Comparing and Contrasting Languages

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Comparing and contrasting languages

There are many factors that you can compare when having different programming
languages. These includes hardware, software and special devices.
Some of the programming require specific hardware and software to run and develop a
preforming languages can be formed in different ways. Some languages can preform more
or less good than other languages. For example, some programming languages manage ram
more efficiently than others by having aggressive collection measure. This is a process that
the user does not need to go through. Other languages like C language need the
programmer to look at the memory which is no longer used and to manually deallocate all
of it.
preferred application areas
some applications have a language which is preferred for it as it has everything the app
needs for it to work. These are some examples of some applications with the preferred
Java language is good for creating applets for web pages and android mobile apps. java is
perfect for developing large web applications because of its ability to communicate with a
large number of systems. WORA (‘write once, run anywhere’) this an approach which is
incorporated into many different forms of home entertainment devices.
C is regarded as a general-purpose language, but it works especially well for managing
externals! due to its low-level control of the computer system, hardware and electronics.
The machine-independent programming language C is mainly used to create a wide variety
of programmes and operating systems, including Windows. C is used to develop videogames
for Microsoft Windows and well-known gaming consoles.
Development time
When you are choosing a programming paradigm you shot take development time to
consideration this is essential. for example, we can see that while programmes written in
machine code and assembly are effective and run quickly, their development times might be
significantly greater than those of high-level languages used in contemporary integrated
development environments.
Development tools
A software development tool called GUI designer makes it easier to create GUIs by letting
designers arrange widgets using a drag-and-drop WYSIWYG editor.
A shcompiler reads the complete source program written in high-level language as a whole
in one go and translates it into an equivalent program in machine language

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