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Review Notes 3 
Human Biocultural and Social Evolution 
Competencies Covered 1 

Key Points 1 
Biological Evolution of Man 1 
Cultural Evolution of Man 2 
Sociopolitical Evolution of Man 3 
Importance of Artifacts in Understanding Historic Past 3 

Synthesis 4 

Practice 4 

Tips 7 

References 7 

Answer Key 8 

Review Notes 3 
Human Biocultural and Social 
Competencies Covered 
In this note, we will discuss the important concepts about the 
following competencies:  
● trace the biological and cultural evolution of early modern 
● explore the significance of human material remains and 
artefactual evidence in interpreting cultural, social, political, 
and economic processes; and 
● recognize national, local, and specialized museums and 
archeological and historical sites as venues to appreciate 
and reflect on the complexities of biocultural and social 
evolution as part of being and becoming human. 

Key Points 
Biological Evolution of Man 
● Evolution  is  the  process  of  developing  physical  and 
biological changes in a species over a period of time. 
● Biological  evolution  ​is  based  on  the  ​theory  of  evolution 
that  was  introduced  by  the  famous  English  naturalist  and 
geologist ​Charles Darwin​. 
● The  theory  of  evolution  proposed  that  the  current  human 
race  spurred  from  a  line  of  primates  that  evolved  through 
“​survival  of  the  fittest​,”  wherein  primitive  species 
competed among each other for survival. 
● Hominid  is  the  general  term used by scientists to categorize 
the  group  of  early  humans  and  other  humanlike  creatures 
RN3. ​Human Biocultural and Social Evolution  1 
that can walk erect during the prehistoric times. 
○ Sahelanthropus,  Ardipithecus,  ​and Australopithecus are considered as the 
prehuman stage of evolution. 
○ Homo​ is the human stage of evolution. 
■ Homo  habilis  were  the  direct ancestors of modern humans because of 
their  ability  to  produce  tools.  They  were  given  the  nickname  of  “​the 
■ Homo  erectus  were  considered skillful hunters because they were able 
to  make  complicated  tools.  They  were  the  first  homo  species  to  use 
fire  and  to  live  in  caves  and  small  houses made of tree branches. They 
were given the nickname of “​the​ ​upright man​.” 
■ Homo  sapiens  are  considered  as  modern  humans.  According  to 
Carolus  Linnaeus,  the  species’  physical  developments  were  closer  to 
the  biological  characteristics  of  current  humans  than  of  ape.  It  was 
given the nickname of “​the wise man​.” 
● Artefactual  evidence  is  the  only  source  of  knowledge  in understanding the lifestyle 
and the developments that occurred in each transitional stage of human evolution. 
○ Fossils ​refer to the preserved human, plant, and animal remains. 
○ Artifacts​ refer to objects that were made and used by humans. 
● It  may  be  difficult  for  us  to  have  direct  access  to  this  artefactual  evidence  but  there 
are  a  lot  of  museums,  historical sites, and archeological sites that we can visit so that 
we can learn and appreciate biological, cultural, and social evolution. 
● In  our  country,  the  ​National  Museum  of  the  Philippines  serves  as  an  educational, 
scientific,  and  cultural  institution  that  acquires,  preserves,  exhibits,  and  fosters 
scholarly  study  in  public  appreciation  of  works  of  art,  specimen,  cultural,  and 
historical artifacts of the Filipino People. 
Cultural Evolution of Man 
● Cultural evolution​ is learned behavior passed on from one generation to another. 
● Before  primitive  humans  could  get  their  hands  on  metal  tools  and  make  one 
themselves, they first learned about less-advanced forms of materials. 
○ Lower Paleolithic - stone tools and Acheulean tools like a hand ax 
○ Middle Paleolithic - mousterian tools known for sharp edges 
○ Upper  Paleolithic  -  tools  made  with the punch blade technique and decorated 

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with more intrinsic designs 
○ Mesolithic - smaller and fine tools; trading of materials for tools 
○ Neolithic - ended hunting-gathering practices; domestication of crops 
● The  division  of  labor  became  a  prominent  means  of  survival.  Males  and  females 
both had roles to take. 
● A  camp  is  a  place  where  all  members  of  the  group  gathered  and  shared  their 
Sociopolitical Evolution of Man 
● Hunting  and  gathering  ​is  the  oldest  and  most  basic  way  of  economic  subsistence. 
These  societies  are  nomadic  people  who  transfer  from  one  area  to  another  to  hunt 
animals or gather plants for survival. 
● Domestication  is  the  process  of  increasing  human  control  in  breeding  animals  or 
plants  to  regulate  certain  traits  that  will  make  them  useful  for  other  human  needs. 
From being hunter-gatherers, people became ​farmers​.   
● Civilizations  began  to  develop  during  the  Neolithic  period  when  the  early  humans 
learned to settle in just one area to domesticate plants and animals for survival. 
● The  rise  of  states  and  ​the  invention  of  writing  took place that influenced the flow 
of the socio-political process of the early civilizations. 
● Mesopotamia  is  believed  to  be  the  cradle  of  civilization  and  the  birthplace  of 
agriculture, urbanization, trade, and science due to its fertile land area. 
● An  oligarchy  is  a  form  of  leadership  where  rulers  were  made  up  of  aristocracies. 
City states were ruled by​ a tyrant​, a term for a Greek leader that means boss. 
● Democracy  is a political system where members of the society are free to participate 
in the decision-making processes of the state. 
Importance of Artifacts in Understanding Historic Past 
● Artifacts,  apart  from  serving  as  windows  to  the  past,  were  significant  because  they 
are tangible, authentic proof that a certain period in history occurred. 
● Artifacts  are  irreplaceable. It carries the important cultural and historical meanings 
that no person in the present could bring back. 
● Artifacts  are  key  to  understanding  the  past.  Practices  that  occurred  in  the  past 
would not have been known if not for the discovery of artifacts. 
● Artifacts give people a sense of identity.​ It describes culture and society.  
RN3. ​Human Biocultural and Social Evolution  3 

● Biological evolution refers to the changes, modifications, and variations in the genetics 
and inherited traits of a biological population from one generation to another. 
● Throughout our biological past, environmental forces have caused our ancestors to 
develop new means to survive, eventually leading to the acquisition of human 
characteristics such as bipedalism and brain development. 
● The tools that were developed in the past tell us a story. They tell how societies 
evolved, what living practices emerged, and what cultural forces influenced changes in 
society and human development. 
● Museums are one of the most easily accessible places where we can see various 
artifacts, fossils, and other evidences of our past. 


Shade the circle beside the correct answer for each question.  
1. What is the human stage of evolution? 
◯ Ardipithecus 
◯ Australopithecus 
◯ Homo 
◯ Sahelanthropus 
RN3. ​Human Biocultural and Social Evolution  4 
2. What human stage of evolution was given the nickname “ the wise man”? 
◯ Homo erectus 
◯ Homo habilis 
◯ Homo luzonensis 
◯ Homo sapiens 
3. What  political  system  allows  its  members  to freely participate in the decision-making 
processes of the state? 
◯ democracy 
◯ monarchy 
◯ oligarchy 
◯ theocracy 
4. Which of the following is considered as artefactual evidence? 
◯ artifacts and fossils 
◯ fossils and modern tools 
◯ artifacts and modern tools 
◯ artifacts, fossils, and modern tools 
5. Which of the following is an example of domestication? 
◯ hunt animals 
◯ gather plants 
◯ breeding animals 
◯ transferring to another land 
6. Which of the following is an example of cultural evolution? 
◯ the use of tools 
◯ the rise of civilization 
◯ the development of states 
◯ changes and modification in genetics 

RN3. ​Human Biocultural and Social Evolution  5 
7. Which of the following does​ not​ describe ​Homo erectus​? 
◯ skillful hunters 
◯ able to use fire 
◯ modern humans 
◯ live in caves and small houses 
8. Which of the following happened during the Paleolithic era? 
◯ use of stone tools 
◯ trading of materials 
◯ domestication of crops 
◯ end of hunting and gathering 
9. Which of the following influenced the flow of the socio-political process of the early 
◯ domestication and the rise of states  
◯ domestication and the invention of writing 
◯ the rise of states and the invention of writing 
◯ domestication, the rise of states, and the invention of writing 
10. Which of the following statements is n
​ ot​ true about artifacts? 
◯ It is replaceable. 
◯ It is authentic proof. 
◯ It gives people a sense of identity. 
◯ It is key to understanding the past. 
How is the biological, cultural, and sociopolitical evolution of modern humans relevant to 
the present time? 

RN3. ​Human Biocultural and Social Evolution  6 

● To gain full knowledge of the topics, it is best to search and read more articles and 
studies about human biocultural and social evolution. 
● Creating a timeline can help in learning the past. Important points in time can be 
easily seen and understood. 
● Visiting museums can maximize knowledge about certain topics. 
● In answering the multiple-choice tests, use the process of elimination. 

Contreras, Antonio & et al. “​Culture and Society: The Perspectives of Anthropology and 
Sociology​,” U
​ nderstanding Culture, Society, and Politics​. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing 
House, Inc., 2016.  
—. ​Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World​. Minnesota: University of 
Minnesota Libraries Publishing, 2016. Editors. “​ Neolithic Revolution,”​. Accessed from​, November 12, 2019. 
The National Museum of the Philippines. ​“About the National Museum,” NationalMuseum​. 
Accessed from h
​ ttps://​, November 12, 2019 
Gillings, Michael. “​Understanding Evolution​,” Youtube. Accessed from​, November 12, 2019. 

RN3. ​Human Biocultural and Social Evolution  7 

Answer Key 
Answers to Multiple Choice 
1. homo 
2. H
​ omo Sapiens 
3. democracy 
4. artifacts and fossils 
5. breeding animals 
6. the use of tools 
7. modern humans 
8. use of stone tools 
9. the rise of states and the invention of writing 
10. It is replaceable. 
Possible answer and explanation to HOTS Question  
The skills, characteristics, culture, and society that we have at present are products of 
countless years of evolutionary development. 


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