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Which of the following is incorrect:

a. Pt with cerebellar ataxia requires a narrow gait for stability
b. Foot drop causes steppage gait
c. Pelvic muscles weakness causes waddling
d. Spastic gait causes scissoring and circumduction
What is the component of your neurologic components?
a. LOC
b. Mentation
c. Movement
d. Sensation
e. Cerebellar function
f. Reflex
g. Cranial Nerves
h. Coordination
i. Skull, Meninges, Spine
j. V/S
The most important part of the neurologic assessment, a change of either of this component is
the first clue of deterioration.
- LOC(Level of Conciousness)
The pt is drowsy but awake…. The pt is able to answer questions and follow commands but in a
slow manner
- Lethargy
Observing the pt's behavior and activity:
a. Attention
b. Function
c. Reasoning
d. Orientation
You are asking the pt to remember three objects; such as apple, house, and umbrella. What
component is the nurse trying to assess?
a. Short term memory
b. Long term memory
c. Intermediate memory
d. Immediate memory
Which findings would the nurse expect when assessing the leg of an older pt who has lower
motor lesion?
a. Spasticity
b. Flaccidity
c. No sensation
d. Hyperactive reflexes
When assessing the temporal lobe, what are you going to determine pt’s functioning?
a. Sensation on the left side of the body
b. Voluntary movement on the right side
c. Reasoning and problem-solving activities
d. Understanding written and oral language
Which of the following equipment will the nurse obtain to assess the vibration sense of the
peripheral nerve dysfunctions?
a. Tuning fork
b. Percussion hammer
c. Calibrated compass
The priority nursing assessment for an elderly pt being admitted with brainstem damage, what
will you assess?
a. Reflex reaction
c. LOC
d. Respiratory rate & rhythm
If you're caring for a pt who had suffered a head injury as well as a fracture on the left arm after
being assaulted. Which of the following information would require the most rapid/emergency
a. Apical pulse is slightly irregular
b. The pt complains of severe headache
c. The pt is more difficult to arouse
d. BP increases 140/62
Which assessment is most important for the nurse to make regarding a pt having generalized
a. Pupil’s size
b. BP
c. Respiratory effort
d. LOC

A pt undergoes new program/ therapy with building social skills after having a brain problem. In
which of the plan of care should a record this item?
- Assessment
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
Nurse Tina enters a room of a pt with a cognitive impairment disorder, then asks what day is it
today, as well as the date and time. What is the nurse trying to assess?
- Orientation
Which ability should nurse Sherly would be determining for a patient w/ mild dementia. Which of
the following activities should the nurse assess, except for;
a. Remembering the daily schedule
b. Recalling past events
c. Coping of anxiety
d. Problem-solving of daily living
A loss of interest in life itself is a result of which neurologic deficit?
a. Anhedonia
b. Agnosia
c. Aphasia
d. Agraphia
Officer —---- experienced a cerebrovascular accident(stroke). When the pt develops CBA, his
hypothalamus was damaged, as a nurse what would you expect?
- Problem with the body temperature
If the pt is unable to recognize the object w/ the use of the five senses. (Inability to recognize the
a. Agnosia
b. Aphasia
c. Dysphonia
d. Dysarthria
Asking the pt to spell a five-letter word forward and backward. What is being assessed?
a. Judgement
b. Abstract Reasoning
c. Attention & Concentration
The cranial nerve that rises from the spinal roots as well as the swallowing movement as well as
your head & shoulder:
a. CN IX
b. CN X
c. CN XI
The nurse is asking the pt his first job as well as his birthday. What memory is the nurse trying to
- Remote memory
When the nurse asks the client “What are your plans for the future?” The nursing is assessing?
a. Abstract reasoning
b. Thought Process
c. Mood, feeling, and expressions
d. Memory information
The nurse is performing a mental status assessment with subdural hematoma, this test
assesses which of the following?
a. Sensory function
b. Cerebellar function
c. Cerebral function
d. Intellectual function

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