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A special greetings to our highly respected administrators Sir Romeo O. Acosta, Mrs.

Juliet Acosta Lagurin RN, Sir/Ma’ams.

To our energetic and beloved school principal, Mr. Samuel O. Nomos, Sir. To our
hardworking teachers, friends, parents, ladies and gentlemen. A pleasant day to all
of you!

Today, we are having the Moving Up Ceremony for all the grade 10 completers with
the theme, “Gradweyt ng K-12: Hinubog ng Matatag na Edukasyon.” The youths are
molded through a resilient education foundation. In what way? The K to 12 Program,
as I understand. Before, secondary education has only 4 years to complete. Now in
this newly implemented program, there is an additional 2 years. So 4 years for junior
high and another 2 years for senior high. This aims to improve and develop the skills
of the students, whether in the field of academic or technical vocational track. The
program is implemented by the Department of Education with the purpose of
upbringing, creating, and preparing the young people to be equipped with knowledge
and skills that they can use in the future, for the progress of the country.

We have all dreamed and are still dreaming of living in a progressive and innovative
society. Well, who knows, one of us here will become an inventor, a scientist, or
someone who could bring a great economic change to this beloved country, that has
never been experienced before. Some of us here may be thinking that these are
impossible to achieve. Is it impossible to create something new? Maybe a flying car
or motorcycle o any other unusual stuff? No. It is not impossible. If the Wright
Brothers Wilbur and Orville, were able to let man fly by inventing an airplane, then
why not us? My point here is, nothing is impossible if you have faith in yourself. 10
years from now, which maybe a decade is quite too far, you can be doctor, a nurse,
a lawyer, an engineer, or a great leader. You can be anything. All you need to do is
work on it, be diligent, and believe that impossible things can be possible. Because if
you would look at the word impossible itself, the prefix  “IM”  alters the meaning of
the word right? If you read the prefix by letter, then it would sound like “I AM
POSSIBLE.” You are possible.

So being the 8th batch to enter the senior high school, let us not be afraid of what
awaits us. Let us always be optimistic about the future. Don’t be afraid of something.
Do not be afraid, if fears conquer the confidence inside you. Trust and show the best
in you. You don’t have to be afraid of what you are. Remember, we are all man, and
from time to time, man makes a difference. Embrace change as a normal trend of

So, on behalf of eight batch of Grade-10 completers this school year 2022-2023, I
welcome you all this moving up ceremony which is the beginning of our time to step
up on a higher level of development. The time to show what is the best in us. The
start of creating an innovative and progressive country out from the skills and talents
that we possess. And to especially mention Grade-10 completers, we are the,
“Kabataang Mula sa K to 12, Hinubog ng Matatag na Edukasyon.” Welcome once
again and God bless our journey to come Grade-11 School Year 2023-2024.
We,/ the graduates of St. Augustine High School,
Inc. for the school year 2022-2023/ do herby
pledge/ that we will remain forever loyal to our
Alma Matter/ that we always speak well of her./
That we will defend her against unfounded and
reasonable attacks/ that we will always giver her
moral support/ for her cultural/ growth and
development/ that we will hold homecoming from
time to time/ cultivate comradeship/ with those
who will after us/ that we will live according to her
ideals/ and principles/ and that we/ make this
pledge/ without any reservation./ SO HELP US

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