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Improvement Plan SMART Goals Output Action Steps Time Period Monitoring System Person In-Charge Budget and

Monitoring System Person In-Charge Budget and Budget

Teaching and Non- Motivate the
Teaching staff teachers and staff None
Professional to engage in
Growth and professional and
Advancement personal

1. Attending 1. Well-trained 1. Communicate Entire Academic 1. Certificates Office of the

Regular ICT teachers on the with the ICT Year Received Principal
Training and proper usage of Service Providers
Workshops, and Technological- School Director
based and

2. Enrolling in their 2. Earned 2. Orient teachers 2. Diploma or

graduate and post- graduates and on benefits of Certificate of
graduate studies. post-graduate earning units and Completion
studies finishing graduate
and post-graduate
studies in their
growth, faculty
ranking and salary

Communicate with
the School
Director to
endorse the
teachers for
graduate and post-
graduate studies
Continuous update Enhance and Enhanced and
Inform Teachers, Entire Academic Amendment of the Library-In-Charge Finance Office
and improvement assess the increase library
Staff and Students Year policy (If
of library facilities accuracy of the use for conducive about adequate applicable) Office of the
and programs. library policy. place of learning.number of library Principal
materials and
Library as an facilities.
accessible facility
for own phase of Purchase up-to- Regular Inquire up-to-date Entire Academic
learning for all date library monitoring library materials Year Inventory library
students. materials and outdated and up- and facilities. materials and
facilities. to-date library facilities
materials and

Policy Abiding Well-oriented Orient the Entire Academic

Teachers, Staff and Teachers, Staff and teachers, staff, and Year Library Log Book
Students Students. students on library and Attendance
programs sheet.
materials and use
of facilities.

Science Laboratory Presence of Safety and proper Well-crafted Laboratory Manual Science Finace Office
as a tool for the Laboratory usage of Laboratory Laboratory-In-
learners to Management laboratory Management Charge
experience hands Manual. equipment. Manual
on learning
Purchase needed Purchased tools Inquire laboratory
materials, and equipment. tools and
equipment equipment.
laboratory that
support academic

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