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September 1st, 2023

Diego Medel Garduño

1. Explain what happens when the “Instant Gratification Monkey” takes over.

In our life we have diferents projects which are important, this projects can be work
or something personal, but they matter. So when we want to starts this important
thing the instant gratification Monkey isn’t happy with that, he wants to play or do
something fun, and for this reason we don’t start our projects. This monkey takes
the control and do all that he want, and for this reason we don’t progress with the
diferent work that we have to do.

2. Explain the role of “The Panic Monster”

When the instant gratification Monkey takes the control, he is very happy because
he do all that he want, but we only lose time. The time pass, and every day we have
less time to deliver the projects that we would must to do. Then the panic Monster
wake up and scare to the instant gratification Monkey, so he left the ship and the
decision maker take the control and now he do the things that he must to do.

3. Explain why the speaker was surprised after he wrote on the subject of
procrastination and he received an avalnche of emails from all shorts of

In my opinion Tim was suprised because he understood or discovered that all people
in the world are procrastinators. Before, he thought there are peolple that they aren’t
procrastinator, but when he posted information in his blog he discovered that exist a
lot of people with the same problem.
4. Which are the two kinds of procrastination Tim Urban mentions? Explain their

The first kind of procrastination is when the person have problems with the
deadlines and he doesn´t know how to organize his time and they fail in their
projects. And the other kind is about the people who don’t have problems with the
deadlines, and they can deliver their projects in time.

5. Why is the 90.Year human like in Weeks (which he calls “A life calendar”) relevant
at the end of the talk? Explain.

Because this calendar show all the time that we don´t use for start the things that we
wish to do, it shows all the time lost because we have left that the instant
gratification monkey takes the control. At the same, this calendar show usa ll the
time we have to start, everyday it’s the perfect oportunitiy to begining the things
that we wish to do. Maybe we don’t arrive to we wish arrive, but we will give the
firts step.

“I won’t where I wish be, but I won´t where I was”

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