Kalyan 960

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Emp ID: 960

Sl.no Strategic Objective

1 Technical Trainings

2 Timely completion of task

3 Proactive Approach

4 Review / Mock Interviews

6 Customer Interview

7 Leaves

Grand Total

How to rate your leaves ??

Leave rating tracker (July-Dec
Rating to be given
Leave Count

Sl.no Strategic Objective

1 Positive Attitude

2 Attendance, punctuality

3 Team Work
4 Communication Skills

6 Code of Conduct Adherence

7 Flexibility

9 Pro-activeness

10 Honesty, Integrity

Grand Total

Employee Self Assessment for FY'2022-23


Deployment Status
Deployed /Not Deployed Not Deployed
No of Months deployed

Deployment for how many months (July-Dec)

0 1
0% 10%
Employee Name: Rangu kalyanchakravarthy

Core Competencies /KRA

( Weightage 40%)
Strategic Initiative UOM Weightage Rating Scale
(1 to 5)

Proactively learning about new technologies 20 5


Completing all tasks set by the supervisor within the defined

timeline 20 5

10 5
Collaborating with seniors for learning as and when needed Number
No of review / mock interview attended Number 5 5

Average review / Mock Interview score 5 5

% Average
No of customer interview attended 5
count of attempts made to pass the interview Number 5

20 5
Count of leaves taken Number
Grand Total 100

Leave rating tracker (July-Dec)

1 2 3 4
≥10 Leaves 9 7-8 Leaves 5-6 Leaves

Behavioral Competencies
( Weightage 60%)
Strategic Initiative UOM Weightage Rating Scale
(1 to 5)
Maintains positive attitude even in tough challenging Number 10 5
conditions and focuses on job to be done

Adhere the company work timings including break hours Number 5

Managing intime and out time daily Number 5
Works well with the team, without any conflicts. Supports Number 10 5
the team to complete the work.
Strives to improve upon ones communcation skills, both Number 10 5
verbal and written.

To abide by the code of professional conduct and all other

regulatory, authorities, policies, and procedures of the Number 10 5

Willingness to travel to client locations as per company

requirement Number 20 5

Very proactive in owning up the responsibilities, takes

measures to put previous learnings to practice. Provides Number 10 5
suggestion and expresses concerns for a better project
Maintains transparency, honesty and integrity in reporting
contributions towards achieving company goals and reports Number 10 5
his activities to his reporting manager at all times

Grand Total 100

Past Achievements (July-Dec)

Deployment for how many months (July-Dec)

2 3 4 5
20% 30% 40% 50%
& OBJECTIVES SETTING (July to December'22)
DOJ:15-09-2022 Review Date: 07-12-2022

Competencies /KRA
Weightage 40%)
Self Rating Remarks to justify rating Appraiser Rating Appraiser Assessment Remarks

Always Intrested to learn new

5 technologys and explore more things 4
for better knowlage in technical you are proactive, but it's able to
aspects. understand the technologies.

4 Completing Most tasks on time but in 3

few complecated tasks I have taken
extra time for better understanding. he takes time to completed tasks
Intrested to gain knowlage from
5 seniors and share the knowlage to 3
team members. he need to improve proactive approach
4 1 good
Attending reviews made myself more
confident and came to know my
4 drawbacks, It helps me in correcting my 4
Mistakes. Satisfied for practice & theory part.
0 Not attended Customer Interviews, i
am in trainging Period.

5 4
Almost Attended all taning sessions

≤5 Leaves

oral Competencies
Weightage 60%)
Self Rating Remarks to justify rating Appraiser Rating Appraiser Assessment Remarks

5 4
He has a positive attitude and an good relat
5 4
Yes, He followed our timings
5 4

5 3
He must develop his team spirit.
5 4
he is good on this.

5 4

5 4
Yes, He followed our timings

5 3
he is good in tasks complition but takes som

5 4
he is good .

Score Meter
4 to 5 Excellent
3 to 4 Good
2 to 3 Meets Expectations
Below 2 Needs Improvement
Weightage Score (Appraisee) Weightage Score (Appraisar)

20 16

16 12

10 6

4 1

4 4

0 0

0 0

20 16

74 55

Weightage Score (Appraisee) Weightage Score (Appraisar)

10 8

20 16

0 0

10 6
10 8

10 8

20 16

10 6

10 8

100 76
Core CompetenciesRating Score
Score Card Appraisee Appraiser
74 2.75 55 100%
Behavioral Competencies Score Card 100 3.8 76
Average Score 87 3.275
Deployed Period in months (July 2022 to Dec 2022 0
Final Score 26.2 0 26.2 Parameters of annual appraisal:
• He or she will be evaluated based on behavioral an
• On a total score of 100%, a person's behavior will b
• If an employee is unable to contribute to client pro
behavioral factors (40%).
• Your performance will be reviewed every quarter b
appraisals followed by the increment process.
Billability Attribute (60%):
Manager Overall Summary of Appraisal
• You will receive a pro-rata increase out of 60% in yo
spend with the client.
• Employees who are directly billable to the client wi
• No consideration will be given to projects where yo
designates you as a contributing member.
Kalyan Don’t sepend to much time on mobile and Need to
Behavioral Attributes (40%):

• Interpersonal skills
Suggested Improvement Areas: S.No Remarks • Communication
1 Practice more on concepts • Attendance, punctuality, and reliability
2 Work on your communication skills • Positive attitude towards work
3 Sit with your seniors and learn about new • Leadership quality
• Time Management
• Insubordination
Score Meter • Violating laid HR process
4 to 5 Excellent
3 to 4 Good
2 to 3 Meets Expectations
Below 2 Needs Improvement
rs of annual appraisal:
r she will be evaluated based on behavioral and billability factors.
total score of 100%, a person's behavior will be evaluated at 40% and project billability at 60%.
employee is unable to contribute to client projects during the year, their evaluation will only be based on their
al factors (40%).
performance will be reviewed every quarter by the leaders. The final rating will take place during the Annual
s followed by the increment process.
Attribute (60%):

will receive a pro-rata increase out of 60% in your annual appraisal based on the number of working days you
h the client.
loyees who are directly billable to the client will only be eligible for this benefit (T&M or Project).
onsideration will be given to projects where you are deployed for training purposes unless your manager
s you as a contributing member.
al Attributes (40%):

personal skills
ndance, punctuality, and reliability
tive attitude towards work
ership quality
ating laid HR process
Sl no Technology Name Duration spent in training
1 Linux 14 Days
2 DB2 7 Days
3 HTML and CSS 7 Days
4 Java Script 10 Days
5 BPM/BAW 36 Days

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