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Table of Contents

Cover Page …………………………………………….…….. 1

Table of Contents ……………………………..……..….... 2

Executive Summary ……………………..………..…..….. 3

Business Description ………………...…..………………….. 4

Vision, Mission, Objectives …………………………..….... 4

Industry Analysis …………….…….…………..………….. 5

Industry, Sector and Area Analysis …………………..….……… 5

Management Plan …………………………………………….…. 9

Marketing Plan ……………….……………....………..…... 18

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ……...…….. 13

Operational Plan …………………………………………..…... 14

Financial Plan ……………………………………………………. 18


CALI’S CYBERCENTER is a computer shop ind that will offer Computer services, internet
connection and printing services. Nowadays, internet cafes are really in demand because of
the fast changing technology that the people embraced just like here in the Philippines. Some
of students relax at the internet cafe and at the same time prepare their assignments and paper
works. The people today are very busy and would want to do their jobs in a beautiful and
innovative environment that could satisfy their needs and lessen their stress due to busy
schedule. Cali’s CyberCenter is the only computer shop with the fastest network connection
where all the costumers can enjoy this service specially for those players and online workers
in an affordable price. This place is full equipped with an air condition and CCTV's all
around for safety purposes. This computer shop provides services like printing services, Wi-
Fi and computer services. For printing services, plain short bond paper costs two pesos and
plain long bond paper costs two pesos and fifty centavos while colored short size paper costs
three pesos and a long size colored paper costs six pesos.

For wifi and computer usage, one-hour costs ten pesos while half-hour costs five
pesos. . The staffs are friendly, hospitable and industrious to serve you and they will treat you
in a good way. This computer shop opens daily at seven o’ clock in the morning and close at
seven o’ clock in the evening. Moreover, Cali’s CyberCenter will be renting a space along
Hi-way Barangay, Guinlajon Sorsogon City Near at Guinlajon Elementary School. The target
consumer are students, teachers, office workers and nearby neighborhood especially those
people whose relatives or loved ones abroad.
Cali’s CyberCenter located in Guinlajon Sorsogon City, The owner will start to run the
business in May 2023. The CCyberCenter will provide it’s customer with full access to the
Internet and common software and hardware. Some of the Internet and computing services
available to Cali’s CyberCenter are Chat online,Scanner,Games,Music,Video and etc.





This business envisions to serve the right and quality service that the customers deserved.
The owner want to make sure that the customers are satisfied and happy with our service.
Hence, we will work hard to make sure that we can provide our customers with the best
service possible.

To provide customers with effective and efficient service with an affordable price, achieved
by hiring team members and supervisor who are driven to learn new skills, are willing to
work hard and receive continuous training, and are committed to making a difference in the
lives of our customers.
The objectives of Cali’s CyberCenter are:
 Our goal is to aims the trust and loyalty of our customers so they will return again and
 To Satisfy our customers providing best quality service at effective price.
 Providing the service at low cost by providing the best quality at affordable price.
 To know a fair return on the capital invested by the owner.



Our shop will be providing the following services and products:
• Computer services
• Printing services
• Internet services
• Repair/maintenance services

• Desktops
• Laptops
• Tablets
• Software
• Printers
• Scanners
• Keyboards
• Hard Disks
• Flash drives
Competitor Analysis
 Supplier analysis

Price Supply

Quality of services
Having the business being located near a school, it is expected to have lots of competi
tors but the owner try and conduct appropriate strategies to have competitive advantage that i
s why we picked near most of the customers are and no near competitors. Another advantage
of such business is that we won’t have a problem with the rush of selling the products immedi
ately since we own the computer, but the customers can request the hired workers.

Market Chain

 All malicious sites are blocked.
 We’re not allowing inserting flash drive or any storage device without the consentof the
shop staff.
 Eating and drinking in the gaming and typing area is not allowed, they are only allow to
eat and drink in the waiting area.
 One person for one unit to maintain orderliness.

 Not too dark and bright because we want the shop more encouraging to work and play.
 Our computer tables have a board between users for privacy purposes.
 All furniture are fully furnished and labor include

It is one of the considerations of the customer that enhance them to rent computers. If thE
price is lower they will rent.
The following services are:
Internet/Games Php. 15.00 / hour
Printing black& white(short) 2.00
(Long) 2.50
Colored (logo size) 6.00
Photocopying (short) 1.00
(Long) 1.00
Scanning 15.00
CD burning (max. of 17 songs) 50.00
Other services:
Pay phone (for every 3 min.) 15.00
Computer Repair (labor) 250.0


Factors that I consider while putting up my own Computer Shop:
 Location – picking a good spot is an advantage for me.
 Competition – most business minded people think of competition as a race to charge the
lower prices in order to win the customers.
 Software Licensing – it’s really important to have an original operating system, because
pirated OS can eventually damage the system.
 Expected ROI – investing money in a business is a risk in my case the well tabulated if
financial statement is my major concern.

The major cost of a computer shop is the internet connection. For providing better
service, the proposed project will use a high band width connection for better speed as the
project is going on to provide service of video chat. It is recommended that the internet
connection should be taken from the best internet service provider.
If the project is set up in area, where DSL Internet connection is available, it is
recommended to use DSL Internet connection instead of any other Internet connection. This
will improve the speed of internet, which will improve the performance of video chat and will
also reduce the telephone expense.

The CCyberCenter will provide many services. The customer will expect a quality of
services such as fast internet connection since that is the good edge of this enterprise. They
will expect to have a good ambiance and chilled place since it is fully air-conditioned.
Moreover, people will expect that the enterprise will provide a good quality of printing
services, computer services with affordable price. Same goes with the repairing services. The
customer shall anticipate that the CCybeCenter have accommodating and helpful staffs,
especially in times of need. The customer will expect that the service will be done in a short
period of time. This is one of the main advantages of this CCyberCenter. The security of the
customers inside the place are also guaranteed. The security of the information is guaranteed
since the data and information are kept in a secured server.


CyberCenter Computer Shop has positioned itself in a way that it can distinguish their
producers from completion, which gives itself an advantage. Its positioning strategy is a
costumer based, which allows to give best customer service. It holds onto competitive
advantage in terms of its customers satisfaction as well as its employee satisfaction.
The capital needed to operate this business is more or less 400,000.00. This covers all
the basic necessities in order to run a computer shop. these includes the computers, the
printers, the equipment, computer accessories, furniture, power supplies, software, rental fees
and other equipment needed. This 400,000.00 is enough to open one shop and run it in a
profitable manner if you know what you are doing. This is not an easy task. Since we are not
a big company by any means, we are not going to be able to afford to buy all this equipment
and run it without any profits for quite some time.

The large student and nearby neighborhood population will become an important part of
the Cali’s CyberCenter customer base. The student population continues to grow with the
success of the educational institutes. Access to the internet, entertainment, and the upscale
ambiance will attract the students. Business community is growing rapidly with the addition
of new companies day by day.

More than 90% will be my customers are youngsters and their only objective to get these
is to get enjoyment.

As the popularity of internet continues to grow at an exponential rate, it can easy and
affordable access is quickly becoming a necessity of life. The Computers shop need to the
methods of communication and volumes of information that available on the internet and
access at a cost they can afford and in such a way that they are not socially,economically and
politically isolated.

CALI’S CYBERCENTER is a Sole Proprietorship. The owner recognize the need to
be constantly changing so as to adapt to be prevailing environment. The owner have flexible
structure allowing for the above to be undertaken swiftly and smoothly.
Emphasize equality of opportunity and the value of my employees. Encourage a
diversity of viewpoints and background, will promote a culture of mutual trust,respect, and
responsibility. Provide a safe and harassment-free work environment also seek to establish
clearly defined lines of authority so that we may avoid micromanaging and allow our people
to focus on their jobs as they are intended to. This is an important step to ensure a high level
of service and a high level performance.






 OWNER- The one that controls the business. They are the decision-maker. They
are the one who plan strategies that can help the business grow. They are also
responsible for hiring the right people and manage the finance of the business.
 EMPLOYEE- The one that supervises everyday operation. The one that ensures
costumers’ safety and serves the best customer relation that they can offer. At the
end of the operation supervisor alongside with IT and cashier to clean and
sanitize the shop.
 EMPLOYEE- The one that repairs costumers defect devices and the one that fix
the computers of CCyberCenter. At the end of the operation with manager and
cashier is to clean and sanitize the shop.
 CASHIER- The one that entertain costumers. It is also the one who print and
accept cash from the costumers. He/she also manages the main computer that
operate the computer shop. At the end of the operation cashier alongside with
supervisor and IT to clean and sanitize the shop.


 POSITIONING: Our computer shop business will be positioned near at Elementary

School where a lot of students can come to make their school works because
CCyberCenter has an easy access to printers, computers and Wifi. Also, CCyberCenter is
located not too far from Celestino G Tabuena National High school which will help us
expand our services to highschool students who need internet and computer assistance. I
have also identified CCyberCenter's target market which will be families, small
companies, and startup entrepreneurs who need computer and internet services. This is a
good market to expand because a lot of people need our services. I will start my market
research to find out more about our market and target market.
Moreover, it also serves as a tricycle for the students who need to go to other schools in
the area. I expect to build a loyal customer base. The location of the shop is strategic as it
will be near the students who need to go to school, but still far enough to avoid noise and
disturbance to the other customers. The location will also be accessible to the public
transport which will make it easier for customers to come and get their services. The
proximity to the school will also create a captive audience, which will increase the
number of our customers. This will also increase our brand awareness in the area, which
will increase our sales and profits. Because of this, we can attract more students who
needs our services, such as helping them with their homework or doing their research.
Having a good location also allows us to serve a wider range of customers. This will help
us expand our market and generate more revenue. This will also help us develop our
business more.
We can also provide services to schools such as installing security software and making
sure that the computers and network are working well. School is the best place to spread
the word about CCyberCenter, because students are the ones who will benefit the most
from our services. They will be able to print their assignments, research for school
projects, and find answers to their questions. They also have the power to persuade their
teachers and parents about the value of their services.
 PROMOTION: Since our computer shop business is near Guinlajon Elementary School,
there will be a lot of students coming in the computer shop. The easy access to the
internet, computers and printers will attract students to enter the shop for them to make
their school works. It will also be popular even after school hours because of the number
of games that can be played in CCyberCenter.
The biggest advantage of having a computer shop available nearby is that we will have
easy access to computers and the internet. Our well-equipped computer shop also allows
us to provide a wide variety of services, such as installing new computers and printers,
and providing internet and gaming services. CCyberCenter will also be popular among
the students of Guinlajon Elementary School, and its popularity will continue to increase
after school hours. This will provide us with an opportunity to provide better services to
our customers and build our brand.
Lastly, CCyberCenter will also provide entertainment. The number of games and movies
that can be played on the large screen in CCyberCenter will provide a great place to hang
out and be entertained.
 PRICE: The price for using the computers is 15 pesos per hour and 10 pesos for half an
hour. For printing, short coupon bond will cost 2 pesos, long coupon bond for 2.5 pesos,
colored print in short coupon bond for 3 pesos and colored print in long coupon bond for
6 pesos.

 PRODUCT/SERVICES: Our computer shop business will offer Computer services,

internet connection and printing services, We will also offer services such as: Printing,
Copying, Scanning, and Faxing which will require a minimum of an on-site visit by our
service technician.

 Location (rent)
 Design and renovation of the premises
 Supply of furnitures (tables, chairs, sofas, bean bag chairs) and equipments (Printing
machine, Desktop Computers, Internet modem, Router, Network Switch,
Uninterruptable Power supply, Headsets)
 Certificates and business permits (Safety inspection, Sanitary permits, Building
permit and electrical inspection, Certificate of Occupancy, Locational Clearance,
Electric utility connection.

To attract customers and to increase market sales and demands, CCyberCenter will
use four main strategies. The first strategies focused on attracting novice internet users. By
providing a novice friendly environment, CCyberCenter hopes to educate and train a loyal
customer base.
The second, and most important, strategy focuses on pulling in power internet users.
Power internet users are extremely familiar with the internet and know how to use it and its
offerings. This group of customer serves as an important function at CCyberCenter. Power
internet users have knowledge and web-browsing experience that novice internet users find
attractive and exciting. They bring in new customers and educate current customers, which
helps CCyberCenter keep its loyal base of customers happy and coming back.
The third strategy centers on creating a community space for power internet users to
come together and share ideas and experiences. This strategy is aimed at creating a space
where power internet users can come together and feel like they are learning and growing
together. This strategy also aimed at creating a community space where power internet users
can feel comfortable to share their ideas and experiences with the community. The power
internet users allow the novice internet users to learn and explore, providing a deeper
experience and better user experience.
The fourth strategy focuses on building a social environment for CCyberCenter
customers. A social environment, that provides entertainment, will serve to attract customers
that wouldn't normally think about using internet. Once on location at CCyberCenter, these
customers that came for the more standard entertainment offerings, will realized the potential
entertainment value the internet can provide. This will continue to build a social atmosphere,
which will help draw in more power internet users. This will, in turn, help CCyberCenter
build a more loyal customer base. This social environment will also help build
CCyberCenter's brand. This is a major aspect of the fourth strategy: building a brand. They
provide a large revenue stream for CCyberCenter, and are the primary reason the company is
The Fifth strategy focuses on converting power internet users into loyal customers.
This strategy involves providing quality product and service at an affordable price, and
investing in building a brand name. The brand name is an important aspect of the strategy, as
it allows the company to expand into other markets and capture additional revenue.This will
help build a loyal customer base that will return again and again. This social environment will
also help build brand awareness, which is crucial in the internet age. Build brand awareness,
and you build a base of loyal customers who will tell others about the good experiences
they've had at your business. Build a base of loyal customers, and the word will spread,
increasing your potential customer base. This group of customers will be the core of the
CCyberCenter customer base. These customers will be the ones that come back again and
again. They will be the ones that bring in new customers. They will be the ones that are
referred by other customers, and they will be the ones that share their experience with others.
This will build a loyal customer base that will keep coming back. This social
environment also serves to educate and train power internet users. The power internet users
are able to learn and experience the exciting world of the internet without the fear of being
bombarded with complex jargon and technical terminology. This allows the power internet
users to build a strong base of knowledge that will serve them well when they eventually
leave the social environment at CCyberCenter.

 Knowledge. Our co  The introduction of n  The internet. The incre  Innovation shorten
mpetitors are retaile ew organizational pr asing opportunities of t s life cycles and h
rs, pushing boxes. actices and personne he Internet offer us ano ence the need to a
We know systems, n l who have not previ ther area of strength in ct timeously on th
etworks, connectivit ously worked togeth comparison to the box- e market. This will
y, programming, an er presents a challen on-the-shelf major stor recoup new servic
d data management. ge to the organizatio es. Our potential custo e introductions in
 Relationship selling. n. mers want more help w a shorter time fra
We intend to get to  It requires a new lev ith the internet, and we me.
know our customer el of trust and teamw intend to be in a better  Concerns of decisi
s, one by one. Our d ork amongst the tea position to give it to the on-makers over ea
irect sales efforts wi m members, because m. se of access and o
ll seek to maintain a we are now operatin  Services. As our target verall security of e
relationship with ou g in an environment market needs more serv lectronic transacti
r customers. where we don\'t kno ice, our competitors are ons may need to b
 Diversified market s w each other. In addi less likely than ever to e addressed. The r
egments. The divers tion to that, we are le provide it. Their busine ecent glitch of the
ity of the products a arning from trial and ss model doesn’t includ Barclays electroni
nd services we inten error how to build a e service, just selling th c system, which e
d to provide will ens successful team and, e computers. nabled some client
ure the lack of depe as a result, we\'re bet  Emerging Technologie s to access other a
ndency on one parti ter at solving difficul s. The rate of new prod ccount holders’ ac
cular market. t problems. uct introduction in IT p counts while upgr
 Combination of skill  The organization is n resents an opportunity t ading the system,
s in implementation. ew and it is still in th o be explored. proves the very re
The management te e process of figuring alistic security con
am intends to jointly out how to best be ru cerns regarding th
develop business str n. We are still learni e use of the Intern
ategy and long-term ng which practices m et.
plans with its strateg ake the most sense to  The slow adoption
ic allies, having wid ensure that we are ru rate of new techno
e experience in their nning our business ef logies and product
respective market an ficiently and effectiv s in these parts of t
d product know-ho ely. he world does not
w, and strong techni  Having a limited fina bode well for our i
cal skills and busine ncial based compare ntended products a
ss know-how. d to the current majo nd services.
r players in the IT in



CyberCenter Computer Shop is positioned in the area where computer shops can easily
be seen and attract customers, like in nearby school like Guinlajon Elementary School, it is a
place where a lot of people pass by specially student and teachers that needed printing
services and the access ability of the internet to do their respective works. Our competitive
will be our hardworking, qualified, and experienced stuff providing guidance and assistance
to our customers accordingly.
Owner will make sure that businesses are able to meet its obligation to its employees
and make sure to compensate the employee salary, bonus and the likes. But As I experienced
being a student in this school I guarantee sure that this business is for lifetime.

The following services of Cali’s CyberCenter are listed below:
 Gaming
 Typing
 Searching the net
 Printing/Photo Copying/Scanning
 Downloads
 CD burning

For gaming I will install popular online games like warcraft,counter strike, battle realms
and etc. In typing I will install original operating system of MS office like MS
Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Access and Desktop publishing. I will have printer,scanner and
photocopier. Cali’s CyberCenter also offer other services like DVD?CD burning,Pay Phone
and Computer repair.
The CCyber Center will operate seven days a week. CCyberCenter opens 7:00 am and
close at 7:00 pm. This will lead my shop of being known. My goal is to give the needs of
students and others in early manner of time.


The proposed project is going to be 10 units of computer systems and the details of the
equipment required for the project is given below:


Package PC’s 10 units of PC w/ Php. 15,500.00
Complete accessories
3-in-1; laser printer,
13 scanner, Copier

Printer Samsung Fax Machine with 4,999.00

automatic Paper Cutter

Fax Machine Panasoic 5,790.00

Modern DSL Smart Bro 999.00

Computer Application

OS MS OFFICE 2007 4,999.00

ANTI virus and Anti 7,200.00

spy ware
Game Software

Warcraft (dota) 1,450.00

Counter strike 350.00

Battle Realms 720.00

Dance Audition 1,968.00

Autojam 1,968.00

TOTAL Php. 45,943.00



The project is based on 13 computer systems. Second hand systems are also available in
the market at much lower prices. The reason for using the latest system is the new software
coming in the market that requires more powerful systems which will provide better service
to the costumer. The prices of computer varies with the introduction of new technology in the


Computer Cabinet 10 250 Php. 2,500.00
Table for waiting 1 400 400.00
Air Conditioner 1 6,500 6,500.00
Mono block chair 10 230.5 2,305.00
Office Chair for 1 745.75 745.75
Cabinet for the 1 950 950.00
Pad lock 2 750 1,500.00
TOTAL Php, 14,900.75


Rent Php.10,000.00
Construction of the Shop 15,000.00
TOTAL Php.25,000.00
This material needed for the operation of the business:

Bond Paper Php. 150.00 (500pcs)
CD w/ Case 13.00 / set
Ballpen 48.00 / box (12pcs)
Stapler 100.00
Stapler Wire 30.00
HP 96 black Ink 800.00
HP 97 Tri-Color 850.00
Record Book 25.00
Fire Extinguisher 10lbs 3,950.00
TOTAL Php. 5,966.00

Electricity Php 5,000.00 Php 60,000.00
Water 200.00 2,400.00
Php 5,200.00 Php 62,400.00

Estimated Annual cost of Salaries and Wages
Manager Php 5,000.00 Php 60,000.00
Employee 3.000.00 36,000.00
Total Salaries and Wages Php 8,000.00 Php 96,000.00

The amount of money allowed to start this firm is Php 400,000. Owners own funds when
all costs as building maintenance are already included renting,electricity,water,wages and
other tool and equipment to be used when the business is open.

 To expand our business
 All customer are satisfied and have excellent feedback
 Demonstrated customers need in our services
 Management expertise that will capture sustainable growth


Rent PHP 10,000.00/month
Security Deposit 20,000.00
Business Registration Fees 8,000.00
Renovations 15,000.00
Inventory 30,000.00
Marketing and Advertising 15,00.00
Equipment 200,000.00
Materials and Supplies 6,000.00
TOTAL PHP 304,00.00


Rent PHP 10,000.00
Utilities 5,200.00
Insurance 2,000.00
Salaries 8,000.00
Inventory 10,00.00
Marketing and Advertising 10,000.00
Materials and Supplies 6,000.00
TOTAL PHP 51,000.00

Contact Information
Mary Rose A. Labudlay

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