Group 2 Evening Class

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Instructions to Groups

(a) Answer All the Question

(b) Create a Word or Google Docs document and save the document as the group number
(e.g. group 1 Morning Class, group 2 Afternoon Class)
(c) Write the names and admission numbers of group members
(d) The group leader should submit the CAT through email by attaching or sharing it with on or before 8th September 2023.
(e) Use Font Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line spacing 1.5

1. List FIVE benefits of the Internet. (5 marks)

i) Source of information, knowledge, and learning.

ii) Enhances collaboration among users, one can work from home and access the global

iii) Enables users to connect, communicate, and share information.

iv) Banking, payment of bills, and shopping are possible.

v) Source of entertainment for users.

2. Define each of the following terms as used in computer security (2 marks)

1. Unauthorized access
2. Unauthorized Use

Unauthorized access

Is the use of a computer or network without permission

Unauthorized use

Refers to the use of a computer or its data for unapproved or possible illegal activities

3. Differentiate between Computer Hardware and Software (2 marks)

1. Hardware
2. Software

Computer hardware is the physical parts of a computer while software is the set of instructions
that can be stored and run by the hardware.

4. List THREE Input Devices and THREE Output Devices (3 marks)

Input Devices
Mouse, Computer keyboard, and Scanner

Output Devices

Printer, Monitor, Loudspeaker and Projector

5. Which of the following shortcuts in Microsoft Excel represents COPY? (1 mark)

1. CTRL + C
2. CTRL + V
3. CTRL + S


6. Give two advantages of creating and saving documents on the cloud and not on the local
computer storage (2 marks)

Convenient Accessibility of Documents

An individual can access stored documents in the cloud from any location with an internet
connection. This entails that you can work on your documents from any gadget, including
your smartphone, desktop computer, and laptop. Due to this, working on your projects while
away from your primary computer is simple and makes it simple to collaborate with others.

Enhanced Security of Documents

Another degree of security for your documents is offered by saving your papers on the cloud.
To safeguard your data from online dangers like viruses and hackers, cloud storage providers
normally have strong security measures in place. Your data will also be safe in the cloud
even if your local computer experiences a disaster like a hard drive failure or theft.

7. List THREE uses of the computer. (3 marks)

a) Medical field

Computers are used at hospitals to maintain a database of patient's history, diagnosis, x-rays,
and live body monitoring
b) Entertainment

Computers are used to watch movies online, play games, and listen to music.

c) Education

Computers are used in the education sector through online classes, online examinations,
online research, and online tutoring

8. In cyber security, encryption is the conversion of data from a readable format to an

encoded or scrambled format; explain one reason why data is encrypted and one impact
of not encrypting data sent over a network. (4 marks)

Data is encrypted to defend against brute force and cyber-attacks, including malware and
ransomware. Data encryption works by securing transmitted digital data on cloud and
computer systems.

Not encrypting data makes an individual or organization vulnerable. A great deal of data is
available for hackers to access and exploit and encryption is a precautionary measure.

9. You are preparing for a meeting with 800 hundred delegates at the KICC, identify ONE
input device and any TWO output devices you will require, and explain how the devices
you have identified will be used. (6 marks)

a) Microphones

These are input devices used to ensure that the speeches of every speaker can be made
audible to all guest participants.

b) Projector

This is an output device used to provide a display of the day's program on visitor desks, or
even show the slides for the day's presentation. Used to showcase the presentation slides
since the guests are many.
c) Speakers

To project the voice of the speakers of the day, speeches captured through microphones will
be projected to ensure that they are audible and clear.

10. What is the difference between application and system SOFTWARE? (1 mark)

System software is mainly designed to manage the main system resources in a computer,
while application software is designed to accomplish tasks for specific purposes in a

11. Which of the following shortcuts represents PASTE? (1 mark)

1. CTRL + V
2. CTRL + Z
3. CTRL + X


12. In addition to creating new Microsoft Word documents using Templates, name one other
method you can use. (1 mark)
13. Formulas in Excel always begin with _____________ sign (1 mark)

= (an equal sign)

14. List FOUR benefits of using the Internet. (4 marks)

i) Online Education

The Internet has allowed students to take their classes or tuition from home.
Along with this, it is also helping the teachers to give online classes. Students can
continue with their studies without any interruption even in tough times like COVID-19.

ii) Entertainment
Through the internet, people can access and listen to music, watch videos or movies, play
online games, etc.

iii) General knowledge information

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing help users find information on almost any
imaginable topic.

iv) Internet banking

Both the bank employees and customers have a better experience with the introduction of
computers in their tasks. The workload on the bank employees has reduced on the other
hand customers do not need to go to the bank for every single need, They can log into
their accounts on their devices such as smartphones, computers, etc.

15. Define each of the following terms as used in computer security (2 marks)
1. Hacker
2. Virus

1) Hacker

Refers to anyone who uses their abilities to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or
network. A hacker usually breaks into a computer system without the authority of the owner. The
reasons for hacking can include, installing malware software that is specifically designed to
disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system, stealing or destroying data,
and disrupting service.

Despite the term hacker being synonymous with malicious activities, a hacker can also be an
ethical person, who does it for professional reasons such as trying to find software vulnerabilities
so they can be fixed.

Refers to a type of malicious software or malware that spreads between computers and causes
damage to data and software. Computer viruses aim to disrupt systems, cause major operational
issues, and lead to data loss and leakage

16. Define the terms below as used in computer (2 marks)

1. Hardware
2. Software

1) Hardware

Refers to the physical aspects of a computer, the umbrella term for the physical parts of a
computer, including the collection of all the parts you can physically touch, such as the
keyboard, monitor, mouse, Central Processing Unit, etc.

2) Software

Software is not something you can physically touch, since it is a set of instructions for a
computer to perform specific operations. These may include programs used to operate
computers and execute specific tasks.
Software may include applications, scripts, and programs that run on a computer device
e.g. Adobe Photoshop, VLC media player, Windows media player

17. Which of the following is not a Microsoft Office Application? (1 mark)

1. PowerPoint
2. Word
3. Excel
4. Chrome


18. Which of the following shortcuts in Microsoft Excel represents COPY? (1 mark) b.

19. Give two advantages of creating and saving documents on the cloud and not on the local
computer storage (1 mark)

Ease of access to information from the cloud at any time is a significant advantage over
local computer storage

Saving documents in the cloud gives the user the ability to automatically increase cloud
storage space through scalability and hence more efficient than adding hard drives using
local computer storage.

20. Formulas in Excel always begin with __equals (=) sign_________sign (1 mark)

21. List FOUR behaviors of a virus-infected computer. (4 marks)

A computer virus is malware that attaches to another program and can replicate and
spread when a person runs it on their systems, there are several behaviors of a virus-
infected computer
-loss of performance virus can make a computer process things slowly making systems
-Loss of information may delete stored files or data while ransomware may destroy entire
drives when demands are not met
-Viruses may lead to exposure to other dangerous software
-Some viruses can be severe and in extreme cases make a computer lose function and
make it impossible to use the machine again

22. List FOUR benefits of using computers to perform tasks. (4 marks)

Computers have high speeds in solving complex tasks

Computers are accurate in solving problems thereby making them reliable

A lot of tasks when using computers can be automated

Computers have impressive storage spaces that can be used to save massive data in

23. List THREE Input Devices and THREE Output devices that make up a computer (3

Input devices include;


Output devices include;

Headphones etc.

24. Which of the following is not a HARWARE? (1 mark)

1. Mouse
2. Google Chrome
3. Microsoft PowerPoint

Google Chrome and Microsoft Point are software applications

25. Which of the following shortcuts in Microsoft Word represents CUT? (1 mark)
1. CTRL + X
2. CTRL + C
3. CTRL + Z


26. Name one additional way to create a new Microsoft Word document apart from editing
previously saved documents (1 mark)

Create a new Microsoft Word document by pressing CTRT+N on the one you are
working on

27. List any THREE areas where computers can be used besides running a business. (3

• Traffic control

• Hospital Management

• Judiciary

28. Unauthorized access occurs when someone gains access to an organization's data,
networks, applications, or computers without authorization. Describe one reason why a
person might want to access a computer without authorization and one way to prevent
unauthorized access. (4 marks)

To steal sensitive information is one reason why someone could seek to gain
unauthorized access to a computer. Unauthorized access can happen in several ways,
including password guessing, software vulnerability exploitation, and the use of social
engineering techniques like phishing to deceive trusted users into disclosing their

Setting up password protection on your computer is one method of preventing

unauthorized access. Make sure you are not using the default password but rather a
unique one you have chosen. Make careful to include numerals or other unique characters
when generating your password to make it hard for others to guess. Alternate your
password frequently, preferably every two months. Never keep your password written
down in a location where it is visible to others.

29. Identify any THREE output devices that you can set up in a courtroom and describe their
functions. (6 marks)

i) Sound Systems

Modern sound systems can be set up in a courtroom, including a full public address (PA) system
that covers the entire room, microphones for counsel tables, and witness boxes, a microphone for
jury selection, audio inputs at counsel tables, hearing impaired/interpreter headphones, and a jury
audio-masking system for sidebar conferences. Quality output speakers are included in this
system To ensure that everyone can hear the proceedings, these technologies aid in amplifying
the conversations in the courtroom.

ii) Display Monitors

For displaying evidence from the gallery, such as pictures and videos, a courtroom may contain
huge flat-screen monitors. With the aid of these monitors, everyone present in the courtroom
may see the evidence being given in detail.

iii) Printers

Printers may be installed and made accessible for court personnel and litigants to utilize in a
courtroom. During a trial, these printers may be utilized to print out paperwork like motions,
court orders, and other legal documents.

30. Explain the following functions as used in Microsoft Excel

1. =MAX(A1:A100)

MAX function is used to find the largest value in a set of values. In the example, it is being used
to find the largest value in the range of cells from A1 to A100.

2. =MIN(C1:K1)
MIN function is used to find the smallest value in a set of values. In the example, it is being used
to find the smallest value in the range of cells from C1 to K1.

3. =AVERAGE(B2:Z2)

The AVERAGE function is used to calculate the average of a set of values. In the example, it is
being used to find the average of the values in the range of cells from B2 to Z2.

4. =SUM(A2:A4)

The SUM function is used to add all the numeric values in a set of values. In the example, it is
being used to find the sum of the values in the range of cells from A2 to A4.

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