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Global Marketing of China Tourism

Book · January 2012

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1 author:

Alastair M Morrison
University of Greenwich


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Chapter 1

Global Tourism Marketing

Opportunities and Trends
The Asia and Pacific region accounted for
What are the marketing opportunities
22% of the world’s international tourist
available to China’s destination
arrivals in 2010 according to UNWTO.
management organizations (DMOs) in the
There were 204 million international tourist
future? What are the trends in international
arrivals in Asia and the Pacific in 2010, up
tourist markets and in the marketing aimed
13% over 2009, and the highest ever
at them? Part 1 of this book answers these
volume in history.
questions in the context of attracting more
international visitors to China. The World tourism is expected to continue to
following topics are covered in this grow at a healthy rate from 2011 to 2020.
introductory part of the book: UNWTO has predicted that the growth in
international tourist arrivals in 2011 will be
• Recent trends in world tourism from 4% to 5%.
• Trends in international tourist arrivals to
China UNWTO’s Tourism 2020 Vision predicts
• Market trends that international tourism arrivals will climb
• What is destination management? to 1.6 billion in 2020. The average annual
growth rate in international tourist arrivals
Recent Trends in World Tourism from 1995 to 2020 was forecast by UNWO
at 4.1%. For East Asia and the Pacific, the
World tourism rebounded in 2010 from the average annual growth rate for 1995-2020
effects of the global economic and is estimated to be 6.5%.
financial crisis of 2008 and 2009.
According to IPK International’s World Trends in International Tourist Arrivals
Travel Monitor ®, outbound trips were up to China
7% in 2010. The UN World Tourism
Organization (UNWTO) reported a similar Trends in Total Arrivals
upward trend in 2010. The UNWTO World
Tourism Barometer in February 2011 The number of foreign tourist arrivals to
reported a 6.7% increase in international Mainland China in 2010 was 26,126,900.
tourist arrivals in 2010 over 2009. Total This was a 19.1% increase over 2009. The
international tourist arrivals in 2010 were number of foreigners staying overnight in
935 million, the highest annual level ever. 2010 was 21,276,400; up 20.2% over
2009. These figures do not include
compatriots from Hong Kong, Macau, and

Trends in International Tourism Arrivals to China

The general trend in foreign tourist Australia ranked in 11th position and the
arrivals to China from 2000 to 2010 has European countries of Germany, UK, and
been one of significant growth; however, France were in 13th, 14th, and 17th spots
declines were experienced in 2003, 2008, respectively.
and 2009.

Source: CNTA
Source: CNTA

Countries of Origin of Foreign Tourists to Other countries with significant tourist

China arrivals to China are Thailand, Indonesia,
India, and Myanmar. Overall, the majority
Korea and Japan are the two most of the foreign tourist arrivals to Mainland
significant countries of origin of foreign China at present are from other parts of
tourists to Mainland China. Together they Asia. Long-haul tourists from outside of
accounted for 44% of all foreign tourist Asia to China represent a sizeable
arrivals in 2010. Russia and the USA proportion of all inbound foreign tourists,
were in third (13%) and fourth (12%) but are still significantly outnumbered by
spots. Malaysia and Singapore were tourists from other Asian countries. For
ranked in fifth and sixth, at 7% and 6% example, in 2009 the top 9 inbound long-
respectively. haul country markets (USA, Australia,
Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy,
The remaining countries in the top 10 Netherlands, and Sweden) represented just
sources of tourist arrivals in 2010 were 21.7% of all foreign tourist arrivals to
Vietnam, Philippines, Mongolia, and Mainland China.

Trends in International Tourism Arrivals to China
Forecasts of Future Tourist Arrivals to

The prospects for further and continuing

growth in foreign tourist arrivals to China
are excellent. China is perceived by most
foreigners to be a fascinating
international tourism destination with rich
history, cultural, and natural resources. In
a worldwide context, China is also
thought to be a relatively safe and secure
place for foreign travelers. Source: UNWTO

First-ranked in world by 2015

Mainland China received 55,664,500

overnight “inbound tourists” in 2010. This
was composed of 21,276,400 foreign
tourists and 34,388,100 compatriots from
Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. China
climbed from the 11th rank to the 4th rank
in inbound tourist arrivals between 1990
and 2009. It surpassed the UK, Italy, and
other major international tourist
destinations in achieving this. In 2010, Sources: WorldHum; China Daily; The
Telegraph; People’s Daily; Global Economic
China was in 3rd rank having overtaken Intersection; Thaindian News; Xinhuanet; Nexus
Spain. Holidays

It is expected that China will surpass the So the prospects for inbound tourism in
USA before 2015 and then be in the 2nd Mainland China are excellent. There will be
rank. In fact, the UNWTO predicts that great opportunities for many DMOs to
China will also have more inbound attract more international tourists in the next
tourists than France in 2015 and five years. The DMOs with the most
therefore will be first ranked in the world. professional marketing practices are likely
UNWTO projects that China will have 130 to be the most successful.
million inbound tourists by 2020.

Market Trends
Statistics on tourist arrivals are not
enough when a DMO is engaged in a
highly competitive international
marketplace. A DMO must dig deeper to
develop a more detailed understanding of
markets. DMOs need to take a look
“behind the statistics” to know how and
why international tourists are changing.
Winning marketing strategies frequently
are a result of using good market
A DMO must dig deeper to research results in an appropriate and
develop a more detailed creative way. It is especially important for
understanding of markets all DMOs to know the latest trends in
markets according to the following

• Demographics
• Countries of origin
• Trip purposes
• Trip planning and travel arrangements
• Psychographics and lifestyles
• Special interests
• Technology uses

Unfortunately, most Chinese DMOs are

not engaging in this level of international
market analysis at the current time.
Perhaps this is because the domestic
market is expanding so quickly and
DMOs do not need feel the need to invest
in market research on international
markets that still represent a small
proportion of total tourism demand.
Source: Shutterstock However, as international tourist levels
continue to grow, this research will
Most DMOs in China are not become more valuable since competition
engaging in sufficient market among destinations will intensify.

Market Trends: Demographics
Aging but engaging: Older age groups are more willing to travel
than previous generations and are
The Baby Boomers interested in active and adventurous travel
The populations in most Western and
some Asian-Pacific countries like Japan
and South Korea are aging. The largest
group of older consumers is known as
the “Baby Boomers” and these people
were born between 1946 and 1964.
There are now approximately 450 million
Baby Boomers in the world. By 2020, 700
million people worldwide will be over 65
(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu).

Source: ElderTreks

ElderTreks (Small Group Exotic Adventures

for Travelers 50 Plus) is a good example of
a tourism company that has done a great
Source: Canadian Travel Commission
job in attracting the adventurous Baby
Boomers. The company, based in Canada,
In 2009, 42.2% of the foreign tourist
was established in 1987 and offers active
arrivals to Mainland China were aged 45
holiday tours in 80-plus exotic destinations
years and over. Approximately, 36.3% of
around the world, including eight tours to
all the arrivals were in the Baby Boomer
Mainland China.
category. As this is a growth market,
China’s DMOs need to pay greater
attention to these people in the future.

Market Trends: Demographics
An extra-special market: Generation X (GenXers) are people in the
age group that followed the Baby
Boomers. They were born from 1965 to
around 1979 and are also sometimes
called the Baby Busters. They are the
second-largest demographic travel market
after the Baby Boomers for the Asia-
Pacific region, including China.

GenXers are known to be very

independent thinkers and more
adventurous and tougher to please than
the Baby Boomers when traveling.
GenXers make extensive use of the
Source: Shutterstock Internet to find travel information and
make bookings. They especially like using
the social media including Facebook,
Twitter, and various other blogs. Being in
the age range from 30 to 45, GenXers
often have children and travel as families.

A good example of marketing to

Generation X is provided in the “LOVE
campaign” being used by the Virginia
Tourism Corporation (VTC) in the USA.
VTC has very successfully used the
slogan of “Virginia is for Lovers” since
Source: Virginia Tourism Corporation
1970; aiming mainly at the Baby
Boomers. The “LOVE campaign” is
focused on GenXers, as VTC has found
from its research that they are more
adventurous and spend more money in
Virginia than the Baby Boomers. The
DMOs’ market research showed that
those traveling with children in Virginia
spent 50 percent more than those visiting
without children.

Market Trends: Demographics
Y travel? Generating travel Generation Y are those born from
around 1980 to 2000; they are also
from the Internet generation
sometimes called the Echo Boomers,
Net Generation or the Millennials. This
generation really likes international
travel. For example, a survey by STA
Travel in Australia found that 70% of
Generation Y Australians had already
spent significant time overseas and 65%
intended to travel outside of Australia in
the future.

A survey of international leisure tourists

conducted in Shanghai by Belle Tourism
International Consulting in 2009-2010
Source: Shutterstock found that 30.9% of the tourists (aged 18
and over) were between the ages of 18
and 29. These Generation Y tourists
were the third largest group, after those
45 and over (37.2%; Baby Boomers) and
those from 35-44 (31.9%; Generation X).

Generation Y are especially well known

for their high propensity of taking “gap
years.” This means that they take a year
off for traveling and most often this
involves international travel. Gap years
are usually taken after graduating from
university and before commencing full-
time employment. They are also taken
during work careers; for example, when
transitioning between jobs or employers.

This is an important market for Chinese

DMOs, as these younger people travel
extensively within destinations as their
trip lengths tend to be longer than Baby
Source: CABI Boomers and GenXers.

Market Trends: Demographics
“Breakationing” due to time With the pressures of modern society and
work, many people have the money to
poverty: Short breaks gain in
travel but they do not have enough free
popularity time to take the long vacations that
previous generations did. These people
can be called “cash-rich, but time-poor.”
The recently difficult economic times in
many developed countries have
accentuated this phenomenon, which has
resulted in more frequent and shorter-
duration trips being taken by these busy

This is not a particularly positive trend for

long-haul destinations; but benefits
Source: Visit Wales
destinations and countries within a
specific country or region (e.g., within
UK/Europe or South Korea/Asia). For
destinations within China, it will mean that
more travelers from countries such as
Japan, South Korea, and Singapore will
be interested in visiting on weekends and
for trips of three or four nights.

The types of trips made by these

travelers are called “short breaks” or
Source: Virgin Blue Airlines “breakations” (mixture of breaks and
vacations). For example, the Wales
website shown opposite is a good
example of short-break and weekend trip
marketing in the UK. Breakations with
Virgin Blue is a case from the airline
industry in Australia and the Pacific.
Breakaway Bloomington Indiana is a third
example showing how a destination in the
Source: Bloomington Convention & Visitors USA has positioned itself as an ideal
Bureau place for short trips and vacations.

Market Trends: Countries of Origin
Building with BRICs: Taking Russia is already the third largest
inbound foreign market for China and
advantage of the travel boom
can be expected to grow further.
According to a 2009 report, The Russian
Outbound Travel Market, China was the
top destination for outbound trips from
the Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS). However a report based on
the Russian Federation rated China
behind Ukraine and Turkey in 2008.

India ranked in 17th position in 2009 with

just under 450,000 tourist arrivals to
Mainland China. The top five outbound
Source: Shutterstock travel destinations for Indian travelers
are Singapore, Kuwait, Bahrain,
The acronym of BRIC refers to Brazil, Malaysia, and the USA. There is very
Russia, India, and China. They are the significant potential to expand the
world’s four fastest-growing country inbound tourist market from India to
economies. Goldman Sachs, the investment China in the near future.
company, claims to have originated the
BRIC concept. As China shares borders with China is very far away from Brazil so it is
both Russia and India, these are obviously not a surprise that it is still a minor
countries of origin with great relevance. source market. The top five outbound
destinations for Brazilians are the USA,
The four BRIC countries are expected to Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and Italy.
have above-average growth in outbound
tourism in the next 10-20 years, so they Overall, Russia is the largest outbound
require special attention among DMOs that market (20.9 million); compared to India
decide to target them. According to Goldman (7.8 million) and Brazil (4.5 million) in
Sachs, outbound travel from the BRICs will 2008 according to Tourism Decision
grow at twice the average rate, and the Metrics. The same company predicts
market expansion will be especially high for outbound tourist volumes to grow by
China and India. The company attributes this 15%, 30%, and 35% by 2014
expected growth to huge increases in the respectively for Russia, India, and Brazil.
middle classes in the BRIC countries. It will, therefore, be very worthwhile for
China’s DMOs to pay greater attention to
these markets in the upcoming years.

Market Trends: Trip Purposes
Multi-purpose tourism: The following two articles from the USA
and New Zealand discuss this trend of
Blended travel on the rise
adding vacations and family travel to
business trips. “Add a Vacation to a
Most destination marketers neatly divide
Business Trip” was a Special Advertising
the tourist market into leisure/pleasure and
Section in Business Week magazine.
business/MICE segments. However, this
apportionment of the market is not totally
accurate and the distinctions between the
two segments are becoming increasingly

Increasingly, consumers are pursuing

multiple trip purposes and are especially
combining business and leisure on trips.
Again, time poverty is a factor influencing
this trend.

Some have started to refer to these trips

Source: Business Week
with multiple purposes as “blended travel.”
A survey conducted by Meredith “Add family to the trip” indicates that many
Corporation in the USA in 2010 found that workers in New Zealand are reluctant to
77% of business travelers took a family take long breaks from work, so combining
member or significant other along with business with pleasure is a good
them on their last business trip. Some 47% alternative.
did this most of the time.

Research has shown that long-haul

destinations experience higher levels of
multi-purpose travel trips. This is
particularly important for destinations in
China when considering inbound business
tourism from Europe, North America,
Australia, New Zealand, and other long-
haul origin countries. China is a highly
desirable travel destination, so foreign
tourists on business trips may seriously
consider bringing family members or
friends along with them. Source: New Zealand Herald

Market Trends: Trip Planning and Travel Arrangements
Going it alone: The
increasing popularity of
independent travel

During the past 20 years there has been a

significant increase in the popularity of
independent travel. Sometimes this is
referred to as “free independent travel” or
FIT for short. Actually there are two
somewhat different meanings to the term
independent travel. The first is where a
person travels alone without any
companions; the second is where the
person travels with others but is not part of
an organized group tour with a fixed
Source: Shutterstock (backpacker)
For the second definition of independent
Let’s start with the first definition of travel, 66.5% of all the international
independent travel; i.e., people traveling pleasure tourists to Shanghai were not
alone to China without travel companions. part of an organized tour group (including
Research conducted in 2009-2010 in the 19% traveling alone). For the
Shanghai by Belle Tourism International international business tourists, this figure
showed that 19% of all international was 92.9%.
pleasure tourists to Shanghai were
traveling alone. Some 37.7% of For China’s DMOs, it is important to know
international business/MICE tourists that independent travelers do not use tour
traveled alone. companies, and they may also not work
with traditional travel agencies. Instead,
Solo independent travelers tend to be they rely heavily on information from the
younger and some are what are commonly Web, including social media, and
referred to as “backpackers.” These may independent travel guidebooks such as
be “gap year” travelers from Generation Y, Lonely Planet and Rough Guide. To
as was discussed earlier. However, older communicate with independent travelers,
singles may also be traveling alone and the key information channels that must be
can even be from among the Baby used are the Internet and guidebooks;
Boomers. independent travelers will not be as
effectively reached through the travel

Market Trends: Psychographics and Lifestyles
Getting and staying
healthier: Eating well and
getting fitter when traveling

Consumers are increasingly concerned

about health and wellness and this affects
both their everyday lives and also how
they travel. While traveling, some want to
maintain their fitness levels or just stay
active; and to ensure they keep with their
dietary regimens. Others desire to use
travel to improve their well-being or
lifestyle habits.

This trend has had numerous impacts on

tourism and destinations including the
increasing popularity of spas, medical and
fitness resorts; more active vacation and Source: Shutterstock (vegetarian items)
holiday products including soft- and hard-
adventure; health-oriented menus
including vegetarian meal options; and
greater preference levels for green travel

Destinations in China have many

advantages to offer health-conscious and
active travelers. These include Chinese
teas and the great diversity of healthy
foods including many fresh vegetables,
fruits, and fish. The huge variety of
landforms and landscapes offer the
potential for all sorts of outdoor and
recreational activities. Traditional Chinese
medicine and the religious cultures of
Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism Source: Shutterstock (active vacations)
provide many important guidelines and
practices for better mental and physical
health as well as for lifestyles and diets.

Market Trends: Psychographics and Lifestyles
Decompressing in style: The
spectacular growth of hotel
and day spas

The stress in consumers’ daily lives is

creating a need for pampering and spas
are a way to escape pressures and get
re-energized. Moreover, people of both
genders are seeking different ways of
looking and feeling younger.

According to the International Spa

Association (IPSA), the top 10 reasons for
visiting a spa are:

1. Relieve stress and feel relaxed Source: Shutterstock

2. Pampering and self-indulgence
3. Feel better about myself In addition, China has a long tradition of
4. Redeem gift certificate massage and other related treatments that
5. Improve mental health are associated with Chinese traditional
6. Improve physical health medicine. Exercise regimens such as tai
7. Improve appearance chi from China have also gained great
8. Enjoy a special occasion popularity in foreign countries.
9. Regulate body weight
10. Prescribed by a medical doctor There will be greater potential in the future
for destinations in China to market their
Spas have been popular at least since the spas and related cultures to international
Roman times, but today’s spas have tourists. At the moment, most international
much greater variety and sophistication. tourists are attracted by the culture, history,
IPSA estimates that the number of spas in and natural attractions of China; or visit for
the USA has grown by 261% from 5,700 business purposes. However, there is also
in 1998 to 20,600 in 2009. a great opportunity to attract foreigners that
want to enhance their beauty or mental and
Today’s spas can be divided into two physical well-being, and China is very well
main groups; beauty, healthcare and equipped to serve these tourist motivations
retreat spas; and natural hot springs spas. and needs.
A growing number of both categories of
spas can be found in Mainland China.

Market Trends: Psychographics and Lifestyles
Greening with meaning: The
green traveler market is
getting larger

Consumers are showing increasing

concern for the environment and this is
extending into the travel trips that they
take. As a result, the demand for nature- Source: Instituto Costarricense de Turismo
based and ecotourism destinations and
packages is growing.

People who place a special emphasis on

eco-friendly destinations and practices are
sometimes called “green travelers.” The
Green Traveler Study 2010 conducted by
CMI Green Community Marketing, Inc. in
the USA found that green travelers have
Source: Belize Tourism Board
the following characteristics:

• 40% look for a 3rd party certification

that a destination is “environmentally
friendly” (e.g., Green Globe)
• Peer influence has the greatest impact
on travel by eco-conscious consumers,
not advertising
• They feel that Costa Rica is truly a
destination with a green identity

There are many destinations in China that

can take advantage of this trend and tap
into the green traveler market. They can
follow the footsteps of destinations such as
Costa Rica, Belize, and Australia (pictured
opposite) that have had outstanding
success with ecotourism and other types
of nature-based tourism.

Source: Ecotourism Association of Australia

Market Trends: Psychographics and Lifestyles
Getting gayer in travel: The The GLBT market is not being particularly
targeted by any destinations in China, so
importance of GLBT tourists
there is great potential for one or more
DMOs to be pioneers and attract these
The gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
tourists. These efforts will undoubtedly pay
transgender (GLBT) is now a mainstream
rich benefits as GLBTs have above-
segment of tourism. Many major tourist
average intentions to travel abroad.
destinations consider GLBTs to be an
important market with great potential. For
example, according to Roy Morgan
Research of Sydney, “the gay and lesbian
market is recognized throughout the
tourism industry as an important niche
segment, representing differences in
holiday behavior, attitudes and yield
opportunities when compared with the
Australian population average.”

Source: San Francisco Travel

Source: Shutterstock
Some destinations are very popular with
GLBT tourists and it is not surprising that
they also do a great job of marketing to
this market segment. They include San
Francisco, New York, and Montreal in
North America; Amsterdam in Europe;
and Sydney in Australia. The San
Francisco GLBT website page has the
Source: Amsterdam Tourism and Convention
welcoming heading of “The gate is always Board
open for you” (referencing the famous
Golden Gate); while Amsterdam has a
“Gay and lesbian stay and play” page.

Market Trends: Special Interests
Finding their niche: The
expansion of special-interest
travel (SIT) markets

Special-interest (SIT) or niche travel has

been one of the hottest trends in tourism
in recent times. The main reason behind
this trend has been that consumers’
interests today have become much more
diverse than before.
Some of the SIT segments that have
emerged include the following: The InfoHub Specialty Travel Guide claims
to be the largest Internet portal on specialty
• Adventure travel travel with more than 20,000 items
• Cruise travel included.
• Casino gaming
• Culinary/gastronomic tourism
• Cultural tourism
• Dark tourism
• Ecotourism and nature-based tourism
• Health/wellness tourism
• Heritage/historic tourism
• Industrial tourism
• Religious tourism
• Voluntourism
• Wine tourism

There are many other SIT activities and Source:

segments and two excellent sources of
information on these are China has enormous future potential to and develop special-interest travel for (The Specialty international tourists; but as yet not enough
Travel Index) has information on more has been done to develop and market SIT
than 330 travel interests/activities products within Mainland China.

Market Trends: Technology Uses
Looking and booking: The Internet marketing is part of the application of
information communications technology (ICT)
Internet has become the
and has several elements that include
most important venue websites, e-mail, and social media.

There were 1.97 billion Internet users in

the world in June 2010 (Miniwatts
Marketing Group). Asia is the biggest
regional market with 825 million users.
However, Internet penetration is highest
in North America, Oceania/Australia,
and Europe.

Based upon surveys conducted by Belle

Tourism International Consulting with
Source: Shutterstock (multiple functions of
international visitors to China, websites websites)
and the Internet are the most important
information source for planning trips to Because international tourists are
China: increasingly using the Internet and smart
phones to get travel and tourism information
• Websites and the Internet: #1 rank and to make bookings, every DMO needs to
• Guidebooks: #2 rank develop an integrated e-business strategy.
• Friends and relatives: #3 rank For DMOs in China this means having
• Travel agencies: #4 rank effective websites in multiple languages;
• Tour operators: #5 rank initiating multi-lingual e-mail marketing
• Blogs of other people: #6 rank communication programs; making extensive
use of social media websites and other
• Magazine articles: #7 rank
discussion groups; providing applications
• Newspaper articles: #8 rank
(apps) and other information services
• Marketing materials from tourism
through smart phones; and implementing
bureau: #9 rank
other ICT elements.
• Advertising by tourism organizations:
#10 rank

Therefore, in terms of reaching and

communicating with potential
international tourists to China, the
Internet is now the most important
Source: Shutterstock (e-mail marketing)
channel for DMOs in China to use.

Market Trends: Technology Uses
Meet you online: Social
networking is connecting
the world

There is no doubt that social networking

on the Internet has drawn in millions of
people around the world. This has had a
huge impact on the volume and types of
information available about tourism
destinations. Additionally, it has
significantly affected how DMOs are
marketing to international tourists.

Through blogs and micro-blogs,

consumers themselves have become
travel writers and critics. For many
people, blogging is not only a way to
communicate with others; but it has also Source: Shutterstock (social networks connecting
become a pastime or hobby. For DMOs, people worldwide)
blogs are a good source of information
about tourists’ satisfaction and
experiences in their destinations.

Social media or social network

marketing now is a vital part of
destination marketing and almost all
international DMOs are heavily engaged
in this information and promotion
channel. However, it is obvious that
China’s DMOs have yet to become fully
active in social media marketing and lag
at least 5 to 10 years behind their
international counterparts in this
respect. This is a situation that needs to
be quickly remedied for China’s DMOs Source: Shutterstock (activities on the social
to realize their full international tourism media)

What is Destination Management?

Destination management is the • Physical products: These include

coordination and integration of all of the physical items such as attractions,
elements of the destination mix in a facilities, transportation, and
particular geographic area based upon a infrastructure. The attractions play the
defined tourism strategy and plan. The pivotal role in drawing tourists to the
destination mix elements are the destination. There must be convenient
attractions and events, facilities (hotels, transportation access to the
restaurants, etc.), transportation, destination and good infrastructure
infrastructure, and hospitality resources (e.g., electrical power, sewerage,
(Mill and Morrison, 2009). In addition, telephone communications, etc.) to
destination management encompasses support safe and enjoyable travel
the image-making, branding, and within the destination. There must be
marketing and communications of all that adequate hotel and restaurants to
the place has to offer to tourists. cater to the needs of tourists.
• People: Local people provide the
Destination management organizations hospitality resources as the hosts and
(DMOs) have the overall responsibility for providers of personal services. Local
the coordination and integration of the cultures and lifestyles are also often
destination mix elements, and for very appealing to tourists. Community
destination marketing. Scattered residents should be made aware of
throughout the world and spanning many the benefits of tourism.
different organizational sizes and types, • Packages: All destinations have a set
DMOs have existed for at least the 100 of packages and programs that can be
years. Many DMOs are government purchased and used by tourists.
departments, while others are quasi- Packages are assembled by travel
governmental. DMO structures vary agencies, tour operators and others,
according to local practices and and combine many elements of the
governmental systems. total travel experience. They are
organized either by themes or route
The destination mix and the destination itineraries, and often are based upon
product are similar concepts. Every industry partnerships. Packages can
destination has four destination product be purchased through traditional retail
components (see the diagram, Destination channels including at travel agencies,
Mix and Destination Product). or be bought online.

What is Destination Management?

• Programs: Events, festivals, and • Making summaries of the destination

activities are arranged or programmed marketing plan and DMO business plan
for tourists. Well-designed and well- available to stakeholders
promoted festivals and events draw • Providing an Annual Report to
tourists to destinations, so they share stakeholders
this role with attractions. Programs of • Continually measuring and reporting
activities are also prearranged for upon the DMO’s effectiveness,
tourists with specific interests. particularly in product development and
Destination Consultancy Group (DCG), a
US-based tourism consulting company, Planning and Research: The DMO has a
identifies the roles of the DMO in key role in preparing tourism policies,
destination management as leadership plans and strategies for the destination. It
and coordination; research and planning; conducts research on existing and
product development; marketing and potential target markets to guide future
promotion; partnerships and team-building; marketing and product development
and community relations (see the diagram, decisions. The DMO tracks the programs
Roles of the DMO in Destination of its main competitors and continually
Management). seeks out best practice case studies to
improve product development and
Leadership and Coordination: The DMO marketing. The specific planning and
has a leadership role in tourism within the research tasks include:
destination; it sets the overall direction for
tourism in the future. There are many • Writing of an overall tourism policy for
others involved in tourism in the the destination
destination, so the DMO also acts as a • Preparing a tourism strategy and plan
coordinator of the efforts of everyone on • Assembling a destination situation
the destination team. Some of the specific analysis
tasks required in leadership and • Conducting a visitor profile study within
coordination are as follows: the destination, including the
measurement of tourist satisfaction
• Preparing vision and mission levels
statements for the DMO • Engaging in continual competitive
• Writing an organizational strategic plan analysis
and a business plan for the DMO • Using case study research to get new
and creative ideas for future product
development and marketing

What is Destination Management?

Product Development: The DMO has the Marketing and Promotion: The DMO
overall responsibility for the sustainable develops the overall marketing strategy
development of the tourism product and prepares long-term and short-term
including physical products, people, marketing plans for tourism. It identifies
packages, and programs. It takes the priority target markets and selects the
inventory of the current destination most effective image or identity for the
offerings and assists with continuous destination, culminating in the
product quality improvements. Additionally, implementation of an effective branding
the DMO identifies new tourism product approach. The DMO uses the integrated
development opportunities and provides marketing communications method
assistance in realizing these projects and combining online and traditional
programs. The product development tasks promotions to inform and persuade tourists
are comprised of: to come to the destination. The destination
marketing tasks include the following:
• Identifying new product development
opportunities and seeking investors • Setting tourism marketing goals and
and operators when required objectives
• Preparing a multi-year events strategy • Selecting priority target markets
and action plan • Developing an approach to
• Packaging the destination’s tourism communicating the destination’s tourism
experiences and assisting others to do image
so • Designing a destination branding
• Designing and maintaining a system of system
quality assurance standards • Preparing a strategic marketing plan
• Developing and offering service and an annual marketing plan
training programs to upgrade the • Using integrated marketing
professionalism in tourism communications (IMC) to attract tourists

What is Destination Management?
• Conducting resident surveys
Partnership and Team Building: The DMO about attitudes towards tourism
puts together an effective destination team and • Developing and maintaining a
builds alliances to achieve the destination’s community awareness program
product development and marketing goals. on tourism
Some of the partnerships are established within
the destination, while others are with external Planning is generally very well done
parties including travel agencies, tour operators, in China and there is also a strong
transportation providers, MICE planners, and emphasis within Chinese DMOs on
others. Tasks involved in partnerships and product development. The DMOs in
team-building are: China are also definitely playing a
leadership role in tourism and appear
• Actively seeking new partnerships that add to be able to coordinate tourism quite
to the destination product or enhance effectively.
destination marketing
• Building local and non-local teams for However, China’s tourism
specific marketing and product development administrations and bureaus are not
purposes and programs performing all of the roles of
destination management to the same
Community Relations: The DMO acts as the extent or with the same effectiveness
main champion and advocate for tourism within as DMOs outside of China. This is
the destination by raising the awareness and especially true with research,
profile of tourism locally to support the marketing and promotion, and
achievement of its product development and community relations; and significant
marketing goals. Additionally, the DMO may improvements are needed in these
consult with community residents when making three roles and their related tasks.
important decisions that will affect their lifestyles
and living standards. The DMO’s community It also needs to be said that this
relations tasks can include the following: model of destination management
was developed outside of China and
• Communicating to local community does not reflect the cultural and
residents about the DMO’s activities, governmental differences within
performance, and successes China. Any model like this will have to
be adapted to meet the unique
conditions in China.

The Future Opportunities and
Trends Facing China’s DMOs

Continuing growth in inbound

tourist arrivals at a rate well above
the world average
China to become the #1
destination for inbound tourists by
approximately 2015
Changes in the relative
proportions of tourists by country
of origin are expected (e.g.,
relative decline of Japan; relative
increase in India and Russia)
Growing importance of
Generations X and Y as inbound
demographic markets; while Baby
Boomer demand still expands
More blended travel purpose trips
Increase in the relative importance
of independent travel versus group
Source: Destination Marketing Association tours arranged by tour companies
and travel agencies
More green travelers and GLBTs
wanting to travel to Mainland
More international tourists looking
for special-interest travel
experiences in China
Expanding popularity of websites
and social networks as a source of
information for international
China’s DMOs need to give more
priority to Internet marketing and
Source: Shutterstock ICT generally
Destination management
professionalism to become more
sophisticated around the world


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