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BCM 411: Senior clerkship

1 Advanced communication skills

1.1 Health education

Health education is that component of health and medical programs which consists of planned

attempts to change individual, groups and community behavior with an objective of helping them

to achieve curative, rehabilitative, disease prevention and health promotion.

Other wisely, it is that part of health care that is concerned with the promotion of healthy

behavior practices.

1.1.1 Who can conduct health education?

 Anybody

 Health workers

 Teachers

 Community health workers

 Community leaders e.g. chiefs, district commissioners district officers and local members

of parliament.

1.1.2 Goals of health education

 Achieve quality health

 Reduce mortality(deaths) and morbidity(illnesses)

 Reduce workload of health institutions

 Reduce budgetary expenses of the ministry of health

1.1.3 Means (channels) of carrying out health education

 Print

 Electronic media

 Audio visual;

1.1.4 Objectives of health education

 The ability to educate and assist individuals and family to identify and meet their health

needs using available resources

Specific objectives

 Involve individuals in primary preventive and promotive health care in order to meet

make them feel more responsible for their own health.

 Create awareness about available health services.

1.1.5 Procedure for sharing messages

1. Start by welcoming the client and introducing yourself.

2. Create a conducive environment, removing communication barriers as much as possible.

3. Identify the problem/need that has to be addressed.

4. Asses the clients knowledge about his/her problem.

5. Base your health education on the existing knowledge of the client

6. The health message should be

a. Timely

b. Meaningful/relevant

c. Acceptable(personally, socially and culturally)

d. Easily under stable(practical, common language, brief- not exceeding 15 minutes)

e. Applicable to the situation( technically correct) relevant

f. Brought positively

7. Stimulate participation by asking open ended questions

8. Use teaching aids effectively and appropriately

9. Allow time for questions from client

10. Summarize the main points

11. Evaluate the understanding of the message and acceptance

12. Give appointment for follow up when applicable

13. Thank the client

1.1.6 Topics that usually require counselling

 Nutrition

 Personal hygiene

 Post-operative care

 Antenatal care

 Newborn care

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