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American Language Course

Book 3 Quiz B

Part I - Listeniug

Directions for items 1 - 25. Listen and select the best answer, a, b, c, or d. Mark
your answers on the answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

b c d
Book 3 Quiz B

Book 3 Quiz B

Book 3 Quiz B

15. 08:00 December Canada 2005

a b c d

18. He is buying _.
a. ftuit
b, coffee
c, juice
d. books
19. It is _.
a. night
b. evening
c. midnight
d. noon,
20. It is _.
a, '1 a.m.
D. / p.m.
c, morning
d. afternoon
Book 3 Quiz B

21. They are _ it.

a. writing
b. listening to
c. looking at
d. answering
22. He is _ it.
a. studying
b. opening
c. closing
d. circling
23. a. I'm from Canada
b. OK. See you after class.
c. I'rn a doctor
d. Yes, we ilo.
24. a. OK. Let's go.
b. I'm ill the Air Force.
c. Fine, thanks.
d. I speak Japanese.
25. a, I speak French.
b. OK. See youin the snack bar.
c. I'm liom England.
d. It leaves at 10:00.


Book 3 Quiz B

Part 2 - Reading

Directions for items 26 - 50. Select tJre best answer, and nark your
answer sheet

26. I to the BX on Saturdays.

a.- do goes
b. go
c. am go
d. goes

27. He v/as _ his bed at llr0o p.m.

a. r4
b. at
c. on
d. to
28. The studeqts _ in the library.
a. no study
b. study don't
c. do study uot
d. don't study

29. We eat brea-kfast _ in the day.

a. moath
b. never
c. early
d. when
30. Lee: _ her book in class?
Cal; Yes, she does.

a. Does she read

b. She does read
c. Read does she
d. She read does

31. He wants _ cofee.

a. is drinking
b. driqk
to drink
d. drirks

Book 3 Quiz B

32. Paul drinks tea _ breakfast.

a. in
b. to
c. on
d. for
33. Lee was in class _ week.
a. next
b. last
c. ago
d. when
34. Lee: W}ro _ the homework?
Cal: The teacher does.

a. do check
b. are checking
c. are check
d. checks

35. The childen drink milk. It is

a. good
b. hungry
c. second
d. tall
36. Sherryr doesn't eat meat. She _ ears mear.
a. sometimes
b. always
c. every
d. never

37. l,ee: What _ drink?

Cal: Orange juice.
a. want you
b. you want
c. do you waat to
d. you wirnt do to
Book 3 Quiz B

38. Lee: _ do you go to the commissary?

Cal: 3 daysaweek.
a. Wbat
b. How many
c. Every
d. How often

39. The time is 2:00 p.m. It is

a. evemng
b. afternoon
c. midnight
d. norning
40. She _ in school yesterday
b. are
c. wele
d. was

4L. Do you _ a new book?

a. walk
b. speak
c. know
d. have

in the dispensary yesterday?

a, You were
b. Was you
c. Were you
d. You are

43. The students are in lab 50 _, today.

a. years
b. minutes
c. monti\s
d. hours

44. The
a, big is room
b. big room is
c. room is big
d. is big room

Book 3 Quiz B

45. Bobby is a small boy. He is _.

a. next
b. short
c. last
d. new
How many ?

a. books iloes he have

b. does he have books
c. he does have books
d. books have he does

47. Her books are _ on her desk.

a. there
b. tall
c. early
d. after
48. The children _ in class yesterday.
a. weren't
b. aren't
c. isn't
d. wasn't
49. They don't warrt _ the words.
a. study
b. is studying
c. to study
d. studies
50. Lee:
Cal: She was at the B.X.

a. Was she where?

i b. Where she was?
c. Where was she?
d. She where was?


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