TFN 3rd UE

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Question 1 of 60

When a nurse a project a professional image, she should possess the following; except:
Select the correct response:
behaves appropriately at all times
dresses appropriately
good manners and right conduct
demonstrates congruence of words and actions

Question 2 of 60
Select the correct response
To avoid any delay in attending to emergency situations, as a nurse what is your responsibility
with the equipment within your station?
identifying parts of the machine
defining relevant use of the machine
checking of its proper functioning
maintaining its safe keeping

Question 3 of 60
The following are methods a nurse researcher employs to disseminate the findings of research
study, except:
Select the correct response
shares/ presents results of findings to colleagues/clients/family and to others
endeavors to publish research
interprets data gathered based on significant findings
submits research findings to own agencies and others as appropriate

Question 4 of 60
In implementing the nursing intervention, the nurse should consider that the interventions are:
Select the correct response:
irrelevant and impossible to accomplish
too many and should be accomplished immediately
crucial and delicate
safe and comfortable

Question 5 of 60
Results of research findings maybe disseminated through the following, except:
Select the correct response:
publishing research
Talk results to colleagues
submitting research to agencies
utilize findings

Question 6 of 60
Which of the following choices provide optimal conditions to facilitate learning?
Select the correct response:
privacy and a distraction and noise free environment
encouraging the learner to be open to new ideas and ways of thinking and a comfortable
learning environment
physical and psychological comfort and a distraction-free environment
good lighting and a noise-free and nurturing environment

Question 7 of 60
The nurse assigned in the pedia ward is about to organize her workload so that she can
facilitate patient care very well; in order for her to do
Select the correct response:
identify tasks or activities that need to be accomplished
Finish whatever needs to be done
delegate the tasks to other nurses
accomplish whatever is asked for her to do

Question 8 of 60
In formulating plan of care for the patient being hospitalized, the nurse should have to include:
Select the correct response:
the patient and family
the patient only
the patient, family and community
the patient, family and neighbors

Question 9 of 60
The following are core competencies of the key area Records Management, except:
Select the correct response
maintains accurate and updated documentation of patient care
records outcome of patient care
observes legal imperatives in records keeping
applies research findings in nursing practice

Question 10 of 60
For nurses to be able to enhance nursing knowledge and skills the nurse should
Select the correct response
adapt to changes
explains current nursing practices
sets attainable objectives
tries new strategies
Question 11 of 60
In pursuing continuing education, nurses should be able to:
Select the correct response
listens to suggestions and recommendations
demonstrates good manners and right conduct
participates in formal and non-formal education
determines personal and professional goals

Question 12 of 60
The nurse gathers data after she has identified a problem, she is.
Select the correct response
setting priorities in nursing care based on patient's needs
providing sound decision making
utilizing nursing process
ensuring continuity of care

Question 13 of 60
For the development of personal and professional aspects in nursing, a nurse should be able to:
Select the correct response
perform function according to professional standards
disseminates results for research findings
respects the rights of individuals or groups
adheres to organizational policies and procedures

Question 14 of 60
In your health education class for clients with diabetes you teach them the areas for control.
Diabetes which include all Except:
Select the correct response
thorough knowledge of foot care
prevention of nutrition
proper nutrition
regular physical activity

Question 15 of 60
On the basis of the analysis of data gathered, the nurse should
Select the correct response
submit findings
publish research
utilize findings
recommends solutions
Question 16 of 60
Machines and equipment are necessary in any surgical procedure, before surgical operation will
start, the nurse assigned in the operating room should:
Select the correct response:
Delegate task to another nurses
Checks proper functioning of the equipment
Leave the equipment as it is
Keep malfunctioning equipment

Question 17 of 60
Which of the following is the nurse's responsibility in obtaining informed consent?
Select the correct response
ask the physician to complete the form
explain all risks, complications, and alternative treatment to the client
confirm that the signed consent is in the chart prior to the procedure
the nurse has no responsibility with objective informed consent

Question 18 of 60
Chelsea is a nurse assigned in the surgical ward with 10-15 patients, as a nurse what will
Chelsea do to attend to their needs?
Select the correct response
organize work load
implements proper health education plan
checks proper functioning of the equipment
maintains safe environment

Question 19 of 60
The nurse is interacting with a client and observes the client's eyes moving from side to side
prior to answering questions. The nurse interprets this behavior as
Select the correct response:
the client processing auditory information
the client engaging in interpersonal communication
the client being bored with the interaction
the client responding to auditory hallucination

Question 20 of 60
After conducting the health interview; the nurse begins to measure the client’s vital signs. The
nurse is collecting:
Subjective data
Secondary data
Constant data
Objective data
Question 21 of 60
Which of the following does not speak about the Filipino Patient’s Bill of Rights.
Select the correct response:
Refuse treatment or life giving measures
Considerate and respectful care respective of the socio-economic status
Receive information necessary to give informed consent
Obtain from the physician complete current information concerning patient’s diagnosis

Question 22 of 60
The following competency standards belongs to ethico-moral responsibility, except
Select the correct response
adheres to national and international codes of ethics for nurses
respects the rights of individuals or groups
projects a professional image of the nurse
accepts responsibility and accountability for own decision or actions

Question 23 of 60
In health education, which of the following indicators should be done first?
Develops health education plan
Develops learning materials for health education
Assess the learning needs of the patient
Implements health education plan

Question 24 of 60
After implementing the interventions, the nurse was able to notice that they were not effective
for the patient, the nurse should:
Select the correct response
do nothing about it
transfer the patient to the other ward
ask somebody to continue doing the intervention
revise the care plan

Question 25 of 60
When a nurse joins in tree planting activities, which of the following core competency the nurse
is acquiring:
Select the correct response
identifying own learning needs
projecting a professional image of a nurse
pursues continuing education
involving in professional organization and civic activities
Question 26 of 60
Which of the following examples is consistent with the key area of ethico-moral responsibility?
Select the correct response:
A staff nurse giving information to a doctor who happens to visit in your hospital after his relative
was confined
A staff nurse defended herself in a court proceeding involving a patient who was admitted in
your ward after being harassed in the street
A staff nurse reported her colleague seen stealing some medications in the stations medication
A student nurse wearing uniform seen smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages in an

Question 27 of 60
A senior nurse pursues continuing education, she is carrying which key area of responsibility
Ethico-moral responsibility
Quality improvement
Legal responsibility
Personal and professional development

Question 28 of 60
In providing sound decision making in the care of individuals or groups, which of the following
indicators should be carried out first?
Analyzing the data gathered
Identifying the problem
Gathering data related to the problem
Selecting appropriate action

Question 29 of 60
Participation in nursing audits and rounds is part of which key area of responsibility?
Quality improvement
Records management

Question 30 of 60
As a professional, a nurse can do research for varied reason, except:
Select the correct response
for financial gains
to improve nursing care
to validate results of new nursing modalities
professional advancement through research participation
Question 31 of 60
The following competency standards belong to the management of resources and environment;
Select the correct response:
maintains safe environment
organizes work load to facilitate patient care
evaluates progress towards expected outcomes
utilizes resources to support patient care

Question 32 of 60
In implementing the health education plan, the following indicators are included, except:
Select the correct response
providing a conducive learning situation in terms of time and place
utilizing evaluation parameters
utilizing appropriate strategies
considering client and family preparedness

Question 33 of 60
Which of the following is not consistent with the core competency of maintaining a safe
Select the correct response:
observing protocols on pollution control
disposing needles and sharps in sharps in trash cans located in the patient's room
performing hand washing before and after doing nursing procedures
complying with standards and safety codes prescribed by laws

Question 34 of 60
After selecting the appropriate action in providing sound decision making in the care of
individuals; the nurse's responsibility is:
Select the correct response
to explain the health status of the patients or groups
to monitor the progress of the action taken
to analyze the needs of the patient
to gather data related to the problem

Question 35 of 60
Nurse Sophia is assigned to organize the workload of five nurses assigned in the pediatric ward
which of the following should Nurse Sophia do first?
Select the correct response:
controls the use of supplies and equipment
identifies the tasks or activities that need to be accomplished
determines the resources needed to deliver patient care
plans the performance of tasks or activities based on priorities
Question 36 of 60
All but one is an indicator of the core competency assesses the learning needs of the clients in
the core competency health education:
Select the correct response
analyzes relevant information
completes assessment records appropriately
provides feedback to finalize the plan
obtains learning information through interview, observation and validation:

Question 37 of 60
You inform the patient about his rights which include the following; except:
Select the correct response:
right to consent or to decline and participate in research studies or experiments
right to expect that the records about his care will be treated as confidentiality
right to expect reasonable continuity of care
right to obtain information about another patient

Question 38 of 60
When identifying own learning needs, the nurse should be able to:
Select the correct response:
applies learned information for the improvement of care
verbalize strengths, weaknesses and limitations
maintains membership to professional organizations
participates in formal and non-formal education

Question 39 of 60
In formulating plan of care for patients, which of the following is not a consideration?
Select the correct response
states expected outcomes of nursing intervention maximizing clients competencies
collaborates with other members of the health team
accomplishes nurse-centered discharge plan
develops comprehensive client care plan maximizing opportunities for prevention of problem
and/or enhancing wellness response

Question 40 of 60
In implementing health education, which of the following things you need to consider?
Obtaining the learning formation
Utilizing appropriate strategies
Providing a conducive learning situation
Utilizing evaluation parameters
Question 41 of 60
As a patient advocate, the nurse:
Select the correct response
intervenes in the client's behalf
acts as the spokesperson for the patient
upholds the rights of the patient
acts as the mediator between the family and the patient
Question 42 of 60
A student nurse wearing a uniform is seen smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages in an
establishment. In which key area of responsibility is this situation prohibited
Select the correct response
quality improvement
personal and professional development
records management

Question 43 of 60
Teaching strategies and approaches when giving nutrition education is influenced by age, sex
and immediate concerns of the group. Your presentation for a group of young mothers would be
best if you focus on:
Select the correct response
commercial preparation of dishes
cooking demonstration and meal planning
diets limited in salt and fat
harmful effect on drugs and alcohol intake

Question 44 of 60
A nurse to be able to adhere to practices in accordance with the nursing law should be able to
possess the following competency standards, except
Select the correct response
fulfills legal requirements in nursing practice
acts in accordance with the terms of contract of employment and other rules and regulations
complies with the required continuing professional education
holds obsolete professional license
Question 45 of 60
A nurse sets priorities in nursing care based on patient's needs, which of the following indicators
should the nurse do first?
Select the correct response
determines appropriate nursing care to be provided
identify priority needs of the patient
refers identified problem to the appropriate individuals
analyze the needs of the patients

Question 46 of 60
A nurse is documenting a client’s blood pressure in his medical records, she is using a pencil to
note the blood pressure reading in the chart. Why is a pencil not a good tool to use in writing
down blood pressure?
There is no reason why she cannot use a pencil to write down pertinent medical information
She should have used a highlighter with the pencil to indicate permanence of the finding
She should have used an erasable pen instead of a pencil
She should use black or blue ink, because whatever is written in the chart should be permanent

Question 47 of 60
After a client signs the form, giving informed consent for surgery and the physician leaves the
room, the client asks the nurse, "When will this hotel bring me some food? After confirming that
the client is confused, which of the following would be the nurse's priority action?
Select the correct response
reporting that the consent has been obtained from a confused client
teaching preoperative moving, coughing and deep-breathing exercises
administering preoperative medication
inserting a bladder catheter to urine output

Question 49 of 60
Which core competency under the area of research is the most important?
Select the correct response
applies research findings in nursing practice
gather data using different methodologies
analyzes and interprets data gathered
recommends actions for implementation

Question 50 of 60
A nurse notices that a client is refusing to take his medication. She notes in the chart that the
client “refused medication because of depression.” What would have been a more appropriate
way to record this information.
She should have written that the client was “uncooperative”
She should have written that the client was “disgruntled”
She should have written that the client “refused medication” and explained why the client did so.
She should have written that the client “doesn’t like the medication”
Question 51 of 60
In administering prescribed medications for the patient, A competent nurse should:
Select the correct response:
maintain privacy
obtain consent
obtains comprehensive client information
conforms to the 10 golden rules in medication administration

Question 52 of 60
Which factors are known to influence a person's ability to learn?
Select the correct response:
learning style, economic and cultural factors
educational, economic, and cultural factors
access to health care, economic and cultural factors
learning style, education and health beliefs

Question 53 of 60
In evaluating the outcome of health education, the nurse should have to utilize:
Select the correct response:
legal requirements
evaluation parameters
educational plan
outcome of documents

Question 54 of 60
Collaborative relationship with colleagues and other members of the health team is established
when the following is present
Select the correct response:
maintains good interpersonal relationship with clients, colleagues and other members of the
health team
participates passively in client care management including audit
disrespects the role of other members of the health team
recommends inappropriate intervention to improve client care

Question 55 of 60
When the nurse is able to identify verbal and non verbal cues, the nurse should be able to:
Select the correct response
provide reassurance of warmth and comforting words of encouragement
interprets and validates clients body language and facial expressions
prepares accurate documentation for efficient communication
creates trust and confidence
Question 56 of 60
The nurse is documenting the findings from a health assessment. Which of the following
demonstrates the documentation of subjective information?
Select the correct response:
"It hurts when I put weight on it"
abdomen soft and non tender to palpation
Blood pressure 110/68
pulses present in lower extremities

Question 57 of 60
demonstrating knowledge A certain barangay is suffering from a certain disease condition, the
nurse identified and explained their health status, the nurse is:
Select the correct response
promoting safety, comfort and privacy of the patient
base on their health status
utilizing the nursing process
Ensuring continuity of care

Question 58 of 60
The role of health worker in health education is to:
Select the correct response:
educate as many people about warning signs of non-communicable diseases
focus on smoking cessation projects
monitor clients with hypertension
report incidence of non-communicable diseases to community health center

Question 59 of 60
If a certain hospital does not have the available equipment to diagnose or treat the condition of
the patient, in order to ensure continuity of care the patient should
Be referred to the appropriate agency
Be left untreated
Do nothing and be contented of the interventions given
Be advised to be discharged from the hospital

Question 60 of 60
If a nurse possesses positive attitude towards change and criticisms, the nurse should be able
Select the correct response:
applies learned information
explain current nursing practices
adapts changes willingly
behaves appropriately at all times
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