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OSORIO 6:00-6:50
AGUADO 6:50-7:40
JAENA 7:40-8:30
GREGORIO 8:30-9:20
DE OCAMPO9:50-10:40

I. Objectives
1. Identify the parts of a simple paragraph.
2. Make a simple paragraph.
3. Demonstrate understanding of how to make a simple paragraph.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Parts of a Simple Paragraph
Materials: ppt presentation, pictures, visual aids
References: LM 258-262
Subject integration: EPP, Values


A. Preliminary Activity
1. Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kumustahan”

2. Spelling practice (Day 2)

3. Drill
Reading of words with short a sound
mat pan
hat cap
rat nap
man tap

Practice reading the following phrases.

Rat on the mat
Cat on the mat
Man on the mat.

Read the following sentences.

The rat is on the mat.
The cat sat on the mat.
The man naps on the mat.
4. Review
What is a paragraph?
What are the parts of a paragraph?

The teacher will show a picture of unorganized things.

is in
the picture? Yes, it is a picture of unorganized things.
Do you think it's good to see things like this?
What will happen if you keep things unorganized?

In writing a good paragraph we need to put things in order.

1. Focus on one topic.

2. Begin the first word of the sentence with a capital letter.
3. Indent the first sentence of the paragraph.
4. Complete the paragraph with an ending sentence, which may be an idea, a
decision, or a conclusion.
5. End each sentence with a correct punctuation mark. Some of these punctuation
marks are:

Let us analyze the paragraph below.

My mother is a busy person. She gets up early to

prepare breakfast for us. After breakfast, she washed the
dishes and cleaned our home. Then, she gives.
My brother and sister take a bath and bring them to
school. She works most of her time.
 The first line of a paragraph is indented about an inch. Each of the
sentences begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation
What does the paragraph talk about? (It talks about the mother.)
What does it say about the mother? (My mother is a busy person.)
 It is the topic sentence of the paragraph. It states the main idea and
tells us what the paragraph is all about.
What are the things that talk about mother?
(She gets up early to prepare breakfast for us. After breakfast, she washed the
dishes and cleaned our home. Then, she gives my brother and sister a bath and
brings them to school.)
 These sentences discuss, support, and agree with the topic sentence.
These are the supporting sentences of the paragraph.
What is the concluding sentence of the paragraph?
(She works most of her time every day.)
D. GUIDED PRACTICE (Group Activity)
Group 1
Directions: Arrange the jumbled sentences to form a paragraph. Numbers
it 1-5.
1. _______ Once there was a man who liked to tramp through the park every day.
2. _______ They were not afraid of him.

3. _______ He would call the animals in his soft, low voice and they would
scamper to him.
4. _______ One day, he set a dog’s broken leg.

5. _______ This man was very gentle.

Group 2 & 3
Direction: Write a simple paragraph composed of 3-5 sentences in the
topic below.
a) Steps in washing your hands.
b) Steps in cooking rice
Group 4
Look at the paragraph and see what is wrong with the paragraph. Analyze the
paragraph below.

going to the park is one of my favorite things We always go to the burger

store for a snack. Then we go to the playground. Sometimes, we ride a bike to
roam around. I love going to the park with my family.

Write a short paragraph about your vacation.

What are the things we need to put in mind in writing a good paragraph?


Put a check √ on those sentences that are related to the topic and cross × to
the misfit sentences.
Topic Sentence:
My parents are still undecided to send us to school.

1. _____ They are afraid for our safety because of the COVID-19.
2. _____ They said our health would be at risk.
3. _____ Vaccines to fight the COVID-19 is not yet available.
4. _____ COVID-19 kills a lot of people in the whole world and even health
professionals suffer from it.
5. _____ Up to this moment, they haven’t enrolled us despite the precautionary
measures given by the Department of Education.

Instructions: Each pair has a topic sentence and a detail sentence. Label each one.
1. _____________a) The best pet is a dog.
______________b) One reason is because dogs are friendly.
2. ______________a) Broccoli has iron and Vitamin K.
______________b) Vegetables are healthy.
3. ______________a) Biologists study living organisms.
______________b) One organism biologists study is cells.
4. ______________a) Some species of flowers are dangerous.
______________b) Hogweed flowers can burn your skin!

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