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Bahasa Inggris

- - | INTRODUCING | - -
(MEMPERKENALKAN) Dialogue 2 (At the school canteen)

Dialogue 1 Tina : Hi, I am Tina. This is Andy.

(Dani is a new student. Dewi is introducing Sari : Hi, Tina. Hello Andy. I’m Sari. Nice to
herself to Dani. They are in the school yard.) meet you.
Dewi : Hello, I’m Dewi. What’s your name? Andy : Nice to meet you too, Sari.
Dani : Hello, Dewi. I’m Dani Perdana. Please Tina : You are new here, right?
call me Dani. Sari : Yes, I am.
Dewi : Where do you live, Dani? Andy : Welcome to the school.
Dani : I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27. Sari : Thanks.
Dewi : Oh, do you?
Dani : Yes, I do. Translate into Indonesian :
Dewi : So, we are neighbours.
Dani : Are we?
Dewi : Yeah. I live at 8. Tina : ……………………………………..
Sari : ……………………………………..
Translate into Indonesian :
Dewi : ……………………………………..
Andy : ……………………………………..
Dani : ……………………………………..
Tina : ……………………………………..
Sari : ……………………………………..
Dewi : ……………………………………..
Andy : ……………………………………..
Dani : ……………………………………..
Sari : ……………………………………..
Dewi : ……………………………………..
Dani : ……………………………………..
Dewi : ……………………………………..
Vocabulary :
Dani : …………………………………….. Here : disini
Welcome : selamat datang
Dewi : ……………………………………..
Thanks : terima kasih

Vocabulary :
What : apa
Who : Siapa
When : Kapan
Where : dimana
Why : Bagaimana
Call me : panggil saya
Please : silahkan
Where do you live : Kamu tinggal dimana
Oh, do you : oh benarkah
Live : tinggal

Bahasa Inggris

INTRODUCE YOUR SELF Please insert your data

• My name is Santi Pidiati. Students' Data

• I am a student.
1. Full Name : …………………….
• I go to SMP 1 in Palembang.
• I was born in Palembang, 30th December 1994. 2. Date of Birth : …………………….
• I live at Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 15. My phone
3. Address : …………………….
number is 200001.
• I like jogging, bicycling, and listening to music. 4. Phone Number : …………………….
• My parents name are Mr Helmi Yahya and Mrs
5. Interests : …………………….
Yoana Pataya.
• My blood type is O. 6. Parents Name : …………………….
• You can e-mail me at
7. Blood Type : …………………….
• I am in 1F.
• I have a lot of friends. 8. E-mail Address (if any) : …………………….
• Titi is one of my friends.
Vocabulary :
Let Introduce your self
Full : lengkap
• My name is …………………….. Address : alamat
Interest : tertarik
• I am a ………………….
If any : jika ada
• I go to ……………………………….
• I was born in ………………………………….
• I live at ……………………………………….
• I like ………………………………………...
• My parents name are …………………………
and ………………………………….
• My blood type is ………
• You can e-mail me at ………………………….
• I am in …………….
• I have a lot of friends.
• ………………….. is one of my friends.
Vocabulary :
Your Self : dirimu sendiri
Student : pelajar
Born : lahir
Was sama artinya dengan is
Phone : telepon
Number : nomor
Like : suka
Jogging : lari-lari
Bicycling : bersepeda
Listening : mendengarkan
Parent : orang Tua
Blood : darah
Type : jenis / golongan

Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal Kodek 7402 9. Bagas : See you tomorrow, Tino.

1. Anita : Good morning, Mita ! Tino : " ..... "
Mita : .... , Anita. a. Thank you
a. Good morning b. See you !
b. Good afternoon c. How do you do ?
c. Good bye d. Good luck
d. Good night 10. Vita : Riska, this is my brother,
2 Anisa : What is your name ? Herman.
Afiva : ...... is Afiva. Riski : Hi, nice to meet you.
a. Her name Herman : " ..... "
b. My name a. I am fine
c. His name b. I hope you nice
d. Your name c. Thanks you for you
3. Teacher : Let me introduce myself. I'm d. Nice to meet you, too.
Mrs. Rose. 11. Indah wants to sleep at night. Indah says ... to
Students : .... , Mrs. Rose. her mother.
Teacher : How do you do. And let me a. good to sleep
know your names. b. good morning
a. How are you c. good night
b. Are you fine d. night
c. How do you do 12) Kheir : where do you live ?
d. I am fine Mellya : " ..... "
4. Alexa : How are ..... ? a. I live on Serang Street
Benny : I'm fine. Thanks. b. I am live
a. I c. I leave the home
b. you d. I am not fine
c. we 13. Xavi : How old are you ?
d. they Messi : " .... "
5. Inez : I have got to go now. Good a. I am not old
bye. Rion : ..... , Inez. b. I am ten years old
a. Good bye c. I am from here
b. Good d. I am old
c. Fine 14. Dewi leaves the school, she says ... to her
d. Sure friends.
6. Susan : where do you come from ? a. Good morning
Yusnia : " ........ " b. Good luck
a. I'm fine c. Good evening
b. I come here d. Good bye
c. I come from Yogyakarta 15 My name is Shania dewi. My ... name is Nia.
d. I go to Yogyakarta a. nick
7. My full name is Rosihan. You can ... me b. Nia
Rosi c. Shania
a. call d. full
b. take
c. give
d. tell
8. Dona : hi, my name is Dona.
Noni : " ...... "
a. Pleased to meet you, Dona.
b. Ria is pleased to meet you.
c. Please meat Dona
d. Meet Ria, please.

Bahasa Inggris

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