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Section: BSCE-2F

GE – 9 The Life and Works of Rizal EXERCISE 2

1. In what other ways can the Filipino youth of today show their patriotism to their country?
The Filipino youth of today can show their patriotism to their country in various ways. Here
are some examples:

A. Active citizenship: Engaging in civic activities and participating in local government

initiatives, such as community clean-ups, voter registration drives, and volunteering for
social causes, showcases a sense of responsibility and commitment to the betterment of the

B. Education and knowledge-sharing: Pursuing education and acquiring knowledge about

Philippine history, culture, and socio-political issues not only helps in personal growth
but also enables the youth to be informed citizens who can contribute to national
conversations and advocate for positive change.

C. Cultural preservation and promotion: Embracing and celebrating Filipino culture,

traditions, arts, and languages fosters a sense of national pride. The youth can participate
in cultural events, showcase traditional arts and crafts, and actively preserve and share
indigenous knowledge and practices.

D. Social advocacy: Taking a stand on important social issues such as human rights,
equality, poverty alleviation, or education access can demonstrate a strong commitment to
social justice and the welfare of fellow Filipinos. This can involve participating in rallies,
awareness campaigns, or even starting grassroots movements.

E. Technology and innovation: Harnessing technology and innovation to address societal

challenges and improve the lives of Filipinos can be a powerful way for the youth to
contribute to the country's development. Developing tech-based solutions, supporting
startups, or engaging in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
fields can make a significant impact.

F. Cultural exchange and understanding: Actively seeking opportunities to learn from and
engage with diverse cultures, both locally and globally, can help foster understanding and
bridge gaps between different communities. This can involve participating in cultural
exchange programs, learning about the cultures of other regions within the Philippines,
and engaging with international communities.

Overall, patriotism is not limited to grand gestures but can be expressed through daily actions
that contribute to the welfare, progress, and unity of the Philippines. The Filipino youth's
active involvement in these various ways can make a significant difference in shaping the
nation's future.

2. Do you agree that Rizal deserves the title “The Philippine National Hero?” Why or why not? Do you
have any suggestions on who deserves the title? Who and why?

The title "The Philippine National Hero" is a subject of debate and differing opinions. Jose Rizal
is widely regarded as a national hero in the Philippines due to his significant contributions to the
country's history and independence movement during the Spanish colonial period. He played a crucial
role in awakening national consciousness through his writings, advocacy for reforms, and martyrdom.

Many argue that Rizal deserves the title because of his intellectual brilliance, his commitment to
advocating for social and political reforms, and his ultimate sacrifice for the country. Rizal's novels,
most notably "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," exposed the abuses of the Spanish colonial
government and sparked nationalistic sentiments among Filipinos. He used his writings to challenge the
oppressive regime and inspire a sense of national identity and pride.

Rizal's execution in 1896, at the age of 35, made him a martyr and symbol of resistance against
foreign domination. His death ignited the Philippine Revolution against Spain, leading to the eventual
independence of the country. Rizal's life and ideals continue to be celebrated, and he is regarded as an
influential figure who shaped the course of Philippine history. SO, MY ANSWER IS YES.

3. Do you agree with Dr. Zeus Salazar that one does not need to die to become a hero?

I agree with Dr. Zeus Salazar's statement. It emphasizes that heroism should not be limited to the
notion of sacrificing one's life but can be demonstrated through acts of kindness and making a positive
impact on others.

1. Heroism and Helping Others: A hero can be someone who willingly extends a helping
hand to those in need, regardless of the magnitude of the assistance provided. Small acts
of kindness and support can have a significant impact on someone's life, making a person
a hero in their eyes.

2. Significance of Change: A hero doesn't necessarily have to change the world on a grand
scale. Even making a meaningful change in one person's life, such as offering emotional
support, providing guidance, or inspiring someone to overcome challenges, can make a
person a hero in that individual's eyes.

3. The Scope of Heroism: Heroism can encompass a wide range of actions beyond life-
threatening situations. It includes displaying qualities like courage, empathy, compassion,
and selflessness in daily interactions and circumstances.

4. Everyone Can Be a Hero: The expanded definition acknowledges that heroism is not
limited to a select few. Every person has the potential to be a hero by choosing to be kind,
understanding, and helpful in their interactions with others.

By broadening the understanding of heroism, we recognize the potential for everyday acts to make a
positive difference in someone's life. It highlights the importance of empathy, compassion, and the
willingness to support and uplift others, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and caring society.

Deadline of Submission (G-drive): On or before June 2, 2023 (Friday) / 12:00 nn. (Save as pdf (File name:

Prepared by:
Instructor, Mathematics Department College of

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