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End of Course Reflection

Chinoy A. Logan

International College of the Cayman Islands

Course Code: SO-230/235

Instructor: Melisa Bent-Hamilton

September 01, 2023


End of Course Reflection

This course was enlightening, giving us a range of insights and skills I had not

anticipated. Reflecting on this course highlighted three crucial takeaways: time management,

understanding local history, and enhancing presentation skills. Additionally, the course structure

and its benefits have left a lasting impression.

The emphasis on time management was a critical lesson that resonated with us

throughout the course. The requirement to adhere to specific meeting times daily was a

significant eye-opener. The realization that tardiness could result in point deductions from our

grades underscored the importance of punctuality and meeting deadlines. This experience will

serve us well as we navigate professional commitments and responsibilities.

The course also offered an interesting perspective on our country's history, particularly

slavery. Learning about Long Celia and her trial provided an insight into the lives of enslaved

Caymanians during the 1820s. Her story shed light on the treatment of enslaved people on the

islands, revealing a contrast to the harsh punishments faced by enslaved people in neighboring

countries. This historical context deepened our understanding of the local culture and the

struggles that shaped it.

Another valuable skill that we got was an improvement in our presentation abilities.

Engaging in various presentations throughout the course helped us develop our communication

skills. We learned to communicate our thoughts more effectively, engage with classmates, and

confidently convey information. This newfound skill set will undoubtedly benefit both academic

and professional settings.

What I appreciated most about the course was the hands-on experiences it offered. Trips

to historical sites like the heritage house in Cayman Brac provided a great learning experience.

These tours allowed me to witness history firsthand, making the lessons more tangible and

memorable. Also, learning about the body of water between the sister islands, as the "Bogue,"

added a unique insight into the cultural and geographical landscape of the sister islands.

However, I suggest expanding the range of sites visited during the course. Exploring

more locations and aspects of the island’s history could provide an even more comprehensive

understanding of our heritage and culture.

Regarding the importance of the course for all students, it is evident that the skills and

knowledge gained from this experience are universally relevant. The lessons in time

management, historical awareness, and presentation skills are valuable assets that can benefit

students regardless of their field of study or future career paths. By imparting practical skills and

a deeper understanding of our nation's past, the course equips students with tools to navigate

various challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.



In conclusion, this course has been an enriching journey filled with meaningful lessons

and experiences. The emphasis on time management, historical insight, and presentation skills

will positively impact my personal and professional development. The learning experiences, such

as visits to historical sites, added a lively perspective to the course. While there is always room

for improvement, the course's significance for all students is undeniable. It equips us with skills

and knowledge that go above discipline, making it a valuable asset for anyone seeking personal,

professional, and academic growth.



Craton, M. (2003). Founded upon the seas: A history of the Cayman Islands and their people. I.

Randle Publishers.

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