REACTION PAPER Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon

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"Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon" is a film that showcases the rich culture and
traditions of the Philippines during the Spanish colonial era. The story follows the journey of a
young man named Kulas who travels from his small village to Manila in search of a better life.
Throughout his journey, Kulas encounters a diverse range of characters and experiences,
including love, friendship, and betrayal.
What struck me the most about the film was the way it portrayed the stark contrast between the
traditional way of life in the rural villages and the rapidly modernizing city of Manila. The film
shows how the influx of modern ideas and technologies from the West during the colonial period
brought about significant changes in Filipino society. It was fascinating to see how the characters
in the film navigated the complexities of this cultural transition.
The film also highlights the issue of social class and inequality, which is still a prevalent issue in
the Philippines today. Kulas, who comes from a poor background, struggles to find his place in
the city and is often discriminated against by those from higher social classes. The film shows
how social status can affect one's opportunities and experiences in life, and how it can be a
barrier to achieving one's goals and aspirations.
Another aspect of the film that I appreciated was its portrayal of the diverse cultural practices
and beliefs in the Philippines. The film showcases various traditions and customs, such as the
"sukob" superstition, the "bayanihan" spirit of communal work, and the importance of honoring
one's ancestors. These cultural practices have been passed down through generations and
continue to play a significant role in shaping the Filipino identity.
Overall, "Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon" is a thought-provoking film that provides a
glimpse into the rich history and culture of the Philippines. It reminds us of the importance of
preserving our cultural heritage and traditions, while also embracing change and progress. The
film serves as a reminder that despite the challenges and struggles we face, we must always
strive to stay true to our roots and values. As a Filipino, this film has inspired me to deepen my
appreciation and understanding of my own culture and to continue to celebrate the richness and
diversity of the Philippines.

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