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 The Supervisor is to perform the LMRA prior to the start of work.

 The Supervisor is to discuss the applicable Hazards, Controls, Life Saving
Rules and Daily Conversations with the work party during the LMRA.
 The Supervisor is responsible to maintain records of the signed off copies of
the LMRA, Safety Officer to collate and submit to HSE Lead at month end.
 HSE Lead and HSE Manager to review monthly and implement HSE measures
and campaigns as appropriate based on learnings.

All members of the work party who have participated in the LMRA Supervisor (Name, Signature):
and are familiar with the job scope and Hazard & Controls
Permit Number:
Name Initials Name Initials
Date & Time:
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
What kind of work are you going to do?
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

......................... ......................... ......................... .........................

Has the Permit Issuer discussed the hazards & Does the work party know the emergency alarm
controls with the Permit Holder? Yes n/a and action required in event of an alarm or Yes n/a
Has the Permit Holder warned others that may be
affected by your work? Yes n/a Does the work party know the most effective Yes n/a
escape route and the location of the nearest
muster point?
Is there conflicting work that may affect you?
Yes n/a Yes n/a
Does the work party know the location of the
If yes describe hazards and controls below.
nearest eyewash station, emergency shower, first
aid kit and AED device?

Are there additional hazards that need to be controlled? If newly identified hazards are material changes to the permit, contact Permit Issuer!

Hazards: Controls / Recovery Measures:

.............................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................

Pictograms of key hazards: Indicate (and discuss) which of the QatarEnergy Life Saving Rules are applicable:

Others (add/note as applicable).g. – People, motion etc




Altrad Babcock Last Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA) Template – Rev2 (31st July 2023)

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