Connecting Classrooms - How Are Schools Similar and Different

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How are schools similar and different?

Teachers have similar motivations for their work. There are practical similarities such as the
pattern of the school day, age and stage of students and common learning outcomes. Each
school operates in different circumstances and has different strengths. These provide good
opportunities for staff to learn from each other.

Differences between schools might include:

• teaching styles, e.g. group work or • experience of team-working

lecture style • class sizes, and age and ability range
• leadership styles, e.g. shared or in classes, e.g. selective or mixed
individual • use of information technology to
• school ethos communicate worldwide 1
• the importance of exams and • curriculum development
academic achievement • in/flexibility of the curriculum
• the importance of vocational and • special needs provision
practical learning • level and type of parental and
• discipline community involvement in the school
• balance between learner and • strengths in particular subject areas.
teacher autonomy

What thoughts and questions does this activity raise about working with an international

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