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4.1 Servovalve Performance Report Analysis

In this test, the servovalve is referred to as the test object. This test was carried out
on three servo valves, which functions as a comparison and variation. the specifications of
the servovalve used are shown in the table below,
Table 4. 1 Servovalve specification

Input range +40 until -40 miliAmpere

Servovalve 1
Output range 38 LPM
Input range +50 until -50 miliAmpere
Servovalve 2
Output range 65 LPM
Input range +50 until -50 miliAmpere
Servovalve 3
Output range 65 LPM

There are no specific criteria and standards in the selection of the three servovalves
with different specifications, two of the three servovalves are servovalves that are no
longer used and abandoned in the test object storage cabinet. The results and test data will
later be used as a reference for the Serpong BRIN Structural Strength Laboratory to later
carry out maintenance and repairs on the servovalve before being used again for structural
strength testing.
Servovalve performance test consists of three series of tests, namely static test,
sinusoidal test, and servo test or servovalve performance test. The static test functions to
analyze the response of each set point, the sinusoidal test functions to determine the
maximum value of the output response, while the servovalve performance test functions to
determine the accuracy and performance of the servovalve. To see a graph of the test
results, the test machine monitor provides a plot menu for each test, the plot menu image is
shown in the following figure,

Figure 4. 1 Display Menu Plots

1. Testing and Analysis of Test Objects 1

1.1. Static Servovalve Test 1
Servovalve 1 specifications include an input signal of 40 mA to -40 mA with a
maximum output of 38.00 LPM to -38.00 LPM. From the results of the measurement
data, a data resume is carried out to become data for each static step 10, 20, 30, 40, 30,
20, 10, -10, -20, -30, -40, -30, -20, -10 mA, along with the response at the point in
question. Graphically the measurement data can be displayed as follows,

Figure 4. 2 Static Graph of Command Signal miliAmpere & Respon Signal LPM

Table 4. 2 Servovalve Static Test Data 1


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-09
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3004B
Serial#: 7990
Operator: GUNAWAN
Signal: -40.00 TO 40.00 mA
Flow Max: 38.00 LPM
Command Error Error
Ideal Response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(mA) (LPM) (%)
10 9.50 9.08 0.42 4.42
20 19.00 18.28 0.72 3.77
30 28.50 28.08 0.42 1.47
40 38.00 37.00 1.00 2.63
30 28.50 27.26 1.24 4.35
20 19.00 18.33 0.67 3.52
10 9.50 9.03 0.47 4.94
-10 -9.50 -9.60 0.10 1.05
-20 -19.00 -18.84 0.16 0.84
-30 -28.50 -27.89 0.61 2.14
-40 -38.00 -37.18 0.82 2.15
-30 -28.50 -27.85 0.65 2.28
-20 -19.00 -18.57 0.43 2.26
-10 -9.50 9.50 0 0
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 0.55 2.56
PERFORMANCE (%): 97.44

In line with the above process, a flow meter response scale (LPM) is also read in
parallel. To calculate the error value in the static test, equations 2.7 and 2.8 are used.
The response graph is marked in red, based on the data shown by the performance test
machine output response at a set point of 10 mA with an ideal response of 9.50 LPM
pointing at 9.08 LPM and an error of 0.42 LPM, based on the attached test results
table, the resulting values are a set point of 20 mA with an ideal response of 19.00
LPM pointing at 18.28 LPM and error 0.72 LPM, set point 30 mA with ideal response
28.50 LPM pointing at 28.08 LPM and error 0.42 LPM, set point 40 mA with ideal
response 38.00 LPM pointing at 37.00 LPM and error 1.00 LPM, set point 30 mA with

ideal response 28.50 LPM pointing at 27.26 LPM and error 1.24 LPM, set point 20
mA with ideal response 19.00 LPM pointing at 18.33 LPM and error 0.67 LPM, set
point 10 mA with ideal response 9.50 LPM pointing at 9.03 LPM and error 0.47 LPM,
set point -10 mA with an ideal response of -9.50 LPM pointing at -9.60 LPM and an
error of 0.10 LPM, set point -20 mA with an ideal response of -19.00 LPM pointing at
-18.84 LPM and an error of 0.16 LPM, set point -30 mA with an ideal response of -
28.50 LPM pointing at -27.89 LPM and error 0.61 LPM, set point -40 mA with ideal
response -38.00 LPM refers to -37.18 LPM and error 0.82 LPM, set point -30 mA with
ideal response -28.50 LPM refers to -27.85 LPM and error 0.65 LPM, set point -20
mA with an ideal response of -19.00 LPM points to -18.57 LPM and an error of 0.43
LPM. In the servovalve 1 static test, the test can be said to be imperfect due to the lack
of 10 milliAmperes at the last set point. It should set point to 0 again. This is due to a
lack of operator precision, but this does not affect the accuracy of the test results.
Based on the graphs and tables presented as well as calculations using the formula,
it is known that the average error value for static servovalve 1 testing is 0.55 LPM or
2.56%. It can also be seen that the performance is 97.44%.

1.2 Sinusoidal Servovalve Test 1

Based on measurement result data, graphically the sinusoidal measurement data is
shown as follows,

Figure 4. 3 Sinusoidal Graph of Command Signal miliAmpere Sinusoidal

Table 4. 3 Servovalve Sinusoidal Test Data 1


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-11
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3004B
Serial#: 7990
Operator: GUNAWAN
Signal: -40.00 TO 40.00 mA
Flow Max: 38.00 LPM
Command Error Error
Ideal Response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(mA) (LPM) (%)
40 38.00 37.31 0.69 1.82
-40 -38.00 -36.65 1.35 3.56
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 1.02 2.69
PERFORMANCE (%): 96.44

To calculate the error value in the sinusoidal test, equations 2.7 and 2.8 are used.
Based on the graph above, it is known that the maximum value of the input command
set point is 40 mA with an ideal response of 38.00 LPM which is 37.31 LPM and an
error of 0.69 LPM, while the input command set point is -40 mA with an ideal response
of -38.00 LPM which is -36.65 LPM and an error of 1.35 LPM . It is known that the
average error value is 1.02 LPM or 2.69%, and the performance value for the
sinusoidal servovalve 1 test is 96.44%

1.3 Servovalve Performance Test 1

Based on measurement result data, graphically the sinusoidal measurement data is
shown as follows,

Figure 4. 4 Graphic of Command (miliAmpere) Versus Respon LPM

Table 4. 4 Servovalve Performance Test Data 1


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-13
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3004B
Serial#: 7990
Operator: GUNAWAN
Signal: -40.00 TO 40.00 mA
Flow Max: 38.00 LPM
Command Error Error
Ideal Response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(mA) (LPM) (%)
40 38.00 37.12 0.88 2.32
-40 -38.00 -35.67 2.33 6.13
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 1.60 4.22
PERFORMANCE (%): 93.87

Table 4. 5 Servovalve 1 Conclusion Data


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-13
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3004B
Serial#: 7990
Operator: GUNAWAN
Signal: -40.00 TO 40.00 mA
Flow Max: 38.00 LPM
Static 97.44
Sinus 96.44 ASYMMETRIC (LPM): 1.45
Servo test 93.87 LEAKAGE (LPM): 2.65

For servovalve performance test, performance values are calculated using equation
2.10. Based on the graphs and tables presented, the set point is 40 mA with an ideal
response of 38.00 LPM which is 37.12 LPM and an error of 0.88 LPM, while the input
command set point is -40 mA with an ideal response of -38.00 LPM which is -35.67
LPM and an error of 2.33 LPM. It is known that the average error value is 1.60 LPM or
4.22%, and the performance value for servovalve 1 performance test is 96.44%. In the
servovalve performance test, the values of asymmetry, leakage, and hysteresis of doors
A and B can also be known immediately. These values are shown by the servovalve
performance testing machine. In this test the asymmetry value of servovalve 1 is 1.45
LPM, the leakage value is 2.65 LPM, the hysteresis value A is 2.20 LPM while the
hysteresis value B is 2.50 LPM.
The asymmetry here is a graph where the stopping point is not symmetrical
between room A and room B. The asymmetry value serves to determine that the
magnetic strength in one of the servovalve components is reduced, it can break or there
is a decrease in the quality of the coil wire. Then the value serves to determine whether
there is a leak in the servovalve. While hysteresis means that the flow of oil entering
and leaving is not proportional or fails to return to its original value. The hysteresis

value indicates a problem in one of the servovalve components, namely weak or worn
piston and needle performance.
Based on the attached table, the performance of the servovalve 1 static test was
97.44%, the sine test was 96.44%, and the servo performance test was 93.87%.
Servovalve 1 asymmetry is 1.45 LPM, leakage is 2.65 LPM, hysteresis A is 2.20 LPM,
and hysteresis B is 2.50 LPM.
From all the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the
performance of the servovalve as a whole can be said to be good, the performance value
resulting from the test is above 80%, where the standard is set that a servovalve needs
repair and maintenance, namely with a performance value below 80%.

2. Testing and Analysis of Test Objects 2

2.1 Static Servovalve Test 2
Servovalve 2 specifications include an input signal of 50 mA to -50 mA with a
maximum output of 65.00 LPM to -65.00 LPM. From the results of the measurement
data above, a data resume is carried out to become data for each static step 10, 20, 30,
40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, -10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10 miliAmperes, along
with the response at the point in question. Graphically the measurement data can be
displayed as follows,

Figure 4. 5 Static Graph of Command Signal miliAmpere & Respon Signal LPM

Table 4. 6 Servovalve Static Test Data 2


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-12
Merk: MTS
Model: 252.26G-01
Type: G761-3265
Serial#: 780
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Command Error Error
Ideal Response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(mA) (LPM) (%)
10 13.00 8.71 4.29 33
20 26.00 21.94 4.06 15.62
30 39.00 35.08 3.92 10.05
40 52.00 49.64 2.36 4.54
50 65.00 63.93 1.07 1.65
40 52.00 50.02 1.98 3.80
30 39.00 35.58 3.42 8.77
20 26.00 22.18 3.82 14.70
10 13.00 9.23 3.77 29
-10 -13.00 -17.22 4.22 32.46
-20 -26.00 -27.93 1.93 7.42
-30 -39.00 -37.87 1.13 2.89
-40 -52.00 -47.18 4.82 9.26
-50 -65.00 -56.55 8.45 13
-40 -52.00 -47.75 4.25 8.17
-30 -39.00 -38.49 0.51 1.30
-20 -26.00 -28.37 2.37 9.12
-10 -13.00 -17.42 4.42 34
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 3.38 13.26
PERFORMANCE (%): 86.74

In line with the above process, a flow meter response scale (LPM) is also read in
parallel. The response graph is marked in red, based on the data shown by the
performance testing machine output response at a set point of 10 mA with an ideal
response of 13.00 LPM pointing at 8.71 LPM and an error of 4.29 LPM, a set point of
20 mA with an ideal response of 26.00 LPM pointing at 21.94 LPM and an error of
4.06 LPM, a set point of 30 mA with an ideal response of 39.00 LPM pointing at

35.08 L PM and error 3.92 LPM, set point 40 mA with ideal response 52.00 LPM
pointing at 49.64 LPM and error 2.36 LPM, set point 50 mA with ideal response 65.00
LPM pointing at 63.93 LPM and error value 1.07 LPM, set point 40 mA with ideal
response 52.00 LPM pointing at 50.02 LPM and error 1.98 LPM, 30 mA set point with
ideal response 39.00 LPM pointing at 35.58 LPM and 3.42 LPM error, 20 mA set
point with 26.00 LPM ideal response pointing at 22.18 LPM and 3.82 LPM error, 10
mA set point with 13.00 LPM ideal response pointing at 9.23 LPM and 3.77 LPM
error, set point -10 mA with an ideal response of -13.00 LPM pointing at -17.22 LPM
and an error of 4.22 LPM, set point -20 mA with an ideal response of -26.00 LPM
pointing at -27.93 LPM and an error of 1.93 LPM, set point -30 mA with an ideal
response of -39.00 LPM pointing at -37.87 LPM and an error of 1.13 LPM, set point -
40 mA with an ideal response of -52.00 LPM points to -47.18 LPM and error 4.82
LPM, set point -50 mA with ideal response -65.00 LPM points to -56.55 LPM and
error 8.45 LPM, set point -40 mA with ideal response -52.00 LPM points to -47.75
LPM and error 4.25 LPM, set point -30 mA with ideal response -39.00 LPM points to
-38.4 9 LPM and error 0.51 LPM, set point -20 mA with ideal response -26.00 LPM
pointing at -28.37 LPM and error 2.37 LPM, and -10 mA set point with ideal response
-13.00 LPM pointing at -17.42 LPM and error 4.42 LPM.
Based on the attached graphs and tables presented as well as calculations using
formulas, it is known that the average value of the servovalve 2 static test error is 3.38
LPM or 13.26%. It can also be seen that the performance is 86.74%.

2.2 Sinusoidal Servovalve Test 2

Based on measurement result data, graphically the sinusoidal measurement data is
shown as follows,

Figure 4. 6 Sinusoidal Graph of Command Signal miliAmpere Sinusoidal

Table 4. 7 Servovalve Sinusoidal Test Data 2


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-14
Merk: MTS
Model: 252.26G-01
Type: G761-3265
Serial#: 780
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Error Error
Command (mA) Ideal response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(LPM) (%)
50 65.00 63.96 1.04 1.60
-50 -65.00 -56.74 8.26 12.71
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 4.65 7.16
PERFORMANCE (%): 87.29

Based on the graph above it is known that the maximum value of the input
command set point is 50 miliAmpere with an ideal response of 65.00 LPM which is
63.96 LPM and an error of 1.04 LPM, while the input command set point is -50
miliAmpere with an ideal response of -65.00 LPM which is -56.74 LPM and an error
of 8.26 LPM . It is known that the average error value is 4.65 LPM or 7.16%, and the
performance value for the sinusoidal servovalve 2 test is 87.29%

2.3 Servovalve Performance Test 2
Based on measurement result data, graphically the sinusoidal measurement data is
shown as follows,

Figure 4. 7 Graphic of Command (miliAmpere) Versus Respon LPM

Table 4. 8 Servovalve Performance Test Data 2


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-17
Merk: MTS
Model: 252.26G-01
Type: G761-3265
Serial#: 780
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Command Ideal Response Measurement Error Error
(mA) (LPM) (LPM) (LPM) (%)
50 65.00 63.82 1.18 1.81
-50 -65.00 -56.55 8.45 13
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 4.81 7.40

Table 4. 9 Servovalve 2 Conclusion Data


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-17
Merk: MTS
Model: 252.26G-01
Type: G761-3265
Serial#: 780
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Static 86.74
Sinus 87.29
Servo test 87 ASYMMETRIC (LPM): 7.28
For the servovalve performance test, performance values are calculated using
equation 2.10. Based on the graphs and tables presented, the set point is 50 mA with an
ideal response of 65.00 LPM which is 63.82 LPM and an error of 1.18 LPM, while the
input command set point is -50 mA with an ideal response of -65.00 LPM which is -
56.55 LPM and an error of 8.45 LPM. It is known that the average error value is 4.81
LPM or 7.40%, and the performance value for the servovalve 2 performance test is
87%. In the servovalve performance test, the values of asymmetry, leakage, and
hysteresis of doors A and B can also be known immediately. These values are shown by
the servovalve performance testing machine. In this test the asymmetry value of
servovalve 2 is 7.28 LPM, the leakage value is 4.53 LPM, the hysteresis value A is 2.20
LPM while the hysteresis value B is 2.50 LPM.
The table presenting the conclusions of the static test, sinusoidal test and
servovalve performance test is attached in the appendix.
The asymmetry here is a graph where the stopping point is not symmetrical
between room A and room B. The asymmetry value serves to determine that the
magnetic strength in one of the servovalve components is reduced, it can break or there
is a decrease in the quality of the coil wire. Then the value serves to determine whether
there is a leak in the servovalve. While hysteresis means that the flow of oil entering

and leaving is not proportional or fails to return to its original value. The hysteresis
value indicates a problem in one of the servovalve components, namely weak or worn
piston and needle performance.
Based on the attached table, the performance of the servovalve 2 static test was
86.74%, the sine test was 87.29%, and the servo performance test was 87%. The
asymmetry of servovalve 2 is 7.28 LPM, leakage is 4.53 LPM, hysteresis A is 2.20
LPM, and hysteresis B is 2.50 LPM.
From all the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the
performance of the servovalve as a whole can be said to be good, the performance value
resulting from the test is above 80%, where the standard is set that a servovalve needs
repair and maintenance, namely with a performance value below 80%.

3. Testing and Analysis of Test Objects 3

3.1 Static Servovalve Test 3
Servovalve 3 specifications include an input signal of 50 mA to -50 mA with a
maximum output of 65.00 LPM to -65.00 LPM. From the results of the measurement
data above, a data resume is carried out to become data for each static step 10, 20, 30,
40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, -10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -40, -30, -20, -10 miliAmperes, along
with the response at the point in question. Graphically the measurement data can be
displayed as follows,

Figure 4. 8 Static Graph of Command Signal miliAmpere & Respon Signal LPM

Table 4. 10 Servovalve Static Test Data 3


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-02
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3015
Serial#: 5112
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Command Error Error
Ideal Response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(mA) (LPM) (%)
10 13.00 12.98 0.02 0.15
20 26.00 25.80 0.20 0.77
30 39.00 37.27 1.73 4.44
40 52.00 48.53 3.47 6.67
50 65.00 60.86 4.14 6.37
40 52.00 49.29 2.71 5.21
30 39.00 37.81 1.19 3.05
20 26.00 26.29 0.29 1.12
10 13.00 16.83 3.83 29.46
-10 -13.00 -16.83 3.83 29.46
-20 -26.00 -26.50 0.50 1.92
-30 -39.00 -38.78 0.22 0.56
-40 -52.00 -51.72 0.28 0.54
-50 -65.00 -64.45 0.55 0.85
-40 -52.00 -51.78 0.22 0.42
-30 -39.00 -39.04 0.04 0.10
-20 -26.00 -26.76 0.76 2.92
-10 -13.00 -12.78 0.22 1.69
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 1.34 5.32
PERFORMANCE (%): 94.68

In line with the above process, a flow meter response scale (LPM) is also read in
parallel. The response graph is marked in red, based on the data shown by the
performance test machine output response at a set point of 10 mA with an ideal
response of 13.00 LPM pointing at 12.98 LPM and an error of 0.02 LPM, a set point of
20 mA with an ideal response of 26.00 LPM pointing at 25.80 LPM and error 0.20
LPM, set point 30 mA with ideal response 39.00 LPM pointing at 37.27 LPM and error

1.73 LPM, set point 40 mA with ideal response 52.00 LPM pointing at 48.53 LPM and
error 3.47 LPM, set point 50 mA with ideal response 65.00 LPM pointing at 60.86 LPM
and error 4.14 LPM, set point 40 mA with ideal response 52.00 LPM pointing at 49.29
LPM and error 2.71 LPM, set point 30 mA with ideal response ideal response 26.00
LPM pointing at 26.29 LPM and error 0.29 LPM, set point 10 mA with ideal response
13.00 LPM pointing at 16.83 LPM and error 3.83 LPM, set point -10 mA with ideal
response -13.00 LPM pointing at -16.83 LPM and error 3.83 LPM, set point -20 mA
with ideal response -26.00 LPM points at -26.50 LPM and error 0.50 LPM, set point -30
mA with ideal response -39.00 LPM points at -38.78 LPM and error 0.22 LPM, set
point -40 mA with ideal response -52.00 LPM refers to -51.72 LPM and error 0.28
LPM, set point -50 mA with ideal response 65.00 LPM indicates -64.45 LPM and error
0.55 LPM, set point -40 mA with ideal response -52.00 LPM refers to -51.78 and error
0.22 LPM, set point -30 mA with ideal response -39.00 LPM refers to -39.04 LPM and
error 0.04 LPM, set point -20 mA with ideal response -26.00 LPM refers to -26.76 LPM
and error 0.76 LPM, and set point -10 with an ideal response of -13.00 LPM refers to -
12.78 LPM and an error of 0.22 LPM.
Based on the attached graphs and tables presented as well as calculations using
formulas, it is known that the average value of the servovalve 3 static test error is 1.34
LPM or 5.32%. It can also be seen that the performance is 94.68%.

3.2 Sinusoidal Servovalve Test 3

Based on measurement result data, graphically the sinusoidal measurement data is
shown as follows,

Figure 4. 9 Sinusoidal Graph of Command Signal miliAmpere Sinusoidal

Table 4. 11 Servovalve Sinusoidal Test Data 3


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-29
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3015
Serial#: 5112
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Command Error Error
Ideal response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(mA) (LPM) (%)
50 65.00 60.58 4.42 6.80
-50 -65.00 -65.43 0.43 0.66
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 2.43 3.73
PERFORMANCE (%): 93.20

Based on the graph and table above it is known that the maximum value of the
input command set point is 50 miliAmpere with an ideal response of 65.00 LPM
which is 60.58 LPM and an error of 4.42 LPM, while the input command set point is -
50 miliAmpere with an ideal response of -65.00 LPM which is -65.43 LPM and an
error 0.43 LPM. It is known that the average error value is 2.43 LPM or 3.73%, and
the performance value for the sinusoidal servovalve 2 test is 93.20%.

3.3 Servovalve Performance Test 3
Based on measurement result data, graphically the sinusoidal measurement data is
shown as follows,

Figure 4. 10 Graphic of Command (miliAmpere) Versus Respon LPM

Table 4. 12 Servovalve Performance Test Data 3


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-29
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3015
Serial#: 5112
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Command Error Error
Ideal Response (LPM) Measurement (LPM)
(mA) (LPM) (%)
50 65.00 59.57 5.43 8.35
-50 -65.00 63.98 1.02 1.57
RME - AVERAGE ERROR: 3.23 4.96
PERFORMANCE (%): 91.65
LEAKAGE (LPM): 13.10

Table 4. 13 Servovalve 3 Conclusion Data


Test#: SERVO-08Jun2023-29
Merk: MOOG
Model: G761-3015
Serial#: 5112
Operator: TEGUH
Signal: -50.00 TO 50.00 mA
Flow Max: 65.00 LPM
Static 94.68
Sinus 93.20
Servo test 91.65 ASYMMETRIC (LPM): -4.41
LEAKAGE (LPM): 13.10

For servovalve performance test, performance values are calculated using equation
2.10. Based on the graphs and tables presented, the set point is 50 mA with an ideal
response of 65.00 LPM which is 59.57 LPM and an error of 5.43 LPM, while the input
command set point is -50 mA with an ideal response of -65.00 LPM which is -63.98
LPM and an error of 1.02 LPM. It is known that the average error value is 3.23 LPM or
4.96%, and the performance value for servovalve 3 performance test is 91.65%. In the
servovalve performance test, the values of asymmetry, leakage, and hysteresis of doors
A and B can also be known immediately. These values are shown by the servovalve
performance testing machine. In this test the asymmetry value of servovalve 3 is -4.41
LPM, the leakage value is 13.10 LPM, the hysteresis value A is 2.20 LPM while the
hysteresis value B is 2.50 LPM.
The asymmetry here is a graph where the stopping point is not symmetrical between
room A and room B. The asymmetry value serves to determine that the magnetic
strength in one of the servovalve components is reduced, it can break or there is a
decrease in the quality of the coil wire. Then the value serves to determine whether
there is a leak in the servovalve. While hysteresis means that the flow of oil entering
and leaving is not proportional or fails to return to its original value. The hysteresis

value indicates a problem in one of the servovalve components, namely weak or worn
piston and needle performance.
Based on the attached table, the performance of the servovalve 3 static test was
94.68%, the sine test was 93.20%, and the servo performance test was 91.65%. The
asymmetry of servovalve 3 is -4.41 LPM, leakage is 13.10 LPM, hysteresis A is 2.20
LPM, and hysteresis B is 2.50 LPM.
From all the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the
performance of the servovalve as a whole can be said to be good, the performance value
resulting from the test is above 80%, where the standard is set that a servovalve needs
repair and maintenance, namely with a performance value below 80%.

4.2 Analysis of Servovalve Performance Test Machine Development Results

Two developments have been made to the servovalve performance testing machine,
namely modification of the plotter system which was originally analog-based with test
results reports in conventional form to digital reports, and digitization of the safety valve
Based on the results of the first development descriptive analysis and research it
was concluded that the modification of the plotter system was very helpful and facilitated
the LKS BRIN team in conducting servovalve performance tests. Apart from the fact that
the plotter machine is already damaged, through this development the operator also no
longer needs to wait a relatively long time to see the test results, because with this
development the graphs of the test results are automatically displayed on the test machine
monitor. The course of testing and setting point values are also controlled directly through
the testing machine monitor.
In the second development, it can be concluded that the development of the savety
valve system greatly facilitated the LKS BRIN team in activating and deactivating the
system. Safety valves play an important role in hydraulic systems to keep the system
operating safely and efficiently. With this development, operators no longer need to
activate or deactivate the machine manually, everything is controlled through a monitor.
The ON/OFF command which was originally separate from the testing machine system has
now become a single unit of the testing machine. ON/OFF commands are now available in
the display menu of the software integrated with the test machine.


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