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Chapter Subject Page No.
I Introduction 1-3
II Year at a Glance 4-17
III Sagarmala 18-32
IV Ports 33-51
V Shipping 52-61
VI Functioning of Organizations 62-82
VII Inland Waterways Transport 83-95
VIII Transport Research & Development Wing 96-97
IX International Cooperation 98-101
X Administration and Finance 102-108
XI Of icial Language 109-111
XII List of Annexure 112-122



Hon'ble Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways and AYUSH Shri Sarbananda Sonowal taking charge as Minister

1.1 Ministry of Shipping was formed in 2009 responsibility to formulate policies and
by bifurcating the erstwhile Ministry of programmes on these sectors and their
Shipping, Road Transport and Highways implementation.
into two independent Ministries.
1.3 Comprehensive policy package is
Thereafter, name of the Ministry was
necessary to address the diverse issues
changed to Ministry of Ports, Shipping
facing the maritime transport sector. The
a n d Wa terways (P, S &W ) on 9t h
capacity of the ports in terms of their
November, 2020.
berths and cargo handling equipment
1.2 M a r i t i m e Tra n s p o r t i s a c r i t i c a l needs to keep pace with the growing
i n f ra s t r u c t u re fo r t h e e c o n o m i c requirements of the overseas trade. The
development of a country. It in luences shipping industry must be enabled to
the pace, structure and pattern of carry higher shares of the sea-borne
development. The Ministry trade in indigenous bottoms.
encompasses within its fold shipping
1.4 Historically, investments in the transport
and port sectors which also include
sector, particularly in the ports, have
shipbuilding and ship repair, major ports
been made by the State, mainly because
and inland water transport. The Ministry
of the large resources required, long
has been entrusted with the

Annual Report 2021-22 1


gestation period, uncertain returns and 1.9 The Accounts Wing is headed by a Pr.
a number of externalities associated Chief Controller of Accounts who is
with this infrastructure sector. However, inter-alia, responsible for accounting,
the growing resource requirements and payment, budget, internal audit and cash
the concern for managerial ef iciency management.
and consumer responsiveness have led
1.10 Adviser (Statistics) renders necessary
to the active involvement of the private
data support to various Wings of the
sector in infrastructure services in
Ministry for policy planning, transport
recent times. To encourage private
coordination, economic & statistical
sector participation, Ministry of Ports,
analysis on various modes of transport
Shipping & Waterways has laid down
with which the Ministry is concerned.
comprehensive policy guidelines for
private sector participation in the Major 1.11 The following Attached/Subordinate
ports. of ices, Autonomous Organisations,
Societies/ Associations and Public
Sector Undertakings are functioning
1.5 The subjects allocated to the Ministry of under the administrative control of the
Ports, Shipping & Waterways are listed Ministry:-
Attached/Subordinate Of ices
Organizational set-up
1. Director General of Shipping
1.6 Shri Sarbananda Sonowal is the Minister
2. Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works
for Ports, Shipping & Waterways. Shri
Shripad Naik and Shri Shantanu Thakur 3. Directorate General of Lighthouses and
are the Ministers of State for Ports, Lightships
Shipping and Waterways (P, S&W).
Autonomous Bodies
1.7 Secretary (P,S&W) is assisted by
Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary 1. Tariff Authority of Major Ports (TAMP)
(Shipping), Joint Secretary (Ports), Joint 2. Port Authorities at Mumbai, SMP,
Secretary (Sagarmala & PPP), Joint Kolkata, Cochin, Kandla (Deendayal),
Secretary (Admn., Parl. & DGLL), Chennai, Mormugao, Nhava Sheva
Economic Adviser(Coord.), Adviser (Jawaharlal Nehru), Paradip, Tuticorin
Statistics(IWT and Stats.), Development (V.O Chidambarnar) , Visakhapatnam
Adviser (Ports), of icers at the level of and New Mangalore
Directors, Deputy Secretaries, Under 3. Calcutta Dock Labour Board
Secretaries and other Secretariat/ 4. Inland Waterways Authority of India
Technical Of icers. 5. Seamen's Provident Fund Organization
1.8 T h e F i n a n c e W i n g i s h e a d e d by 6. Indian Maritime University
Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser
Societies/ Associations
who assists in formulating and
processing of all policies and other 1. Seafarer's Welfare Fund Society.
proposals having inancial implications.
2. Indian Port Association.

2 Annual Report 2021-22


Public Sector Undertakings 8. C e n t ra l I n l a n d Wa t e r Tra n s p o r t

Corporation Limited
1. Shipping Corporation of India
9. Hooghly Dock and Ports Engineers
2. Cochin Shipyard Limited
3. Sagarmala Development Company
Companies owned by Port Authorities
4. Indian Port Rail and Ropeway
1. Dredging Corporation of India
Corporation Limited
2. Kamaragar Port Limited
5. Indian Ports Global Limited(IPGL)
1.12 The Organization Chart of the Ministry is
6. Sethusamundram Corporation Limited.
given at ANNEXURE-II.
7. Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited

Annual Report 2021-22 3



Hon’ble Minister Meeting Inland Waterways Authority of India Of icials on successfully engaging
concessionaire under PPP mode through open global Tendering process, for Equip, Operate and Transfer of
Multimodal Terminal Haldia

BACKGROUND ocean resources, ship design and

construction, ports and harbours, issues
2.1 The Maritime Sector in India comprises
relating to human resource
of Ports, Shipping, Shipbuilding and Ship
development, inance, ancillaries and
repair and Inland Water Transport
new technologies need to be developed
Systems. In India, there are total 12
in the light of the emerging scenario.
government owned major ports and
Shipping continues to remain
approximately 200 minor and
unchallenged as the world’s most
intermediate ports. These all are
ef icient means of transportation and we
administered by the central and the
need to do all we can to recognize,
States government. Indian Shipping
reward and promote quality within the
Industry has over the years played a
crucial role in the transport sector of
India’s economy. Approximately 95% of GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES
the country’s trade by volume and 68%
2.2 India has a long coastline of about 7517
by value is moved through Maritime
km, spread on the western and eastern
Transport. Therefore, shipping and

4 Annual Report 2021-22


shelves of the mainland and also along However, at the stage of Revised
the Islands. It is an important natural Estimate (RE), this has been reduced to
resource for the country’s trade. Rs. 1585.37 crore. Against the RE
allocation of Rs. 1585.37 crore, actual
Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) and
expenditure as on 31.12.2021 was
Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources
Rs.1095.64 crore. Summary of GBS and
(IEBR) Outlay For 2021-22
Internal & Extra Budgetary Resources
2.3 The Budget Estimate of Gross Budgetary (IEBR) outlay for 2021-22 are given
Support (GBS) for FY 2021-22 was below:
Rs.1702.35 crore for the Ministry.
Sector BE 2021-22 RE 2021-22 Actual Expenditure
(2021-22)* (20-21)
Ports & Light 647.50 4337.12 580.37 3233.92 447.42 1974.24
Shipping 171.25 480.00 166.56 450.00 66.55 678.24
IWAI 623.60 0.00 580.30 0.00 382.07 0.00
Others 260.00 0.00 258.14 0.00 199.60 0.00
Total 1702.35 4817.12 1585.37 3683.92 1095.64 2652.48
*upto 31st December, 2021

OUTLAY FOR 2022-23 throughput of around 1251.38 Million

Tonnes. The traf ic decreased by 5.2%
2.4 The details of total GBS and IEBR outlay
over the corresponding period of
details for 2022-2023 are given below:-
previous year. The 12 Major Ports
handled traf ic of 529.34 Million Tonnes
Sector 2022-23 (BE) during April – December 2021,
GBS IEBR representing increase of about 10.3%
Ports& 612.49 3980.33 over the corresponding period of
Light-houses previous year. Of the 12 Major Ports,
cargo handled during April – December
Shipping 181.10 480.00 2 0 2 1 M o r m u ga o Po r t re g i s te re d
IWAI 640.81 0.00 negative growth of 7.6% following SMP
Haldia Dock System 48% over the
Others 275.10 0.00
corresponding period of previous year.
Total 1709.50 4460.33
Commodity-wise Cargo Traf ic at Major

Cargo Traf ic at Indian Ports 2.7 During 2020-21 upto December, 12

Major Ports handled 529.34 Million
2.6 During 2020-21, major and non-major Tonnes of traf ic as against 479.56
ports in India handled a total cargo Million Tonnes over the corresponding

Annual Report 2021-22 5


period of previous year. The composition of the cargo is given below:

(In Million Tonnes)

Year POL Iron Ore F&FRM Coal Container Other Total

(Dry) (In Million Cargo

2017-18 224.82 41.17 15.05 141.23 133.73 123.37 679.37

2018-19 233.70 38.81 15.41 163.67 145.52 101.99 699.10
2019-20 234.86 55.68 16.15 149.04 146.86 102.34 704.93
2020-21 206.77 64.28 17.67 126.75 143.77 113.44 672.68
Apr-Dec 2021 162.52 37.18 11.69 109.25 124.53 84.17 529.34
Source: Update on Indian Port Sector (31.03.2021) and Port Data Management Portal
POL includes POL Crude, Products and LPG/LNG
Iron Ore includes Fine and Pellets
F&FRM (Dry) includes Fertilizers, Fertilizers Raw Material (Dry and Liquid)
Coal includes Thermal, Coking and other Coal

2.8 While the commodities viz. POL, Coal, the traf ic handled by non-major ports.
Iron Ore, F&FRM (Dry) and Containers The cargo traf ic handled by non-major
are showing steady growth, there has ports during April-December, 2021 was
been steady decrease in traf ic of Other around 441.25 Million Tonnes recording
Cargo(es) during the last few years. an increase of 5.4% over corresponding
Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNP) continued period of previous year.
to be the leading container handling port Port Ef iciency
in the country with a share of about
40.1% followed by Chennai (18.6%) and 2.10 Ef iciency at ports has an important
the remaining share of 41.3% handled by bearing on the transaction cost. Ministry
other major ports during 2020-21. has been striving to improve the
o p e ra t i o n a l e f i c i e n c i e s t h ro u gh
Cargo Traf ic at Non-major Ports mechanization, digitization and process
2.9 The traf ic handled at non-major ports simpli ication. As a result, Major ports
which was 529.1 Million Tonnes during have improved their ef iciency of
2017-18 increased to 578.9 Million operation particularly in terms of
Tonnes during 2020-21 which was t u r n a r o u n d t i m e . T h e Av e r a g e
46.3% of the total maritime traf ic of the Turnaround Time improved from
country. The Maritime States namely 107.29 hours in 2011-12 to 55.99 hours
Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and during 2020-21 and 54.07 hours during
Maharashtra accounted for 89.31% of 2021-22 (upto December, 2021). The

6 Annual Report 2021-22


Average Turnaround Time for container professionalize the governance of the

ship of Major Sea Ports has been reduced Major Ports, the above new legislation
from 36.94 hours in 2019-20 to 27.38 was introduced to enable the Major
hours in 2020-21. Ports to adopt a competitive business
Port Capacity model and implement changes in the
evolving market. With the proposed
2.11 I n f ra s t r u c t u re d eve l o p m e n t a n d changes in the Major Port Authorities
capacity augmentation of major ports is Act, 2021; the administration of Major
an ongoing process. Cargo handling Ports shall signi icantly improve and
capacity of major ports has increased decisions will be taken expeditiously.
from 1065.83 MTPA as on 31.03.2017 to The Major Ports shall gain autonomy on
1560.61 MTPA as on 31.03.2021. many key matters including tariffs,
Similarly, Cargo handling capacity of development of port assets, master
non-major ports has increased from planning of infrastructure within port
788.61 MTPA as on 31.03.2017 to 994.21 limits and powers to make regulations
MTPA as on 31.03.2021. There is for operations of the Major Ports. The Act
adequate capacity build up in Indian also provides for formulation of an
ports to cater to the requirement of trade Adjudicatory Board that will adjudicate
Recent reforms/initiatives disputes among Major Ports, Public
Private Partnership concessionaires and
2.12 Recent policy reforms and initiatives:
captive users. The Act also delegates the
The following initiatives have been taken
power of ixation of Schedule of Rates for
for improving the ef iciency and
ports and ixation of tariff to the
productivity of Major Ports:
concessionaire in PPP projects.
Major Port Authorities Act
2.15 The Major Port Authorities Act, 2021 is
2.13 The Act intends to repeal the Major Port expected to usher in a new era for
Trusts Act, 1963 so as to revamp the administration of Major Ports in India in
administration, control and which the Major Ports will contribute
management of Major Ports in India. The signi icantly to the economic growth and
powers of the Board are limited and provide world-class port infrastructure
there is excessive need for directions on by adopting Landlord Model of
p o l i c y m a t te r s f ro m t h e C e n t ra l development where the core
Government. The current model of the infrastructure is developed by the Port
Board of Trustees has operational Authority and the commercial operation
restrictions and in the modern economic are bid out to private players.
scenario, the Major Ports are already
Chabahar Port
facing challenges in keeping up with the
growth and development in the Ports 2.16 A Memorandum of Understanding
sector and increased competition from (MoU) for development of Chabahar Port
private ports. The Major Port Authorities by India was signed in Tehran between
2021 was enacted by parliament in 2021 India and Iran on 06th May 2015 by the
after being passed by both the houses. then Minister of Shipping Shri Nitin
Gadkari from the Indian side and
2.14 W i t h a v i e w t o p r o v i d e g r e a t e r
Minister Dr. Abbas Akhoundi from the
a u t o n o m y, l e x i b i l i t y a n d t o
Iranian side, and thereafter the contract

Annual Report 2021-22 7


was executed on 23rd May, 2016 at 2.20 Government of India taken-over the
Tehran (Iran) during the visit of Hon’ble operations of two berths at Shahid
Prime Minister of India to Iran. The Behesti Port, Chabahar, Iran during
Contract was signed between Aria Chabahar Trilateral Agreement meeting
Banader Iranian Port & Marine Services held at Chabahar on 24th December
Company (ABI) of Iran and India Ports 2018 and successfully completed one
Global Ltd. (IPGL) of India for equipping year of operation. Port Of ice of "India
and operating two terminals at irst Ports Global Chabahar Free Zone"
development phase of Shahid Beheshti- (IPGCFZ), Indian SPV at Chabahar was
Chabahar Port. The Ports & Maritime also inaugurated jointly by the Head of
Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran delegations of India, Iran and
(PMO) and Ministry of Shipping, Afghanistan.
Government of India were the 2.21 With this irst step a long journey
Con irming Parties to the Contract. commenced. By its engagement in
2.17 In its meeting held on 24.02.2016, the Chabahar, India has written a history and
Govt. also approved the proposal of this is leading the regional cooperation and
Ministry for the provision and joint efforts to support land locked
operationalization of credit of USD 150 Afghanistan. This also ful ils India’s long
Million from EXIM Bank for Chabahar cherished dream of its engagement at
Port Development. Chabahar Port. Cabinet vide its meeting
2.18 In order to implement Chabahar project, held on 26.02.2020 approved this
an SPV, India ports Global Ltd was Ministry’s note for the exemption from
incorporated in January 2015, which applicability of DPE Guidelines to India
was promoted by Jawaharlal Nehru Port Ports Global Limited. The irst
Trust (JNPT) and Kandla Port Trust consignment of India’s humanitarian aid
[(now Deendayal Port Trust) DPT]. to Afghanistan reached Chabahar on
15th April 2020. Total 888 containers of
2.19 Since there were challenges in activation wheat (about 22,800 tons out of total of
of the Main Contract, the foundation of a 75000 tons) have been sent to
short period Contract was laid during the Afghanistan in three shipments.
visit of His Excellency President of
Islamic Republic of Iran to New Delhi in 2.22 The irst Trilateral Working Group
February 2018. Resultantly a formal Meeting between India, Iran and
Short Lease Contract between the two Uzbekistan on joint use of Chabahar Port
sides was signed on 6th May 2018. For was held virtually on December 14, 2020
implementation of the same, an SPV to open up economic opportunities for
India Ports Global Chabahar Free Zone the traders and business community of
(IPGCFZ) with 98% share holding by the region. During the said virtual
IPGL and 1% each by JNPT & DPT was meeting, besides Uzbekistan, other
incorporated in Iran. Later, 100% equity Central Asian countries also had shown
shares of JNPT & DPT in IPGL have been interest in using the port . India
purchased by Sagarmala Development welcomed the interest of Uzbekistan to
Company Ltd. (SDCL) (a company under use the Chabahar port as a transit port.
Administrative control of Ministry of Further, all sides also welcomed India’s
Ports, Shipping and Waterways). decision to hold "Chabahar Day” which

8 Annual Report 2021-22


was held on the sidelines of the etc. Transportation module (e-Vahan& e-

International Maritime Summit hosted Sarthi) is also an integral part of PCS
by India during 2-4 March, 2021. 2.25 Policy Guidelines for Land Management
2.23 A consignment of two Mobile Harbour (PGLM) 2014 were issued to all Major
Cranes (MHC) to Iran’s Chabahar port Ports for implementation w.e.f. 2.1.2014.
has been supplied, with a total contract Later, some of the provisions of the Land
value of over USD 25 Million for supply of Policy Guidelines, 2014 were further
6 MHC. The consignment of cranes clari ied to ease the implementation of
arrived from Marghera port, Italy the Policy Guidelines by the Major Ports
unloaded successfully on 18th January, on 17th July, 2015. Many Major Ports
2021 at Chabahar port. had, however, raised various dif iculties
Major Initiatives/Achievements in implementing some of the provisions
of PGLM, 2015 and requested for further
2.24 An upgraded Port Community System c l a r i i c a t i o n s o n t h e s a m e . To
(PCS) (PCS 1x version) has been accommodate the various dif iculties
implemented. The system enables arising with regard to implementation of
seamless data low between the various the guidelines so as to meet the practical
stakeholders through common interface. exigencies & requirements in public
Main Objectives of PCS1x are: interest, clari ications on these were
a) Develop a centralized web based issued by the Ministry from time to time
application which act as SINGLE and all the clari ications issued have
WINDOW for secure electronic message been compiled and have been issued
exchanges between all stakeholders afresh on 29.4.2019. With the objective
of further promoting port led
b) Reduce transaction time and cost in
industrialization and ‘Ease of Doing
Port’s business & overall Logistics cost of
Business’ and the vision of ‘Atmanirbhar
the country
Bharat’, new Policy Guidelines for Land
c) Achieve paperless regime in Port sector Management by Major Ports, 2020
d) Implement an e-commerce portal for (PGLM 2020) has been prepared and
Port Community awaiting the approval of the cabinet.
Facilities: 2.26 C a b o t a g e Re l a xa t i o n - C a b o t a g e
relaxation of coastal movement of EXIM
a) Towards complete Paperless regime, it
transshipment containers and Empty
facilitates e-DO, e-Payment & e-Invoicing
Containers, introduced in May, 2018.
which has already been made mandatory
Order has been issued by the Ministry for
b) It has latch-on facility with all other trade relaxation of coastal movement of EXIM
party portals which can be evolved to transshipment containers and Empty
National Maritime Single Window Containers
(NSW) which will reduce delays in
2.27 An Enterprise Business System (EBS) is
physical movement of cargo &
being implemented at 5 Major Ports
transaction time of EXIM trade apart
(Mumbai, Chennai, Deendayal, Paradip,
from just being online
and Kolkata (including Haldia) Port with
c) Providing facilities like vehicle booking project cost of approx. 323 crore) to
option, advance notice of traf ic to ports, provide a digital port ecosystem that will

Annual Report 2021-22 9


adopt leading International Practices 2.29 A new dispute redressal institutional

without losing its alignment to existing mechanism in the form of SAROD-Ports
local needs. A total of 2474 processes has been constituted jointly by Indian
(ChPT – 671, DPT – 376, KoPT – 501, HDC Private Ports & Terminals Association
– 374, MbPT – 278 and PPT – 274) were (IPPTA) and Indian Ports Association
rationalized, harmonized, optimized and (IPA)
standardized to arrive at a inal 2.30 A new MCA 2021 has been noti ied after
reengineered process count of 162 revising the existing Model Concession
p ro c e s s e s . A l l t h e re e n g i n e e re d Agreement 2018, considering the
processes will be KPI driven and change in policy environment due to
performance of each department and enactment of Major Ports Authorities Act
process at higher level will be tracked 2021 and exploring provision of further
against de ined Key Performance lexibility to respond to dynamic market
Indicators for each department and and regulatory conditions, many
p ro c e s s . T h e p ro p o s e d E B S w i l l provisions have been provided or
c o m p r i s e o f t h re e c o re s o l u t i o n modi ied to cater to changing
components - Port Operations Solution, environment and develop a conducive
standard ERP solutions, and auxiliary atmosphere around PPP to boost
solutions, and would tightly integrate investment
with Port Community System (PCS) and
other retained applications of ports. This 2.31 New Tariff Guidelines, 2021 for framing
will completely digitize most processes of Scale of Rates for PPP projects
at ports thus making ports better trade approved by the Government but are still
f a c i l i t a t o r. T r i a l R u n h a s b e e n under bidding stage and all future
successfully done at Chennai Port and concession agreements, to be entered by
other remaining ports under progress. Major Ports as per MPA Act 2021 has
been noti ied on 21st December, 2021.
2.28 The Union Cabinet has accorded its 'in- PPP Concessionaires for projects after
principle' approval on February 05, 2020 commencement of the MPA Act are free
for setting up a Major Port at Vadhavan to ix the tariff based on market
near Dahanu in Maharashtra. The total conditions and on such other conditions
e s t i m a t e d c o s t o f t h e p ro j e c t i s as may be noti ied by the Government.
Rs.65,544.54 crore. Vadhavan port will
be developed on the "Landlord model". A 2.32 Ministry has also issued a Policy to the
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) will be Major Ports Authorities on 3rd
formed with Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust November, 2021 as a policy direction
(JNPT) as the lead partner with equity under Sction 53 of the MPA Act 2021 for
participation equal to or more than 50% ixation of rates for assets and services
to implement the project. The SPV will offered by the Major Ports. New Tariff
d e ve l o p t h e p o r t i n f ra s t r u c t u r e Policy for Major Ports empowers the
including reclamation, construction of board of the ports and provides
breakwater, besides establishing lexibility to ix tariff for assets and
connectivity to the hinterland. All services operated by Major Ports
business activities would be undertaken themselves as per the market conditions.
under PPP mode by private developers.

10 Annual Report 2021-22


2.33 With the objective of propelling India to 2.35 A new PPP based Port Industrialization
the forefront of the Global Maritime policy is also under the process of
Sector, the Ministry has recently released formulation, which aims to realize the
Maritime India Vision 2030 (MIV 2030), port led industrialization under MIV
a blueprint to ensure coordinated and 2030 and attract investments of more
accelerated growth of India’s maritime than INR 45,000 crore at Major Ports
sector in the next decade. To develop Deep draft berth at Major Ports
global standard ports in India, Maritime
India Vision (MIV) 2030 has identi ied 2.36 With a view to enable Major Ports to
initiatives such as developing world- handle larger vessels the Ministry has
class Mega Ports, transhipment hubs and prepared an action plan for increasing
infrastructure modernization of ports. the draft in Major Ports. Most of the Ports
These initiatives would help in lowering now already have a minimum draft of 14
overall operational costs of ports, meters and the other Ports are striving to
reducing turnaround time for vessels, achieve this level. Some of the ports like
increasing ef iciency and throughput, Paradip, Kamarajar and Mormugao have
providing ability to handle larger ships plans in hand to increase their drafts
and developing Indian Port’s strategic well beyond existing drafts.
importance in the South Asian region. Ease of Doing Business
MIV 2030 estimates the development of
2.37 The Ease of Doing Business (EoDB)
Indian Ports to drive cost savings to the
index is a ranking system established by
tune of INR 6,000-7,000 Crore per
the World Bank Group. Ministry of Ports,
annum for EXIM clients and help unlock
Shipping and Waterways is one of the
INR 70,000 – 75,000 Crore worth of
stake holder Ministries in the area of
p o t e n t i a l r e v e n u e . F u r t h e r, t h e
business regulation, “Trading Across
augmented operations are estimated to
B o r d e r s ” u n d e r E o D B . To w a r d s
create an additional ~700,000-
facilitating ‘Ease of Doing Business
1,000,000 jobs in the sector. MIV 2030
(EoDB)’, Ministry identi ied various
estimates the investments to the tune of
parameters for reducing dwell time and
INR 1,00,000–1,25,000 Crore for
transaction costs in the Major Ports.
capacity augmentation and
These include elimination of manual
development of world class
forms, accommodation for laboratories
infrastructure at Indian Ports.
to Participating Government Agencies
2.34 Formulation of a new Green Ports Policy (PGAs), facilitation of Direct Port
is under progress. The Green Ports Policy Delivery & Entry, Installation of
(GPP) aims to expand on the initiatives Container Scanners, E-delivery orders,
under the MIV 2030 and provide invoice, payments, RFID based Gate-
guidance on potential implementation automation System, etc. These initiatives
model and incentive framework. Green have already been implemented at
Ports Policy will be applicable for all Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNP) as well as at
major and non-major ports in India. In other Major Ports.
case of non-major ports, green initiatives
2.38 The efforts by JNP in the earlier years
may be implemented by State Maritime
have contributed signi icantly in
Boards and/or through Maritime State
improvement of India’s rank in World
Development Council.

Annual Report 2021-22 11


Bank evaluation in the parameter of rank in overall EoDB from 100 in 2018 to
‘Trading Across Border’ from 146 in 77 in 2019 and further to 63 in 2020.
2018 to 80 in 2019, which has further Continuous efforts are going on to bring
been reduced to 68 in 2020. This India’s position among the top 50
ultimately helped in improving India’s nations in EoDB.

Doing Business Report “Year” Overall EoDB Ranking Trading Across

Border Ranking

2020 63 68
2019 77 80
2018 100 146
2017 130 143
2016 130 133
2015 142 126
2014 134 132

Project Unnati commodities. The low berth

2.39 An international consultant (BCG) was productivity and crane productivity
engaged to prepare a Quantitative across container terminals at Major
Benchmarking Module which covered Ports along with potential to drive 15-
the operational, inancial, human 20% higher volumes of coal across ports,
re so u rc e s a n d e f i c i e n c y re la te d just by replicating 'best demonstrated
parameters for benchmarking of performance' consistently was studied.
ef iciency and productivity of Major Potential to double volumes of POL by
Ports in India against international replicating BDP and reducing non
standards and de ine Key Performance working time and high costs of labour
Indicators for the ports and terminals. and maintenance dredging across ports
The study covered marine operations, was also analyzed.
stevedoring, jetty operations, vessel INLAND WATER TRANSPORT (IWT)
operations Yard performance, Labor 2.41 To create a country wide waterways
productivity, Cargo storage (containers network and to promote inland water
& dry bulk only), rake operations transport in the country as an
(loading/unloading of rakes), economical, environment friendly
maintenance (Equipment uptime and supplementary mode of transport to rail
breakdowns), Gate-In and Gate-out and road, 111 inland waterways
o p e ra t i o n s , s a f e t y, c u s t o m s a n d (including 5 national waterways
penetration of IT. declared earlier) were declared as
2.40 The benchmarking study focused on National Waterways (NWs) by the
identifying how ef iciently capacity is National Waterways Act, 2016. NW-1, 2,
utilized and underlying operational 3 are operational and vessels are plying
performance metrics across on these National Waterways. Fairway

12 Annual Report 2021-22


development works in Vijayawada – Rs. 735.51 crore (USD 109.78 million) in

Muktyala stretch of river Krishna (Part of the project cost. The savings comprise of
NW-4) have commenced. Development Rs. 387.10 crore (USD 57.78 million)
o f N W- 5 h a s b e e n i n i t i a t e d b y from the IBRD loan component and Rs.
hydrographic surveys and engineering 348.41 crore from the counterpart fund
studies through consultants. Of ices have component. The revised cost estimate
been established on NW-1 to 5. The also includes several activities aligned to
major initiatives for development of IWT the Arth Ganga Concept estimated to
in 2021-22 are produced below: cost Rs. 746.00 crore. Consequently, on
Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) on NW-1 t h e r e q u e s t o f I WA I / M i n i s t r y,
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA)
2.42 Inland Waterways Authority of India is has requested the World Bank on
implementing the Jal Marg Vikas Project 17.06.2020 for cancellation of USD 57.78
(JMVP) for capacity augmentation of million from the overall IBRD loan for the
navigation on NW-1 (Haldia-Varanasi JMVP. As a result, the IBRD loan
stretch) with the technical assistance component will get reduced to USD
and inancial support of the World Bank 317.22 million.
at an estimated cost of Rs. 5,369.18 crore.
Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) was 2.44 On completion, Jal Marg Vikas Project
approved by the CCEA on 3rd January, will provide a supplementary, cost-
2018. The loan agreement with the effective, safe and environment-friendly
World Bank was signed on 2nd February mode of transport, giving stakeholder a
2018. The estimated cost of JMVP of Rs. multimodal choice of transport and
5,369.18 crore (US$ 800.00 million) was enable socio-economic growth in the
to be utilized as per the following states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
funding pattern: Jharkhand and West Bengal.

(i) IBRD Loan – Rs 2,512.00 crore (US$ Jal Marg Vikas Project – II (Arth Ganga)
375.00 million); 2.45 The Hon’ble Prime Minister during the
(ii) Government of India Counterpart Funds irst meeting of the National Ganga
(budgetary allocation and proceeds from Council in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) on
issue of infrastructure bonds: Rs December 14, 2019, urged for a holistic
2,556.00 crore (US$ 380.00 million); and thinking process where ‘Namami Gange’
evolves to ‘Arth Ganga’.
(iii) Private sector participation under PPP
mode: Rs 301.00 crore (UD$ 45.00 2.46 Developing community jetty under Arth
million). Ganga may impact on the economic eco-
system along both banks of the river,
2.43 Consequent to the review held on under envisaged vision and leadership
10.06.2020 through teleconferencing by of our Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
the Ministry under the chair of Secretary has conceptualized “Arth Ganga” under
with the IWAI, the estimated cost of JMVP Jal Marg Vikas Project that Plans afoot to
was revised to Rs. 4,633.81 crore from energies economic activity along river
the original estimated cost of Rs. banks to offers IWT bene its to the
5,369.18 crore approved by the CCEA on society at large.
03.01.2018, thereby effecting a saving of

Annual Report 2021-22 13


2.47 A sustainable economic development which, 185 projects worth Rs. 94,788
model project JMVP-II (Arth Ganga) was crore have been completed and 211
envisaged with an estimate cost of INR projects worth Rs. 2.09 Lakh crore are
746 crore, Arth Ganga focuses on under implementation. In addition to the
generating sustainable income streams above, 406 projects worth Rs. 2.49 Lakh
for the stakeholders living along the river crore are under various stages of
hinterlands. The JMVP I & II together development.
offers sustainable, commercially viable
2.51 Under the budget head of Sagarmala,
and safe navigation for ef icient
124 projects worth Rs. 7,690 crore have
management of logistics and Inland
been sanctioned with a contribution of
Water transport system. The project
Rs. 3,113 crore, funds in tune of Rs. 1545
becomes critical enabler for sustaining,
crore already released by December,
channelizing and accelerating economic
growth along the hinterland of river
Ganga. 2.52 In year 2021, 19 projects with total
investment of Rs. 8,862 crore have been
completed. 7 projects worth Rs. 6280
2.48 Maritime sector in India has been the crore implemented by Central
backbone of the country’s trade and has Ministries, 8 projects costing Rs. 2543
grown manifold over the years. To completed at major ports and 4 projects
harness the potential of India’s 7,517 km amounting to Rs. 40 crore executed by
long coastline, 14,500 km of potentially State Maritime Boards. 3 projects are
navigable waterways and strategic focusing on Port Modernisation, 10
locations on key international maritime projects of port connectivity, 1 project of
trade routes, the Government of India SEZ at JNPT and 5 projects under the
h a s e m b a r ke d o n t h e a m b i t i o u s pillar of coastal shipping and IWT.
Sagarmala Programme, Sagarmala
2.53 Out of all completed projects, 7 projects
wh i c h a i m s to p ro m o te p o r t - l e d
worth Rs. 341.52 crore have been
development in the country, was
supported inancially for Rs. 84.86 crore
approved by the Union Cabinet on 25th
under the Sagarmala scheme. Major
March 2015.
projects completed in 2021 include
2.49 The vision of Sagarmala is to reduce widening of Korampallam bridge at VoC
logistics cost for both domestic and EXIM Port, 2nd railway line from Durgachak to
cargo with minimal infrastructure Haldia Dock Complex, Coastal berth at
investment. Studies under Sagarmala JNPT, Mechanisation of EQ1-EQ2 and
have identi ied opportunities for EQ3 on BOT basis at Paradip Port,
reducing overall logistics costs, thereby Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at JNPT,
improving the overall ef iciency of the RORO jetties at Bhayander, Malvan,
economy and increasing Belapur and Narangi in Maharashtra for
competitiveness of exports. promotion of RORO and passenger
2.50 As of December, 2021, 802 projects services etc.
worth Rs. 5.54 Lakh crore have been SHIPPING SECTOR
identi ied for implementation by 2035
2.54 Shipping is an important indicator of,
under the Sagarmala Programme. Out of
both, commodity and services trade of

14 Annual Report 2021-22


any country. It plays an important role in 2020, with the public-sector Shipping
Indian economy and share of sea borne Corporation of India Ltd. (3.09 million
trade to total foreign trade is 64.9%. GT) having the largest share of 23.75%.
India’s shipping tonnage was only 0.19 2.55 As on December 31, 2020, 43.2% of the
Million Gross Tonnage (GT) on the eve of Indian leet was over 20 years of age and
independence. Indian shipping tonnage 11.6% in the age group of 16-20 years as
is 13.01 million G.T. as on December 31, per Indian Shipping Statistics 2020.
Size and average age of the Indian leet previous years

As on Number of GT DWT Increase (%)

vessels (In terms of GT)

31.12.2016 1301 11425049 17105292 8.7

31.12.2017 1371 12352441 18792107 8.1
31.12.2018 1400 12683450 19174627 2.7
31.12.2019 1429 12746362 19372122 0.5
31.12.2020 1463 13010391 19685869 2.1

Source: D.G. Shipping various initiatives to ensure tracking and

m o n i to r i n g . Po l i c y & re g u l a to r y
measures required to support identi ied
Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) initiatives have also been de ined as part
Maritime India Vision, 2030 (MIV-2030) of this exercise. Key targets under major
initiatives were de ined to improve
2.56 Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways
performance and ef iciency of Indian
has prepared 'Maritime India Vision,
maritime sector to the best in class
2030' (MIV-2030), a blueprint to
levels. Ports related initiatives focus on
accelerate the growth of our maritime
capacity augmentation, operational
sector over the next decade. Maritime
ef iciency improvement, port-driven
India Vision, 2030 (MIV-2030) has been
industrialization and creating safe and
de ined after extensive consultations
sustainable world class ports to address
with public and private sector
growing trade volume needs while
stakeholders. 14 (fourteen) thrust areas
reducing logistics cost through better
across various maritime sector topics
evacuation and cost effective processes.
were constituted at the start of the
Shipping related initiatives focus on
exe rc i s e to d i s c u s s a n d i d e n t i f y
growing sectors related to ship building,
initiatives and targets that would be
recycling & repair as well as growing
targeted as part of Maritime India Vision,
India’s global stature as a maritime
2030. MIV-2030 constitutes over 150
power. Several initiatives have also been
initiatives across various maritime sub-
identi ied to grow Indian lagged leet,
sectors like ports, shipping & waterways.
number of Indian seafarers through
A detailed phasing and implementation
quality maritime education as well as
roadmap has also been created for

Annual Report 2021-22 15


supporting growth of nascent sectors circumstances.

like cruise tourism in the country. Inland
2.59 The salient features of the Model
waterways has been growing rapidly in
Concession Agreement (MCA), 2021 are
the country and MIV-2030 builds on this
as under:
growth trajectory to increase multi-
modality and share of inland waterway Flexibility for change in cargo if base
borne freight movement and passenger cargo is impacted due to change in law or
movement in the country. MIV-2030 is a unforeseen events.
holistic exercise and a blueprint for i. Freedom provided for levying tariff
sector stakeholders to work towards based on market conditions. Levy and
growing Indian maritime sector in the recovery of tariff revised will align with
upcoming decade. Major Port Authorities Act, 2021
Revision of the existing Model enabling concessionaire to ix tariff
Concession Agreement, 2021 for based on market conditions.
Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) ii. Addition of provisions of compensation
Projects in Major Ports to concessionaire in case of termination
2.57 The Ministry of Ports, Shipping & of agreement before Commercial
Waterways (MoPSW), considering the Operation Date (COD) due to
changes in policy environment due to concessionaire default prior to COD,
enactment of Major Port Authorities Act, provided expenditure has exceeded 30%
2021 and based on ports experiences of Total Project Cost (TPC).
and also to provide further lexibility to iii. No need for bank guarantee as
re s p o n d to dy n a m i c m a rke t a n d performance security post 6 months of
regulatory conditions, has revised the COD. Provision included for deemed
Model Concession Agreement (MCA), performance guarantee for entire
2018 for Public-Private-Partnership duration of concession period.
(PPP) Projects in Major Ports. The new
iv. Flexibility provided to extend the
Model Concession Agreement, 2021
timelines of inancial closure from 180 to
would bring more lexibility and address
270 days as per the requirement of the
the key challenges faced by the Private
Developers and Port Authorities in PPP
Projects as well as enhance ef iciency v. Government mandated discounts
and improve ease of doing business in adjusted on calculation of royalty.
the Port Sector. Enabling concessionaire to adjust
discounts mandated by Government in
2.58 The MCA governing the PPP Projects in
calculation of Royalty payable to the Port
Ports sector was irst introduced in the
year 2008 and subsequently revised in
2018. The lack of lexibility and clarity in vi. Flexibility for Concessionaire to invest in
the earlier MCAs has led to disputes and additional assets with corresponding
arbitrations in a few port projects. Some additional termination payment has
of these issues include lack of provisions been introduced in Model Concession
or course of action in case of Agreement, 2021.
requirement for change in cargo due to vii. Clari ications added for protecting
change in law or any unforeseen concessionaire against damages and

16 Annual Report 2021-22


claims not attributable to will grow in the time to come.

National Monetization Pipeline (NMP)
viii. Firm (instead of individual) to be
2.61 In order to promoting investment led
appointed as Independent Engineer.
growth at par with global standards in
Appointment for entire duration of
Indian Port sector, to increase private
concession (in every 3 year period) with
i nve s t m e n t i n i n f ra s t r u c t u re by
the cost to be equally divided between
unlocking value from public investment
Authority and the Concessionaire.
and tapping private sector ef iciencies in
ix. Lowering the burden of the delivering ports infrastructure, the
Concessionaire during the construction Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways
phase when the cash lows have not has identi ied 31 projects with a total
started generating via diluting the projects cost of around Rs.14,500 crore
license fee. License fees diluted to Re 1. during FY 2021-25. Of these, 13 projects
Revenues to Authority entirely from for more than Rs. 6,900 Crore are at
Royalty. various stages of award in the FY 2021-
2.60 The Model Concession Agreement, 2021 22.
would bring more lexibility, uniformity, Ta r i ff G u i d e l i n e s f o r f u t u r e P P P
t ra n s p a r e n c y a n d c l a r i t y i n t h e Concessionaires
provisions of Concession Agreement of
2.62 Tariff Guidelines 2021 for future PPP
Port Projects and address the key
Concessionaires have been inalized for
c h a l l e n g e s f a c e d b y t h e P r iva t e
framing scale of rates for the Concession
Developers and Port Authority in PPP
Agreements entered into by the Major
Projects as well as enhance ef iciency
Port Authorities with PPP
and improve ease of doing business in
Concessionaires. PPP Concessionaires
the Port Sector. The new MCA would also
have been authorized by the
help in reducing the disputes,
Concessioning Authorities to discharge
arbitrations and litigations on port
functions and provide services as set
projects and bring clarity of course of
forth in their respective Concession
action in case of requirement for change
Agreements and also have the liberty to
in cargo due to change in law or any
frame their own scale of rates for any/all
unforeseen circumstances,
services (including combination of
compensation in case of termination
services) they perform/provide to their
before COD due to concessionaire
users/customers. This will provide level
default and providing support
playing ield to the concessionaires/
infrastructure. It will also enhance the
terminal operators in Major Ports vis-a-
con idence of private investors to invest
vis private ports thereby facilitating
in the Ports Projects and as a result
improved business environment and
business and revenue in the Port sector
revenue generation for concessionaire
and Port Authority.

Annual Report 2021-22 17



Hon’ble Minister Shri Sarbananda Sonowal visited Zonal Conference on PMGATISHAKTI in

Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Introduction- Sagarmala Programme investment. Studies under Sagarmala

have identi ied opportunities for
3.1 Maritime sector in India has been the
reducing overall logistics costs, thereby
backbone of the country’s trade and has
improving the overall ef iciency of the
grown manifold over the years. To
economy and increasing
harness India’s 7,517 km long coastline,
competitiveness of exports.
14,500 km of potentially navigable
waterways and strategic location on key Synopsis of Projects under Sagarmala
international maritime trade routes, the
3.3 There are 802 projects worth
Government of India has embarked on
investment of Rs. 5.54 Lakh crore for
the ambitious Sagarmala Programme
implementation under the Sagarmala
wh i c h a i m s to p ro m o te p o r t - l e d
Programme by 2035. Out of which, 185
development in the country. The concept
projects worth Rs. 94,789 crore have
of Sagarmala was approved by the Union
been completed and 211 projects worth
Cabinet on 25th March 2015.
Rs. 2.09 Lakh Crore are under
3.2 The vision of Sagarmala is to reduce implementation. In addition to the
logistics cost for both domestic and above, 406 projects worth Rs. 2.49 Lakh
EXIM cargo with minimal infrastructure crore are under various stages of

18 Annual Report 2021-22


development. These projects are being implementing agencies is being done

implemented by relevant central with MIS tool. These projects are
ministries, state governments, major categorized into ive pillars – port
ports and other agencies primarily modernization, port connectivity, port-
through the private or PPP mode. led industrialization, coastal community
Regular monitoring of the projects and development and coastal shipping &
interaction with project proponents, inland water transport.
various line ministries and

Project Theme Total Completed Under

(Rs. Cr) (Rs. Cr) (Rs. Cr)
Port Modernization 241 260419 78 27019 56 35471
Port Connectivity 208 136331 56 19489 69 84410
Port Led 33 119846 9 45865 21 72706
Coastal Community 76 8434 18 1423 15 1373
Coastal Shipping & 244 28918 24 993 50 15869
Total 802 553948 185 94789 211 209829

3.4 Over the last few years, Government has was launched in 1997, there has been
taken number of modernization, huge progress in the PPP environment in
mechanization and digital the Port sector of the country. Currently
transformation measures to reduce cost there are 58 projects for more than
and time in international trade and Rs. 40,000 Crore under various stages of
improve ease-of-doing Business. implementation. Of these, 33 projects of
Ministry is planning expansion of Port approx. Rs. 27,000 Crore are operational
capacity through the implementation of whereas 25 projects for over Rs.13,000
well-conceived infrastructure Crore are under implementation.
development projects, increasing the 3.6 Under the budget head of Sagarmala,
ef iciency of Port operations through the 124 projects worth Rs. 7,690 crore have
implementation of a package of been sanctioned with a contribution of
recommendations to cut time and cost, Rs. 3,113 crore. Out of total 124 projects
digitization of processes to reduce and sanctioned under Sagarmala, 44 projects
inally eliminate human interface and to worth Rs. 2,833 crore have been
strongly address environment related completed and 38 projects worth Rs.
concerns. 2 , 0 9 2 c ro re awa rd e d a n d u n d e r
3.5 Ever since the irst Public Private implementation. These projects are
Partnership (PPP) Project at Major Port focusing on various critical aspects of

Annual Report 2021-22 19


maritime sector such as capacity shipping and IWT. Out of 19 projects, 7

enhancement at Indian ports, improving projects have been supported inancially
connectivity infrastructure, RORO and under the Sagarmala scheme.
tourism jetties along with urban water 3.8 Major projects completed in 2021
transportation, ishing harbour and skill includes widening of Korampallam
development of coastal community. bridge at VoCPT, 2nd railway line from
3.7 There are 19 projects with total Durgachak to Haldia Dock Complex,
investment of Rs. 8,862 crore have been Coastal berth at JNPT, Mechanisation of
completed in calendar year 2021. 3 EQ1-EQ2 and EQ3 on BOT basis at
projects are focusing on Port Paradip Port, Special Economic Zone
Modernisation, 10 projects of port (SEZ) at JNPT, RORO jetties at Bhayander,
connectivity, 1 project of SEZ at JNPT and M a lva n , B e l a p u r a n d N a ra n g i i n
5 projects under the pillar of coastal Maharashtra, etc.

Passenger Jetty at Belapur, Navi Mumbai

Widening of Korrampallam Bridge at VoCPT

20 Annual Report 2021-22


Pillar wise classi ication of Sagarmala as against 82.32 hours in 2016-17. The
Projects Average Output Per Ship Berth-day has
Port Modernization increased from 14,576 Tonnes in 2016-
17 to 15,373 Tonnes in 2020-21 and
3.9 Giving special emphasis to 15,855 Tonnes in 2021-22 (upto
modernization of Indian ports under December, 2021).There are 44 projects
Sagarmala, a total of 241 projects at cost worth Rs. 47,162 Crore identi ied under
o f R s . 2 , 6 0 , 4 1 9 C r o r e h ave b e e n the Sagarmala Programme for
undertaken for implementation by 2035. implementation at Non-Major Ports. One
Out of total 241 projects, 78 projects project worth Rs. 5040 Crore has been
worth Rs. 27,019 Crore have been completed so far whereas 15 projects
completed. These projects under the worth Rs. 15,392 Crore are currently
modernization pillar are further divided under implementation. 31 projects out
into 4 categories – New Ports, Port of 44 are being implemented in PPP
Modernization – Major Ports, Port mode with total investment of Rs. 45,973
Modernization – Non-Major Ports and Crore. Ministry is also inancially
Ship Repair projects. supporting several projects at non-
3.10 There are 174 projects worth Rs. 74,430 major ports to enhance their capacity
Crore being implemented at Major Ports and ef iciency during operations. Project
in India. Projects under the category of construction of breakwaters and
have been largely identi ied through dredging at Cuddalore port is near
Detailed Master Planning exercise completion. Dredging at Puducherry
carried out under Sagarmala port is 100% supported under
Programme. Out of 174 projects, 77 Sagarmala and coastal berths have been
projects worth Rs. 21,979 Crore have planned at Old Mangaluru Port, Karwar
been completed already resulting into and Diu.
port capacity addition for >200 MTPA. Port Connectivity
Further 34 projects worth Rs. 11,116
Crore have been awarded and currently 3.12 The Sagarmala Programme, the key
under implementation.15 projects initiative by the Ministry has identi ied
related to development of new ports c o n n e c t iv i t y b e t we e n p o r t s a n d
with estimated investment of domestic production and consumption
Rs.1,34,544 Cr have been identi ied. centers through rail, road, pipeline,
MMLP under the pillar of port
3.11 While increasing the capacity of major connectivity. In view of above, the
ports, the Ministry has been striving to Sagarmala Programme has a dedicated
improve the operational ef iciencies pillar consisting of 208 projects in total
through mechanization, digitization and worth Rs. 1.36 Lakh crore and is being
process simpli ication. As a result, key undertaken by various implementation
ef iciency parameters have improved agencies. Out of these 208 projects, 56
considerably during the last 5 years. The projects worth Rs. 19,489 Crore have
Average Turnaround Time in 2020-21 been completed and 69 projects worth
improved to 55.99 hours (54.07 hours Rs. 84,410 crore have been awarded and
during 2021-22 upto December, 2021) currently under implementation.

Annual Report 2021-22 21


3.13 There are 91 port-rail connectivity development of Multimodal

projects worth Rs. 75,215 Crore have Logistics parks (MMLP) and works
been taken up by the Ministry with related to National Highway
Indian Railways, Major Ports, and connectivity for ports.
Maritime Boards. Out of which, 34 3.16 In order to address the issues relating to
projects worth Rs. 10,393 crore have funding, various modes of
been completed and 57 projects are at implementation were proposed to States
various stages of development and during the 18th MSDC meeting held on
implementation. These projects will help 24th June 2021. SPV were allowed
in integrating port rail and road between Centre, State and PPP operators
connectivity resulting in reduction in for providing CAPEX & OPEX support for
logistics cost for the EXIM business. the road/rail connectivity projects and
3.14 There are 99 port-road connectivity may also run the services with pro its
projects identi ied for total estimated utilized for making the SPV self-
i nve s t m e n t o f R s . 4 5 , 0 6 6 c ro re . suf icient. Further, SPV may also explore
Implementation of these projects is suitable cost recovery options to make
being undertaken by Ministry of Road the project self-sustainable in long term.
Transport and Highways, Major Ports, 3.17 It is very much necessary to create
Maritime Boards and State Road capacity in hinterland which provides
Development Companies. Of total ef icient transportation channel with
projects, 15 projects worth Rs. 3,301 seaports for movement of cargoes and
Crore have been completed and 84 containers. There are 13 MMLP worth
projects are at various stages of Rs. 2,624 crore being implemented
development and implementation. across India. Out of which, MMLP at
Initiatives to expedite implementation of Pantnagar in Uttrakhand, Naya Raipur in
Port Connectivity Projects Chhattisgarh, Jharsuguda in Odisha are
3.15 To ex p e d i te t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n completed and in operation by CONCOR.
connectivity projects, the Ministry under Basides this, Phase II of Multi Model
Sagarmala has taken the following Logistics Hub at Visakhapatnam Port has
actions been completed. Further, three projects
at Darjeeling in West Bengal, Paradip
v Identi ied 68 port road and 14 port Port in Odisha and Swarupganj in
rail connectivity projects and Rajasthan are under implementation.
requested Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways and Ministry 3.18 In addition to the above, 5 projects of
of Railways respectively to prioritize MMLP are being developed by Major
and expedite the same. Out of which, Ports. JNPT is developing MMLP at 4
12 road projects expected to be locations, namely at Niphad, Wardha,
awarded in FY2021-22. Jalna and Ranjani in Maharashtra;
Project at Wardha and Jalna is in advance
v An SPV under NHAI named ‘National phase of development. Chennai Port
Highways Logistics Management Trust is implementing MMLP project at
Limited’ (NHLML) has been Jolarpet.
incorporated in 2020 to carry out the

22 Annual Report 2021-22


Port Led Industrialization 3.20 It is one-of-a-kind 277 hectares multi-

3.19 Port-led industrialization focuses on sector SEZ project located next to
reducing logistics costs by locating Jawaharlal Nehru Port, India's leading
industries at the ports. There are overall container port. This industrial hub,
33 projects worth Rs. 1.19 Lakh crore inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime MInister
have been identi ied for implementation of India in 2014, is meticulously
under Sagarmala. Out of which, 9 designed with state-of-the-art
projects worth Rs. 45,865 crore have infrastructure to boost export-oriented
been completed and 24 projects worth industries in India. Being close to JNPT,
Rs. 73,981 crore are under the project promises ready availability of
development/implementation stage. raw material, access to global markets
These projects are further divided into 4 and strong multi-modal connectivity.
categories – Industrial Cluster, Maritime Access to upcoming multi-modal
Cluster, Smart Industrial Port City (SIPC) infrastructure projects including New
/ Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and Mumbai airport, DFC rail corridor and
Thermal Power Plant. Tra ns-ha rb our roa d link furt her
increases the attractiveness of JNPT SEZ
Special Economic Zone at JN Port in as a manufacturing destination.

SEZ overview map

3.21 The SEZ has a geocentric advantage of will be facilitated further with the up-
being well-connected locally and gradation of state and national highways
globally. It has the location advantage of to 6-8 lane roads and with the upcoming
being near Mumbai, the economic capital Sewri - Nhava road connecting the SEZ
of India. Being less than 5 km away from area to Eastern Mumbai. The Alibaug-
the JN Port, this industrial zone has Virar multimodal transport corridor
direct access to global markets via JN having approach at Khopta junction shall
Port’s Container Terminals. add transportation advantage. JN Port is
3.22 The SEZ is directly connected to state and on the Western Dedicated Freight
national highways. Road transportation Corridor offering ready access to
markets in the north.

Annual Report 2021-22 23


3.23 The SEZ aims to set a new benchmark in components, pharmaceuticals,

port-led industrialization and thus play a warehousing and cold storage amongst
key role in the Ministry’s Sagarmala others. There is also a Free Trade
vision of ‘Port led Industrialisation’. The Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) being
SEZ has investment opportunity for developed which will further accentuate
MSME sector like food processing, the value of this project.
engineering, cosmetics, auto

Bridge network on internal road within SEZ at JN Port

3.24 JN Port so far has allotted 28 plots at the Smart Industrial Port City (SIPC) at Kandla,
SEZ which includes 26 MSME units and 1 Gandhidham in Gujarat
Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ) is 3.25 D e e n d a y a l P o r t T r u s t ( D P T ) i s
being developed by the Co-developer. 12 developing SIPC in two green ield sites
units amongst these allottees have of Kandla & Adipur Complex. Location 1
started their construction activities. 6 is at Gandhidham-Adipur measuring
units namely, M/s. OWS LLP, M/s. Oil 580 acres, is being developed for
Field Warehouse Services Pvt. Ltd., M/s. residential, commercial, institutional,
Krish Food Industry (India), M/s. recreational. Location 2 at Kandla
Sarveshwar Logistics and M/s. Simosis measuring 850 acres is being developed
International have completed their irst as industrial park. Master plan for both
phase of operational activity since June the locations of SIPC was prepared and
2020 and are declared operational units approved by the Board of DPT in
by Development Commissioner, SEEPZ, December 2016. Gandhidham
SEZ. Develoment Authority is the approving
authority for location 1 and Master Plan

24 Annual Report 2021-22


for the said location was approved in Coastal Employment Unit (CEU) at VoCPT
May 2017. Master plan for location 2 was 3.28 The Government of India, under
revised and approved by Board of DPT in Sagarmala programme, intends to
August 2018. develop Coastal Employment Unit in
3.26 Revised master plan layout for location 1 proximity to major ports. Feasibility
was approved by Board of DPT in report for CEU at V.O. Chidambaranar
February 2019 which conditionally Port (VoCP) prepared in 2018. These
approved by Gandhidham Develoment industrial developments are envisaged
Authority in same month subject to DPT to be large scale integrated multi-
shall allocate a strategically located piece product industrial zone catering to both
of land, around 25000 square meter area domestic and export-oriented
for the establishment of Angadwadi, manufacturing.
Health Centre, Civil Centre, Jan Seva 3.29 VoC Port has identi ied 965 Acres for
Kendra, City Survey Of ice etc. Location promoting industries under CEU,
2, Kandla have plots of different sizes effective leasable land is 745 Acres.
from 2 acres to 55 acres. One plot Tenders have been loated in 3 phases
measuring 53.13 acres has been allotted and so far land has been allotted to M/s.
to a party for edible oil re inery. Kaleesuwari Re inery Private Limited,
Smart Industrial Port City (SIPC) at Paradip M/s. Naage Private Ltd. and M/s. KSE
in Odisha Privatge Ltd.
3.27 SIPC at Paradip is planned over 700 Coastal Economic Zone (CEZ)
Acres of land and to include Multi Modal 3.30 The Coastal Economic Zone (CEZ) has
Logistics Park (MMLP), Wood Park, Food been envisaged to facilitate port led
Processing, Pellet Plant planned. MMLP industrialization and / or Export Import
is being planned over 100 acres with the (EXIM) / coastal trade of goods &
cost of Rs. 200 crore Project by CONCOR. commodities. CEZ is an spatial economic
Land handed over to CONCOR in region comprising a large area in a single
04.12.2017. For 177 acres for captive district or in a group of coastal districts
intensive industries M/s. Thriveni or in district(s) with strong linkage to
Earthmovers Pvt Ltd. has emerged as the ports in that region/vicinity with an
successful bidder. Land allotment in intent to reduce the logistics costs from
favour of Thriveni completed. The demand/supply center to port and vice
company will be setting up a pellet plant versa.
with 4 MTPA capacity - planning to go up
to 12 MTPA for which they will submit 3.31 It has a dual focus – direct contribution of
formal proposal. 200 acres allotted to port traf ic coupled with employment
Numaligarh Re inery and land handed generation and reduction of logistics
over in 2019. 100 acres land allotted for costs. Such a zone is envisaged to
palettization plant, 20 acres for timber comprise industrial areas / estates,
processing and 50 acres for food park. housing & urban infrastructure, and
Statutory Clearances are under process logistics / transport infrastructure
by the concerned agencies. within itself to be a self-contained region
with a direct or a strong port linkage.

Annual Report 2021-22 25


3.32 The aim is to achieve the following manpower requirement for the
objectives: implementation of various projects and
a) Creating large scale employment the skill gap, Human Resource and Skill
opportunities in the coastal regions Requirement Study for 21 coastal
across identi ied sectors to promote districts of India was carried out.
development in coastal regions. Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)
and MoPSW have signed a MoU during
b) Increasing competitiveness of India's May 2017 for up-skilling of coastal
EXIM trade by reducing logistics costs population under DDU-GKY Sagarmala
through proximity and connectivity to Convergence Programme. Under this
ports. convergence, the entire funding support
c) Increasing freight traf ic through the is being provided by the Ministry
ports in proximity to the industries, on whereas implementation and
account of trade generated by these management is being carried out by
manufacturing capacities MoRD.
d) Provide an impetus to coastal shipping 3.36 Phase I of this convergence was
by creating supply and demand centers implemented on pilot basis between
close to the coastline for domestic 2016-2018 in 5 States viz. Andhra
movement of goods and passengers Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
Odisha and Tamil Nadu.1978 candidates
3.33 As per the minutes of meeting of EFC
have been trained out of whom 1143
held on 9th July 2019, it was
have been given placement. Phase II of
recommended that Ministry should
the above project is under
explore possibility of Industrialization at
implementation in 22 coastal districts of
land available with Major Ports. So far,
9 States and 3 UTs. Training has
more than 8000 Acres of land has been
commenced for 836 candidates in 4
used for Industrialization by Major Ports
states. Out of which, 435 candidates have
which has generated more than 2 Lakh
been trained and 166 have been given
direct and indirect employment.
placement. Ministry sanctioned fund of
Coastal Community Development Rs. 58.98 Crore for the purpose. Out of
3.34 There are more than 60 coastal districts which Rs. 22.62 Crore has already been
in India, which spreads across the released under Sagarmala Programme.
coastal states/union territories of our 3.37 An MoU signed between MoPSW and
country. The coastal community is MSDE on 20th August 2020 establishes a
considered as one of the key framework of collaboration for creating
stakeholders of the Sagarmala and implementing ef icient and effective
Programme and hence ensuring their training, assessment and certi ication
socio-economic well-being is one of the process and platform for skill
major objectives. development and placement of skilled
3.35 To identify existing skilled manpower and certi ied workforce in the job
base, availability of training market.
i n f ra s t r u c t u re , e x p e c t e d s k i l l e d

26 Annual Report 2021-22


Fishing Harbour and Floating jetties for museum dedicated to the legacy of
marine operations Maritime Heritage of India. Lothal is one
3.38 Since ishing is a major economic activity, of the prominent cities of the ancient
various projects have been taken under Indus valley civilization dating to 2400
Sagarmala Programme in convergence with BC located in Gujarat. Archaeological
Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, excavations have discovered the oldest
Animal Husbandry & Dairying (MoFAH&D). man-made dockyard over 5000 years old
There are 30 ishing harbour projects worth in Lothal. Setting up a maritime heritage
Rs. 2,894 Crore being implemented under the complex at such an important location
S a g a r m a l a P r o g r a m m e . M i n i s t r y, i n will be it the historical importance of
convergence with the MoFAH&D, is part- Lothal and help it develop into a place of
funding 17 ishing harbour projects worth Rs. extraordinary and unparalleled
1,740 crore and has sanctioned Rs. 470 crore maritime heritage.
of which Rs. 332 crore has been released so far. 3.41 In order to showcase India’s rich and
9 out of 17 projects with a project cost Rs. 619 diverse maritime heritage, Ministry is to
crore have been completed. 6 ishing harbour develop National Maritime Heritage
adjacent to Kochi, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Complex (NMHC) at Lothal, Gujarat.
Paradip, Mumbai and Petuaghat have been NMHC will be irst of its kind in the
identi ied for modernization and up- country comprising of maritime
gradation. museum, light house museum, maritime
3.39 Floating jetties is an alternate solution to theme park, amusement parks centers
India's over-crowded ishing harbours. etc., which will leverage modern
Several advantages of loating jetties are: technology to showcase maritime
history and will be an international/
v Cost effective national tourist destination. NMHC will
v Faster installation consolidate all diverse and vibrant
artifacts from ancient to modern times
v Eases the disembarkation/
and provide access to the public to
spread awareness about maritime
v Require no permanent construction heritage.
3.42 The NMHC project has been taken up
v Easy expansion & relocation due to under the unique and innovative
modular construction projects category of the Sagarmala
v 25+ Years of life with minimal programme. Government of Gujarat
environmental impact (GoG) has transferred 375 acres of land
in village Saragvada on lease for 99 years
National Maritime Heritage Museum,
at token rate for project. The Master Plan
and Phase – I layout of the proposed
3.40 Maritime heritage is generally de ined as NMHC project has been inalized and the
the evolution of human with the ocean tender for Phase 1A was loated in
and coastal lands. Irrespective of the fact September 2021 and expected to be
that India has rich maritime heritage at commissioned by Q4 2023-24.
present we do not have any world class

Annual Report 2021-22 27


NMHC - Master Plan Layout

NMHC - Development Phasing Layout

3.43 As a part of NMHC Museum, 14 galleries ii. Mythologies & Wilderness of Indian
have been proposed to exhibit the Ocean
evolution of India’s Maritime Heritage iii. H a ra p p a n s : T h e P i o n e e r M a s t e r
during various eras. Key galleries Seafarers
planned are as below: iv. Indian Ocean: an Interactive Sphere
i. K e y g a l l e r y ( To s h o w c a s e b r i e f v. India’s contact with the Roman World:
introduction of NMHC and 14 galleries, The Quest for the Spice
Marine Archaeology, Science of Sea, Pre- vi. Trade, Commerce & Cultural Interaction
historic Movements from Paleolithic to with China & South-East Asia.
Neolithic) vii. Age of Emporia Contact

28 Annual Report 2021-22


viii. Landing of Vasco da Gama/ The Arrival of for passengers and improves delivery
the Europeans time as well, loading and unloading
ix. Maratha Naval Power process is quick and agile, these projects
x. Emergence of Indian Navy have opened new avenues in coastal
xi. Maritime Traditions of Gujarat shipping & tourism and enhances the
xii. Traditional Ship Building and Navigation socio-economic welfare of it’s vicinity,
Techniques of India fuel ef icient and helps reduce CO2
xiii. Heritage of the Coastal Communities of emissions, reduces traf ic on road and
India rail and prevents loss of human lives
xiv. Indian Shipping: Post Independence caused due to accidents and since there
(Shipping Industries, Sagarmala, is no loading and unloading at the port,
contemporary Ports, Port Association of there is less risk of accidents and cargo
India) damage.

Coastal Shipping & IWT 3.46 Ministry in association with Deendayal

Port (DP) is implementing the project
3.44 RORO, this way of cargo shipping comes “RoPax Ferry services between Ghogha
from the expression “roll-on/roll-off’, and Hazira in Gulf of Cambay. Project is
which describes a vessel transporting resulting in signi icant saving of cost and
wheeled cargo. The ships have built-in transit time between Ghogha & Hazira
ramps to make loading and unloading over road journey.
wheeled cargo easier than if it was done
with a crane. RoPax, are vessels built for 3.47 Maharashtra with the support of
freight vehicle transport along with Sagarmala, started ROPAX service from
passenger accommodation. Bhaucha Dhakka (Ferry Wharf ) i.e.
Furthermore, RORO gives land transport Mumbai to Mandwa. Mumbai Port has
a bigger action radius as it makes developed ROPAX jetty and terminal
possible to shorten their route through facilities at Bhaucha Dhakka (Ferry
ship instead of having to divert to a Wharf ) at the cost of Rs 31 crore.
longer route. Maharashtra Maritime Board has
developed Breakwater, ROPAX jetty and
3.45 RoPax services has a direct positive terminal facilities at Mandwa at the cost
impact - drastically reduces travel time of Rs 135 crore.

Ferry in operation between Mumbai Ferry Wharf and Mandwa in Maharashtra

Annual Report 2021-22 29


3.48 Overall, there are 79 projects related to of 79, 10 projects have been completed,
development of RoPax and Passenger 1 2 p ro j e c t s a re c u r re n t ly u n d e r
jetties identi ied under Sagarmala implementation and 57 projects are
Programme and being implemented under development stage. Ministry
across country. List consists of projects under Sagarmala Scheme has extended
for development of RORO jetties, inancial assistance to 41 projects. Total
terminal buildings, dredging, funds sanctioned Rs. 726 crore and
construction of passenger jetties etc. Out Rs. 286 crore have already been

Ferry in operation between Mumbai Ferry Wharf and Mandwa in Maharashtra

3.49 In addition, there are 18 projects worth more projects are under various stages
Rs. 1,845 Crore which focus on providing of development. 6 projects are being
infrastructure for coastal handling of implemented at major ports whereas 12
cargo. 5 projects worth Rs. 321 crore projects are for improving coastal
have been completed, 4 projects are infrastructure at non-major ports.
currently under implementation and 9

Coastal berth at JNPT

30 Annual Report 2021-22


Seaplane Projects are being undertaken to improve

3.50 Ministry has initiated the process for infrastructure related to cruise shipping
commencing operations of the Seaplane in India. In respect of majority of these
services on newer routes under a Special p ro j e c t s , i n f ra s t ru c t u re i s b e i n g
Purpose Vehicle (SPV) framework developed with the allied facility at
through prospective airline operators. Major ports. Cruise-cum-coastal cargo
The operational methodology adopted is terminal at Visakhapatnam port with
of constructing water aerodromes at the investment of Rs. 77 crore, domestic
origin & destination points where the terminal at Mumbai Port implemented
seaplanes will utilize the water bodies with investment of Rs. 15 crore which is
for taking off and landing like the current currently in operations and upgradation
operational model of the Ahmedabad- and modernization of International
Kevadia sector in Gujarat. Cruise Terminal at Indira Dock costing
Rs. 303 crore is currently under
The seaplanes services advantages are as construction. Goa being destination for
below: tourism, development of international
v Improve connectivity across the and domestic cruise terminal and allied
nation facilities at Mormugao Port underway
with investment of Rs. 153 crore. Project
v Make India as an attractive
of development of Marina at Prince Dock
destination for the tourists
in Mumbai Port is also under planning
v Generate employment opportunities stage with total investment of Rs. 365
v Stimulate tourism and associated crore.
business activities Inland Waterways
3.51 Out of various sites being contemplated, 3.53 T h e re a re 4 0 p ro j e c t s o f I n l a n d
MoCA and MoPSW has inalised 4 sites in Wa te r ways w i t h to t a l e s t i m a te d
the irst phase of seaplane operations investment of Rs.16,871 crore are part of
including Brahmaputra riverside and Sagarmala Programme. One project of
Umrangso reservoir in Assam, Junglighat NW9 in Kerala completed, 10 projects
(Port Blair) in Andamans and Surat in currently under implementation at NW1
Gujarat. Additional 78 routes identi ied (Jal Marg Vikas Project of Rs. 5369 crore
for further development as per the Udan connecting Allahabad with Haldia), NW2
4.1 for which bids are invited by MoCA. (Rs. 461 crore), NW16 (Rs. 76 crore) etc.
Cruise Shipping These projects are being executed by
Inland Waterways Authority of India
3.52 13 projects amounting to Rs. 1122 Crore

Annual Report 2021-22 31


Hon’ble Minister of MoPSW reviewing IWAI Projects

Island Development
3.54 India has a total of 1,382 offshore
identi ied islands consisting of 1,093
shapes (islands) and 289 Points (Rocky/
Rocky Islets) under database inalized by
Surveyor General of India (SGI) in 2016.
Island development can be across
various uses cases related to maritime
activities (e.g., bunkering, ship breaking
Region wise Classi ication of 1,382 Islands
etc.), tourism, energy generation,
(Source: Surveyor General of India)
isheries, agriculture, etc. Globally
maritime nations have utilized their
L a k s h a dwe e p I s l a n d s u n d e r t h e
islands to drive some of these activities
Sagarmala Programme. 7 projects at
in a sustainable manner.
A&N Islands are being inancially
3.55 Currently there are 61 projects identi ied supported under the scheme with total
for implementation in Andaman & assistance of Rs. 203.94 crore. Other
Nicobar Islands and 17 projects have projects in Karnataka, Gujarat and Tamil
been identi ied for implementation in Nadu are under active consideration.

32 Annual Report 2021-22



Planting by Hon’ble Minister of State(MoPSW) at Visakhapatnam Port

INTRODUCTION transport. There are 12 Government

Owned Major Ports in India out of which
4.1 Ports provide an interface between the
6 are located on the East Coast and 6 on
o c e a n t ra n s p o r t a n d l a n d - b a s e d
the West Coast.
4.2 SMPK is the only riverine major port in
India having an existence of 150 years. It
has a vast hinterland comprising the
entire Eastern India including West
Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pardesh,
Madhya Pardesh, Assam, North East Hill
States and the two landlocked
neighbouring countries namely, Nepal
and Bhutan. The port has twin dock
systems viz. Kolkata dock System (KDS)

Annual Report 2021-22 33


on the eastern bank and Haldia Dock major boost to the whole maritime eco-
Complex (HDC) on the western bank of system of the hinterland.
river Hooghly.
v For the irst time in the history of Major
4.3 SMP, Kolkata handled 61.368 million Ports of India, Ship-to-Ship (STS)
metric tonnes (MMT) of cargo traf ic operation of LPG was undertaken by SMPK
during 2020-21 (3rd highest annual and BPCL Limited at Sandheads on
throughput) and 42.143 MMT during 15.10.2021. The Mother vessel YUSHAN
2021-22 (upto December, 2021) vis-à - with a parcel load of 44551 MT cargo
vis 63.983 MMT during 2019-20, carried out operation with daughter vessel
registering a nominal decline of 4.09%, HAMPSHIRE and within a short span of
despite the outbreak of Pandemic around 17 hours a quantity of 23051 MT of
COVID-19 and severe ‘Amphan’ cyclone cargo was transferred to the daughter
unleashing in May 2020. SMPK ranked vessel.
5th in traf ic handling in 2020-21, vis-à -
v SMP, Kolkata continued its Ship-To-Ship
vis other Major Ports of India. HDC
(STS) transfer of Carbon Black Feed Stock
handled 45.468 MMT of cargo during
(CBFS) for Chemical Industry on
2020-21 (Provisional 31.032 MMT
20.12.2021 between vessel BW Tagus with

during 2021-22 upto December, 2021) 55576 MT on board & MT PGC Companion
and KDS handled 15.90 MMT of cargo in and 27846 MT of CBFS was of loaded
2020-21 (Provisional 11.111 MMT within a span of 10.5 hrs.
during 2021-22 upto December, 2021).
v SMPK is the irst Major Port to adopt ROIP
Notable Achievements/Developments in System (Radio over Internet Protocol) as
2020-21 Effective Long Range Marine
communication, covering the River Hugli
v SMP, Kolkata has signed a slew of MoUs
estuary [with 4 base stations at Kolkata,
with an economic investment of around Rs
Hugli Point, Haldia & Sagar Pilot Station]
29,000 crore ahead of the Maritime India
from Kolkata to Sandheads, inaugurated
Summit 2021 in March 2021 in areas of
on 25.10.2021. Vessels at Sandheads can
ship repair, ship building, creation of a
directly communicate via Radio, especially
digital port framework, transloading
during storms and inclement weather.
operations, inland waterway services,
logistics operations etc. which will lend a

34 Annual Report 2021-22


PARADIP PORT of 8.73%.

4.4 Paradip Port is one of the major ports in v Average Vessel Turn Round Time (TRT)
India. Government of India took over the reduced to 54.74 hrs during 2021-22
management of the port from the State (upto December, 2022) from 58.10 hrs
Government on 1st June, 1965, and during 2020-21.
declared Paradip Port as the eighth
v Average Pre-Berthing Delays (PBD)
major port in India on 18th April, 1966
reduced by roughly 60% from 15.32 hrs
making it the irst major port in the East
during 2019-20 to 6.20 hrs during 2020-
Coast commissioned in independent
India. Paradip Port is situated 210
nautical miles south of Kolkata and 260 v Mechanised Coal handling plant achieved
nautical miles north of Visakhapatnam highest loading output of 6080 TPH /
at Latitude 20 – 15’58.63 N and 1,45,921 TPD, completing 1,36,294 tonnes
Longitude 86’ – 40-27”.34 E. in 22.25 hrs in Cape size vessel Orion I.
4.5 The Port handled 114.55 MMT of traf ic v The port handled the highest ever Average
in 2020-21(Provisional 83.604 MMT Rakes per day i.e. 51.82 Nos. in February’
during 2021-22 upto December, 2021). 2021. Wherein, the Average of Incoming &
The port has Seventeen (17) Outgoing Rakes are 29.93 & 21.89
berths/jetties + Three (3) SPMs& One respectively.
(1) Ro-Ro Jetty) for handling different
v Edible oil carrying vessels with very low
types of cargoes with an effective Rated
capacity of 302 MTPA and Desired discharge rate are being handled through
capacity of 182.25 MTPA. Mediterranean mooring pattern at the
unused waterfront off FB-I berth. Thereby
Notable achievements during the year avoiding occupancy of other commercial
berth for longer period due to slow rate of
v Presently port is the 2nd largest cargo
cargo operation.
handling Major Port in India. The port has
been clocking over 100 MMT of cargo v Despite draft challenges for handling
volume handling in a inancial year since Cape-size vessels, Baby Cape-size vessels
last 4 years. are handled at port berths.
v During 2020-21, port handled an all-time- NEW MANGALORE PORT
high cargo volume of 114.55 MMT despite
Covid challenges registering a cargo 4.6 New Mangalore Port was declared as the
growth of 1.86 MMT over previous FY 9th Major Port on 4th May 1974 and was
2019-20. formally inaugurated on 11th January
1975. The Port has 16 berths and 1 SPM
v Highest number of vessels 2051 handled at (Single Point Mooring) with a rated
at port during 2020-21, which is 38 more capacity of 112.51 MTPA. It handled
than the vessels handled during 2019-20. traf ic of 27.455 MMT (Provisional)
during the year 2021-22 (upto
v Highest number of railway rakes 14,371
December 2021). NMPT has plans for
handled during 2020-21 compared to
development of one more deep draft
13,216 akes in 2019-2020 i.e. an increase

Annual Report 2021-22 35


Mechanised Coal handling plant

multipurpose general cargo berth (Berth This is the highest parcel ever handled at
No.17) adjacent to the existing berth the berths of the port surpassing the
no.8 for handling general break bulk earlier record of 1,07,102 MT handled in
cargo and Ro-Ro consignments. April 2013.
Notable achievements during the year v During May 2021 the port handled 5 Naval
vessels carrying 370 MT of Liquid Medical
v Highest parcel size of 1,13,642 MT of
Oxygen in containers as donation from
steam coal handled at B.16 for Mangalore
Kingdom of Bahrain/Kuwait and Indian
Coal Terminal Pvt. Ltd.(JSW) from vessel
Community from Kuwait to Indian Red
GREAT QIN which berthed on 10-5--2021.

Newly constructed Business Development Center Building of icially inaugurated by Shri Sarbananda
Sonowal, Hon’ble Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways on 24-9-2021

36 Annual Report 2021-22


Cross Society under Operation 2021. This service will cover East
Samudrasetu-II launched by Indian Navy C o a s t ( M u n d ra - M a n g a l o re - C o c h i n -
v Container vessel SSL BRAHMAPUTRA-
V.084 with an LOA of 260 Mtrs. called at the
port on 15-6-2021 and unloaded 1521 v Port bagged First Prize for outstanding
TEUs (25,864 tonnes) of raw cashew from performance in the implementation of the
Africa and loaded 300 TEUs of export Of icial Language Policy of the Union for
containers. This is the highest parcel size the year 2020-21 from the Town Of icial
of containers ever handled at the Port. Language Implementation
v Record container traf ic of 17,258 TEUS
handled in June 2021 surpassing the COCHIN PORT
earlier record of 16,066 TEUs handled in
4.7 T h e m o d e r n Po r t o f C o c h i n wa s
March 2020.
developed during the period 1920-1940
v The port handled the irst bulk import of due to the untiring efforts of Sir Robert
Ammonium Sulphate for MCF from the Bristow. The port of Cochin is located on
vessel Majestic Maria which called at the the Willington Island at Latitude 9’58”
Port on 8-8-2021(11,000 tonnes) North and 76’14’ East on the South-West
coast of India about 930 KM south of
v The port handled new chemical cargo – 2
Mumbai and 320 KM North of
Ethyhexyl Accrylic for IMC in vessel Ginger
Kanyakumari. With its strategic location
Hawk on 27-7-2021
on the South-West Coast of India and at a
v Container vessel Mogral, a new CCG commanding position at the cross roads
service commenced operation on 14-8-

Container scanner commissioned at New Mangalore Port for operation on 17-12-2021

Annual Report 2021-22 37


of the East-West Ocean trade, the port is a Cruise Terminal, Jetty for Ro-Ro vessels of
natural gateway to the vast industrial I WA I & fo u n d a t i o n s t o n e l a i d fo r
and agricultural produce markets of the reconstruction of South Coal Berth (SCB)
South-West India. The hinterland of the at Wellington Island on 14.02.2021.
Port includes the whole of Kerala State
and parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
States. A study carried out on the traf ic 4.10 Constructed in the mid 1980’s and
low in the hinterland of the Port commissioned on 26th May, 1989,
indicates that about 97% of the total Jawaharlal Nehru Port has come a long
volume of traf ic is accounted for by way b y b e c o m i n g a w o r l d - c l a s s
Kerala State. Cochin with its proximity to international container handling port. It
the international sea route between is situated in between 18 56’43” North
Europe and the Far East and Australia and 72 56’24” East along the eastern
can attract a large number of container shore of Mumbai harbour off Elephanta
lines offering immense business Island.
4.11 Jawaharlal Nehru Port is an all-weather
4.8 Cochin Port has 21 Berths including 1 tidal Port having 16 berths with an
SPM with an effective rated capacity of effective rated capacity of 118.00 MTPA.
73.67 MTPA. The Port handled 31.50 The Port handled a Traf ic of 56.07 MMT
MMT cargo traf ic during 2020-21. The during 2021-22 (upto December-2021)
cargo handled by the port includes POL, of which containersied cargo account for
Cement, Fertilizers, Fertilizer Raw 51.01 MMT which is 90.98% of total
Material (Dry) and others. traf ic. The port has 5 fully automated
Container Terminals with a total
4.9 C o c h i n Po r t re g i s te re d t h e to t a l
container handling capacity of 7.7
throughput of 25.24 MMT in 2021-22
Million TEUs, a Liquid Terminal of 7.2
(April-December, 2021), an increase of
MMT capacity and a shallow water berth
17.99% over the same period of 2020-
having capacity of 4.5 MMT for handling
21. POL throughput registered 15.15
container, break bulk, dry bulk and liquid
MMT, an increase of 22.47% over the
cargo. Four of the Container Terminals
corresponding period of 2020-21.
are operating in PPP format in
Containers that led the recovery trend
partnership with major global terminal
over the past few months reached the
o p e ra t o r s , n a m e ly, D P Wo r l d ( 2
throughput of 5.55 lakh TEUs in 2021-22
terminals), AP Moler Terminals (APM
(April-December), registering the
terminals), and Port of Singapore
growth of 16.11% over the
Authority (PSA). A new Container
corresponding period of 2020-21.
Terminal, Bharat Mumbai Container
Notable achievements during the year Terminal Pvt. Ltd. (BMCTPL), SPV of Port
of Singapore (PSA) with a total capacity
v Kochi-Mangaluru natural Gas Pipeline was
of 60 MMT (4.8 million TEUs) was
dedicated to Nation by Hon’ble Prime
commissioned for operations under
Minister at GAIL Terminal on 05.01.2021.
Phase -1 (2.4 million TEUS) on 18th
v Hon’ble Prime Minister of India February 2018. Phase-II (2.4 million
inaugurated “Sagarika’ International TEUs) is expected to start in 2025.

38 Annual Report 2021-22


Notable achievements during the year v JN Port commenced the handling of dwarf
containers from September, 2021. The
v During the calendar year 2021(Jan.-Dec.,
irst lot of 20 laden Dwarf containers with
2021), JN Port handled total traf ic of 76.14
import cargo transfer from ISO container
MMT (22.17% growth) and container
handled in the Dwarf Container Depot was
traf ic of 5.63 million TEUs (25.86%
moved by train to ICD Kanpur which was
growth), highest ever traf ic handled in a
virtually inaugurated by Hon’ble Union
year since inception of the port.
Minister of Ports, Shipping, Waterways &
v Nhava Sheva International Gateway Ayush. The cargo moved in the irst lot of
Te r m i n a l ( N S I G T ) a n d t h e n e w l y 20 dwarf containers consisted of PVC
commissioned BMCT for irst time Resin suspension (Grade TC1000)
crossed 1 million TEUs mark in a year (12 imported from Japan by M/s. Supreme
months period). NSIGT handled 1.17 Industries.
Million TEUs (1,166,019) and BMCT
handled 1.17 Million TEUs (1,170,502)
during calendar year 2021.
v In order to give momentum to coastal
shipping, JNPT has constructed the 250 m
long Coastal Berth with backup area
reclamation of 11 hectares.

4.12 Mumbai Port is the second oldest Major
Port in India after Kolkata. The port has
long been the principal gateway of India.
Strategic location is one factor in its

Annual Report 2021-22 39


special favour. It lies midway along the Notable achievements during the year
West Coast of India and is gifted with a
v Financial Year 2020-21, was the year of the
natural deep-water harbour of 400 Sq.
“COVID-19” Pandemic affecting the entire
Kms. protected by mainland of Konkan
EXIM trade globally. Despite the Pandemic,
on its east and island of Mumbai on its
Mumbai Port Trust acquitted itself
west. The deep waters in the harbour
creditably by handling 53.32 MMT cargo.
provide secure and ample shelter for
shipping throughout the year. v During the lock down, in spite of non-
availability of suf icient staff, Mumbai Port
4.13 Originally a general cargo port, today
continued to handle a large range of cargo
Mumbai Port is multi-purpose port
such as steel, sugar, pulses, fertilizers,
handling all types of cargo viz break bulk,
cement, calcite chips, lube/base oil,
dry bulk, liquid bulk and containers. The
bitumen, motor vehicles, crude oil, POL
port has extensive wet and dry dock
products and chemicals at its berths in
accommodation to meet the normal
Indira Dock, Marine Oil Terminal-Jawahar
needs of ships using the port. The port
Dweep, Chemical Terminal – Pir Pau and
provides services/facilities from
Mid-stream. The cargo operation in the
pilotage to berthing, storage to delivery
docks was carried out, despite bare
of cargo and ancillary services of running
minimum labour due to lockdown and by
Container Freight Station (CFS), Port
hiring private labour by arranging bus
Railways as also maintenance of crafts,
services for essential staff. This was done
equipment and building.
by scrupulously following the instructions
4.14 The port has 32 berths (including OCT) from the Central and State Governments in
with an effective rated capacity of 82.85 relation to the lockdown, following COVID
MTPA. The port handled traf ic of 44.32 protocols meticulously and with
MMT during 2021-22 (upto December, precautionary measures to curb the
2021). The major cargo commodity spread of COVID-19.
handled is POL (61.32% of the total
traf ic).

First vessel Ice Transporter berthed at Jawahar Dweep-5 on 30.01.2021

40 Annual Report 2021-22


v Mumbai Port achieved the rare feat of KAMARAJAR PORT LIMITED (ENNORE)
simultaneous sign-off of 912 crew from the
4.15 Kamarajar Port Limited (KPL), the 12th
Cruise Ship “Anthem of Seas” and sign-on
Major Port under the Ministry was
of equal number on another Cruise Ship
commissioned in 2001, primarily as a
“Celebrity In inity” in a single day on 16th
Coal Port dedicated to handling Thermal
June 2020 with advance planning of the
Coal requirements of Tamil Nadu
Port, various Government authorities and
Electricity Board (TNEB). KPL has the
the Shipping Agents.
distinction of being the only corporate
v At Jawahar Dweep Oil Terminal, there are 4 port amongst the Major Ports
existing berths. For handling large crude administered by the Central
oil vessels, the project of constructing new Government. The Port is functioning on
berth Jawahar Dweep-5 (JD-5) was taken landlord model with cargo handling
up and completed in December 2020. First operations either through BOT or
vessel “Ice Transporter” berthed on captive models. As a part of
30.1.2021. Total of 27 tankers were disinvestment process, the entire
handled till 31st March 2021. The vessel Government of India shares have been
“Barbarosa” which berthed on 29th March transferred to Chennai Port Trust on
2021 with the largest parcel size of 27.03.2020. KPL has become a
1, 4 2 , 2 3 6 to n n e s o f Cru de O i l wa s subsidiary of Chennai Port Trust.
discharged in just 35 hours.
4.16 Over the years, the port, which was
v At 8th International Samudra Manthan primarily handling coal at initial stage,
Awards 2021, held on 16.12.2021 Mumbai has developed as a multi cargo port and
Port was awarded Terminal of the year now has seven berths with handling
(Non-speci ic) for its Car Terminal. capacity of 54.44 MTPA for handling

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Hon’ble Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, lighting the ceremonial lamp,
inaugurating the programme on Patriotic Songs organized in connection with
Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav programmes in Mumbai Port.

Annual Report 2021-22 41


coal, POL, LPG, LNG, automobile units, services viz. (i) Shuttle service to ME7
Containers and general cargoes. The Port service (directly connecting to Europe)
handled traf ic of 27.995 MMT during and (ii) Chennai Express service to FI4
2020-21 (upto December). service (connecting Southeast Asia with
India and Pakistan) with effect from
Notable Achievements during the year
03.08.2021 and 13.08.2021 respectively.
v KPL handled the largest Cape size Coal Kamarajar Port handled the highest
vessel at Common User Coal Terminal Container volume of 4,958 TEU’s in the
operated by M/s Ennore Coal Terminal vessel Santa Rita berthed at Container
Pvt. Ltd. on 12.06.2021. The vessel Terminal on 24.08.2021.
Emperor Pampero was having a parcel size
v Kamarajar Port handled the largest
of 1,37,989 MT of Steam Coal imported
Gypsum vessel at Multi Cargo Terminal
from Australia for M/s. OPG Power
operated by M/s. Ennore Bulk Terminal
Generation Pvt. Ltd. The highest DWT
Pvt. Ltd. on 02.09.2021. The vessel Birte
1,82,567 MT vessel with a draft of 15 m and
Oldendorff (DWT 1,13,921 MT, length
the length & beam of 292 m & 45m
250M and beam 43M) with parcel size of
respectively and the above parcel size ever
1,05,215 MT of Gypsum imported from
handled at this terminal.
Oman for M/s Saint Gobain India Pvt Ltd
v The Mobile X-Ray Container Scanner and M/s Eastern Bulk Trading & Shipping
system installed at Kamarajar Port was Pvt Ltd. arrived with a draft of 14.50 M.
commissioned on 01.07.2021. The Mobile
v Kamarajar Port handled the highest
X-Ray Container Scanner system is
Container volume of 46,513 TEUs in
operated by the Container Scanner
December 2021.
division of Chennai Customs. The Principal
Commissioner of Customs, Chennai-III, v Kamarajar Port has awarded the work for
has issued a Public Notice No. 43/2021-22 Construction of Automobile Export/
dated 30.06.2021 regarding the I m p o r t Te r m i n a l - I I t o M / s . L & T
commencement of regular operations of Geostructure Pvt. Ltd., Chennai on
Mobile X-Ray Container Scanner (MXCS) 12.11.2021 for an amount of Rs.149.36 Cr.
system at Kamarajar Port with effect from (excl. GST).
v Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)
4.17 Chennai Port is an all weather arti icial
vide its Public Notice No. 15/2015-2020
harbour with one Outer Harbour and
dated 20.07.2021 has issued a noti ication
one Inner Harbour with a wet Dock and a
enlisting Kamarajar Port as the 18th Port
Boat Basin with round the clock
for import of un-shredded metallic scrap
navigation facilities. The Port was
consequent to the installation and
established in 1875 located at 130 06’ N
operationalization of Mobile X-Ray
latitude and 800 18’ E-longitudes on the
Container Scanner system and Radiation
Bay of Bengal.
Portal Monitors.
4.18 Chennai Port handled a cargo tonnage of
v Container Shipping Line M/s. Maersk Line
43.55 MMT during 2020–2021. During
India operating at Kamarajar Port has
2021-22 tonnage handled upto
upgraded their existing Container weekly

42 Annual Report 2021-22


December 2021 is 35.62 MMT which surpassing the previous record handling
comprises of 21.80 MMT of Import and of 9,064 TEUs on 30.04.2021.
13.82 MMT of Exports. During
v On 11th December 2021, Chennai Port
2020–2021, 1,386,926 TEUs of
created a new record by loading 38,079
containers were handled, whereas in the
Tonnes of Barytes on a single day at JD 4
previous year 1,383,971 TEUs were
from the vessel RB EDEN surpassing the
handled. During the current year
earlier record of 35,671 Tonnes of Barytes
2021–2022, 1,206,956 TEUs with a
at JD 4 from the vessel FYLA on
cargo of 23,294,251 tonnes have been
handled upto December 2021.
Notable achievements during the year
4.19 Mormugao Port, situated on the west
v The Second Very Large Crude Carrier
coast of India, is more than 135 year old
(VLCC) on account of Chennai Petroleum
port. It has modern infrastructure
Corporation Ltd., M.T. Bright Pioneer with
capable of handling a wide variety of
a length of 333 M, Beam of 60 M and DWT
cargo. It is a natural harbour protected
of 3,00,000 MT was berthed at Bharathi
by a breakwater and also by a mole. The
Dock III on 09.04.2021 for discharge of
Port has an approach channel of depth
Crude Oil. It may be noted that the Chennai
14.4 Meters. The existing rail and road
Port was the 1st Major Port in India to
connectivity provides seamless logistic
berth a VLCC vessel at alongside berth,
network to the rest of the Country. There
when it berthed M.T. New Diamond on
is a modern Vessel Traf ic Management
System installed for providing reliable
v Chennai Port recorded landmark single modern services. The existing VTMS
day performance of overall cargo handling system is being replaced with new
of 3,12,549 Tonnes on 30.04.2021 System.
surpassing the previous record of 2,92,745
4.20 The Mormugao Port has 3 Nos. non cargo
Tonnes on 17.11.2008.
berths and 7 Nos. cargo berths, in
v Container Vessel CMA CGM BERLIOZ addition 3 Nos. Mooring Dolphins for
b e r t h e d a t C h e n n a i Po r t ’ s s e c o n d handling cargoes. The effective rated
c o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l M / s . C h e n n a i capacity of the port is 62.50 MTPA.
International Terminal Pvt. Ltd., on There is a dedicated cruise berth of 450
19.05.2021 recorded landmark m length alongside of Breakwater for
performance by handling Containers of Cruise vessels and for use of Navy and
8819 TEUS comprising of Import 4645 Coast Guard. The port handled traf ic of
TEUs and Export 4174 TEUs and sailed on 13.42 MMT during 2021-22 (upto
22.05.2021. The above noteworthy December, 2021). The project relating to
achievement surpassing the previous Redevelopment of Berth no. 9 and three
record of 8397 TEUS per vessel APL Jetties for handling of dry bulk cargo
ENGLAND on 08.12.2020. with mechanized system on PPP basis is
in process.
v Chennai Port recorded handling of 9,283
TEUs in a single day on 23.07.2021

Annual Report 2021-22 43


Notable achievements during the year 38,56,761/-. Thus this initiative will curb
the air pollution caused due to continuous
v Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Hon’ble Union
movement of trucks.
Minister, of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
(MoPSW) along with Shri Shripad Naik, V.O. CHIDAMBARANAR PORT
Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Ports,
4.21 V. O. Chidambaranar Port, the 10th Major
Shipping & Waterways and Tourism,
Port of India is situated 540 kms. South
visited Mormugao Port on 11th December,
West of Chennai. As a gateway Port with
2021 and in the presence Shri Rajiv Jalota,
15 berths, drafts ranging from 8.60
IAS, Chairman - MPT and Shri Guruprasad
metres to 14.20 metres is equipped to
Rai, Dy. Chairman - MPT inaugurated The
handle a wide spectrum of Container,
“River Cruise Services”, operated by M/s.
Dry, Liquid and Break bulk Cargoes.
V i j a i M a r i n e S e r v i c e s P v t . L td . a t
Mormugao Port, which is irst in South Goa. 4.22 A i d e d b y t h e s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t
The inaugural was followed by a Goan infrastructure, dedicated terminal
cultural dance highlighting the rich culture operators, Port user community and
of Goa. ef icient human resource, the Port which
is in close proximity to the Main line sea
v In order to contain dust pollution due to
r o u t e a n d e xc e l l e n t ra i l & r o a d
handling of dusty cargo, Port has
connectivity has been the harbinger of
commissioned Two nos. Automatic Truck
socio-economic development of the
Wheel Washing units at a cost of Rs.
southern Tamilnadu region.

Inauguration ceremony of River Cruise services at Mormugao Port by Shri Sarbananda Sonowal,
Hon’ble Union Minister, of Ports, Shipping and Waterways on 11th December, 2021

44 Annual Report 2021-22


4.23 V.O. Chidambaranar Port is located Papers Ltd., bettering the previous
strategically close to the East- West handling of highest parcel size for vessel
International sea routes on the South ‘MV Star Sirius', with 92,028 Tonnes of
Eastern coast of India at latitude 80 45’N Coal handled at the Port on 11.04.2021.
and longitude 780 13’E located in the
v On 10.06.2021, the Port handled a single
Gulf of Mannar, with Sri Lanka on the
export consignment of 24 windmill blades
South East and the large land mass of
of length 77.50 metres, the longest of its
India on the West. The Port is well
kind handled through VOC Port. The vessel
sheltered from the fury of storms and
PAC ALCOR with length overall (LOA) of
cyclonic winds and is operational round-
199.9 metres, was berthed at the Port on
the-clock all through the year.
10.06.2021 and the loading of the 77.50
4.24 The Port has 15 berths with an effective metres long wind blades were carried out
rated and re-rated capacity of 95.00 diligently, using Ship's Hydraulic cranes
MMTPA and 69.30 MMTPA. It handled and Harbour Mobile Cranes of the Port.
traf ic of 26.06 MT during the year 2021- T h e W i n d m i l l b l a d e s w e re s a f e ly
22 (upto December, 2021). transported using specialized wind blade
and tower transportation lat bed trucks
Notable achievements
all the way from Sriperumbudur to
v On 14.05.2021, V.O. Chidambaranar Port Tuticorin. The long wind blades were
created a new record for handling a coal stacked three high, conforming to the
vessel with highest parcel size. The safety standards and the vessel sailed from
Panama lagged vessel ‘MV BASTIONS’ the Port on 13thJune 2021 for the Port of
arrived from the Port of Muara Berau, Aransas, USA.
Indonesia, with 92,935 Tonnes of Coal
v On 29.08.2021, the Port created a new
consigned for Tamilnadu Newsprint and
record for handling a vessel with highest

New record of handling a coal vessel with highest parcel size of 92935 tonnes

Annual Report 2021-22 45


On 10.06.2021, V.O. Chidambaranar Port handled a single export consignment of

24 windmill blades of length 77.50 metres, the longest of its kind handled through VOC Port.

parcel size of 93,719 Tonnes (Limestone), contributed Rs. 18.00 Lakhs to the District
bettering the previous record for handling Administration, as a Corporate Social
the vessel with highest parcel size of Responsibility (CSR) initiative, for
92,935 Tonnes, (Coal) by the vessel procurement of high power pumps. The
Bastions on 14.05.2021. high power pumps would be used to
expedite dewatering of waterlogged areas
v The Kani Tribes residing in the interior
of Thoothukudi city and other areas on a
forest of the Western Ghats are socially and
war footing basis and restore normalcy at
economically backward and they sustain
the earliest. Shri T.K. Ramachandran, I.A.S.,
their livelihood on their forest produce.
Chairman, V.O. Chidambaranar Port,
Among these 33 students who visited the
handed over a Cheque for Rs. 18 Lakhs to
Port, 10 students are doing their class X, 11
Dr. K. Senthil Raj, I.A.S., District Collector,
students class XII, 9 are Under graduates
Thoothukudi District, in the presence of
and 3 are Post graduates. On reaching the
Shri Bimal Kumar Jha, Deputy Chairman,
Port, they were taken to the Port’s
VOC Port, and other senior of icials of the
Information Centre and were briefed on
Port, at the Port’s Administrative Of ice.
the Port operations
through a video
presentation. Later,
they were taken to
tugboats in which
they sailed up to the
entrance channel of
t h e P o r t t o
understand the entry
/ exit of ships in the
v On 04.12.2021, V.O. Chairman, V.O. Chidambaranar Port Trust, handed over a cheque for
Chidambaranar Port Rs.18 Lakhs to District Collector, Thoothukudi District, as a
Corporate Social Responsibility

46 Annual Report 2021-22


DEENDAYAL PORT (KANDLA) v Oxygen Generator Plant of capacity 2000

LPM, at Sir T. Hospital Bhavnagar, got
4.25 Deendayal Port (erstwhile Kandla Port)
Inaugurated on 12th July’ 2021 by the
was established in the year 1950 as a
Hon'ble Union Minister for Health &
Central Government Project and Union
Family Welfare, Chemicals & Fertilizer,
Government took over Kandla for its
Shri Mansukh Mandaviya. The Hon'ble
development as a Major Port. Kandla
Union Minister for P, S & W and AYUSH,
Port has 34 berths including SPM, Oil
Shri Sarbananda Sonowal also joined the
Jetties and Dry Cargo with an optimum-
inaugural function virtually & expressed
rated capacity of 261.10 MTPA. The Port
his happiness on the Initiatives of DPT to
handled 96.51 MMT of traf ic during
contain Covid 19 Pandemic.
2021-22(upto December 2021). The
Cargo handled comprises POL, Iron Ore, v On 11th August’ 2021, the Quality Mark
Fertilizers, Coal (Thermal/coking) etc. Award(10th Edition) was organized at
Ahmedabad, where Deendayal Port, the
Notable achievements during the year
No. 1 Major Port of India has been
v Port retains Numero Uno position handled recognised and honoured as “Pioneer
117.57 MMT cargo during 2020-21 under Industry in Maritime Services” for its
leadership of Shri SK Mehta, Chairman & outstanding cargo handling of 117.57
Shri Nandeesh Shukla Dy Chairman. MMT during the Year 2020-21.

v Port won the “India Maritime Award” v Union Minister of State(IC) for Ports,
under "Best Major Port of the Year Award- Shipping & Waterways Shri Mansukh
(Non Containerised) category" organized Mandviya virtually inaugurated Medical
by Daily Shipping Times. Oxygen Generator unit with Medical
o x yg e n c o p p e r p i p i n g n e t w o r k &
ire ighting system and automatic oxygen
source changeover system through oxygen
cylinder bank at Deendayal Port hospital,
Gopalpuri virtually on 2nd June’ 2021.
4.26 The Port of Visakhapatnam, located
almost midway between Kolkata and
v On 07th July’ 2021, the Union Minister Shri
Chennai on the East Coast of India at
Mansukh Mandviyaji virtually inaugurated latitude 17041’ and longitude 83017’
Oxygen Plant, set up by the port at was opened to ocean traf ic on 7th
Rambaug Hospital Adipur. October, 1933 and has been serving a
vast hinterland since then. Capacity of
the Port as on 31.12.2021 is 126.89 MMT.
4.27 The Port has a total of 27 berths and one
SPM for cargo handling. The inner
harbour has 21 berths and the outer
harbour has 6 berths and one SPM. The
inner harbour can accommodate fully

Annual Report 2021-22 47


laden Panamax vessels of draft up to 14.5

meters and the outer harbour can
accommodate vessels of 200,000 DWT
with a draft upto 18.10 meters. Port of
Visakhapatnam has the distinction of
possessing Supercape handling facility
and the deepest Container terminal
among Major Ports of India. The Port
handled 50.91 MMT of traf ic during
2021-22(upto December 2021). USA Delegation visited Visakhapatnam
Port on 03.09.2021
Notable achievements during the year
v Parliamentary Standing Committee on
v MoU signed during the month of May 2021 ‘Empowerment of Women’ headed by Dr.
with M/s. HPCL (exclusive Capital user) for H e e n a V i j a y Ku m a r G a v i t , M . P &
up-gradation of Fire Fighting system at Chairperson along with other
OSTT berth as deposit work by port for Pa r l i a m e n t a r i a n s v i s i t e d p o r t o n
HPCL at a cost of Rs.37.00 crore. 17.9.2021. The Committee reviewed the
CSR activities undertaken in connection
v On 26th June, 2021 Shri M. Venkaiah
with Women Empowerment in port.
Naidu, Hon’ble Vice-President of India
visited Visakhapatnam Port and reviewed v Shri V. Shantanu Thakur, Hon’ble Minister
the Port activities by having an in of State for Ports, Shipping & Waterways
interaction session with Chairman and visited port on 23.9.2021. The Hon’ble
other of icials. The Hon’ble Vice-President Minister inaugurated “Grade Separator
of India appreciated port in running the from H-7 to Convent Junction” and laid
entire port activities with Solar Energy. Foundation stone for “Development of
Cruise Terminal” and participated in
Swatchh Pakawada Programme.
v A supplementary agreement reached on
29th October 2021 between M/s. VGCBPL
and port to utilise the facility for other
compatible cargoes by port when the
VGCBPL berth is free from handling
Hon’ble Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu operations under the main agreement.
Visit to VPT from 26-06-2021 to 29-06-2021
v A v Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Vice-
24 hour automated payment gateway with President of India attended various
auto receipt and status report made programmes in Visakhapatnam from
available for trade and all port users. 2.11.2021 to 6.11.2021. Shri K. Rama
Mohana Rao, IAS, Chairman extended
v USA delegation headed by Mr. Andrew warm welcome to the Hon’ble Vice
Edelfsen, Principal Commercial Services President.
visited port on 3.9.2021. Chairman,
Visakhapatnam port briefed on the v Vessels upto 43 mtrs. beam and LOA 260
business opportunities in port. mtrs. handled in Inner harbour (Northern

48 Annual Report 2021-22


arm) during day light and calm weather Linke Hofmann Busch and vista dome
conditions on trail basis from 11.11.2021. coaches on 22.11.2021 during his
subsequent stay at Visakhapatnam from
v The Hon’ble Vice-President lagged off the
21.11.2021 to 24.11.2021.
upgraded Visakhapatnam – Kirandul train,


Traf ic handled at Major Ports (In million tonnes)
Sl. No. Port Actual 2020-21 Provisional 2021-22
(upto December, 2021)
1 Kolkata 15.900 11.111
2 Haldia 45.468 31.032
3 Paradip 114.549 83.604
4 Visakhapatnam 69.843 50.912
5 Chennai 43.552 35.622
6 V.O. Chidambaranar 31.790 26.056
7 Cochin 31.503 25.241
8 New Mangalore 36.500 27.455
9 Mormugao 21.988 13.419
10 Jawaharlal Nehru 64.809 56.066
11 Mumbai 53.324 44.317
12 Deendayal (Kandla) 117.566 96.514
13 Kamarajar (Ennore) 25.888 27.995
Total 672.680 529.344

Cargo Handled at Major Ports (In Million tonnes)

Sl. No. Commodity Actual 2020-21 Provisional 2021-22
(upto December, 2021)
1 POL 206.764 162.524
2 Iron Ore 64.282 37.182
3 Fert. &Fert. Raw Materials 17.671 11.690
4 Coal 126.750 109.246
5 Containerized Cargo 143.773 124.535
6 Others 113.440 84.167
Total 672.680 529.344

Annual Report 2021-22 49


Capacity at Major Ports (In Million tonnes)

Sl. No. Year Port capacity Traf ic Handled
1 2001-02 343.95 287.58
2 2002-03 362.75 313.55
3 2003-04 389.50 344.80
4 2004-05 397.50 383.75
5 2005-06 456.20 423.41
6 2006-07 504.75 463.78
7 2007-08 532.07 519.31
8 2008-09 574.77 530.53
9 2009-10 616.73 561.09
10 2010-11 670.13 570.03
11 2011-12 689.83 560.14
12 2012-13 744.91 545.68
13 2013-14 800.52 555.50
14 2014-15 871.52 581.34
15 2015-16 965.36 606.47
16 2016-17 1065.83 648.40
Re-rated capacity 2016-17 1359.00*
17 2017-18 1451.19 679.37
18 2018-19 1514.09 699.10
19 2019-20 1534.91 704.93
20 2020-21 1560.61 672.68
(Upto December., 2021) 529.34
(*) The capacities of the Major Ports have been re-rated as per berthing policy 2016.

50 Annual Report 2021-22


The details of important performance indicators of the Ports are given below:
(i) Average Turn Round time
Sl. No. Port Average Turn round Time/(Hours)#
2020-21 2021-22 (upto
December, 2021(*)
1 Kolkata 76.22 68.81
2 Haldia 74.16 58.96
3 Paradip 58.10 54.74
4 Visakhapatnam 66.09 75.71
5 Chennai 51.38 53.68
6 V.O.Chidambaranar 46.08 48.48
7 Cochin 35.83 34.55
8 New Mangalore 45.89 46.67
9 Mormugao 75.66 75.70
10 Jawaharlal Nehru 28.56 27.84
11 Mumbai 59.07 74.29
12 Deendayal (Kandla) 67.92 59.52
13 Kamarajar (Ennore) 42.97 46.83
Total (All Ports) 55.99 54.07
(*)Provisional (#) Calculated from Pilot Boarding till Deboarding
The Average Turnaround Time for container ship of Major Sea Ports has been reduced from 36.94 hours in
2019-20 to 27.38 hours in 2020-21.
(ii) Average Output per Ship Berth Day (In Tonnes)
Sl. No. Port Average Output Per Ship Berth Day
2020-21 2021-22 (upto
December, 2021(*)
1 Kolkata 3948 3839
2 Haldia 9153 10261
3 Paradip 23943 26232
4 Visakhapatnam 12865 11423
5 Chennai 15928 15294
6 V.O.Chidambaranar 15696 16568
7 Cochin 22513 23570
8 New Mangalore 15690 15670
9 Mormugao 12431 11794
10 Jawaharlal Nehru 26875 29119
11 Mumbai 10694 9115
12 Deendayal(Kandla) 14497 16440
13 Kamarajar (Ennore) 21326 23646
Total (All Ports) 15373 15855

Annual Report 2021-22 51



River cruise service at Mormugao Port

INTRODUCTION EXIM trade. India’s national lag-ships

provide an essential means of transport
5.1 Shipping plays an important role in the
for crude oil and petroleum product
economic development of the country,
imports. The national shipping also
especially in India’s international trade.
contributes to the foreign exchange
The Indian shipping industry also plays
earnings of the country.
an important role in the energy security
of the country as energy resources such 5.3 India has been a founder member of the
as coal, crude oil and natural gas are International Maritime Organization
mainly transported by ships. Further, (IMO), a specialized agency set up under
during a crisis situation, Indian shipping the United Nations, primarily dealing
contributes to ensure uninterrupted with the technical aspects of shipping
supply of essentials and serves as the relating to Maritime Safety, Protection of
second line of defense. Marine Environment, Standards of
Training and related legal matters. India
5.2 The salient features of India’s shipping
has been participating in various
policy are the promotion of national
meetings of the IMO Committees, Sub-
shipping to increase self-reliance in the
Committees, Council and Assembly and
carriage of country’s overseas trade and
has actively contributed towards the
protection of stakeholder’s interest in
development of various Conventions,

52 Annual Report 2021-22


Proto c o ls, Co de s a n d Gu i de li n es Independent States (CIS) through

developed by the IMO. Iranian ports; the routes to South East
Asian countries, which still have the
5.4 To promote Indian tonnage and to save
scope for development, like Thailand,
precious foreign exchange, the Cabinet
Vietnam etc., akin to the sea routes which
on December 10, 1957 had decided that
were opened up for Bangladesh and
in all negotiations for large contracts
Myanmar (as part of Act East Policy of
involving shipping arrangements by
the Government).
Central Government Departments, State
Government Departments and Public 5.7 During the years, India’s overseas trade
Sector Undertakings (PSUs) under them, has expanded considerably both in
the Department of Transport would terms of composition and direction due
invariably be consulted and all such to the policy of export promotion being
import contracts were to be inalized on pursued by the Government. At the same
FOB/FAS (Free on Board/Free Alongside time, efforts are being made to provide
Ship) basis and those for exports on and improve the trade related
C&F/CIF (Cost and Freight/Cost , infrastructure, especially transport, to
Insurance and Freight) basis and in case facilitate the movement of traf ic more
of departure there from, prior ef iciently. So far as the movement of
permission was required to be obtained traf ic by ships to overseas destinations
from Department of Transport on a case- is concerned, both Indian as well as
to-case basis. foreign lag ships operating consortium
liner shipping services have been
5.5 In the changed context of economic
providing the services either directly or
liberalization and new thrust on
through transshipment arrangements
competitiveness and performance
for the general cargo in break-bulk or
improvement of PSUs, the Government
containerized form. Similarly, for the
on November 15, 2001 decided that
bulk cargo moving either as imports or
while the existing policy for placing
exports, the services of transships, both
import contracts on FOB/FAS basis will
Indian and foreign, usually engaged on
continue, the policy was relaxed in case
chartering basis, are available to all the
of exports. Government Departments/
PSUs were permitted to inalize export
contracts on FOB/FAS basis without 5.8 Improvement in export related
seeking prior clearance from the infrastructure has been a consistent
Ministry. endeavour to promote exports.
Inadequacies in seamless transport
5.6 The emerging sectors, where there is a
through road, rail, ports and airports are
potential for enhancing trade (exports
obstacles faced in the infrastructure
and imports), need to be focused upon
development for promoting exports.
and ways to open up sea routes on these
However, it is a fact that in the transport
sectors need to be considered. Some
sector, most of the funding in our country
examples are the International North-
has been towards the railways, road and
South Transport Corridor (INSTC) route,
highways sectors. While the importance
which would considerably shorten the
of roads and railways in the economy is
distance from India to Commonwealth of
undeniable, there is also a greater need

Annual Report 2021-22 53


to encourage the maritime sector to (ii) Under Government of West Bangal

enable it to achieve its full potential.
• Shalimar Works Limited, Kolkata.
Thus there is a strong case for
supporting waterway transportation. 5.10 The global shipbuilding industry
continued to be under extended
downturn for the past few years, with
5.9 The Ministry of Ports, Shipping & world’s leading shipyards facing
Waterways is the nodal Ministry for inancial troubles due to lack of orders
formulating policy measures for the and the total order book coming down.
promotion of Indian Shipbuilding and The effects are felt in all segments such
Ship repair Industry. There are 24 as bulk cargo vessel segments (Bulkers,
Shipyards in the country, 8 under Central Containers, Crude Tankers). The major
P u b l i c S e c t o r, 2 u n d e r S t a t e reason for the lack of demand could be
Governments and 14 under private attributed to the widening disparity
sector. The breakup of the government between new building prices and
owned, controlled shipyards is as earnings, growing uncertainty within
under:- the shipping industry as it prepared for
the introduction of the global 0.5%
(a) M i n i s t r y o f Po r t s , S h i p p i n g &
sulphur cap on marine fuels, geopolitical
i n s t a b i l i t y a n d fe a r o f a f u r t h e r
i. Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), Kochi escalation in the trade dispute between
major countries. Adding to the above, the
ii. Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited, pandemic due to COVID 19 created more
Nazirgunge – a wholly owned subsidiary depression in the market due to slow
of CSL down of trade across the globe and thus
iii. Tebma Shipyards Limited, Malpe – a impacting the cargo movement. The
wholly owned subsidiary of CSL cruise shipbuilding which was
otherwise growing also went into
iv. Hooghly Dock and Port Engineers depression due to the pandemic and
Limited, Kolkata negative outlook of the tourism industry.
(b) Ministry of Defence 5.11 Keeping in view that India has a coastline
i. Mazagaon Dock Limited, Mumbai of 7517 km, 14,500 km of potentially
navigable waterways, shipbuilding has
ii. G a r d e n Re a c h S h i p b u i l d e r s a n d been identi ied as one of the key sectors
Engineers Limited, Kolkata under the ‘Make in India’ initiative. There
iii. Goa Shipyard Limited, Goa is huge potential for the improvement of
water transport share in the inland and
iv. Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Coastal space which can translate to
Visakhapatnam more activity in the Shipbuilding and
Ship repair segment.
(c) State Governments
(i) Under Government of Gujarat
5.12 Key characteristic feature of ship-
• Alcock Ashdown Co. Ltd.
building is that unlike other
(operations closed in July 2019)

54 Annual Report 2021-22


manufacturing industries which pre- Order Book Position

dominantly follow make-to-stock
5.14 As on September 30, 2021, CSL has 49
inventory model, shipbuilding is an
ships on order including 1 No.
order-driven industry where each vessel
Indigenous Aircraft Carrier for the
is custom built on receipt of the ship-
I n d i a n N a v y, 1 N o . Te c h n o l o g y
building order. Thus, building an order
Demonstration Vessel for DRDO, 1 No.
book is essential for growth and
500 Pax cum 150 Ton Cargo Vessel for
sustenance of the shipbuilding industry.
A&N Administration, 2 Nos. 1200 Pax
Order book growth for commercial ships
cum 1000 Ton Cargo Vessel for A&N
is largely driven by the growth in world
Administration, 8 Nos. of Anti-
trade and commerce, which spurs
Submarine Warfare Shallow Water
demand for new ships. The evolving
Crafts (ASW SWC) for the Indian Navy. 9
environment-friendly international
Nos. Floating Border Outpost for
regulations also trigger demands for
Ministry of Home Affairs, 2 Nos. of mini
replacement of old ships. Shipbuilding
bulk carrier for JSW group, 23 nos. of
also provides opportunity for ancillary
battery operated passenger ferry for the
industries to grow thus providing
Kochi Water Metro Project and 2 Nos. of
multiplier effect to the marine
Autonomous Electric Ferry for ASKO
manufacturing segment boosting
Maritime AS, Norway.
economy and employment.
Potential in Shipbuilding
Indian Shipbuilding capability
5.15 Under the present depressed prevailing
5.13 Currently, the maximum size of the
market, the growth in the Industry is
vessels, which can be built in India in the
likely to be accelerated through the
public sector is 1,10,000 DWT which is
“Atmanirbhar Bharath” initiative under
increasing to built vessels up to 3,00,000
the Make In India Programme of the GOI.
DWT by Cochin Shipyard Ltd. Private
Various support initiatives were taken
sector shipyards can build vessels upto
by the ministry such as providing
cape size vessels comparable to some of
preference to local built Tugs for the
the leading shipyards in the world.
employment of services in all the Major
Reliance Naval Engg. Ltd. has the
ports. The likely growth in demand for
capacity to build vessels upto 400,000
shipbuilding in India is expected to
DWT and L&T Shipbuilding -Kattupalli
emerge from the above schemes for the
300,000 DWT which includes large LNG
coastal shipping and Inland water.
Carriers. Smaller size LNG Carriers,
Another potential area of interest is the
Dredgers and other specialized vessels
defence market and deep sea ishing
can be built by other shipyards in the
segment. As per a published report, the
Private sector such as Shoft Shipyard,
Indian Navy’s perspective plan aims to
Chowgule & Co., Vijai Marine Shipyard,
increase the Navy’s leet from the
Mandovi Dry Docks, A.C. Roy & Co.,
present 137 to 200 nos. by 2027. The
Dempo Shipbuilding etc.
vision of GOI as per the Defence
Production Policy, circulated recently

Annual Report 2021-22 52


was “To make India among the Top Five Goals for Indian shipbuilding industry
countries of the world in Aerospace and
Ÿ To facilitate construction of River sea
D e fe n c e I n d u s t r i e s ”, w i t h a c t ive
vessels, Inland vessels, Barges and Fishing
participation of public and private vessels in India.
sector, ful illing the objective of self-
reliance as well as demand of other Ÿ To encourage use of new technology
friendly countries. Another area of especially construction of vessels which
use alternative fuels.
interest is in urban transport segment
and the Short sea shipping market where Ÿ To ensure that top global suppliers of
environment friendly electric mobility a dva n c e d e q u i p m e n t s to c k a n d / o r
technology is fast catching up and assemble their products in India.
provides new opportunity for Indian Ÿ To ensure all government-owned/PSU
Shipbuilders. Cochin Shipyard has vessels are built in India.
signed a contract with Kochi Metro Rail Ship Repair
Corporation for building 23 nos.
passenger boats using hybrid battery 5.17 The global ship repair market is
powered propulsion. Another major approximately US$ 12 billion. Shipyards
contract was clinching a contract to in China, Singapore, Bahrain, Dubai and
export two (2) nos Electric powered Middle East account for a major share of
autonomous Ro-Ro ferry for Norwegian this market. These locations have
customer. achieved a dominant position despite
higher cost of ship repair services
5.16 Maritime clusters are vital for the compared to other Asian counties,
growth of the ship building & repair largely due to the availability of a skilled
industry as they provide ancillary workforce and the latest technology
services, manufacturing of ancillary which allows these shipyards to attract
products, maritime services and demand from other low cost locations
inancial services for the industry. Based like India, Malaysia and Indonesia. Ship
on the studies conducted under the repair and maintenance services market
Sagarmala Programme, Tamil Nadu has is estimated to reach $ 40 billion by 2028
been identi ied for development of a supported by developments in the
Maritime cluster as part of the National markets in South East Asia and India.
Perspective Plan of Sagarmala Though India’s share in global ship
Programme. Factors such as proximity to repair is less than 1%, the country’s
the major shipping routes between Asia location is favourable with 7-9% of the
and Europe, presence of steel industry, global trade passing within 300 NM of
shipyards and ports in the vicinity favour the coastline.
the development of a Maritime Cluster in
Ta m i l N a d u . G u j a r a t M a r i t i m e Indian Ship Repair Capability
B o a rd ( G M B ) i s a l s o wo r k i n g o n
5.18 Amongst public sector shipyards, Cochin
developing a Marine Shipbuilding Park
Shipyard Ltd has the highest capacity for
in Bhavnagar along with a Maritime
ship repairing (125 thousand DWT). In
Services cluster in Ahmedabad or
the private sector, L&T Shipbuilding Ltd.
Gujarat International Finance Tec-City
has the maximum capacity for ship
(GIFT) City.
repairing (300,000 DWT).

56 Annual Report 2021-22


5.19 The untapped potential in the Indian strategic location in the trade route of
ship repair market can be attributed to tanker/bulk carrier traf ic on east & west
the presence of competing international and ready availability of trained
ship repair yards in Singapore, Middle workforce, there are tremendous
East (Dubai, Bahrain) and Colombo on o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r h u g e r e ve n u e
major trade routes and a capability gap generation.
of Indian yards in repairing certain kinds
Abundance of labour
of vessels. Due to these disadvantages,
only about 5-6 shipyards out of a total of 5.22 All the resources required for the Ship
24 shipyards in the country carry out any Repair Units to function ef iciently are
signi icant repair jobs. One of the major available and there is a huge untapped
deterrents in ship repair is GST which is potential. The ship repair industry
an additional tax burden and makes promises relatively continuous low of
Indian ship repairers uncompetitive as revenue and employment for all
compared to foreign ship repairers. segments of labour class (from highly
Other reasons of cost disadvantages skilled to unskilled). Most of the existing
include high cost of inancing, lack of and new ship repair yards in India
supply of ship spares in India and concentrate on new building and
technology related issues increasing providing services to naval and coastal
ship repair execution cycle time. vessels.
Potential of ship-repair industry Competitive labour rates
5.20 India is located strategically on the 5.23 The subcontract labour rates for steel
international trade route, whereby it can work, pipe work, blasting and painting,
attract ships plying from west to east in mechanical and electrical works are very
the trade route for its ship-repair cheap in India and are comparable to
activity. This represents increasing labour rates in Indonesia and Vietnam.
market potential for the ship-repair In fact it is 10 to 15% lower than
business, as ship owners prefer to repair subcontract labour rates of Indonesia
their ships without deviating from their and 25% lower than Philippines.
trade routes as much as possible. Ship-
repair service, a supplementary service Quality of work
provided by most of the shipyards, is also 5.24 The speed of execution and quality of
a labour-intensive activity that utilizes work is comparable to that of Indonesia,
the existing ship-building infrastructure Philippines and Vietnam who have a
to provide additional returns on the signi icant presence in the world ship
capital invested. repair industry.
Strengths of Indian ship repair industry Financial Assistance Policy on
Geostrategic location of India Shipbuilding

5.21 A long coast line with number of all 5.25 To promote shipbuilding in Indian
weather ports which are not subjected to shipyards, the Union Cabinet has on
severe weather conditions and naturally December 9, 2015 approved New
protected is the primary advantage. With Shipbuilding Financial Assistance policy

Annual Report 2021-22 57


for Indian shipyards for contracts signed Grant of Infrastructure Status

during a ten year period, viz. 2016-2026.
5.27 The Department of Economic Affairs has
T h e G u i d e l i n e s fo r S h i p b u i l d i n g
noti ied the inclusion of standalone
Financial Assistance Policy has been
‘Shipyards’ in the Harmonized Master
revised in October 2017 and the updated
List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors on
the web portal for processing the online
13.04.2016. With this inclusion,
applications by DG(S) submitted by
shipyards will be able to avail lexible
shipyards online, has been rolled out on
structuring of long term project loans,
31.10.2017. Financial assistance is being
long term funding from Infrastructure
granted to Indian Shipyards equal to
Funds at lower rates of interest and for a
20% of the lower of “Contract Price” or
l o n g e r t e n u re e q u iva l e n t t o t h e
the “Fair Price” or actual payments
economic life of their assets, relaxed ECB
received of each vessel built by them for a
norms, issuance of infrastructure bonds
period of at least 10 years commencing
for meeting working capital
2016-17. This rate of 20% will be
requirements. Standalone shipyard is
reduced by 3% every three years. The
de ined as a loating or land-based
guidelines have been amended in
facility with the essential features of
December, 2021.
waterfront, turning basin, berthing and
Right of Refusal to Indian Shipyards docking facility, slipways and/or ship
lifts, and which is self suf icient for
5.26 The Union Cabinet has also approved on
carrying on shipbuilding/repair/
0 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 t h a t a l l g ove r n m e n t
breaking activities.
departments or agencies including
CPSUs have to provide Right of First SOP for charter/procurement of tugs by
Refusal to Indian shipyards while major ports under Atmanirbhar Bharat
procuring or repairing vessels meant for Abhiyan and SOP for Procurement of Deep-
governmental or own use till 2025 after Sea Fishing Vessels
which only Indian shipyards would build
5.28 In order to promote small and medium
and repair vessels of these
shipyards, in September, 2020, the
organizations. Guidelines were
Ministry has issued Standard Operating
uploaded on website of this Ministry on
Procedures pertaining to Procurement/
31. 05. 2016. S u b sequ e n t ly, a few
Chartering of Port Crafts by the Major
provisions of the guidelines regarding
Ports. Further, to assist the Major Ports
Quay Length and Non-Destructive
to implement the Make in India policy,
Testing facilities have been modi ied by
the Ministry has constituted a Standing
this Ministry to facilitate more Indian
Speci ication Committee to prepare
shipyards including small shipyards to
Approved Standardized Tug Design &
take advantage of this policy. The
Speci ications (ASTDS). Further, this
modi ied guidelines have been uploaded
Ministry has issued Standard Operating
on website of Ministry of Ports, Shipping
Procedure (SOP) on 08.02.2021 for
& Waterways.
Procurement of Deep-Sea Fishing
Vessels to assist the state isheries
departments in expeditious
implementation of PMMSY.

58 Annual Report 2021-22


Promotion of Make in India initiative renowned irms in the maritime

industry have already partnered with
5.29 In order to promote the Make in India
CSL for setting up their units in the
initiative, a noti ication was issued in
Maritime Park in irst phase. CSL expects
October, 2020 regarding RoFR for Indian
to position Kochi as a major ship repair
built and Indian lagged ships through
hub with major operations in the present
amendments to Guidelines for
ship repair dock coupled with increased
chartering of vessels done through
capacities that would be available when
tender process for all types of
the ISRF is commissioned.
Cruise Shipping
International Ship Repair Facility
5.31 Cruise shipping is a fast growing
5.30 Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) is
component of the leisure industry
developing International Ship Repair
worldwide. Huge amount of foreign
Facility (ISRF) within the premises of
exchange can be earned with sizeable
Cochin Port Trust (CoPT) by installing a
direct & indirect employment can be
ship lift facility of 130m x 25m x 6000T
generated onshore by providing the
capacity with 6 workstations and allied
right policy environment and
facilities at the cost of Rs. 970 crore.CSL
infrastructure for the growth of cruise
continued to operate the dry-dock&
shipping and tourism. Cruise tourism
existing facilities in the leased area ( irst
leads to signi icant regional
phase) at Cochin Port premises. CSL
development and also leads to the
completed repairs of twelve ships during
development of allied services in the
the year 2020-21. The construction
vicinity. Currently Indian ports are
works of ISRF project, which
primarily ports of call for cruise lines at
commenced on November 17, 2017, is
ports in Mumbai, Cochin, Goa, New
progressing despite the setbacks due to
Mangalore and Chennai. To increase
COVID-19 pandemic. 100% piling works
number of vessel calls and passengers
& 87% of the deck concreting works
arriving in India, the Ministry has
completed. Various industrial buildings
relaxed Cabotage till 5th February, 2029
are in the advanced stages of completion.
for foreign lag passenger/cruise ships
CSL received all components pertaining
to call at more than one Indian Port.
to the transfer system supplied by M/s.
Recently, Ministry in order to support
IMG, Germany. With regards to shiplift
the Cruise shipping industry and
system, CSL started receiving various
keeping in view to balance the loss
consignments from M/s. Syncrolift AS,
incurred to the cruise industry due to the
Norway. Structural works are in progress
pandemic situation caused by COVID-19
at manufacturer’s premises for the 10 T
has rationalized tariff for Cruise Vessels
crane ordered on M/s. CJSC SMM, Russia.
arriving in India and the following tariff
Order has been issued to M/s. Liebherr,
is made applicable for a period of one
Germany for the supply &
year vide order dated 14.08.2020:-
commissioning of 3 nos. tower cranes.
ISRF project is targeted for Ÿ The port charges for a Cruise Ship to
commissioning in the latter part of the be charged at $ 0.085 per GRT for irst
calendar year 2022. Ten globally 12 hours stay (’Fixed Rate') and $ 5

Annual Report 2021-22 59


per passenger ("Head Tax"). The Ÿ 1-50 calls per year to get 10% rebate.
Ports will not charge any other rate
Ÿ 51-100 calls per year to get 20%
like berth hire, port dues, pilotage,
passenger fee, etc.
Ÿ Above 100 calls per year to get 30%
Ÿ For the period exceeding 12 hours
stay, the ixed charges on Cruise Ships
will be equal to the Berth Hire Ÿ The above rationalized tariff is
Charges payable as per SOR (with effective for a period of one year i.e.
40% discount as applicable for cruise upto 13.08.2022.
5.32 The number of International Cruise
Ÿ Further, cruise ships making ships and passengers handled in Indian
Ports are given in the Table below.

Port 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

(Till. 15.12.2021)
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Passengers Vessels Passengers Vessels Passengers Vessels
Chennai 612 2 0 0 0 0
Cochin 67907 44 0 0 8946 07
New 24080 21 0 0 0 0
Mormugao International 38 0 0 13805 07
- 57241
Domestic – 125 0 0
Mumbai 222105 221* 0 0 51555 26*
Visakhapat 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 467579 451 0 0 74306 40

* Includes Domestic and foreign cruise vessel data.

5.33 The number of Domestic Cruise Ships and passenger handled in Indian Ports in 2020-21 are
given in the Table below.

No. of Domestic Cruise Ships and passenger handled in Indian Ports in 2020-21

Name of Port No. of calls No. of Passengers

Mumbai 26 51555
Goa 07 13805
Cochin 07 8946

60 Annual Report 2021-22


REFORMS 2020, the High Court at Calcutta, the

Bombay High Court, the Orissa High
Merchant Shipping Bill, 2020 and Coastal
Court and the Madras High Court have
Shipping Bill, 2021 to replace Merchant
noti ied these rules.
Shipping Act, 1958
Recycling of Ships
5.34 In order to meet several challenges being
faced by the maritime industry, foster 5.36 The Recycling of Ships Act, 2019 is aimed
overall development of marine at ensuring that ships, when being
ecosystem and to give impetus to coastal recycled after reaching the end of their
shipping and trade, the Merchant operational lives, do not pose risk to
Shipping Act, 1958 is being revamped human health, safety and to the
with contemporaneous provisions to environment. The Act is not yet in force.
bring in new Merchant Shipping Act and It will be enforced, once the Hong Kong
Coastal Shipping Act to reduce International Convention for safe and
compliance burden, promote ease of environmentally sound recycling of
doing business and ensure development ships, on the basis of which, it has been
of Indian shipping. The Merchant enacted, comes into force. The
Shipping Bill, 2020 and Coastal Shipping Convention will enter into force 24
Bill 2021 are being processed. months after the three conditions
required for enforcing the Convention
T h e A d m i r a l t y ( J u r i s d i c t i o n a n d
have been met. In anticipation, the Ship
Settlement of Maritime Claims) Act, 2017
Recycling Rules 2021 have been noti ied
5.35 T h e Ad m i ra l t y ( J u r i s d i c t i o n a n d in February, 2021 under the rule making
Settlement of Maritime Claims) Act, powers, so that the stakeholders of the
2017 was enforced on 1.04.2018. Rules Indian Ship Recycling Industry are
under clause (b) of subsection (2) of aware about putting in place the
section 16 of the Admiralty (Jurisdiction required infrastructure/
and Settlement of Maritime Claims) Act, resources/process to comply with
2017 to provide for the practice and internationally applicable standards.
procedure of admiralty jurisdiction Steps have been initiated to enhance the
under this Act, including fees, costs and overall ship recycling capacity in the
expenses in such proceedings are being country from the existing 4.50 MMTPA of
framed by the High Courts of coastal LDT to about 9.0 MMTPA of LDT by 2024.
states of the country. As of December,

Annual Report 2021-22 61



Hon’ble Minister and Hon’ble Minister of State attended the Diamond Jubilee valedictory function of
Shipping Corporation of India (SCI)

DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SHIPPING 6.2 The Director General of Shipping’s

administrative secretariat consists of
6.1 The Directorate General of Shipping
Director General, Additional Director
{DG(S)}, an attached of ice of the
General and Deputy Directors General of
Ministry was established in 1949 as the
Shipping. On the technical side, the
Maritime Administration of India. It
Director General is assisted by the
deals with implementation of shipping
Nautical Adviser for Navigational Issues,
policy and legislation, so as to ensure the
Chief Surveyor on Marine Engineering
safety of life and ships at sea, prevention
Issues and Chief Ship Surveyor on the
of marine pollution and other
Naval Architecture issues. The ield
mandatory regulations of the
formation of Directorate General of
International Maritime Organizations
Shipping is headed by Principal Of icers
are effectively implemented including
who are assisted by surveyor of
promotion of maritime education and
E n g in eerin g , Na u t ica l a n d Nava l
training, examination & certi ication of
Architecture sides. The Heads of allied
seafarers and supervision of other
of ices supported by their subordinate
subordinate of ices for their effective
of icers also assist the Director General
functioning etc. The Director General of
of Shipping in the overall discharge of
Shipping is appointed under section 7 of
various statutory functions.
the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958.

62 Annual Report 2021-22


F u n c t i o n s o f o f i c e s u n d e r t h e Inspections & Certi ication as required

administrative control of the DG(S) under various International
conventions, noti ied by India, relating to
6.3 The Mercantile Marine Departments
safety of ships pollution prevention have
(MMDs) were set up in 1929 with
been delegated to some of the
Headquarters at Mumbai, Kolkata and
Classi ication societies of IACS who acts
Chennai. MMD, Kochi was elevated to
as Recognized Organization of the
district level of ice and a new district
Directorate with selective supervisory
level of ice at Kandla was opened in
role for the DGS on important surveys.
2005. These Departments were directly
under the Ministry till the establishment Passengers Ship Survey
of the Directorate General of Shipping at
6.5 All passenger ships are subjected to
Mumbai in 1949. The main functions of
survey of hull, Machinery, equipment etc.
MMDs are to administer the various
during construction and there after
Merchant Shipping laws and rules
annually. On completion of survey,
relating to safety of ships and life at sea,
Certi icates such as Passengers Ship
registration of ships, tonnage
Safety Certi icate, Space Certi icate,
measurement, crew accommodation,
Special Trade Ship Safety Certi icate,
survey for load line, safety construction,
Exemption Certi icate, ‘A’ Certi icate and
prevention of pollution, enquiries into
Certi icate of Survey are issued. Cargo
shipping casualty and wrecks, surveys of
Ship Safety Construction (CSSC) Surveys.
passenger ships, radio equipments on
Under the requirements of SOLAS 74
board, inspection and approval of
Convention as amended, administration
statutory equipment for life saving and
is responsible for conduct of CSSC
ire ighting appliances, wireless
Surveys of various types of Cargo Ships
telegraphy, global maritime distress and
under construction and periodical and
safety systems, navigational aids,
annual surveys thereafter. The task of
pollution prevention equipments,
surveys of Cargo Ships under
supervision of repairs and construction
construction/reconstruction abroad
of ship on behalf of State and Central
and subsequent periodical/annual
Government organizations, Flag state
surveys and issuance of certi icate have
implementation, Port State Control
been delegated to recognize
inspection, examination and
Classi ication Societies. All Sea going
certi ication of various grades of
vessels over 300 G.T. are required to be
certi icates of competency as per
surveyed and issued with a Safety Radio
relevant examination rules under
Certi icate in compliance with the M.S.
Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 etc.
(Radio) Rules, 1983 and Chapter IV of
6.4 The additional responsibilities were SOLAS 74 as amended from time to time.
imposed from time to time in the form of The survey consists of checking of Radio
new statutes like Multi-modal equipment for distress, safety and
Transportation of Goods Act, Admiralty normal communication on board. With
Act, Recruitment and Placement of the harmonization of Certi icates, the
Seafarers Rules, Majority of Surveys, Safety Radio Certi icate is issued.

Annual Report 2021-22 63


Online written and Oral Examination NATIONAL WELFARE BOARD FOR

6.6 Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) in 6.8 As provided under Section 218 of
line with STCW Convention and Digital Merchant Shipping Act. 1958 the
India has initiated digitalization of Government of India has constituted a
examination system. In its endeavor National Welfare Board for Seafarers
during the COVID pandemic the Oral headed by the Union Minister of Port,
examination system were migrated to Shipping and waterways for advising the
online mode. Further an online written Government on the measure to be taken
examination system has been developed for promoting the welfare of Seamen
as a contingency option by DGS through whether on shore or aboard. The Board
Applied Research International Pvt. Ltd. functions with Minister of Ports,
(ARI) (who has currently developed and Shipping and waterways as the
supports the DGS E-Governance system). chairman. It comprises of 2 Members of
This online written examination system Parliament (one from Lok Sabha and one
is under pilot testing for assessing its from Rajya Sabha), 4 representatives
suitability for adoption. from Central Government, 3
representatives each of Ship-owners and
Seafarers, 2 representatives from Port
Trusts, 1 non-of icial Member from the
6.7 The Seamen’s Provident Fund Scheme, ield of Seamen’s Welfare of Public,
the irst social security scheme for Indian representative from Society interested
Merchant Navy Seamen, brought under in Seamen’s Welfare.
statute by enactment of the Seamen’s
Provident Fund Act, 1966 (4 of 1966)
was introduced retrospectively with 6.9 The SWF Society is set up as a Central
effect from 1st July, 1964, to provide for Organization for the Welfare of Indian
the institution of a provident fund for Seafarers and their families. It is
seamen as old age retirement bene it and registered under the Societies
their family members in the event of Registration Act 1860 and as a Trust
death of seamen members. The Seamen’s under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.
Provident Fund is vested in and The Society represents various interests
administered by the Board of Trustees connected with Indian Shipping which
consisting of the Chairman and three includes representatives of Indian and
representatives each of the Government, Foreign Ship-owners and also of
Employers and Employees. The Director Seafarers’ Unions separately for of icers
General of Shipping is an ex-of icio and seamen. The control of business and
Chairman of the Board of Trustees and affairs of the Society is vested with the
the Commissioner is the Chief Executive Committee of Management of which the
Of icer and the Secretary to the Board. Director General of Shipping is the ex-
SPFO was maintaining the PF account of of icio Chairman. SWFS manages the
approximately 88,000 Indian seafarers. gratuity of approximately 75000 Indian
seafarers. The SWFS is the Central

64 Annual Report 2021-22


Organization of the Government of India, for provision and maintenance of Aids to

to ensure the compliance of the Marine Navigation. The aim of the
Regulations 4.5 of Maritime Labour Association is to encourage continuous
Conventions, 2006 and to comply the i m p r o ve m e n t o f A i d s t o M a r i n e
same, the steps have already been taken Navigation. The IALA is the only world
by the SWFS by implementing various body for Aids to Marine Navigation
welfare schemes to the seafarers and h av i n g m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 - N a t i o n a l
their families. The Welfare schemes so members responsible for management
far implemented by the SWFS are (i) of AtoNs within their countries. The
Survival Bene it Scheme (ii) Invalidity Directorate General of Lighthouses and
Bene it Scheme (ii) Maternity Bene it Lightships represents India. The IALA
Scheme (Only for women seafarers) (iv) promotes co-operation and assistance
Old Age Bene it Scheme and (v) Family between various member countries by
Bene it Scheme. collection and dissemination of
information so as to take up
development of multipurpose
navigational systems for enhancing
6.10 The Directorate General of Lighthouses maritime safety.
and Lightships establishes and
Organizational Structure
maintains Aids to Marine Navigation
along the coastline of India as per 6.12 The Directorate General of Lighthouses
Lighthouse Act, 1927. The said Act has and Lightships is headed by the Director
been repealed and replaced by the newly General at Headquarters situated at
enacted Marine Aids to Navigation Act, Noida and having 09 Directorates at
2021 which is passed by the President of Gandhidham, Jamnagar, Mumbai, Goa,
India. Cochin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam,
Kolkata and Port Blair.
6.11 The International Association of Marine
Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Aids to Navigation
Authorities (IALA), having its
6.13 There were 17 lighthouses at the time of
headquarters at St. Germain en Laye
Independence. As on date, the details of
(France), is an Association bringing
Aids to Navigation maintained by the
together the organizations responsible
DGLL are as shown below:
Sl. No. Aid to Navigation Nos.
1. Lighthouses 204
2. Lightship 01
3. DGPS Stations 23
4. Racons 64
5. Deep Sea Lighted Buoys 21
6. National Automatic Identi ication System (AIS) Physical 87
Shore Stations (PSS)
7. Vessel Traf ic Service - Gulf of Kachchh(9 Radar +4 AIS Base Stations 01
& 2 Direction inder)
8. Lighthouse Tender Vessels 02
9. National Navtex Chain (7 Tx. Stations, 7 Monitoring Stations & 01
Navtex Control Centre at Mumbai & Vizag.)

Annual Report 2021-22 65


Lighthouses mariners during the night. A lighthouse

may be used to indicate dangerous
6.14 A Lighthouse is a structure on land close
Shoals, Sand Bank, Rock etc. to obtain a
to the shore line or in the water. The
Line of Position and to indicate Landfalls,
Lighthouse tower serve as a day mark
Headlands, entrance to estuaries/ports
with its colour scheme and a powerful
light with a speci ic character serve the


Lightship where it is not feasible to construct a

lighthouse. DGLL maintains a lightship
6.15 A Lightship serves the same purpose as
“PERIGEE” off the Bhavnagar coast, in
lighthouse and is positioned in the sea,


66 Annual Report 2021-22


National Navtex Network National AIS Network

6.16 The Directorate General of Lighthouses 6.18 Automatic Identi ication System (AIS) is
& Lightships has established a National a ship to ship and ship to shore based
NAVTEX Network along the coastline of data broadcast system, for maritime
India in order to meet the International safety and collision avoidance. DGLL has
Maritime Organization (IMO), Global established National AIS Network with
Maritime Distress and Safety System 87 Physical Shore Stations (PSS),which
(GMDSS) requirement by establishing 07 seamlessly provides radio coverage up
Transmitting Stations on West Coast, to a minimum distance of 25 Nautical
East Coast and in Andaman and Nicobar Miles from the coast including Islands of
I s l a n d s . T h e N AV T E X N e t w o r k Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep
broadcasts Maritime Safety Information thus all SOLAS and other vessels
( i . e . We a t h e r Fo re c a s t , We a t h e r equipped with AIS Transponders are
Warning, Navigation warnings & SAR tracked. Two Coastal Control Centers at
messages). The data are provided at Mumbai and Vishakhapatnam have been
N AV T E X C e n t r e b y t h e I n d i a n established, in addition, to a National
M e t ro l o g i c a l D e p a r t m e n t ( I M D ) , Data Centre at Mumbai. For coastal
National Hydrographic Of ice, Indian safety and security, terminals are also
Coast Guard (ICG) and Directorate provided at Directorate General of
General of Shipping at Mumbai from Shipping, Joint Operation Centre (JOC)
where it is relayed to various Mumbai, Joint Operation Centre (JOC)
transmitting stations. Vishakhapatnam, Indian Navy Delhi and
Indian Coast Guard Delhi.
Lighthouse Tender Vessels
6.17 To cater to the need of maintenance of
Lighthouses in the islands and for
maintaining the channel marking buoys
in the Gulf of Kachchh and Gulf of
Khambat, the Directorate is maintaining
t w o o c e a n - g o i n g v e s s e l s , M . V.
Sagardeep-II and Indira Point. These are
also used to monitor the performance of
AtoNs established by the Directorate
Map showing NAIS coverage Physical Shore Stations
Establishment of new Lighthouse Tower at
6.19 For easy identi ication of landmark and
to provide seamless coverage of
lighthouse along the Indian Coast a new
Lighthouse tower of 30 Mt height RCC
MV Indira Point tower in place of 7 Mt trestle tower at
Rawalpir in Gujarat has been
established. Hon’ble Union Minister for

Annual Report 2021-22 67


Ports, Shipping & Waterways and the lighthouse will immensely bene it
AYUSH, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal the mariners plying in this Kerala region
inaugurated the new Lighthouse on 20th and the local ishermen will bene it for
October, 2021. Day mark in day time and Safe return in
Night time from the sea. Structure work
of the lighthouse tower is completed.
Finishing works are in progress.

Marine Aids to Navigation Act, 2021

Establishment of new Lighthouse at
6.21 The Government of India enacted a new
Act, namely Marine Aids to Navigation
6.20 For easy identi ication of landmark and Act, 2021 which repealed and replaced
to provide seamless coverage of the Lighthouse Act, 1927. The new Act
lighthouse along the Indian Coast a new facilitates legal frame work for Vessel
L i g h t h o u s e a t Va l i y a z h i k k a l i n Traf ic Service, Training & Certi ication,
Alappuzha district of Kerala has been and Accreditation of training
established. Hon’ble Union Minister for organization and development of
Ports, Shipping & Waterways and Heritage lighthouses. The Act has been
AYUSH, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal passed by the Parliament and received
inaugurated the new Lighthouse on 30th the assent of President on 31.07.2021
October, 2021. The 41.26 metre height and it is noti ied in the of icial gazette.
pentagonal RCC tower with elevator and Framing of eight Sub-ordinate
allied buildings has been constructed legislations of Marine Aids to Navigation
and the lighthouse is currently on trial Act 2021 are in progress. Out of which 06
run since 03.06.2021. Construction of draft rules namely, Marine Aids to

68 Annual Report 2021-22


Navigation (Central Advisory Committee economy. A simultaneous supply and

Procedural) Rules, 2021; Marine Aids to demand shock that led to the global
Navigation (Removal or Alteration of recession and unprecedented
Obstruction) Rules, 2021; Marine Aids to contraction in global trade (affecting
Navigation (Duties of Director General) both the export potential of nations and
Rules, 2021; Marine Aids to Navigation their demand for imports). In an updated
(Accounting and Financial power) Rules, autumn 2020 report, the WTO forecast a
2021; Marine Aids to Navigation (Vessel 9.2% decline in the volume of world
Traf ic Service) Rules, 2021 and Marine merchandise trade, in 2020 followed by
Aids to Navigation (Training and a muted rise in 2021. Trade volume
Certi ication Rule) Rules, 2021 have growth thus would remain clearly below
been pre-published in the Of icial the pre-crisis trend of early 2020. The
Gazette for public consultation in impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
accordance with section 46 (1) of the compounded existing trends,
Act. Remaining draft Rules are being complicating an already challenging new
submitted shortly. building environment at the start of the
year. Foremost amongst these was the
long period of yard rationalisation after
6.22 Cochin Shipyard achieved a net pro it of the contracting boom in the 2000s, and
Rs. 610.10 crore for the inancial year more recently, the uncertainties
2020-21 as compared to Rs. 637.69 crore surrounding the potential impact of
for the year 2019-20. The Company environmental legislation along with
achieved a turnover of Rs. 2,818.90 crore non-availability of inance for the
for the year 2020-21 as compared to Rs. industry. These existing impediments,
3,422.49 crore for the year 2019-20. combined with the adverse impacts of
Turnover for the half year ended the COVID-19 pandemic, created a
September 30, 2021 was Rs. 1,025.72 perfect storm of events that has
crore as against Rs. 989.88 crore for the effectively suppressed the appetite for
half year ended September 30, 2020. fresh ordering this year.
Company achieved a net pro it of Rs.
6.24 The illip due to the prospects due to
168.11 crore for the half year ended
large ageing leet replacements and new
September 30, 2021 as compared to Rs.
regulatory restrictions generated some
151.01 crore for the half year ended
interest and likely to impact positively
September 30, 2020.
on long term basis. However, the
Global Shipbuilding Industry pandemic situation and the world real
GDP stagnant growth on year-on-year
6.23 The shrinkage of GDP and the trade basis will have direct negative impact on
volumes due to the current COVID-19 the seaborne trade and thus limiting the
pandemic is directly impacting the appetite for the new shipbuilding orders
demand and the shipyards. The current in the near future.
COVID-19 pandemic is the worst health
crisis in more than a century and Indian Shipbuilding Industry
potentially without precedent if we take
6.25 Globaldownturn and rising competition
the globalized nature of the current
have resulted in pressures on Indian ship

Annual Report 2021-22 69


building industry leading to a decline in the cargo to improve demand, improving

its global share to <1%. While India is the ecosystem for ancillary industries;
one of the market leaders in ship generate standardised designs for better
recycling, ship repairs is a very nascent productivity with appropriate
market. With the objective of propelling Governmental interventions to create
India to the fore-front of the global level playing ields to make the industry
maritime sector, Ministry of Ports, competitive in International arena. The
Shipping and Waterways has formulated MIV document also advocates creation of
Maritime India Vision 2030 (MIV 2030), a Maritime Development Fund to
a blueprint to ensure coordinated and provide easy access to working capital
accelerated growth of India’s maritime and long-term inance needs across
sector in the next decade. marine sectors thus giving access to
Indian ship owners to improve their
6.26 M I V 2 0 3 0 e n v i s i o n s a n o v e r a l l
capacity and shipyards to improve the
investment of ₹3,00,000 – 3,50,000 crore
across ports, shipping, and inland
waterways categories. This vision Ship Repair Industry
roadmap is estimated to help unlock
6.28 Global ship repair market is currently
₹20,000 plus crore worth of potential
dominated by shipyards in China,
annual revenue for Indian Ports. Further,
Singapore and Middle East largely due to
it is expected to create an additional
the availability of a skilled workforce and
20,00,000 plus jobs (direct and indirect)
latest technology. The global market for
in the Indian maritime sector. Some of
ship repair and maintenance service is
the Governmental initiatives already put
expected to witness signi icant growth,
in place are:
reaching a market value of USD 40 Billion
a) Financial Assistance Policy on by 2030 supported by developments in
Shipbuilding (2016) the markets in South East Asia and India.
b) Grant of Infrastructure Status (2016) Though India’s share in global ship
repair is less than 1%, the country’s
c) Atmanirbhar Bharat Policy (Revised in location is favourable with 7 to 9% of the
2020) global trade passing within 300 NM of
d) SOP for chartering/procurement of tugs the coastline. Additionally, India is
(2020) poised well to offer repair services to
Indian Navy and the allies US Navy’s 5th
e) Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
and 7th leet in Indian Ocean & Arabian
6.27 Vision2030 envisions Indian ship
6.29 The untapped potential in the Indian
building to become competitive with
ship repair market can be attributed to
reaching the threshold on volumes by
the presence of competing international
2025 and then build the momentum in
ship repair yards on major trade routes
high volumes to reach “Make in India
and a capability gap of Indian yards in
Make for World” levels and be one of the
repairing certain kinds of vessels. Other
top 10 shipbuilding nations in the world.
reasons of cost disadvantages include
Major initiatives include channelising
high cost of inancing, lack of supply of

70 Annual Report 2021-22


ship spares in India and technology November 01, 2019. HCSL aspires to
related issues increasing ship repair establish itself as one of the leading
execution cycle time. To address the shipbuilding yard in east coast for
above gaps, under MIV 2030 the quality inland and coastal vessel
government is giving a strong push with construction. The “new yard of Hooghly
initiatives such as channelising the Cochin Shipyard Limited, Nazirgunge
domestic demand leveraging unit” is ready for inauguration.
Atmanirbhar Policy, increase and
6.32 The construction activities under civil
improve infrastructure through better
works package had crossed the 50%
access to inancial instruments, ease of
mark in 2019-20 when all works at site
doing business and improve ef iciencies
had to be stopped on March 23, 2020 due
by creating free trade depots, maritime
to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.
clusters etc.
The stoppage of work continued till June
6.30 Ship repair industry being labour 09, 2020 which lasted for a period of 79
intensive, India has got the advantage of days. Work could be resumed only post
having strong work force to cater for the relocating workmen within the con ines
requirement. However, the untapped of the site in order to minimize impact of
potential in the Indian ship repair COVID-19 pandemic, even though it
market can be attributed to the presence remained unabated in the whole state.
of competing international ship repair Although work at the site resumed by
yards on major trade routes and a June 10, 2020, the momentum of work
capability gap of Indian yards in progress could not be regained to pre-
repairing certain kinds of vessels. Other COVID pace due to regular interim
reasons of cost disadvantages include lockdown imposed by respective State
high cost of inancing, lack of supply of Governments, thereby effecting the
ship spares in India, ancillary support mobilisation of work force and materials
and technology related issues increasing to the desired level. One of the most
ship repair execution cycle time. signi icant achievements was the civil
work completion at the slipway. Slipway
Ship repair industry like many other
work was being repeatedly hampered by
industries has been greatly affected by
frequent looding due to substantial tidal
the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. Ship
variation in the Hooghly, accentuated by
repair facilities across the world have
severe monsoons, steep water current &
suffered right from the start of the
proximity to the navigational channel of
Kolkata Port Trust.
6.33 As part of CSL’s long term strategy viz.,
6.31 Hooghly Cochin Shipyard Limited
CRUISE 2030, CSL had identi ied deep
(HCSL) was initially set up as a joint
sea ishing vessel as one of the several
venture between CSL and Hooghly Dock
opportunities and towards this CSL
& Port Engineers Limited (HDPEL).
acquired Tebma Shipyards Limited
Pursuant to the approval of the Union
(TSL) on September 15, 2020 through
Cabinet, HCSL became a wholly owned
the statutory insolvency resolution
subsidiary of CSL with effect from

Annual Report 2021-22 71


process and since then TSL is a wholly providing yeoman service to the
owned subsidiary of CSL. CSL proposes country’s economy by meeting its ocean
to utilise the facilities at TSL for building transportation requirements. Starting
ishing vessels (especially out as a Liner Shipping Company with 19
technologically advanced deep sea vessels with a capacity of mere 0.19
ishing vessels), tugs and specialized Million Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT) in
crafts of upto 80 M length which projects 1961, SCI as on 17.12.2021 owns 59
huge potential in domestic as well as vessels of 5.311 million DWT, 2.94
international markets in the coming million GT and constitutes about 27.5%
years. TSL has two facilities; one in (in terms of DWT) of Indian tonnage.
Malpe, Karnataka and the other in
Crude Transportation
Chengalpet, Tamil Nadu. The facilities at
Malpe is spread across three units as 6.36 India has one of the world’s fastest
below: growing energy markets. Energy
security is of paramount importance.
(a) Malpe Harbour Complex – Hull erection
Looking at nation’s immense energy
and launching;
needs for growth, SCI gradually shifted
(b) Hangarkatta – Steel preparation and its focus from liner business to energy
block fabrication; and transportation starting with crude oil
transportation in 1964. SCI ordered
(c) Babuthotta – Warehouse.
several crude and product tankers in
6.34 Due to the inancial dif iculties and 1970s to exclusively meet the needs of
consequent statutory insolvency the Indian Oil Industry.
resolution process, TSL’s facilities had
Commodity & Product Transportation
been non-operational for the past
several years. Post takeover by CSL in 6.37 SCI took fullest advantage of the
September 2020, TSL has initiated the recession in the shipping industry in
process of revamping its infrastructure early 1980 and did massive leet
facilities at Malpe for commencing the acquisition (tankers as well as dry bulk
operations. Out of the three facilities at vessels) to meet nations growing EXIM
Malpe, Hangarkatta and Babuthotta trade. In 1991, SCI diversi ied into
facility is operational presently. The cryogenic operations. As of date, SCI has
revamping activities at Malpe Harbour 15 dry bulk carriers in various sizes and
Complex are progressing. is employed on a mix of Time Charter &
Voyage Charter and is trading India
The activities for revamping the
centric as well as cross trade market.
Chengalpet facility is proposed to be
initiated once the Malpe facility is up and Container Movement
running and the feasibility of Chengalpet 6.38 One of the strengths of SCI lies in having a
facility is established. diversi ied leet. SCI is the only Indian
S H I P P I N G CO R P O R AT I O N O F I N D I A Shipping Company providing container
LIMITED (SCI) services which connects West Coast of
India to East Coast of India and mainland
6.35 During the last 60 years, SCI has been to Port Blair. SCI has two container
vessels in its leet, which are deployed in

72 Annual Report 2021-22


Hon’ble Minister Shri Sarbananda Sonowal virtually lagged off the SCI Chennai on EXIM
voyage from Shipping Corporation, Mumbai

the Indian Coastal Sector and they are address the challenges and for the irst
the largest vessels on the Coast. Presence time the capacity utilization for marine
of SCI in this segment has proved to have programmes crossed 90%.
a moderating effect on the freight rates, Major initiatives taken by IMU
thus, protecting the interest of Indian
Manufacturers, Exporters and a boon to Ÿ IMU Headquarters is reviving the process of
the Coastal trade. During the COVID-19 delivering the training courses (57 new
crisis and related lock down period, SCI's training courses under the auspices of
coastal service was able to tide over the Indian Ports Association) which are meant
challenges by reorienting services by for up-skilling the Port personnel. As part of
adding / omitting port calls as per needs above, 3 training programmes of 5 days
& requirements of the trade with a view duration have been completed.
to ensure uninterrupted movement of Ÿ Establishment of state-of-the-art
essential commodities like wheat, rice, laboratories for graduate and post graduate
agricultural commodities etc. from students of Naval Architecture and Ocean
surplus to de icient regions. Engineering at IMU Visakhapatnam
INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY (IMU) Campus such as Workshops, Machine
Shops, CNC lathe, luid Mechanics, Material
6.39 IMU is a teaching-cum-af iliating Testing, Electrical and Electronics, Physics
University established on 14th and Chemistry.
November, 2008 to provide quality
maritime education, training and Ÿ Establishment of Smart Inter-active
research. The admission cycle was Classrooms with digital boards and video
affected due to the prevalent pandemic. and audio set ups at IMU Visakhapatnam
The admission process was modi ied to Campus. This has helped for effective

Annual Report 2021-22 52


teaching with the students in the online 6.42 In order to promote participative
mode during the Covid pandemic. approach in tariff ixing, special care is
Ÿ IMU Chennai Campus also completed
taken to give adequate opportunities to
training for Major Port of icials. users to furnish written and / or oral
submissions. Port-level joint hearings
TARIFF AUTHORITY FOR MAJOR PORTS are organized to facilitate maximum
(TAMP) participation of the greatest number of
6.40 The Tariff Authority for Major Ports users to hear their arguments on all tariff
(TAMP) was created in 1997 by an proposals and inal decisions are taken
amendment to the Major Port Trusts Act, in the Authority meetings and tariff
1963 and was constituted by the Orders are noti ied in the Gazette of
Government of India through a Gazette India. This year the Authority has held 17
Noti ication on 10/04/1997. The joint hearings through video
regulatory jurisdiction of the Authority conferencing in view of Covid-19
extends to all the Major Port Trusts and pandemic.
private terminals operating therein. The 6.43 The Authority since inception has
Authority is statutorily mandated to disposed of 1087 cases. Every
frame the Scale of Rates and Statement of noti ication, declaration, Order and
Conditions for the services rendered by regulation of the Authority made under
the Major Port Trusts and Private the MPT Act is published in the Gazette of
Terminals thereat as well as charges for India. The details of the disposal of tariff
use of port properties. The Authority cases are tabulated below:
c o n s i s t s o f a C h a i r m a n a n d t wo From From
Members. The sanctioned strength of Particulars 01/04/2020 01/04/2021
of icers and staff of the Authority is 36. to to
31/03/2021 31/12/2021
Tariff Authority for Major Ports is an ISO
9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 No. of Tariff cases 44 36
certi ied organisation. approved
6.41 The Authority follows the following
guidelines issued by the Government of ANDAMAN LAKSHADWEEP HARBOUR
India as policy direction u/s 111 of the WORKS
M a j o r Po r t Tr u s t s Ac t , 1 9 6 3 fo r
6.44 Andaman Lakshadweep Harbour Works
regulating tariff of Major Port Trusts and
(ALHW) a sub–ordinate of ice under
Private Terminals operating thereat.

Sr. No. Guidelines

(I). Upfront Tariff Guidelines, 2008.
(ii). Reference Tariff Guidelines, 2013.
(iii). Guidelines for Determination of Upfront Tariff for Stevedoring and Shore
Handling Operations, 2016.
(iv). Berthing Policy for Dry Bulk Cargo for Major Ports, 2016.
(v). Tariff Policy for Major Port Trusts, 2018.
(vi). Tariff Guidelines, 2019, for regulation of tariff for BOT Operators operating in the
Major Port Trusts who were governed by erstwhile Tariff Guidelines of 2005.

74 Annual Report 2021-22


Ministry was established during 1965 share capital shares were issued as ESOP
for the service of Andaman & Nicobar shares in 2016-17. Government of India
Islands and Lakshadweep Islands. The disinvested the balance of shares of
ALHW is entrusted with the 7 3 . 4 7 % to M a j o r Po r t Tr u s t s -
responsibilities of formulating and Visakhapatnam Port Trust (19.47%),
implementing the programs of Ministry Paradip Port Trust (18%), Jawaharlal
for providing Port and Harbour facilities Nehru Port Trust (18%) and Deendayal
in Andaman & Nicobar and Port Trust (18%) in accordance to the
Lakshadweep Islands. From its Share Purchase Agreement dated
inception, ALHW has been implementing 08/03/2019 along with transfer of
the Port development schemes from the management and control. The shares of
funds provided by Ministry under DCI are listed on Mumbai, Kolkata and
Central Sector Plan schemes starting National Stock Exchanges.
from the Third Five Year Plan onwards. 6.47 The Board of the DCI was authorized to
A p a r t f ro m t h e c re a t i o n o f Po r t recruit its irst Managing Director and
infrastructures, ALHW is also entrusted Chief Executive Of icer subsequent to
with maintenance of Port structures & disinvestment of DCI capital shares,
Cargo Handling equipments under the t h ro u g h a S e a rc h - c u m -S e l e c t i o n
funds provided by Andaman & Nicobar Committee headed by the Chairman,
Administration and Lakshadweep Jawaharlal Port and two independent
Administration. directors - former Member in the
DREDGING CORPORATION OF INDIA Railway Board & former Managing
LIMITED Director, Indian Railway Finance
6.45 Dredging Corporation of India Limited Corporation and former Chairman and
(DCI) is owned by four major ports Managing Director of Shipping
namely Visakhapatnam Port, Corporation of India as members.
Jawaharalal Nehru Port, Paradip Port 6.48 The DCI based on the requirements of
a n d D e e n d aya l Po r t . T h e D C I i s maintenance dredging at Major Ports
specialized in the ield of Dredging and and to upgrade the technology and
Land Reclamation of Maritime Sector. capacity of dredging has proposed to
Besides Dredging Projects’ execution, procure a Trailor Suction Hopper
the DCI also provides solution for project Dredger (TSHD). The Ministry accorded
management consultancy for in-principle approval for construction of
development of ports, inland waterways,
reservoirs, dams and lood control
6.46 Dredging Corporation of India Limited
(DCI) was incorporated in March, 1976
with an authorized capital of Rs. 30 crore
and paid-up capital of Rs. 28 crore. In the
inancial year 1991-92, 2003-04 and
2014-15, Government of India
disinvested 1.44%, 20% and 5% of the
MoU Signing ceremony between DCI and CSL
share capital respectively. 0.09% of the
in the presence of Hon. Minister

Annual Report 2021-22 75


12,000 cubic meter Trailing Suction b) Selection of the initial set of Managing
Hopper Dredger by Cochin Shipyard Director and the two Functional
Limited. Directors of the Company, through a
6.49 D C I w i t h m o re t h a n 4 5 ye a r s o f Search-cum-Selection Committee to be
experience with 850 highly skilled h e a d e d by t h e C h a i r m a n , P u b l i c
professionals, and a leet of more than 10 Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) with
Dredgers strives to contribute to the Secretary (MoPSW), Secretary (DOPT)
development of port sector to maintain and an expert (to be nominated by the
n av i ga t i o n a l c h a n n e ls a n d o t h e r Ministry) as members. The Government
operational water fronts. DCI strives to Director and two Non-Of icial
adopt a win-win model to complete all ( I n d e p e n d e n t ) D i re c to r s , o n t h e
the assignments to utmost client Company Board, shall be appointed by
satisfaction, with highest professional the Ministry after taking prior approval
integrity adhering to international safety of the Competent Authority.
standards, ef iciently adopting cost c) To set-up the SDC with an Initial
effective operations with our versatile Authorized Share Capital of Rs. 1,000
and modern leet of dredgers supported crore and a Subscribed Share Capital of
with auxiliary equipment. DCI works Rs. 90 crore with the provision of
towards sustainable, eco-friendly future increasing it in future if the need arises.
and offer solutions in dredging for d) A budgetary allocation of Rs. 250 crore
coastal protection, to increase water for FY 2016 -17 and an equal amount for
holding capacity of water bodies to each of the subsequent 4 years solicited.
increase water table and bene icial uses
of dredged material and natural e) Sagarmala Development Company
resources. Limited (SDCL) incorporated on 31st
August , 2016 will raise funds as
SAGARMALA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY debt/equity(as long term capital), as per
LIMITED the project requirement, by leveraging
6.50 The Union Cabinet, after approval of resources provided by the Government
Cabinet Note on Sagarmala Programme, of India and from multi-lateral and
Concept and Implementation on 25th bilateral funding agencies. As per the
March 2015, gave approval for approved structure of Sagarmala
incorporation of Sagarmala Programme, the implementation of the
Development Company (SDC) on 20th projects shall be done by the line
July 2016 with following decisions: ministries, State Governments/State
a) Formation and incorporation, of the Maritime Boards (SMBs) and SPVs and
Sagarmala Development Company the SDCL will provide a funding window
(SDC), under the Companies Act, 2013 and/or implement only those residual
and appointing Secretary (MoPSW) as projects that cannot be funded by any
the ex-of icio Chairman and a Board of other means/mode.
Directors comprising of the Managing 6.51 SDCL endeavors to provide a framework
Director, two Functional Directors, one and funding for ensuring integrated
Government Director and two Non- development of Indian maritime sector.
Of icial (Independent) Directors of the These include Green ield port/brown
SDCL. ield port development, last mile

76 Annual Report 2021-22


connectivity to the ports and other approval of Cabinet to form a Special

relevant activities under Sagarmala Purpose Vehicle (SPV) was mooted by
Programme. With SDCL being a common the Ministry. The Cabinet approved the
equity investor and project development proposal of formation of SPV on 25th
a g e n c y, i t c a n l e a d t o b e t t e r March 2015. Based on this decision a
communications and coordination company namely Indian Port Rail
among the different implementing Corporation Ltd. (IPRCL) incorporated
agencies. The Company acts as a patient on 10th July 2015 under Companies Act,
investor providing long-term equity as 2013, in which the subscribed share
well as aims to provide residual capital to capital of Rs.100 crore contributed by 11
cover up equity short-fall in speci ic Major Ports and Rail Vikas Nigam
projects. SDCL also acts as the facilitator Limited (RVNL). The authorized share
for pre-development tasks by providing capital of the company is Rs.500 crore.
support in project studies, DPRs, The company has subsequently further
inancing arrangements, facilitating diversi ied into Ropeways and the name
approvals and clearances. has accordingly been changed to "Indian
6.52 So, far SDCL has invested around Rs. Port Rail & Ropeway Corporation
541.78 crore as an equity investment in Limited".
the ive Project SPVs, the details of the Objectives of IPRCL
same is provided hereunder: a) To provide ef icient and competitive rail

S.No Project SPV Equity Investment Year of Status of the

by SDCL (in Rs. Cr) Investment Project

1 Krishnapatnam Rail 125 2018-19 Operational

Company Ltd
2 Indian Ports Global Limited 10 2018-19 Operational
3 Calcatta Haldia Port Road 50 2019-20 Operational
Company Limited
4 Visakhapatnam Port Road 20 2019-20 Operational
Company Ltd
5 Haridaspur Paradip Railway 284.50 2019-20 Operational
Company Ltd
-do- 52.28 2020-21 Operational
Total Equity Investment 541.78

I N D I A N P O R T R A I L & R O P E W A Y evacuation systems to Ports in India by

CORPORATION LIMITED (IPRCL) way of creating last mile connectivity of
6.53 In order to provide ef icient rail the ports.
evacuation systems to Major Ports and b) Modernization of the rail infrastructure
thereby enhance their handling capacity at ports; creating and managing the
and ef iciency, a proposal seeking internal port railway system.

Annual Report 2021-22 77


c) Creation of new and enhancement of IPRCL Operations

capacity in embedded hinterland 6.54 During the year 2020-21, major thrust of
connectivity. the management continued in team and
d) To create railway infrastructure at Major organization building in taking up direct
Ports and other designated areas execution of railway projects at locations
including land, building, locomotives in various parts of India. IPRCL has
and maintenance facilities for achieving directly executed projects for JNPT, DPT,
the main objectives mentioned above. SMP, PPT, VPT, NMPT and KPL during the
e) To carry on the business of development, year and this included DPR preparation,
operations & maintenance of Ropeways PMC and Construction. An important
and other modern transit systems. project of planning and development of
National Maritime Heritage Complex
f) To p r o v i d e c o n s u l t a t i v e a n d (NMHC) at Lothal, Gujarat was awarded
management services in all matters to IPRCL.
derived from domain expertise relating
to all aspects of port infrastructure 6.55 IPRCL also continued to get business
including railway, multimodal transport opportunities by entering into long term
& port, railway siding, locomotives, MOU with M/s. Coal India Limited by
conveyor belts, land management etc. providing consultancy for preparation of
including policy formulation, promotion, FSR/DPR and PMC for rail connectivity
development, implementation, to mines for evacuation of coal. Besides,
construction, operation, maintenance, efforts to rope in major clients viz. NTPC,
management and inance thereof. oil companies through participation in
c o m p e t i t ive b i d d i n g we re m a d e .
g) To enter either alone or jointly with any Participation in projects for rail
other companies or persons in India or connectivity in MMLPs for NICDC has
outside India, into contracts (on turnkey been successfully done. Similarly,
basis or otherwise) for the design, DFCCIL has awarded a DPR for rail
erection, construction, maintenance, connectivity to Rewari Jn. (DFC)-
alteration, repair, pulling down and Kishangarh Balawas (Rewari-Hisar line
restoration of railways, factories, mills, of IR) to the existing Gurgaon line. It is
industrial plants, engines, machinery, envisaged that award of rail/road
works of all descriptions, including connectivity and related infrastructure
railways, tramways, waterways, road projects by PSUs and other major
bridges, warehouses, factories, mills, i n d u s t r i e s t o I P RC L w i l l a d d t o
museums, machinery, railway carriages, pro itability in ensuing years in-spite of
wagons, ships and vessels of every the current challenges. In Ropeway
description, gas works, electric works, segment, IPRCL has been awarded the
water works, drainage and sewage work of preparation of 5 DPRs, 4 Bid
works and other public utilities, wharfs, Process Management and one PMC work
docks, piers and buildings of every of ropeway projects in FY 2020-21.
description in India and or outside India.

78 Annual Report 2021-22


Important Projects completed during the Minister from the Iranian side and
Year 2020-21: thereafter the contract was signed on

S.No Name of Project Port Cost in

crore (Rs.)

1 Track Renovation including other related SMP 15.1

ancillaries Civil Work in SMP yard
2 Doubling of Railway line from Durga Chak to HDC 99.37
Haldia Dock
3 Upgradation of rail network inside Cargo jetty – DPT 45.51
Civil and P. Way work
4 ONGC Bridge work inside JNPT holding yard JNPT/ CR 12.5

INDIAN PORT GLOBAL PRIVATE LIMITED 23rd May, 2016 at Tehran (Iran) during
6.56 In view of strategic interest of gaining the visit of Hon’ble Prime Minister of
reliable sea / land access route to India to Iran. The Contract was signed
Afghanistan and other Central Asian between Aria Banader Iranian Port &
Countries, Ministry of External Affairs Marine Services Company (ABI) of Iran
moved a Cabinet Note dated 5th and India Ports Global Ltd. (IPGL) of
September, 2014. As per para 12 of the India for equipping and operating two
said Note, it was proposed to establish a terminals at irst development phase of
Joint Venture Company, comprising of Shahid Beheshti- Chabahar Port. The
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) and Ports & Maritime Organization of Islamic
Deendayal (erstwhile Kandla) Port Trust Republic of Iran (PMO) and the then
(DPT) to enter into Contract with Iran’s Ministry of Shipping, Government of
Port & Maritime Organization (P&MO) to India were the Con irming Parties to the
participate in development of Phase 1 of Contract.
Chabahar Port. Cabinet approved the 6.58 Since there were challenges in activation
Indian participation in Chabahar Port of the Main Contract, the foundation of a
Development on 18.10.2014. short period Contract was laid during
Accordingly India Ports Global Private the visit of His Excellency President of
Limited (IPGPL) was incorporated on Islamic Republic of Iran to New Delhi in
22ndJanuary 2015. Authorized capital February 2018. Resultantly a formal
and Paid up capital of IPGL is Rs.10 crore. Short Lease Contract between the two
The two promoters were Jawaharlal sides was signed on 6th May 2018. For
Nehru Port Trust and Deendayal Port implementation of the same, an SPV
Trust, holding equity in the ratio of 60:40 India Ports Global Chabahar Free Zone
respectively. (IPGCFZ) with 98% share holding by
6.57 A Memorandum of Understanding IPGL and 1% each by JNPT & DPT was
(MoU) for development of Chabahar Port incorporated in Iran. In order to insulate
by India was signed in Tehran between JNPT and DPT from possible impact of
India and Iran on 06thMay 2015 by the United State sanctions after US
then Minister from the Indian side and withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive

Annual Report 2021-22 79


Plan of Action, 100% equity shares of of India nationalized the ailing company,
JNPT & DPT in IPGL purchased by so as to utilize the available
Sagarmala Development Company Ltd. infrastructure through adequate
(SDCL) (a company under investment for modernization and
Administrative control of Ministry). increase the capacity for Ship Building
Currently 100% shares of IPGCFZ are and Ship Repair in the country. The
held by IPGL. nationalized Company had remained
6.59 Extension for the Short Lease Contract of with the Ministry of Industry till
Shahid Beheshti Port of Chabahar from 27.07.1986 and was thereafter
June, 2020 to June, 2021 and thereafter transferred to erstwhile Ministry of
same has been extended upto June, 2022. Surface Transport and now it is under
A consignment of two Mobile Harbour the administrative control of Ministry of
Cranes (MHCs) to Iran’s Chabahar port Ports, Shipping & Waterways.
has been supplied, with a total contract Rehabilitation-cum-restructuring of
value of over USD 25 Million under a HDPEL
contract agreement for supply of 6 MHC. 6.61 The Union Cabinet on 03rd October,
The consignment of cranes arrived from 2 0 1 9 a p p rove d t h e p ro p o s a l fo r
Marghera port, Italy unloaded Liquidation & Restructuring of and
successfully on 18th January, 2021 at p r o v i d i n g i m p r o v e d Vo l u n t a r y
Chabahar port. IPGL commenced its Retirement Scheme (VRS) for the
operations at Shahid Beheshti Port of employees of HDPEL. In view with the
Chabahar on 25th December 2018 decision of the Union Cabinet Improved
through its Iranian subsidiary IPGCFZ VRS successfully implemented in
and has completed 3 years of terminal HDPEL. Out of 43 employees in HDPEL,
operations. During this period IPGL 42 employees opted for improved VRS
terminal handled container, bulk, break and 1 employee retrenched who did not
bulk, livestock and heavy lift cargo of opt for improved VRS. Cochin Shipyard
around 3.5 Mill MT. Limited (CSL) on 01.11.2019 transferred
HOOGHLY DOCK & PORT ENGINEERS the book value to HDPEL towards the
LIMITED consideration for the transfer of 26%
6.60 Hooghly Docking & Engineering Limited equity shares of Hooghly Cochin
(HDPEL) situated at Kolkata, is one of the Shipyard Ltd. (HCSL) held by HDPEL and
oldest shipyards in India. It was the amount has been transferred to PAO,
established in 1819 in the private sector DIPAM on 28.11.2019 made HCSL 100%
known as Hooghly Docking & subsidiary of CSL. Ownership of the land
Engineering Company Limited. On assets of HDPEL has been transferred to
merger of the Port Engineering Works Ministry, as per extant guidelines of
with Hooghly Docking & Engineering Department of Public Enterprises dated
Limited, the Hooghly Dock & Port 14.06.2018. Outright liquidation and
Engineers Limited was formed by an Act winding up of HDPEL has been initiated,
of Parliament titled “The Hooghly in view with the recommendation of
Docking and Engineering Company NITI Aayog and Department of Public
Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Enterprises (DPE) regarding HDPEL to
Undertakings) Act, 1984”. Government ensure the completion of process of
closure and iling the application u/s 248

80 Annual Report 2021-22


of the Company Act. Ministry on 9th June, immovable assets , improved Voluntary
2021 with the approval of Competent Retirement Scheme (VRS) for the
Authority has directed CMD, HDPEL that remaining ive employees with provision
the services of Conciliation and of Compulsory Retirement (CR) in case
Settlement Committee (CSC), Indian Port of unwillingness and Winding up of
Association (IPA) may be taken to CIWTC as per provision of Companies
dispose-off the outstanding cases and Act, 1956. All the land parcels of CIWTC
efforts may be made to close the same have been transferred/handed over to
after settlement with parties for early Central Government, CPSEs etc. and all
closure of HDPEL. the movable assets have been disposed.
6.62 The CSC after detailed consultations 6.64 Pursuant to the Cabinet decision for
with the stakeholders has formulated a voluntary winding-up of CIWTC, the
‘Framework of Way forward for the company on 19.12.2017 had appointed
Closure of HDPEL’ viz. transfer of assets, an Insolvency Professional for
liabilities, litigations etc to Kolkata Port conducting voluntary liquidation in
Authority which will be the basis of terms of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code,
taking steps for striking off the name of 2016. However, in view of the claims
the company from the Register of ROC made by Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) and
and submitted it for in-principle Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers
approval of the Ministry of Port, Shipping (GRSE), the Liquidator of CIWTC on
& Waterways. 21.06.2018 iled an application with
CORPORATION LIMITED i n te r m s o f Re g u l a t i o n 4 0 ( 2 ) o f
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of
6.63 CIWTC was incorporated on 22nd India Regulations, 2017 for suspending
February 1967 incorporated in May the process of voluntary liquidation of
1967 as a Govt. of India Undertaking, CIWTC and for further directions. The
when it took over all the assets and H o n’ b l e N a t i o n a l C o m p a n y L a w
liabilities of the erstwhile River Steam Tribunal, Kolkata Bench, Kolkata on
Navigation Company Limited under a 28.09.2018 by its impugned Order
Scheme approved by the Calcutta High suspended the voluntary liquidation of
Court on 03.05.1967. However, due to the Appellant and rejected the prayer for
inherent limitations and infrastructure conversion to an application under
bottlenecks in the water transport section 271 of the companies act, 2013
sector, the operations of CIWTC could fo r w i n d i n g u p a n d c o m p u l s o r y
never become viable and the company liquidation.
incurred operational losses in each
Financial Year since its inception and 6.65 NCLAT vide Order dated 07.08.2019 has
surviving on the support/Grants-in-aid disposed the case directing CIWTC to
on Govt . of India for payment of move before Adjudicating Authority
salary/wages and other statutory dues (National Company Law Tribunal NCLT,
of its employees. The Cabinet on 31st Kolkata) with the request to act under
August, 2016 approved a proposal for Section 59 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Dissolution of Central Inland Water Code, 2016. After due pursuance, the
Transport Corporation Ltd. (CIWTC) Hon'ble NCLT, Kolkata Bench heard the
including Disposal of movable and aforesaid application of CIWTC on

Annual Report 2021-22 81


29.12.2020 and issued the order on and sundry debtors for early closure of
02.02.2021 recalling the earlier order CIWTC. The CSC after detailed
dated 28.09.2018 passed in C.A. No. consultations with the stakeholders has
791/KB/218 and allowed the Company formulated a ‘Framework of Way
to be liquidated, subject to the provisions forward for the Closure of CIWTC’ viz.
of section 59 of the Code. transfer of assets, liabilities, litigations
6.66 Due to inancial liabilities of CIWTC and etc to Kolkata Port Authority which will
22 nos. (Twenty Two) ongoing litigations be the basis of taking steps for striking
with 10 nos. court cases by ex-employees off the name of the company from the
& employee unions and balance 12 nos. Register of ROC and submitted it for in-
court cases of creditors and debtors of principle approval of the Ministry of
the company, the route for appointing Port, Shipping & Waterways.
the Insolvency Professional was taken by S E T H U S A M U D R A M C O R P O R AT I O N
the Ministry under section 59 of LIMITED
insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 6.67 Sethusamudram Corporation Limited
(Code) and under insolvency & (SCL) is an SPV set up under the
Bankruptcy Board of India (Voluntary Companies Act in the year 2004, with the
Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2017. approval of Cabinet, to implement the
However, MoPSW with the approval of Sethusamudram Ship Channel Project
Competent Authority on 09.06.2021 has (SSCP). Due to various litigations against
directed CMD, CIWTC that the services of the SSCP, the work has been stalled by an
Conciliation and Settlement Committee order of Hon’ble Supreme Court in
(CSC), Indian Port Association (IPA) may August, 2007 and since July, 2009 all
be taken to dispose-off the outstanding work has been stopped at the project
cases and efforts may be made to close site.
the same after settlement with creditors

82 Annual Report 2021-22




Introduction supplement already congested road and

rail networks.
7.1 The Inland Water Transport (IWT) mode
is widely recognized as a fuel ef icient, 7.2 The IWAI was set up on 27th October
environment friendly and cost effective 1986 vide Inland Waterways Authority
mode, especially for bulk goods, over of India Act, 1985, for regulation and
dimensional cargo and hazardous goods. development of inland waterways for
The primary requirement for making the purposes of shipping and navigation,
this mode commercially viable is and is inter-alia responsible for
development of IWT infrastructure development , maintenance and
(fairway, terminals and navigation aids) regulation of National Waterways
and at the same time creating an (NWs). The development and regulation
enabling environment for augmentation of waterways which are not declared as
of IWT leet, primarily by the private NWs remain under the domain of the
sector. Inland Waterways Authority of respective State Governments.
I n d i a ( I WA I ) i s n o w fo c u s e d o n
National Waterways- 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
developing the technically and
economically viable National 7.3 N a t i o n a l Wa te r way- 1 ( G a n ga -
Wa t e r w a y s u n d e r t h e N a t i o n a l Bhagirathi-Hooghly river system 1620
Waterways Act, 2016 in order to create Km from Allahabad to Haldia), National
IWT network across the country to Waterway– 2 (River Brahmaputra from

Annual Report 2021-22 83


Dhubri to Sadiya), National Waterway -3 width of 30 m on the Barh-Majhaua

(West Coast Canal from Kottapuram to stretch through Departmental Dredgers
Kollam along with Udyogmandal and on O&M Contracts; and on Majhaua-
Champakara Canals) have already been Ghazipur stretch and Ghazipur-Varanasi
developed with fairway, navigational s t re t c h t h ro u g h Q u a n t i t y B a s e d
aids, jetties and terminals with Maintenance Dredging contract are
mecha n ized equ ip m en t ha n dlin g under inalization :-
facilities for loading and unloading of
Ÿ Barh – Digha – Majhaua
cargo. These waterways are operational
and vessels are plying on these National Ÿ Majhaua – Ghazipur
Waterways. Fairway development works
in Vijayawada – Muktyala stretch of river Ÿ Ghazipur – Varanasi
Krishna (part of NW-4) under Phase– I Ÿ Trebeni – Farakka
are in progress at a cost of Rs. 96 Crore.
Development of NW-5 has been initiated 7.7 For Kahalgaon-Sultanganj stretch (50
with Monthly Longitudinal Thalweg km) due to the presence of Dolphin
Survey in Pankapal-Dhamra Port– Sanctuary no dredging activity is
Mangalgadi-Paradip Port stretches and p l a n n e d . P re s e n t ly s t re t c h - w i s e
consultancy work for studies including following Navigable Depth is maintained
EIA-EMP is underway. by deploying 11 nos. Departmental
dredgers along with 13 nos. survey
National Waterway- 1 vessels for monitoring of Waterways
7.4 The Ganga–Bhagirathi–Hooghly river stretches.
system between Haldia (Sagar) and (a) Haldia – Farakka stretch
Allahabad (1620 km) was declared as 560 km 2.6 m to 3.00 m
National Waterway-1 (NW-1) in 1986.
Since then IWAI is carrying out various (b) Farakka – Barh stretch
developmental works on the waterway 400 km 2.1 m to 3.00 m
for improvement of its navigability and © Barh – Ghazipur stretch
its development and maintenance of 290 km 1.5 m to 2.50 m
infrastructure such as navigation aids
and terminal facilities as laid down in the (d) Ghazipur – MMT Varanasi
IWAI Act, 1985 (82 of 1985). 140 km 1.1 m to 2.20 m

7.5 During 2020-21, the important 7.8 The Multi-Modal Terminal at Varanasi
measures like River Conservancy works and Sahibganj on National Waterway -1
(dredging & bandalling) was carried out inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime
for the development & maintenance of Minister on 12.11.2018 & 12.09.2019
fairway along with navigational aids and respectively.
t e r m i n a l f a c i l i t i e s a l o n g N W- 1 Jal Marg Vikas Project -I
7.9 Inland Waterways Authority of India is
7.6 On the advice of NTCPWC of IIT, Chennai, implementing the Jal Marg Vikas Project
the dredging strategy plan for providing (JMVP) for capacity augmentation of
an LAD of 2.5 m and bottom channel navigation on NW-1 (Haldia-Varanasi

84 Annual Report 2021-22


stretch) with the technical assistance 7.13 A sustainable economic development

and inancial support of the World Bank model project JMVP-II (Arth Ganga) was
at an estimated cost of Rs. 5,369.18 crore envisaged with an estimated cost of Rs.
746 crore. Arth Ganga focuses on
7.10 Jal Marg Vikas Project ( JMVP) on
generating sustainable income streams
National Waterway-1 (NW-1) from
for the stakeholders living along the
Haldia to Varanasi was approved by the
river hinterlands.
CCEA on 3rd January, 2018 at a cost of Rs.
5369.18 crore. The loan agreement with 7.14 T h e J M V P I & I I t o g e t h e r o ff e r s
t h e Wo r l d B a n k w a s s i g n e d o n sustainable, commercially viable and
2ndFebruary 2018. The estimated cost safe navigation for ef icient management
of JMVP of Rs. 5,369.18 crore (US$ of logistics and IWT transport system.
800.00 million) was to be utilized as per The project become critical enabler for
the following funding pattern: sustaining, channelizing and
accelerating economic growth along the
(I) IBRD Loan – Rs. 2,512.00 crore (US$
hinterland of river Ganga.
375.00 million);
7.15 The progress plan of Arth Ganga includes
(ii) Government of India Counterpart Funds
development of about 62 Nos. of
(budgetary allocation and proceeds from
community jetties and 5 pairs of Ro-Ro
issue of infrastructure bonds: Rs.
terminals that facilitates connectivity to
2,556.00 crore (US$ 380.00 million); and
support the farmers, traders, small-scale
(iii) Private sector participation under PPP industries, cultural integration through
mode: Rs. 301.00 crore (UD$ 45.00 passengers and tourist movements. The
million). community jetty would facilitate
transport of passenger, local goods and
Jal Marg Vikas Project – II (Arth Ganga) farmer produce thereby connecting
7.11 The Hon’ble Prime Minister during the human settlements living alongside
irst meeting of the National Ganga hinterland of river Ganga. The progress
Council in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) on achieved under each component of JMVP
December 14, 2019 urged for a holistic during the period of report is
thinking process where ‘Namami Gange’ summarized below:-
evolves to ‘Arth Ganga’. Multimodal terminal at Varanasi
7.12 Developing community jetty under Arth 7.16 The Multimodal terminal, with a
Ganga may impact on the economic eco- capacity of 1.26 MTPA was inaugurated
system along both banks of the river, by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on
under envisaged vision and leadership of 12.11.2018. The construction of a 650
our Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has Meter long two lane road connecting the
conceptualized “Arth Ganga” under Jal Multi-Modal Terminal with NH-7 and a
Marg Vikas Project that Plans afoot to 35 Meter long and 5.8 Meter wide Truss
energies economic activity along river Bridge) was completed and
banks to offers IWT bene its to the operationalized on 11.01.19. Rail
society at large. connectivity from the IWT Terminal to
Jeonathpur railway station on the

Annual Report 2021-22 85


Eastern Dedicated Freight Minister inaugurated the terminal on

Corridor(EDFC) is planned. The rail 12.09.2019.
alignment is under inalization in
7.21 The Rail connectivity is proposed for the
consultation with the Dedicated Freight
terminal to Sakrigali railway station. The
Corridor Corporation of India and North
rail alignment is under inalization. The
Central Railway.
operation, management and
7.17 The proposal to Equip, Operate and development of the multimodal terminal
Transfer (EOT) the multimodal terminal at Sahibganj is proposed to be awarded
at Varanasi to be awarded to a private to a private operator under the PPP
operator under the PPP Model was Model.
appraised and recommended for
7.22 Sahibganj MMT OMD project was
approval by the Standing Finance
appraised and recommended for
Committee (SFC), chaired by Secretary of
approval by the Public Private
Ministry on 23.04.2020.
Partnership Appraisal Committee
7.18 The efforts for Operationalization of ( P P PA C ) , c h a i r e d b y S e c r e t a r y,
MMT Varanasi is undertaken by Project Department of Economic Affairs on
Management Unit of Jal Marg Vikas 01.06.2020. Final approval was received
P ro j e c t w i t h a s s i s t a n c e o f A s s e t from Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
Management consultant in development Waterways on 09.11.2020
of Model Concession Agreement and
7.23 The Project Management Unit of Jal Marg
bidding documents for PPT tenders etc.
Vikas Project made efforts for
7.19 The Standing Committee of National Operationalization of MMT Sahibganj
Board for Wildlife, in its meeting held with the assistance of Asset
on15.05.2017, had recommended grant Management consultant for the
of permission for movement and plying development of draft concession
of inland vessels through the Kashi agreement and tender documents under
Turtle Wild Life Sanctuary at Varanasi PPP model. The PPPAC Memo has been
subject to IWAI taking the standard referred for appraisal to the Department
mitigation measures prescribed by the of Economic Affairs.
Wildlife Institute of India and conditions
Multimodal Terminal at Haldia
prescribed by the State Chief Wildlife
Warden. IWAI has complied with/is 7.24 The Multimodal terminal at Haldia, with
complying with these mitigation a terminal capacity of 3.08 MTPA in irst
measures as per the stipulations. phase, is being constructed in two
Further, Govt. of UP vide noti ication Phases on a 61 acres land in the Haldia
dated 17.03.2020 has de-noti ied the Dock Complex leased from the Kolkata
existing Kashi Turtle Sanctuary. Port Trust (KoPT)/SMPT on 30 year
tenure. The work on Phase-I was
Multimodal Terminal at Sahibganj
awarded to M/s ITD Cementation at a
7.20 The Multimodal terminal, with a cost of Rs. 517.36 crore on 30.06.2017
terminal capacity of 3.03 MTPA, is The Cost has since been revised to Rs.
constructed in two phases in Samdanala 481.37 crore. Considering d-scoping of
Village of Sahibganj. Hon’ble Prime items and GST impact, the physical

86 Annual Report 2021-22


progress as on December 2021 is Navigational Lock at Farakka

97.35% and inancial progress is Rs.
7.28 The new navigational lock is being
469.75 Crore The Rail alignment for
constructed on 14.86 ha of land in the
connectivity from the terminal is under
Farakka Barrage Project (FBP), taken on
inalization in consultation with the
transfer from the FBP on 02.03.2016.
Haldia Dock Complex.
The construction work of this lock,
7.25 The proposal to Equip, Operate and awarded to M/s. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. on
Transfer (EOT) the multimodal terminal 24.11.2016 at a cost of Rs. 359.19 crore
at Haldia to be awarded to a private has achieved physical progress of 90.50
operator under the PPP Model was % (November,2021) and inancial
appraised and recommended for progress of Rs. 308.32 crore as on
approval by the Expenditure Finance 30.11.2021.
Committee (SFC), chaired by Secretary,
Intermodal terminal at Kalughat and
M i n i s t r y o f Po r t s , S h i p p i n g a n d
Waterways, on 23.04.2020. The Tariff
proposal (to be applicable) for Haldia 7.29 The Intermodal Terminal, Kalught is
MMT EOT bidding was approved by the b e i n g p l a n n e d to h a n d l e m o s t ly
IWAI Board during the 173rd Board container traf ic destined to Nepal. An
meeting on 22.10.2020. intermodal terminal is proposed to be
constructed on 5.159 ha (12.80 acres) of
7.26 U n d e r J a l M a r g V i k a s i n i t i a t e d
land in Kalughat, Saran district of Bihar,
Development of Multimodal Terminal
with road connectivity to NH-19. The SIA
Project at Haldia with investment INR
study of the proposed land completed
481.37 Cores (excluding land cost) for
and possession Certi icate of 13.17 acres
terminal construction. M/s ITD
of land received on 26.09.2020. The EPC
Cementation Ltd. was appointed by IWAI
contract with M/s. Sanjay Construction
in the year 2017 and now the civil work
was signed on 26.11.2021 at a cost of Rs.
of terminal is near completion and
78.28 crore and the contractor has
physical progress of 97.35% has been
mobilized and started site survey and
geo technical investigation etc.
7.27 During journey of developing National
7.30 An intermodal terminal is proposed to be
Wa t e r w a y - 1 , t h e P r i va t e S e c t o r
constructed on 8.917 ha of land in
Pa r t i c i p a t i o n wa s e nv i s a g e d fo r
Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh. 4.386 ha of land
improving investment climate
has already been acquired and
betterment of IWT services to the
registered with IWAI. Balance 4.531 ha
stakeholders and increasing cargo
of land is at an advanced stage of
handling ef iciency with reduced
a c q u i s i t i o n . D P R i s r e a d y. T h e
logistics cost. Private sector is better
Foundation Stone for the Terminal was
placed in terms of market accesses,
laid by the then Hon’ble Minister on 25th
vessel leasing/procurement and cargo
January, 2018.
mobilization for optimal utilization of
the terminal facilities. 7.31 The DPR for development of terminal
prepared. The Request for Expression of

Annual Report 2021-22 87


Interest (RoEI) for inviting business

proposal for development of shore side
infrastructure at Ghazipur was
published on 21.02.2020 with last date
23.03.2020 for submission of EoI against
which no response received.
7.32 The Asset Management Consultant
recommended for re-tendering and
analyzed probable reasons for non- can be extended in a short period of time
response of REOI. The primary reasons depending upon demand.
mentioned as under:- 7.35 Currently, there are three road bridges
a) Onset of Pandemic has slow down the across river Brahmaputra at Guwahati,
business and economic activity. Tezpur, Sadiya and three rail cum road
bridges at Jogighopa, Guwahati and
b) Lack of incentive to the applicant for Bogibeel for connectivity between
sharing their business model etc. southern and northern parts of Assam.
People residing on either side of the river
c) High perceived risk among stakeholders
need to cross the river using
as IWT is nascent sector
conventional ferry service at various
7.33 Accordingly, to gauge market for locations for their day to day needs.
development of shore side
infrastructure at proposed site of IMT
Ghazipur the RoEI was re- loated on
04.03.2021 by giving proper
advertisement and organized
stakeholder’s consultations, thereafter
single EoI was received, accordingly the
plan for development to be taken up
under JMVP
Containerized cargo transportation from
National Waterway–2 Haldia on NW-1to Pandu on NW-2
7.34 National Waterway-2 comprises of river 7.36 Earlier, IWAI had started a similar Ro-Ro
Brahmaputra from Dhubri to Sadiya of service between Dhubri and
891 Km in the state of Assam. A navigable Hatsingimari which reduced the travel
fairway of minimum 45 m width and 2.5 distance by 190 km. A permanent Ro-Ro
m Least Available Depth (LAD) was terminal was constructed at Dhubri for
maintained by the IWAI in Dhubri-Pandu the purpose to provide a direct link
(255 km) and Pandu-Neamati (374 km) between Assam and Meghalaya, avoiding
stretch. In Neamati-Dibrugarh stretch, circuitous route of 220 km through
2.0 m LAD was maintained for 350 days. Jogighopa, Ro-Ro operation between
In Dibrugarh-Sadiya (Oriumghat) Dhubri & Hatsingimari established. IWAI
stretch, LAD of 1.5 m was maintained for has deployed its own modern Ro-Ro
365 days. Night navigation facilities Vessel Gopinath Bordoloi for Ro-Ro
provided between Dhubri and Silghat operation in this route from July, 2017.

88 Annual Report 2021-22


Two Ro- Ro routes are under operation except 1.00 km long shoal in
viz. i) between Neamati to Kamalabari Kayamkulam Kayal and 1.10 km to be
and ii) between Hatsingmari and Dhubri. dredged in various shoals in
Ro-Ro terminals are also proposed at Edappallikotta – Kollam stretch.
Neamati-Kamalabari and Maijan
7.40 The progress of capital dredging and
(Dibrugarh) to Sengajan for which DPR
widening of narrow sections in NW-3 has
has been prepared. IWAI have deployed
been experiencing delay over the years
4 nos. of Departmental Dredgers and 6
due to various local issues related to
nos. of Survey Launches in NW-2.
disposal of dredged material, demand
7.37 The IWAI had launched a Roll on-Roll off for extra bank protection and dredged
(Ro-Ro) service from 11th October ‘2018 spoil, frequent stoppage of works and
in Assam from Neamati to Majuli Island. litigation's by the local people and
The new Ro-Ro facility has been started objection by the ishermen. With new
in collaboration with the Government of regulations regarding protection of wet
Assam to provide the much needed lands etc., identifying disposal sites for
connectivity for Majuli Island. This m a te r i a l d re d g e d f ro m N a t i o n a l
service has reduced the road route Waterway has become extremely
distance of 423 km that trucks take from dif icult. To resolve such problems and
Neamati to Majuli Island via Tezpur Road take the works forward, IWAI is regularly
Bridge to only 12.7 km with the use of interacting with the State Government,
river route. Majuli is one of the biggest but still, the long-drawn process for
riverine islands (144 km2) in the world allotting dumping sites is causing
located on river Brahmaputra and faces considerable underutilization of IWAI’s
serious challenges of connectivity. It has dredging capacity in NW-3.
144 villages with a population of over
7.41 The Irrigation Department of Govt. of
Kerala was entrusted with
7.38 The IWAI had procured a new vessel MV reconstruction of new navigational lock
Bhupen Hazarika at a cost of Rs 9.46 at Thrikkunnapuzha (with dimensions
crore for the new service from Neamati of 61m long, 14.75m wide and 6m (above
to Majuli island and is also providing the HFL) vertical clearances), at a cost of
needed terminal infrastructure. The 46.5 Rs.38 crore on deposit basis. IWAI has
metre long, 13.3 metre wide vessel has deposited a total amount of Rs. 33 crore
the carrying capacity of eight trucks and to Govt. of Kerala. The physical progress
100 passengers. The IWAI is also of construction of lock-gate is 48% and
planning to procure more such Ro-Ro same is in progress by Irrigation
vessels for use on river Brahmaputra. Department, Govt. of Kerala on deposit
National Waterway (NW) -3
7.39 On NW-3 in Kerala, the important works
carried out during FY 2021-22 (up to
December 2021) which include
development of the navigation channel
with the speci ied dimensions by
undertaking dredging in all stretches

Annual Report 2021-22 89


7.42 The Irrigation Department Government cargo mainly due to reluctance on the
of Kerala was entrusted with the part of consigners and consignees to
modernization work of 40 feet wide lock accept a model shift to IWT mode. Hence
ga te a t T h a n n e r m u k ko m fo r t h e 3 terminals handed over (Kottappuram,
replacement of old Mild steel shutters to Aluva and Kollam) to KSWC (Kerala State
stainless steel shutters at a total cost of Wa re h o u s i n g C o r p o ra t i o n ) f o r
Rs.2.85 crore on deposit basis. As a utilization of terminals on lease basis.
result, the shutters are free from Further a study on Transaction Advisory
corrosion and the maintenance cost of Consultancy services for selection of
the lock reduced to large extend. The O&M operators for 3 IWT terminals
project was completed and namely, Aluva, Maradu and Allapuzha in
commissioned in January, 2020 after NW-3 entrusted to M/s KITCO, Kochi and
satisfactory trail run. Now the lock is draft report accepted by IWAI.
facilitating movement of larger vessels
7.44 Two Roll-on/Roll-off terminals within
towards upstream and downstream of
the Cochin Port Trust (CoPT) limit, one at
West Coast Canal of NW.3.
Bolghatty and the other at Willington
7.43 Cargo terminals have been constructed Island have been constructed by IWAI
at 9 places (viz. Kottappuram, Aluva, through Cochin Port Trust under a MoU
Maradu, Vaikkom, Thanneermukkom, to provide connectivity with ICTT,
Alappuzha, Thrikkunnapuzha, Vallarpadam. By utilizing this facility,
Kayamkulam, and Kollam). The above trucks / trailers bound for Vallarpadam
terminals are not attracting expected need not pass through the congested
roads of Kochi city. These terminals were
in operation from February 2011 to June
2017. Total 2.58 lakh TEU’s have been
transported between these terminals by
a Ro-Ro vessel operated under a contract
with a private operator, till the operation
was terminated in June 2017 due to the
dispute between Operator and CoPT.
7.45 Two Ro-Ro vessels viz., M.V. CV RAMAN
and M.V. ADI SHANKARA having capacity
of transporting 15 TEU’s constructed
through Cochin Shipyard Ltd (CSL) at a
cost of Rs.24.57 crore, taken over on
28.09.2020 and deployed for Ro-Ro
service with Container Trailers between
Willington Island & Bolghatty Island on
NW-3. The Operation & Maintenance
under a MoU signed on 24.10.2020 with
M/s Kerala Shipping & Inland Navigation
Corporation Ltd. (A Govt. of Kerala
Undertaking) entrusted for operation of
2 Ro-Ro vessels for a period of 15 years.

90 Annual Report 2021-22


The Ro-Ro service commenced from

February 2021 which will decrease the
road congestion / container traf ic from
the city roads of Kochi and to reach the
destination at ICTT, Vallarpadam
Container Terminal through IWT mode.

7.47 Total cargo moved in NW.3 in an

organized way by barges during the FY
2020-21 was 5.74 lakh tonnes, which
mainly consists of Sulphur, Phosphoric
Acid, Liqui ied Ammonia Gas, Rock
Phosphate. Subsequent to the
commencement of Ro-Ro services in
NW-3, the cargo transportation during
t h e F Y 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 ( t i l l N ove m b e r )
increased to 10.81 lakh tonnes.
7.48 A total number of 312 nos. Solar
powered lighted FRP buoys and 17 nos.
Beacon lamp posts maintained by IWAI
along Champakkara & Udyogmandal
Canals and Kottapuram – Kollam (West
Coast Canal) stretches of NW-3 to
7.46 IWAI owned Ro-Ro vessels (2 nos.) were
facilitate round the clock safe navigation.
dedicated to the Nation by the Hon’ble
Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra
Modi by a virtual lagging-off ceremony
on 14.02.2021 at Kochi. The Ro-Ro
operation with container trailers has
commenced between Bolghaty &
Willingdon Island and same is continued
in NW-3, which reduces the road
congestion of Kochi city.

Solar Powered FRP Buoy installed in

NW-3 and Beacon lamp in NW-3

Annual Report 2021-22 91


National Waterways (NW-4) 7.52 Phase-I development covering 212 Km

b e t w e e n Pa ra d i p / D h a m ra a n d
7.49 Development work has been initiated on
Pankapal taken up, such as (i) Thalweg
N W- 4 b e t w e e n V i j a y a w a d a a n d
survey & (ii) Studies on cross structures
Muktyala stretch of Krishna River at a
and construction of weirs / barrages /
cost of Rs. 96 crore. Land acquisition for
locks etc. Hydrographic survey of Phase-
the construction of Ro-Ro terminals is in
II covering 120 kms from Pankapal to
progress in consultation with the
Talcher completed in October, 2020.
Government of Andhra Pradesh.
7.53 Consultancy service for preparation of
National Waterway (NW)-5 :
Detailed Project Report (DPR) followed
7.50 Govt . of India declared National by Front End Engineering Design (FEED)
Waterway-5 (NW-5) in Mahanadi / for construction of 4 Weirs / Barrages
Brahmani delta, Matai River & East Coast with 3 navigational locks, 2 Check Dams
Canal (ECC) in November 2008 for total & 1 Rubber Dam with navigational locks
length of about 588 Km. The lengthwise etc. (Phase-I) is under inalization and
distribution of NW-5 in 3 different vetting of design and drawings to be
stretches, as per the DPR is given below: u n d e r t a ke n by C e n t ra l Wa te r
Commission after entering an MoU.
(I) Stretch I : Consultancy service for Preparation of
Talcher to Mangalgadi : 237 Km Detailed Engineering Report (DER)
(ii) Stretch II : including Detailed Engineering Design &
Dhamra to Paradip : 95 Km Drawing (DED & D) for the existing
bridges which needs modi ication/re-
(iii) Stretch III : Dhamra to construction (Phase-I) accepted by
Geonkhali : 256 Km Competent Authority. Shifting /
Total : 588 Km Relocation of HT / LT Power lines
entrusted with Govt. of Odisha on
7.51 B a s e d o n t h e fe a s i b i l i t y s t u d i e s deposit basis at a cost of Rs.43.98 crore is
conducted and DPR submitted in 2016 in progress and expected to be
and also keeping in view the potential of completed by March, 2022.
cargo movements as emanated through
various studies, it was decided to initially Development of Sonamura Terminal
develop 332 Km of economically & 7.54 As per decision in the 19th meeting of
commercially viable stretches of NW-5 S t a n d i n g C o m m i t te e o f P I W T & T,
between Paradip / Dhamra and Talcher Bangladesh portion of Gomti river (i.e.,
in following 2 phases and balance length Sonamura to Daudkandi/Satnal stretch
of the waterway from Dhamra to was included as part of the Indo-
Geonkhali is not considered feasible for Bangladesh Protocol routes 9 &10
development: respectively. An amount of Rs.23.15
I. Phase-I : Between Paradip / Dhamra crore envisaged in the SFC for
and Pankapal : 212 Km. construction of a permanent terminal at
Sonamura. IWAI has established a
ii. Phase-II : temporary loating jetty at Sonamura to
Pankapal to Talcher : 120 Km. fa c i l i t a te m e rc h a n t s o f b o t h t h e

92 Annual Report 2021-22


countries. Land for construction of Ministry. The major achievements

terminal is available with Land Ports during the year 2020-21 were as below:
Authority of India (LPAI).
(i) The following training activities were
Transportation of transit cargo from carried out:
Bhutan to Bangladesh
Ÿ Induction Training GP Rating Course (33rd
7.55 Transit transportation of Bhutanese bulk Batch)
cargo (Stone aggregates) to Bangladesh
Ÿ The GP Rating (Inland Vessel) trainees were
via NW-2 and IBP routes commenced on
imparted practical training on board
11th July 2019. The IWAI vessel MV AAI
training ship T.S. Survekshak and CSD
carrying stone aggregates was digitally
lagged off from Dhubri on NW-2 by the
then Hon’ble Minister of State Ÿ A course was conducted successfully for
(Independent Charge) for Shipping. Bihar Government personnel for Refresher
After that, 15 movements of Bhutan Training of Master Trainer for “Safe Swim”
cargo to Bangladesh via IBP route took Programme.
place during FY2021 (4369 MT).The
Ÿ Course was conducted successfully for
route has the potential to become a
popular mode of choice for trade Induction training for newly recruited
between Bhutan & Bangladesh. loating staff of IWAI.

Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Shipping, Shri Mansukh Mandaviya digitally
lagged off irst movement of Bhutanese Goods from Dhubri destined to Bangladesh

National Inland Navigation Institute (NINI) (ii) Preparatory Course for Inland Vessel
at Patna Certi icate of Competency.
7.57 The National Inland Navigation Institute Ÿ Conducted the following Preparatory
(NINI) was set up by Inland Waterways Courses for Inland Vessel Examinations:
Authority of India (IWAI) at Patna, Bihar
Ÿ Serang
in February 2004 with a view to Develop
Human Resource for the Inland Water Ÿ Master Class II
Transport Sector. The Institute is Ÿ Master Class I
m a n a g e d b y I n l a n d Wa t e r w a y s Ÿ Second Class Engine Driver
Authority of India (IWAI) under the
Ÿ First Class Engine Driver

Annual Report 2021-22 93


International Cooperation and ODC for power projects in NE region.

The other potential cargo for movement
is fertilizers, cement, food grains,
Indo Bangladesh Protocol on Inland Water agricultural products, containerized
Transit &Trade (PIWTT) cargo etc. The export cargo from India to
Bangladesh is mainly ly-ash which is to
7.58 Protocol on Inland Water Transit and the tune of 30 lakhs MT per annum.
Trade (PIWTT) exists between India and Around 638 inland vessels (including
Bangladesh under which the two 600 Bangladeshi lag vessels) completed
Governments have made mutually approximately 4000 loaded voyages
bene icial arrangements for the use of annually on IBP routes.
their waterways for movement of cargo
between the two countries for passage of 7.59 For making the Protocol more effective,
goods between two places in one many landmark decisions were taken at
country through the territory of the the Secretary Shipping Level Talks held
other, in accordance with the laws of the in October, 2018 in New Delhi and in
country through the territory of which December, 2019 in Dhaka. Some of the
goods are moving. The Protocol is valid decisions taken during these talks
up to June 2025. Under this Protocol, included extension of protocol routes,
Inland vessels of both the countries can inclusion of new routes, and declaration
ply on the designated protocol route and of new Ports of Call to facilitate trade
dock at Ports of Call in each country, between the two countries. These
noti ied for loading / unloading of cargo. decisions are given effect with the
There has been signi icant improvement signing of 2nd addendum under PIWT &
in the movement of cargo vessels in an T o n 2 0 t h M a y, 2 0 2 0 a t D h a k a ,
organized manner on the Protocol route Bangladesh.
carrying both the transit cargo to NE
7.60 To further strengthen the cooperation
region of India and vice-versa and
between Bangladesh, Secretary
export-cargo to Bangladesh. The Indian
Shipping Level Talks (SSLT) were also
transit cargo is mainly coal, ly-ash, POL

Secretary Shipping Level Talks (SSLT) between India and Bangladesh

held on 21st October 2021, in New Delhi

94 Annual Report 2021-22


held in October, 2021 at New Delhi. Many Myanmar

agenda were discussed during the Talks
7.62 The Kaladan Multimodal Transit
inter alia including proposal for Drop-in-
Tra n s p o r t P ro j e c t ( K M T T P ) wa s
Centre for recreation and irst aid
conceptualized by the Ministry of
medical facilities for crew of Bangladeshi
External Affairs (MEA) to provide an
inland vessels, extension of PIWT&T
alternative connectivity to Mizoram with
route up to Varanasi and inclusion of
Haldia/Kolkata ports through Kaladan
Chandpur-Chittagong stretch in
River in Myanmar. The project envisages
road transport from Mizoram to Paletwa
Development of fairway from Sirajganj to (Myanmar), thereafter from Paletwa to
Daikhowa and Ashuganj to Zakiganjon Sittwe (Myanmar) by IWT and from
Indo-Bangladesh Protocol route Sittwe to Haldia/Indian Ports by
maritime shipping. The project is piloted
7.61 India and Bangladesh have signed an
and funded by the MEA which has
MoU for development of fairway from
a p p o i n te d I WA I a s t h e i r P ro j e c t
Sirajganj to Daikhowa (175km) and
Development Consultant (PDC) for Port
Ashuganj to Zakiganj (295km) on Indo-
& IWT components of the project. The
Bangladesh Protocol route for dredging
Phase-I work of Port & IWT component
and to develop and maintain fairway of
in KMTTP completed. Operation and
2.5 m depth and 30 m width for 07 years
maintenance of the Phase-I of Port &
wherein the cost of dredging is to be
IWT components of KMTTP commenced
borne in a 80:20 ratio between India and
on 01.02.2020. Under Phase II Wreck
Bangladesh. The estimated cost of the
removal from Sittwe Port Basin area,
project is Rs. 305 crore, out of which Rs.
appointment of O&M agency and DPR
244 crore is to be borne by India.
preparation for the construction of
Container handling facility at
Sittwe/Paletwa are to be completed.

Annual Report 2021-22 95



Hon’ble Minister Shri Sarbananda Sonowal attended the launch of the 5 vessels done by women
of icials of Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL).

TRANSPORT RESEARCH 8.2 Apart from publications, Transport

Research Wing coordinates with various
8.1 The Transport Research Wing (TRW)
other Ministries/ Department/ States/
provides research and data support to
UTs Governments like Ministry of
the Ministry for policy planning and
Finance, Ministry of Commerce, NITI
formulation. TRW is the nodal agency for
AAYOG, Central Statistical Of ice (CSO)
collection, compilation and
and National Sample Survey Of ice
dissemination of information and data
(NSSO), of Ministry of Statistics &
on Ports, Shipping, Ship-building & Ship-
Programme Implementation and State
repairing industry and Inland Water
Governments etc.
Transport (IWT) at the National level.
Apart from collection, compilation and 8.3 The following publications have been
publication of transport data pertaining released during the year 2021-22
to ports, shipping and inland waterways,
a) Basic port Statistics of India – 2019-20
it also scrutinizes and validates data
re c e ive d f ro m va r i o u s p r i m a r y / b) Half-Yearly update on Indian Port Sector
secondary sources for consistency and for period ending 30th September, 2020
comparability. TRW is associated with and 31st March, 2021
review meetings on policy issues
pertaining to Port, Shipping and IWT c) Indian Shipping Statistics 2020
Sectors. d) Statistics of India’s Ship-building & Ship-
repairing Industry 2019-20

96 Annual Report 2021-22


e) Statistics of Inland Water Transport Development Advisor (Ports). This Wing

2019-20 deals with the subject of port
development and renders technical
8.4 The publications are on the website of
advice on matters relating to the
Ministry: under
development of Major Port Projects,
the head, “Transport Research Wing”.
Andaman & Lakshadweep Harbour
The work relating to the preparation of
Works (ALHW) and the Dredging
publications “Basic Port Statistics- 2020-
Corporation of India Limited, etc. This
21”, “Half-Yearly update on Indian Port
Wing also renders technical advice to
Sector for period ending 30th
other Ministries in the case of Fishing
September, 2021”, “Indian Shipping
Harbour and also Maritime State
Statistics 2021”, “Statistics of Inland
Governments as and when requested
Wa t e r Tr a n s p o r t 2 0 2 0 - 2 1 ” a n d
regarding Minor Ports. This Wing also
“Statistics of India’s Ship-building &
renders advice in techno-commercial
Ship-repairing Industry 2020-21” is
dispute between ports and the
under progress.
contracting irms as and when required.
8.5 Apart from publication and The Wing is associated with Bureau of
dissemination of data, TRW also prepare Indian Standards (BIS) for formulation/
monthly cargo traf ic handled at Major upgradation of Indian Standards on Port
ports and Non-Major Ports on the basis & Harbour Engineering and also on
of information received from Major and equipments and loating crafts.
Non-Major Ports in Port Data
8.7 The Development Wing is associated
Management Portal (PDMP), which is
with processing the technical and
also uploaded on Ministry’s website.
administration matters related to the
TRW prepare a monthly progress report
International Navigation Association –
of the projects under Ministry costing Rs.
Permanent International Association for
150 crore and above and updates on
Navigational Congress, (INA–PIANC)
OCMS (Online Computerized Monitoring
wherein Government of India is a
System) of Ministry of Statistics &
member country. The Development
Programme Implementation. TRW has
Wing is associated for implementation of
also taken initiative for compilation of
their “National oil spill Disaster
service price indices for Port Sector and
contingency plans” at the major ports for
providing data for compilation of Global
which Indian Coast Guard is the nodal
Indices like Liner Shipping Connectivity
agency. This Wing also coordinates the
Index to Ministry of Commerce and
Research Committee Works related to
Port Sector of the Ministry.
8.6 The Development Wing is Apex Technical
Organization of the Ministry headed by

Annual Report 2021-22 52



MOU signing between MoPSW and Ministry of culture to develop National Maritime Heritage
Complex in presence of the then Hon’ble Minister of State(IC)

COOPERATION WITH MULTILATERAL representing nations with the largest

ORGANIZATIONS interest in international seaborne trade
during the IMO Council election held
9.1 India became a member of the
during 32 regular session of the
International Maritime Organization
Assembly of IMO on December 10, 2021
(IMO) in 1959, which is the global
at IMO Hqs., London. Also, the Unveiling
standard setting authority for the safety,
of the bust of Mahatma Gandhi was held
security and environmental
on 8th December, 2021 during IMO
performance of shipping and ensures
Election 2022-2023.
that such standards are fair and effective
and are universally adopted and 9.2 IMO adopts and implements various
implemented. India has been an active treaties in the form of conventions/
p a r t i c i p a n t a t t h e I M O. I n f a c t , protocols. From time to time, keeping in
participation of India in the functioning mind our national interests and the
of IMO has helped India to voice its international standards evolved by IMO
developmental concerns to the through its treaties, India has been
international maritime community. becoming party to the treaties adopted
India has been a member of the IMO by IMO. As on date, IMO has adopted 59
Council and has been re-elected as treaties which are open for countries to
Member of the IMO Council for biennial become parties. Out of these 59 treaties,
2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 u n d e r C a t e g o r y ‘ B ’, India is a party to 35 treaties

98 Annual Report 2021-22


(conventions/protocols) which have 9.6 India is also a party to two important

been suitably incorporated into the Conventions of the International Labour
Indian domestic legislation i.e. the Organization (ILO) meant for welfare of
Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. seafarers, namely the Maritime Labour
Convention and the Seafarer’s Identity
9.3 C u r r e n t l y, t h e r e a r e t w o I M O
Document Convention. India contributes
Conventions namely, (a) International
approximately12 percent of the total
Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker
workforce in the shipping industry.
Oil Pollution Damage 2001; and (b)
India is home to the second largest
International Convention for the Control
number of seafarers after the
and management of Ships’ Ballast Water
Philippines. The International Labour
and Sediments, 2004 which are under
Organization (ILO) has mandated
consideration in the Ministry for India to
standards for the maritime industry too.
sign an instrument of accession.
The Maritime Labour Convention is a
9.4 India has become a prime destination for single, coherent instrument which
green ship recycling with the passing and replaces and consolidates 37 separate
enactment of the landmark Recycling of ILO maritime labour conventions
Ships Act, 2019. The new Act provides a adopted since 1920.
legislative framework for
9.7 A p a r t f ro m I M O, I n d i a h a s b e e n
implementation of the provisions of the
contributing signi icantly to the other
Hong Kong Convention. It also contains
multilateral organizations/agreements
provisions of the Convention which are
such as ASEAN (Association of South
not covered in the Ship breaking Code
East Asia Nations); Bay of Bengal
(Revised), 2013. With enactment of this
Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical
Act, ship recycling volume is expected to
and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC);
double by 2024. Further, Recycling of
India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA);
Ships Rules, 2021 have been noti ied
Indian Ocean Rim-Association for
under this Act. Director General of
Regional Cooperation (IORA);
Shipping, Government of India, has been
International North South Transport
noti ied as the National Authority for the
Corridor (INSTC), etc.
purposes of this Act.
9.5 India has also acceded to IMO’s Hong
Kong International Convention for Safe
and Environmentally Sound Recycling of A. Bilateral cooperation arrangements
Ships in November, 2019. Accession to on shipping
IMO’s Hong Kong International
9.8 India has entered into cooperation
Convention will give boost to the
instruments/arrangements with the
Domestic ship recycling industry in India
following 31 maritime countries and
which is one of the world’s ive major
regional groupings by way of
ship recycling countries.
Agreements or MoUs, to foster growth of
the Indian maritime sector as well as to

Annual Report 2021-22 99


safeguard India’s maritime interests:-

Sweden Jordan China

Maldives Iran Russian Federation
Denmark Vietnam Singapore
Malta Austria Turkey
Republic of Korea Sri Lanka Federal Republic of Germany
Cyprus The Netherlands Finland
Bangladesh Pakistan Poland
United Arab Emirates South Africa Trilateral Transit Transport Agreement with
Iran and Afghanistan (Chabahar Agreement
Egypt United States of IBSA (Trilateral Agreement with Brazil and
America South Africa).
Belgium Morocco Portugal
B. Mutual and Unilateral Agreements on recognition of certi icates of seafarers.
9.9 India has signed agreements for Mutual Recognition of Certi icates of Competence (CoC) of
Seafarers with Sweden, Malaysia, UAE and Republic of Korea. India’s CoC is unilaterally
recognized by the following 33 countries:-
1. Saint Vincent / the Grenadines 18. Luxemburg
2. Dominica 19. Cyprus
3. Hellenic Republic 20. Malta
4. Georgia 21. Norway
5. Vanuatu 22. France
6. Thailand 23. Denmark
7. Liberia 24. Ire Land
8. Marshal Islands 25. Bangladesh
9. Kuwait 26. Ghana
10. Bahamas 27. Latvia
11. Qatar 28. Antigua and Barbuda
12. Barbados 29. Vietnam
13. Netherlands 30. Australia
14. Japan 31. Singapore
15. Belize 32. Hong Kong
16. Jamaica 33. Panama
17. Isle of man

100 Annual Report 2021-22


Joint Meetings held during the year 2021 Ÿ India – Japan 2nd meeting on Logistic was
Ÿ 2nd meeting of the Joint Commission held via video-conferencing on 17 March,
between India and Russia was held on 2021.
14.02.2021. Ÿ India-UK 14th JWG meeting to counter
Ÿ Virtual meeting on Memorandum of terrorism (Maritime Security) was held
Understanding on recognition of Certi icate virtually on 21-22 January, 2021.
of Competency under STCW Convention Ÿ The meeting of Hon’ble Minister of P,S&W
between India and Philippines (MARINA) with Russia’s Deputy Minister of Industry
was held on 30.03.2021. and Trade was held on 6th December, 2021
Ÿ 4th meeting of the Joint Task Force on Blue to discuss shipbuilding and Ship design.
Economy between India and Norway was Ÿ 2nd Trilateral Joint working Group (JWG)
held on 09.06.2021. Meeting between India, lran and
Ÿ 10th meeting of the Joint Committee Uzbekistan to discuss joint use of Chabahar
between India and Iran was held on Port was held on 14 December, 2O21
12.07.2021. through video conference.
Ÿ 9th Session of the Joint Commission for
Economic Cooperation between India and
Cyprus was held on 21.10.2021.

Annual Report 2021-22 101



Maritime India Summit held on 2nd to 4th March, 2021.

Administration Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Finance,

Union Public Service Commission,
10.1 Administration Wing of the Ministry is
Central Information Commission,
headed by Joint Secretary
Central Vigilance Commission etc.
(Administration) who is assisted by
Director (Administration), Under 10.2 Special efforts have been made by the
Secretary (Administration) supervising Ministry to ensure compliance of the
the work of Establishment Section, orders issued from time to time
General Administration Section and regarding reservation for SC/ ST/ OBC in
Cash Section. The Establishment Section illing up vacant posts in the Chartering
is entrusted with the service and Wing and the Development Wing of this
administrative matters of 295 regular Ministry. Information with regard to the
employees of (Group A, B, and C) of the total number of Government Servants,
Ministry. This includes the management separately for Secretariat and
of the various Cadres such as Central Non–Secretariat side (Group-wise) and
Secretariat Service (CSS), Central representation of SC/ST employees in
Secretariat Stenographers Service the Ministry is given at ANNEXURE- III.
(CSSS), Central Secretariat Clerical
Service (CSCS), Development Wing and
Chartering Wing. Establishment Section 10.3 In the Ministry, several welfare measures
implements all administrative orders for all employees including the women
issued by Department of Personnel & e m p l oye e s o f t h e M i n i s t r y we re
Training, Department of Pension & undertaken. There is an Internal

102 Annual Report 2021-22


Complaints Committee on sexual English were conducted during

harassment to look after the grievances Communal Harmony Week / Vigilance
of women employees relating to Awareness Week. The Participants are
sexual/Gender based harassment. rewarded for participating in these
Further, as part of the welfare measure events.
for employees in the Ministry, a new
E-Of ice
initiative has been started to greet the
employees on their birthday by giving a 10.6 E-Of ice system has been implemented
card, bouquet and a token gift, so as to fully for all the of icers and their
keep their morale and motivation high. supporting staff in the Ministry. This
Ministry has also migrated to e- ile
10.4 To oversee the implementation of the
system w.e.f. 1st January, 2017 and is one
Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places’
of those Ministries which have switched
Rules, 2008 in the Central Govt. Of ices/
over to e- iling system completely. All the
Buildings, the Ministry has constituted a
existing physical iles/records have been
Committee for surprise checking in the
digitized. Scanners have been provided
premises of the Ministry. The Ministry is
to all the Sections/Of icers for scanning
one of the few Ministries, which have
of daily routine papers/receipts/dak etc.
successfully completed online APARs of
all the of icers of Ministry through Right to Information Act
SPARROW. The Biometric Attendance
System has also been implemented in 10.7 Det a iled in forma t ion rela t in g to
this Ministry. obligations listed in Section 4 of the RTI
(Publications of Manuals) has been
10.5 Important Days of national importance uploaded / hosted in the websites of the
viz. Anti – Terrorism Day, Communal concerned organizations.
Harmony Day, Sadbhavana Diwas,
Swachhta Diwas, Constitution Day, a) For the implementation of the RTI Act,
International Yoga Day, Vigilance Ministry has exclusively created a new
Awareness Week, Red Cross Day, Red cell and an Information and Facilitation
Cross Raf le Draw, etc. were observed Counter (IFC) at the Reception for the
and “Pledge” taken by the employees of convenience of the general public who
the Ministry. Contributions were also visit personally.
raised and collected towards “Flag Day”. b) In the Ministry (Main Sectt.), we have
Essay competitions both in Hindi and appointed/designated 23 CPIOs and 15
Appellate Authorities based on the
Divisions, who are in the rank of Under
Secretary and Deputy Secretary/
Director and equivalent respectively.
Noti ications/ Orders indicating the
appointment of CPIOs/ Appellate
Authorities under the Act have been
published and uploaded /hosted on the
website of the Ministry i.e.
Celebration of Swachhta Pakhwada

Annual Report 2021-22 103


c) Whenever a request is received from the Accounts and Budget

public/citizen by the CPIO/IFC, the same
10.8 Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Highways is
is passed/transferred to the RTI Cell,
headed by Secretary to the Government
where the application is registered after
of India and he is the Chief Accounting
ensuring that fee has been deposited.
Authority for the Ministry. He discharges
Thereafter the request is sent to the
h i s re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s t h ro u g h t h e
concerned CPIOs/Appellate Authorities
Financial Advisor (FA) and the Pr. Chief
to provide desired information to the
Controller of Accounts. The Accounts
applicants / for disposal of First Appeal.
and Budget Wings of the Ministry are
A monthly statement in this regard is
f u n c t i o n i n g u n d e r t h e P r. C h i e f
sent to DoP&T.
Controller of Accounts. The of ice of the
d) Copies of the RTI Act and circulars Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts is inter-
re c e ive d f ro m D O P T o n RT I a re alia responsible for making all
circulated promptly to all the authorized payments of the Ministry,
organizations for compliance. compilation of Monthly and Annual
Accounts, conducting Internal Audit of
e) Useful guidance material/instructions
all the Units under the Ministry to ensure
are also circulated to all CPIOs/
compliance of the prescribed Rules etc.
Appellate Authorities.
Pr. CCA of ice has the responsibility of
f) A n i n te r n a l p ro c e d u re h a s b e e n preparation of Receipt Budget ,
established and circulated to all the Statement of Central Transactions,
concerned CPIOs/ Appellate Authorities Finance Accounts and Appropriation
and all Sections for guidance, while Accounts, making payments of bills,
dealing with the requests/appeals from expenditure monitoring PFMS
public seeking information. implementation till agency level. Pr. CCA
also renders Technical advice to the
g) All the useful records are duly Ministry on inancial and accounting
maintained. matters, cash management and
h) The Quarterly details of RTI Applications coordinates with the Controller General
and RTI Appeals received and disposed of Accounts, Comptroller & Auditor
of by this Ministry during the period General of India, Finance Ministry and
from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021 are as other related agencies for accounting
under:- and pension related work.

Sl. No. Period RTI Applications RTI Appeals received

received and disposed of and disposed of
1 January – March 122 3
2 April – June 122 0
3 July – September 96 4
4 October – December 92 2
Total 432 9

104 Annual Report 2021-22


10.9 The Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts Accounts, Head wise and stage wise
organization comprises Pr. Chief Appropriation Accounts and their
Controller of Accounts, one Controller of submission to the Controller General of
Accounts and one Dy. Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Finance,
Accounts and two Assistant Controller of Department of Expenditure and the
Accounts. The Budget Section consists of Director General of Audit, Central
one Under Secretary (Budget), who Revenues.
report directly to Pr. CCA. There are 6 f) Preparation of Annual Budget including
PAO’S/RPAO’s under the administrative the Outcome Budget and coordination
control of Pr. CCA located at New Delhi with the Ministry of Finance in the
(two), Noida, Mumbai, Kolkata and Port Budget process during the inancial year.
Blair. The detailed responsibilities
assigned to the of ice of the Pr. Chief g) Monitoring of Internal Extra Budgetary
Controller of Accounts of the Ministry Resources (IEBR) and its submission to
and its of ices throughout the country the of ice of the CGA.
are as under:- h) Monitoring and submission of
mandatory information as per Fiscal
Responsibility and Budget Management
a) Making payments on behalf of the (FRBM) Act and Rules.
Ministry after conducting pre-check of
i) Preparation of Management Information
the presented bills as per approved
Reports based on accounting, budget &
audit data for submission to various
b) Making payments to the subordinate authorities.
attached of ices, Autonomous Bodies,
j) Preparation of inancial statistics on
Societies Associations, Public Sector
monthly basis regarding receipts and
Undertaking and State Governments.
expenditure for uploading on Ministry’s
c) Release of authorization to other website.
Ministries to incur expenditure on behalf
k) Preparation of Monthly expenditure/
of the Ministry.
Weekly expenditure based on BE/RE and
Receipts submission to various authorities viz. AS
a) Accepting, budgeting and accounting the & FA, Secretary etc. for monitoring the
receipts of the Ministry. expenditure.
b) Monitoring the repayment of loans and l) Preparation of material for Annual
interest thereon received from State Report for submission to Ministry, lash
G o ve r n m e n t s a n d P u b l i c S e c t o r igure of expenditure and to submit to
Undertakings. CGA and preparation of provisional
Accounts and to submit to the Ministry.
c) Receipt & Payment under New Pension
Scheme. m) Preparation of State wise monthly
d) Submission of Accounts & Statements expenditure in respect of All
RPAOs/PAOs for further submission to
e) Preparation of Monthly Accounts of the Ministry.
M i n i s t r y, S t a t e m e n t o f C e n t r a l
Transaction, Statements of Finance

Annual Report 2021-22 105


Budget Audit Wing as well as of icers posted in

other section have been imparted
a) Preparation and submission of Annual
various trainings related to Internal
Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates
Audit in the past. Consequent upon the
re-appropriation proposals and
effective utilization of Internal Audit
Supplementary Demands for Grants of
mechanism during the past few years by
the Ministry and Coordination with the
the Pr. CCA’s organization, there has been
Ministry of Finance and other
a signi icant improvement in
Departments in all budget related
maintenance of Accounts in all of ices of
the Ministry. Internal Audit paras and
b) Vetting of Demands for Grants yearly CGA’s Audit Paras which involve major
after incorporating actual expenditure irregularities/de iciencies are brought
preparing and printing of Detailed to the notice of Head of Departments and
Demands for Grants of the Ministry, matter perused for settlement on paras
and review meeting are also arranged by
c) Preparation of Annual Estimates of Pr.CCA of ice to settle the outstanding
Revenue Receipts, Interest Receipt & paras. The details of the outstanding
Public Accounts for submission to paras raised by the IAW are as under:-
Ministry of Finance.

Number of paras Number of paras Number of paras Number of paras

outstanding at settled during raised during outstanding at
the beginning the year the year the end of
of the year the year

Internal Audit 528 43 53 538

CGA’s Audit paras 16 10 0 06

Internal Audit 10.11Summary of important audit

observations made during recent audit
10.10 The Internal Audit Wing in the Pr.CCA
reports are enclosed at ANNEXURE-IV.
organization of Ministry has been
established as an effective tool for Computerization of Accounts
identifying the systematic errors/lapses
in the functioning of various
departments in the Ministry and 10.12 A web-based application for generating
advising the management for necessary daily/monthly MIS/Expenditure of
action/ recti ication. This has proved to accounting information. All the
be as immense management tool to PAO’s/RPAO’s have been fully integrated
bring about objectivity and inancial with the based accounting portal E-
property in day to day functioning and by Lekha. They are required to upload their
bringing greater sensitivity for inancial daily transactions in this portal so that
prudence. The of icers of the Internal the date of expenditure and receipts are
available on daily basis. This has enabled

106 Annual Report 2021-22


availability of real time data on Vigilance

expenditure and receipt which is crucial
10.14 The Vigilance Wing of the Ministry
for effective monitoring of expenditure/
coordinates and supervises the vigilance
receipts and budgetary controls. The
activities within the Ministry as well as
reports generated from the Management
the PSUs and autonomous bodies under
Information System of this portal are
its administrative control. The Wing is
important managerial tools and are
headed by the Chief Vigilance Of icer
being used by various Departments of
(CVO) of the rank of Joint Secretary
the Ministry.
appointed with the approval of Chief
PFMS Vigilance Commission.
10.13 PFMS was initially started for release of 10.15 There are 30 attached/subordinate/
funds under plan schemes of Govt. of PSE/autonomous bodies under the
India. Now the scope of PFMS has been Ministry and each organization has
expanded to integrate various existing either a part-time or full-time CVO. The
standalone systems being used by DDO’s part-time CVOs are appointed from
and PAO for online processing of amongst the of icers of the concerned
sanctions, bills and payments of all types organization in consultation/
of expenditure. All the Modules of PFMS concurrence with the CVC. The full-time
have been successfully implemented in posts of CVOs, wherever such posts exist,
all PAOs and DDOs of the Ministry. are illed-up by of icers of organized
services through DoP&T.
Grant No. 77 – Ministry of Ports, Shipping
and Waterways 10.16 The emphasis has been laid on the role
of preventive vigilance by taking prompt
10.14 The position of savings/excess in
administrative actions and ensuring
respect of above mentioned Grant No. 77
transparency including simpli ication of
for the year 2021-22 and actual
procedures and use of e-technology etc.
expenditure for the year 2021-22 (upto
Special emphasis was laid on the
31st December, 2021) has been re lected
strengthening of vigilance machinery in
in ANNEXURE-V. The Head-wise Details
various organizations under the
of Receipts as per the Statement of
Ministry particularly the Port Trusts.
Central Transaction (SCT) for the last
Punitive action has been taken wherever
three years have been re lected in
required in consultation with CVC
ANNEXURE–VI. Head wise details of
against the delinquent of icials.
expenditure for 2019-20 to 2021-22
(upto 31st December, 2021) are given in 10.17 During the Vigilance Awareness Week, a
ANNEXURE–VII. Pro ile of actual pledge was administered to the staff and
Expenditure in 2021-22 (upto 31st of icers of the Ministry. The banners,
December, 2021) is at ANNEXURE–VIII. posters were displayed at the prime
The Ministry is maintaining two funds locations of the building and Notice
viz. Depreciation Reserve Fund and B o a rd o f t h e M i n i s t r y. V i g i l a n c e
General Reserve Fund for providing Awareness Week was also observed in
certain services required to develop the attached/subordinate/
transportation facilities in the country. PSE/autonomous bodies under the
Details are at ANNEXURE-XI. Ministry.

Annual Report 2021-22 107


1 0 . 1 8 V i g i l a n c e a c t iv i t i e s i n va r i o u s their reports/returns and also through

organizations under the Ministry are interactions with CVOs/Head of the
being reviewed periodically through O rga n i z a t i o n s d u r i n g p e r i o d i c a l

108 Annual Report 2021-22



11.1 Hindi Section has been established in the Committee of this ministry has been
M i n i s t r y o f Po r t s , S h i p p i n g a n d published in the Gazette of Govt. of India
Waterways for implementation of the on 01.01.2022 with the approval of
Of icial Language Policy of the Union Honorable Cabinet Minister of Ports,
Government. Presently it is under the Shipping and waterways. The tenure of
administrative control of Economic this committee is three years from the
Advisor. The Hindi section consists of date of the Resolution. Honorable
one Joint Director (OL)-(Currently Cabinet Minister of Ports, Shipping and
vacant), one Assistant Director (OL) Waterways is the Chairman of this
(Currently vacant), three Senior committee and the 02 Sate Ministers are
Translation Of icers and one Vice Chairman. There are total 35
Stenographer. Hindi section monitors members in this committee including
the implementation of Of icial Language of icial and non-of icial members. The
(Hindi) Policy in the Ministry as well as function of this committee is to advise on
in all the of ices under its administrative the matters relating to the progressive
control. use of Hindi in Of icial work of the
M i n i s t r y o f Po r t s , S h i p p i n g a n d
11.2 Keeping in view the Annual Programme
Waterways in accordance with the
issued by the Department of Of icial
policies laid down and the guidelines
Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, each
issued by the Kendriya Hindi Samiti and
year, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
Department of Of icial Language in this
Waterways continued its efforts to do
regard from time to time. A proposal for
maximum of icial work in Hindi for
the irst meeting of this committee will
implementation of the Of icial Language
soon be submitted before the Honorable
Policy of the Union Government.
Cabinet Minister of Ports, Shipping and
Compliance of Section 3(3) of the Of icial Waterways.
Language Act, 1963 (as amended 1967)
O f i c i a l L a n g u a g e I m p l e m e n t a t i o n
11.3 In pursuance of the Of icial Language Committee (OLIC)
Policy of the Government of India, all
11.5 T h e r e i s a n O f i c i a l L a n g u a g e
documents covered under section 3(3)
Implementation Committee (OLIC)
of the Of icial Language Act, 1963 (as
constituted in the Ministry under the
amended 1967) in Ministry were issued
Chairmanship of Economic Advisor. The
both in English and Hindi during the
Committee reviews the progress made in
reporting period.
the use of Hindi in the Ministry on
Hindi Advisory Committee of the Ministry quarterly basis. It gives appropriate
of Ports, Shipping and Waterways suggestions and recommends measures
to be taken for the effective
11.4 T h e R e s o l u t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e implementation of the Of icial Language
constitution of the Hindi Advisory

Annual Report 2021-22 109


Policy. Three meetings of the Committee not win any prize, were awarded with
were held during the year 2021-22 (upto participation prize separately.
Hindi workshop
Inspections to assess the progressive use of
11.9 Two Hindi workshops (on 10.09.2021 &
23.12.2021) were organized during the
11.6 Due to outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic reporting period. Total 16 participants
only one (01) of ice could be inspected were trained on ‘Use of Hindi in of icial
during 2021-22 (upto 31-12-2021). The work’ in Hindi Workshop organized on
details of the inspections carried out by 10.09.2021 conducted by Sh. Prashant
First Sub Committee of Parliament on Kumar, Assistant Director (Of icial
Of icial Language and the Of icials of this Language), Election Commission and 13
ministry during the reporting period to participants were trained on ‘Use of
assess the progress of implementation of Hindi E-tools in of icial work’ in Hindi
the Of icial Language Policy of the Union Workshop organized on 23.12.2021
Government are given below:- conducted by Shri Deepak Kumar,
Inspector (Technical), Department of
I n s p e c t i o n s o f t h e C o m m i t t e e o f
Of icial language.
Parliament on Of icial Language:
Award scheme for the books originally
11.7 Hindi section reviews the questionnaire
written in Hindi and translated into Hindi
of the of ices under its control during the
from other languages on the subjects
inspection by First Sub Committee of
relating to Indian ports, Shipping and
Parliament on Of icial Language and
Inland Water Transport:-
imparts necessary guidance to them.
The said committee inspected Of ice of 11.10 Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Mumbai on Waterways is running an Award Scheme
16 July, 2021 and Paradip Port Trust, on annual basis with an objective to
Paradip on 28 December, 2021 during promote book writing originally in Hindi
the year 2021-22 (as on 31-12-2021). and translation of books from other
languages into Hindi on subjects related
Hindi Pakhwada (fortnight)
to Indian Ports, Shipping and Inland
11.8 In order to encourage the use of Hindi in Water Transport, under which irst,
of icial work and to propagate Hindi, second and third prizes are given in both
'Hindi Pakhwada' was organized in the categories separately. Entries were
Ministry from 01-09-2021 to 14-09- invited under the scheme for year 2019-
2021. During Hindi Pakhwada, various 20 till 15.09.2021. Only one entry was
competitions were held. Prizes were received. The scheme will be
distributed to the winners of the implemented for the year 2020-21 also.
competitions held during Hindi
Rajbhasha Shield Scheme:-
Pakhwada. This year total 42 Of icers
and Staff participated in 05 competitions 11.11 To promote use of Hindi in the
and this participants won total 35 Prizes. headquarters of of ices under the
Out of these, 13 participants, who could control of Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
Waterways, a Rajbhasha Shield scheme

110 Annual Report 2021-22


is being run on annual basis, under of icials of this ministry have

which region wise of ices are awarded participated under this scheme.
with a shield and certi icate.
Quarterly Reward Scheme to encourage
Incentive scheme for doing of icial work in Sections/Divisions to do more and more of
Hindi their of icial work in Hindi
11.12 Ministry of Ports, Shipping and 11.13 A new incentive scheme has been
Waterways is implementing the cash started in compliance with the decision
incentive scheme of Of icial Language taken in the meeting of the Of icial
Department in order to encourage Language Implementation Committee
of icials for doing their of icial work in held on 20th July, 2021 in the Ministry.
Hindi on yearly basis. Under this Under this, in order to encourage the
scheme, total ten prizes (cash awards) Sections/Divisions of the Ministry to do
are to be given namely, Two First prizes more of their of icial work in Hindi, in
of Rs.5000/- each, Three Second Prizes each quarter depending on the volume of
of Rs.3000/- each and Five Third Prizes their Hindi work, the Sections and
of Rs.2000/- each. Any of icer/employee Divisions coming First, Second and Third
who writes minimum 20,000 or more position will be awarded with Rs.5,000/-
Hindi words in a inancial year in his , Rs.3,000/- and Rs.2,000/- respectively.
of icial work, is eligible to participate in TRW Division of this Ministry was
this scheme. The word limit for non- awarded with Rs.5,000/- in cash as First
Hindi speaking of icials is minimum p r i z e fo r t h e q u a r te r e n d i n g o n
10,000 words per year and they are 30.09.2021 by the Economic Advisor.
given 20% weightage in the number of
words. For the year 2020-21, total 03

Annual Report 2021-22 111


(para 1.5 refer)
M I N I S T RY O F P O RT S , S H I P P I N G & IV. Other subjects which have not been
WATERWAYS included under the previous parts:
I. The following subjects which fall 11. Legislation relating to shipping and
within List 1 of the Seventh Schedule navigation on inland waterways as
to the Constitution of India: regards mechanically propelled vessels
and the carriage of passengers and
1. Maritime shipping and navigation;
goods on inland waterways.
provision of education and training for
the mercantile marine 12. Legislation relating to and coordination
of the development of minor and major
2. Lighthouses and lightships
3. Administration of the Indian Ports Act,
13. Administration of the Dock Workers
1908and the Major Port Authorities Act,
(Regulation of Employment) Act, 1948
2021 (This replaces the erstwhile Major
(9 of 1948) and the Schemes framed
Port Trusts Act, 1963 and ports declared
thereunder other than the Dock Workers
as major ports
(Safety, Health and Welfare) Scheme,
4. Shipping and navigation including 1961.
carriage of passengers and goods on
14. To make shipping arrangements for and
inland waterways declared by
o n b e h a l f o f t h e G ove r n m e n t o f
Parliament by law to be national
India/Public Sector Undertakings/State
waterways as regards mechanically
Governments/ State Government Public
propelled vessels, the rule of the road on
Sector Undertakings and autonomous
such waterways
bodies in respect of import of cargo on
5. Ship-building and ship-repair industry Free on Board/Free along Site and
export on Cost and Freight/Cost
6. Ship breaking Insurance and Freight basis.
7. Fishing vessels industry 15. Planning of Inland Water Transport.
8. Floating craft industry 16. Formulation of the privatization policy in
II. In respect of the Union Territories: the infrastructure areas of ports,
shipping and inland waterways.
9. Inland waterways and traf ic thereon
17. Prevention and control of pollution:
III. In respect of the union territories of the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the (a) Prevention and control of pollution
Lakshadweep: arising from ships, shipwrecks and
abandoned ships in the sea, including
10. Organization and maintenance of the port areas;
mainland islands and inter-island
shipping services. (b) Enactment and administration of
legislation related to prevention, control

112 Annual Report 2021-22


and combating of pollution arising from Ÿ The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958
ships; and
Ÿ The Major Port Authorities Act, 2021 (This
(C) Monitoring and combating of oil replaces the erstwhile Major Port Trusts
p o llu t i o n i n t h e p o rt a re a s . T h e Act, 1963
Development of township of
Ÿ The Seamen's Provident Fund Act, 1966
Ÿ The Inland Waterways Authority of India
V Acts and Rules
Act, 1985
Ÿ The Indian Ports Act, 1908
Ÿ The Multimodal Transportation of Goods
Ÿ The Inland Vessels Act, 1917 Act, 1993
Ÿ T h e D o c k Wo r k e r s ( R e g u l a t i o n o f Ÿ The Lighthouse Act,1927
Employment) Act, 1948

Annual Report 2021-22 113


(para 1.12 refer)

Minister for Ports,

Shipping &Waterways

Minister of State for Ports, Minister of State for Ports,

Shipping &Waterways Shipping &Waterways

Secretary (P, S & W )

Additional Secretary Additional Secretary

& Financial Adviser

Joint Joint Adviser

Joint Joint Development Joint
Secretary Secretary (Stats.)
Secretary Secretary Adviser Secretary
(Admn., (Ports)
(Shipping) (Sagarmala (Ports) (PPP)
& PPP)

114 Annual Report 2021-22


(para 10.2 refer)

Annual Statement Showing the Representation of SCs, STs and OBCs as on 1 January, 2022 and
Number of appointments made during the Preceding Calendar year 2021:

Ministry/Department/Attached/Subordinate Of ice: Shipping

Representation of SCs/STs/OBCs/EWSs (As on 01.01.2021)

Group Total SCs STs OBCs EWS


A 45 10 02 06 - 18
B 107 19 05 32 - 56
C (Excluding 23 07 02 03 - 12
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - - - -
Total 175 36 09 41 - 86

Number of Appointments made during the Calendar Year 2021

Group SCs STs OBCs EWS Total
A - - - - -
B - - - - -
C (Excluding - - - - -
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - - -
Total - - - - -

By Promotion
Group SCs STs OBCs Total
A - - - -
B - - - -
C (Excluding - - - -
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - -
Total -` - - -

By Deputation
Group VH HH OH Total
A - - - -
B - - - -
C (Excluding - - - -
C (SafaiKaramchari) - - - -
Total - - - -

Annual Report 2021-22 115


(para 10.11 refer)


(Including Schemes/Banks/PSUs/Grantee Institutions)

S.No. Nature of irregularities No of paras Total amount involved

(Rs. in lakhs)
1. Non-recovery of Government dues - -
from Central Govt. Department/
State Govt./Private Parties
2. Over payments 1 9.41
3. Non-adjustment of advances- 1 0.13
Contingency Advance-
T. A. Advance
LTC Advance
Long Term Advances
4. Blocking of Govt. money - -
5. Non accounted of costly stores/ - -
Govt. money
6. Items of special nature 2 1939.96
Total 4 1949.50

116 Annual Report 2021-22


(para 10.14 refer)


(upto 31/12/2021)
Grant No. & Name Original Supplemen- Total Actual Saving
tary Budget Expenditure
Grant No.77 Revenue 1519.35 0.00 1519.35 967.85 No
Capital 183.00 0.00 183.00 127.32
Total 1702.35 0.00 1702.35 1095.17
Source: E lekha.

Annual Report 2021-22 117


(para 10.14 refer)


S. MAJOR HEAD 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 up to

No. (31-12-2021)

1. 0021-Taxes on Income other than 21.34 19.00 14.36

Corporation Tax
2. 0045-Other Taxes & Duties on Commodities & -0.27 0.00 0.00
3. 0049- Interest Receipts 64.70 144.98 8.64
4. 0050-Dividends & Pro its 194.77 290.63 88.89
5. 0070-Other Administrative Services 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. 0071-Contribution & Recoveries towards 9.36 10.03 12.96
Pension & Other Retirements Bene its
7. 0075-Miscellaneous General Services 0.00 0.00 0.00
8. 0210-Medical & Public Health 0.41 0.39 0.33
9. 0216-Housing 0.53 0.47 0.44
10. 1051-Ports and Light Houses 330.37 384.07 274.96
11. 1052-Shipping 86.36 112.39 27.93
12. 1054-Roads and Bridges -- 0.00 0.00
13. 1056-Inland Water Transport 0.00 29.96 0.00
14. 1475 - Other General Economic Services 0.00 0.00 0.00
A REVENUE RECEIPTS * 707.57 991.92 428.51


S. MAJOR HEAD 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 up to

No. (31-12-2021)

1. 4000- Miscellaneous Capital Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00

2. 6858- Loans for Engineering Indst. 60.74 0.00 0.00
3. 7051- Loans for Port & Light Houses 63.85 190.31 7.84
4. 7056-Loans for Inland Water Transport 0.00 0.00 0.00
5. 7601-Loans & Advances to State Govt. 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. 7610- Loans to Govt. Servants 0.37 0.26 0.16
CAPITAL RECEIPTS ** 124.96 190.57 8.00

118 Annual Report 2021-22


(para 10.14 refer)
THREE YEARS i.e. FROM 2019-20 TO 2021-22 (upto 31/12/2021)

PARTICULARS 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (up to

December 2021)

2049-Interest Payment 11.62 11.84 0.25

2071-Pension Payment 39.07 38.32 25.65
2235-Social, Security & Welfare 0.08 0.04 0.07
2801- Power 0.07 0.00
2852-Industries 231.28 151.48 71.80
3051-Ports&Lighthouses (Gr.No.77) 697.59 700.36 630.81
3051-Port and Lighthouses 10.51 4.15 10.33
Andaman & Nicobar administration
Lakshadweep 2.94 3.65 1.39
3052-Shipping 89.82 116.36 63.86
3056-Inland Water Transport 506.37 531.12 382.07
3451-Economic Services 53.45 52.45 33.88
3475- Other General Economic Services 0.13 0.00
3601-Grant-in-aid to State Government 48.61 35.31 25.45
3605- Technical & Economical Co-operation 0.00 0.00 100
with other Countries
TOTAL (Revenue Exp.) 1692.68 1650.62 1338.88
4405-Capital outlay on isheries 6.11 4.94 1.32
4406-Capital outlay on forestry & wildlife 0.00 0.00 0.00
4801-Capital outlay on Power Proj 1.40 0.00
5051- Capital outlay on Ports & Lighthouses 241.61 159.99 145.10
(Gr.No. 77)
5051- Capital outlay on Ports & Lighthouses 15.56 7.91
Andaman & Nicobar administration
5052-Capital outlay on Shipping Andaman & 3.50 1.69 0.37
Nicobar administration
Lakshadweep 0.15
5052-Capital outlay on Shipping (Gr.No.77) 16.17 6.25 2.66
5053-Capital Outlay on Civil Aviation 0.00 0.00
5054 – Capital Outlay on Roads and Bridges 26.89 39.29

Annual Report 2021-22 119


PARTICULARS 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (up to

December 2021)

5075-Other Transport Services 0.00

5452-Capital outlay on tourism Andaman & 1.37 1.42
Nicobar administration
6858-Loans for Engineering Industries 0.00 0.00
7051-Loans for Ports & Light Houses 0.00 0.00
7610-Loans to Govt. servants 0.17 0.15 0.28
TOTAL (Capital Exp.) 312.78 221.79 149.73
Grand Total (Rev.+Cap.) 2005.46 1872.41 1488.61

120 Annual Report 2021-22


(para 10.14 refer)


(upto 31/12/2021)

B. E.

B. E. B. E.
1519.35 183.00

Expenditure Expenditure
967.85 127.32
63.70 % 69.57 %

Source:- Consolidated
Classied Abstract

B.E. – Budget Estimate

Annual Report 2021-22 121


(para 10.14 refer)


(` Rs. in crores)


Opening Balance as on 01.04.2021 258.90
Receipt during Apr-December -2021 27.00
Payment during Apr-December- 2021 0.00
Closing Balance as on 31.12.2021 285.90
Opening Balance as on 01.04.2021 902.29
Receipt during Apr-December- 2021 86.84
Payment during Apr-December- 2021 0.00
Closing Balance as on 31.12.2021 989.13
Source: Classi ied Consolidated abstract Account

122 Annual Report 2021-22


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