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1.) What is Python?

- Python is a programming language that is frequently

used to build websites, applications, automate
processes, and analyze data. Furthermore, it is a
general purpose language so it isn't specialized in any
particular issue and is used to create a range of
different programs.

2.) Why is it a popular programming language?

- Python is one of the most popular programming languages

in the world as it is placed 4th in the Stack
Overflow's survey (2021). The language's popularity is
caused by its easy to use, beginner friendly, and
versatile methods hence it is generated to be
intuitive, flexible, and simple to grasp which makes
developers fall in love.

3.) What is Python’s Origin and who created it?

- The name Python is derived from an old BBC television

comedy sketch series called Monty Python's Flying
Circus since the creator wanted a short, distinctive,
and a little intriguing. The programming language built
its foundation during the 1980s and got established in
December, 1989 by its creator Guido van Russom at
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica CWI at the Netherlands
as a hobby project and as a successor to the abc
programming language. In 1991, Python was released as
version 0.9.0 to alt. sources.
4.) What are some key features of python that stand
out as a programming language?

- It is a fact that Python's main features and easily

understandable building blocks are what have made it so
popular. These are a few:

● It is easy to learn.
● Readable language.
● Open source and free.
● Is platform independent.
● Has a large community support.

- With these features, Python easily attracts developers

whether untrained or experienced due to its simple
techniques that are advantageous and helpful to them.

5.) Give an example of programs created from Python.

- Python, a well-liked programming language, has produced

several applications that we use every day but aren't
even aware of, including:

● Spotify
● Pinterest
● Uber
● reddit
● Netflix

- We wouldn't be able to use these apps the way we do now

without Python.

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