eat her. With the help of the provisions he
brought, he managed to escape the giant's capture, even
the giant died.

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Timun Mas opened a whole package and offered
Mbok Srini to help her protect herself from the

we must be vigilant and courageous towards people
who have evil intentions towards us.

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