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Name Address Phone Number Job Salary

John Smith 123 Main St, City 555-123-4567 Software $90,000

A Engineer
Mary Johnson 456 Elm St, City 555-987-6543 Sales Manager $80,000
Michael Lee 789 Oak Ave, 555-222-3333 Accountant $70,000
City C
Jennifer Chen 321 Pine Rd, City 555-444-5555 Marketing $75,000
D Specialist
Robert Davis 987 Maple Ln, 555-666-7777 Project Manager $85,000
City E
Emily Wilson 654 Birch St, City 555-888-9999 Graphic Designer $65,000
William Turner 852 Elmwood Dr, 555-111-2222 HR Manager $78,000
City G
Laura Scott 147 Oakwood 555-333-4444 Data Analyst $72,000
Ave, City H
Richard Lee 369 Willow Rd, 555-555-6666 Software $88,000
City I Developer
Sarah Adams 963 Birchwood 555-777-8888 Sales $68,000
Ln, City J Representative
Daniel Brown 741 Maplewood 555-999-1111 Operations $82,000
Dr, City K Manager
Jessica Miller 852 Pine St, City 555-222-3333 Marketing $90,000
L Manager
Christopher Hall 369 Oak Ln, City 555-444-5555 Financial Analyst $75,000
Amanda Turner 963 Elmwood 555-666-7777 Web Developer $80,000
Ave, City N
Matthew Wilson 852 Willow Rd, 555-888-9999 Account $70,000
City O Manager
Elizabeth White 369 Birch St, City 555-111-2222 Sales Analyst $75,000
Kevin Davis 963 Pine Rd, City 555-333-4444 IT Specialist $72,000
Samantha Taylor 852 Oakwood 555-555-6666 Project $68,000
Dr, City R Coordinator
Andrew Harris 369 Elmwood Ln, 555-777-8888 Marketing $65,000
City S Coordinator
Olivia Martin 741 Willow Ave, 555-999-1111 Software Tester $78,000
City T

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[Your Job's Letterhead] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. On behalf of [Your Job], I am delighted to extend a
formal invitation to you for our upcoming job fair, which will be held on [Date] at our
[Job Location] in [City, State]. We believe that your professional expertise and skills
make you an excellent candidate for potential opportunities within our organization.

As a [Recipient's Job Title] at [Recipient's Job], we recognize your achievements and

contributions to your current role. Your dedication and experience in the [Recipient's
Job Field] industry have caught our attention, and we are eager to discuss potential
career opportunities at [Your Job].

The job fair will offer you the chance to explore various positions we currently have
available and to interact with our team members to gain deeper insights into our job
culture and values. Moreover, it will provide a platform for us to understand your
aspirations and how we can collaborate to achieve mutual growth and success.

To ensure you have a smooth experience during the event, we kindly request you to
confirm your attendance by calling [Your Contact Phone Number] or sending an email
to [Your Email Address] before [RSVP Deadline]. Please let us know if you have any
specific requirements or preferences, and we will be more than happy to accommodate

[Optional: Include any additional details about the job fair, such as timings, dress code,
or special activities planned.]

We truly believe that your presence at the job fair could be the beginning of an exciting
and rewarding journey with [Your Job]. We look forward to meeting you in person and
discussing how we can work together to achieve remarkable success.

Thank you for considering our invitation. Should you have any questions or require
further information, please do not hesitate to reach out.


[Your Name]

[Your Job Title [

City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Phone Number]

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