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2.1 Journal review

The following is a table of review paper results from various sources related to
similarities or resemblance to the project to be worked on, which includes servovalves,
tests, and sensors.
Table 2. 1 References Review


2019 ● This study aims to measure the
Dalmasius Ganjar precision of the CNC milling machine
Subagio, Ridwan by carrying out the measurement
Arief Subekti, process.
Hendri Maja Method
Saputra, Ahmad ● measuring the deviations on the three
Three axis deviation
Rajani, Kadek Heri axes namely X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-
1. analysis of CNC milling
Sanjaya. axis, as well as the flatness using a dial
indicator and parallel plates.
Journal of Results
Mechatronics, ● The measurement results show the
Electrical Power, deviation on the X-axis by 0.033 mm,
and Vehicular the Y-axis by 0.102 mm, the Z-axis by
Technology. 0.063 mm, and the flatness of the table
by 0.096 mm, respectively.
2023 Purpose
Kurnia Fajar Adhi ● a reduction in vehicle taxes based on
Sukra, Heru the number of CO2 emissions.
Priyanto, Dedy Method
Indriatmono, • In this study, the vehicle underwent
Muhamad Agus two tests: one using the R/L values
Impact of road load
Wijayanto, Irfan from the standard table R101 and
parameters on vehicle CO₂
Yahya Ikhsanudin, another using the actual R/L values
2. emissions and fuel
Yoga Akbar provided by the manufacturer through
economy: A case study in
Ermansyah. coast-down results.
Journal of ● a potential improvement in fuel
Mechatronics, economy of up to 7.9 % for vehicles
Electrical Power,
and Vehicular
Phosphate ion sensor 2021 Purpose
fabrication based on Nofriyani Nofriyani, ● development of chemical sensors to
conductive polymer Robeth Viktoria detect polypyrrole (PPy) based
polypyrrole film coatings Manurung, phosphate sensors in doped di-
in doped phosphate using Aminuddin ammonium hydrogen phosphate
thick film technology. Debataraja, Indra (DAP) with thick film technology

Dwisaputra. (TFT).
Journal of ● Characterization has been conducted to
Mechatronics, see the electrode morphology in
Electrical Power, scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and Vehicular test.
Technology. Results
● The results of sensor performance
were concluded that the electrode was
able to detect phosphate ions.
● Calibration of measuring
instrumentation equipment in the form
of a flowmeter.

● Using re-calibrated measuring vessel
calibration standards
2019 ● Calibration is carried out by collecting
Pembuatan Alat Test dan
Windi Febbiyana, flow rate data on a flow meter
Kalibrasi Flowmeter Solar
4. Sigit Kurniawan, compared to the measurement results
pada Pabrik Pemanggangan
Maizel Isnen, Seto on a standard calibrator
● After going through several stages in
the manufacture, test equipment and
calibration of the solar flowmeter.
Finally got a tool that can calibrate the
solar flow meter which functions so
that the solar flow calculation does not
experience deviations or discrepancies.
● discusses a method to find pump
performance specifications when using
a pump with a mixed flow type as a
2022 turbine for Micro Hydro Power Plants.
Sarid Mejiartono, Method
Muhammad Fathul ● The numerical method by utilizing
Numerical and
Hikmawan, Aditya computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
experimental study of
Sukma Nugraha based software simulations that have
mixed flow pump as
5. been proven to be accurate according
turbine for remote rural
Journal of to previous studies was selected for
micro hydro power plant
Mechatronics, use in obtaining predictions of the
Electrical Power, pump characteristics as turbines.
and Vehicular Results
Technology. • The test results directly show the PAT
characteristics, that the performance
range is close to the numerical
simulation results with a difference of

2.2 Test the strength of the structure
Testing the structural strength of a prototype construction is basically giving the
operating load to the prototype construction. The load given is first examined the position
of the load point on the prototype and its magnitude. Tests are carried out in the laboratory
using equipment that is capable of resembling the operating load in the field. The load
given can be in the form of static load or dynamic load. The application of static loads to
the specimen aims to determine the maximum resistance, while the application of dynamic
loads aims to determine the wear resistance. The results of this structural strength testing
activity are used to determine the tolerance limits that have been determined by the
reference standard (national or international), can also be used as evaluation material for
better development of further product results. Figure 2.1 shows the structure testing

Figure 2. 1 Structure Testing Activities

Classification of structural strength tests that can be carried out at the BRIN KST BJ
HABIBIE Structural Strength Laboratory include:
Static Test
▪ Static tensile test
▪ Static compression test
▪ Tensile loads from 25 kN to 4000 kN

▪ Compressive loads from 25 kN to 2000 kN
▪ Step load from 0 mm to 1000 mm
▪ Multiple simultaneous channels
Dynamic Test
▪ Tensile/compressive dynamic test
▪ Style/Step controls
▪ Tensile/compressive loads from 25 kN to 630 kN
▪ Multiple simultaneous channels
▪ Sinusoidal/random/spectrum load form
▪ Frequency up to 50 Hz

Some examples of tests that have been carried out at the Structural Strength Laboratory are
shown in the pictures below,

Figure 2. 2 CN 235 Aircraft Full Scale Test

Figure 2. 3 Unmanned Aircraft Wing Structure Static Test

Figure 2. 4 Commuter Line Train Bogie Dynamic Test

Figure 2. 5 Opel-Blazer Four Wheel Vehicle Dynamic Test

Figure 2. 6 Dynamic Test of N219 Aircraft Components

2.3 Servovalve
Servo valve is a core component of electronically based oil flow control. The servo
valve consists of two sides, namely, the electronic side and the mechanical hydraulic side.
The electronic side of the servo valve functions to move the servo valve piston according
to the electrical signal (milliamperes) provided by the computer equipment, so that it will
control the flow of oil on the hydraulic side. Load positioning on the servo system consists
of servo valve, direct drive valve, actuator, feedback transducer position, command
generator position, and servo amplifier. The linear position type in the servo system uses a
double-ended piston (servo systems can be rotated by changing the appropriate rotary
component). Two output control ports connected with fluid flow pipe [5].

Figure 2. 7 Servo valve MOOG Series G761 [6]

Figure 2. 8 Electrical and Hydraulic Servo Valve Diagram [6]

The specifications for the servo valve component used are G761-3005 with the type
designation S63JOGM4VPL, which is described more clearly in the following figure,

Figure 2. 9 G761 Series Servo Valve Specifications [7]

Servovalve consists of several components, namely electronic blocks, magnets,

pistons, and needles. Which functions as a component that regulates the flow of fluid that
will flow towards the actuator. These components are shown in the figure below,

Figure 2. 10 Servoalve Components (Magnet, Piston, and Needle) [2]

In this study, to analyze the performance of the testing machine, 3 servo valves were
tested statically with one of them having different specifications. The servovalve 1
specification covers an input signal of 40 mA to -40 mA with a maximum output of 38.00
LPM to -38.00 LPM. While the specifications for servo valves 2 and 3 are an input signal
of 50 mA to -50 mA with a maximum output of 65.00 LPM to -65.00 LPM. These
different specifications aim to provide variations to the results of graphical analysis.

2.4 Servo valve Performance Testing Machine

Servovalve performance testing machine is a machine that is operated to determine
and analyze the accuracy and performance of the servovalve. The output of the servo valve

performance testing machine which is an integration of the hydraulic system and electronic
systems is a graph of the input signal (milliAmpere) vs. the output signal (LPM) which can
be used to analyze the performance of the servo valve through the null shift, hysteresis,
symmetry and flowrate values that are enabled to detect damage to the servo valve so that
further action can be taken as a maintenance or repair effort. This test machine was built
around 1980 by Carl Schenk-Germany. The old servovalve performance testing machine is
shown in the following figure,

Figure 2. 11 Old Servovalve Performance Testing Machine

Until now the test machine above has not been operating for more than 10 years.
Observations that have been made prior to the development and modification of this test
machine are that the signal input is given through an electronic cabinet, but the electronic
cabinet is no longer operational. Besides the machine not functioning, the plotter system
used to describe the performance of the servovalve is still analog based. In the test results
report, it was originally still in a conventional form, namely by using millimeter block
plotter paper as shown below,

Figure 2. 12 Millimeter Block Plotter Paper

Based on observations and identification of problems with the servovalve testing

machine and based on understanding of the servovalve working system, the team designed
the overall system development and modification of the servovalve performance testing
machine, so that a new testing machine with a digital-based plotting system was produced.

Figure 2. 13 Servo valve Performance Testing Machine

To test the servovalve performance using a servovalve performance testing machine,

there is a CETOP-5 base plate as a component for the base where the servovalve is placed,
The image of the base plate is shown in figure below.

Figure 2. 14 Base plate CETOP-5 [2]

The output of the servovalve performance testing machine which is an integration

of the hydraulic system and electronic system is a graph of the input signal (m-Ampere)
versus the Output Signal (LPM) which can be used to analyze the performance of the
servovalve through the values of null shift, hysterisis symmetry, and flowrate that are
enabled to detect damage to the servovalve so that further action can be taken as an effort
to maintain or repair. The work system diagram of the servovalve performance testing
machine is shown in the following figure,

Figure 2. 15 System Design of Servovalve Performance Machine [1]

When the command signal input from the servocontroller is given, the fluid flow
from the hydraulic power pack will enter door A through door P (pressure) which then
goes to the hydraulic actuator. Flowing and incoming discharges are proportional to the
given signal input value. Unused residual fluid flow will return to the hydraulic power
pack through hose B to door R (return). If exit B is used to drain fluid for the tensile test,
the fluid flow at door A will return to the powerpack tank through door P. There is a

correlation between the input signal given and the volume of fluid that comes out at the
A/B output door. This system will work continuously in a closed loop to monitor the input
signal given by the servocontroller.
Servovalve performance testing machine software is developed and the coding is
written independently, with a menu display as shown below,

Figure 2. 16 Software Display After Development 1

2.5 Servovalve Performance Test Machine Development Results

Based on figure 2.15, the diagram shows the overall design of the system development
and modification carried out on the servovalve performance testing machine. The
development steps undertaken include:
1. Optimization of milliAmpere signal generation
2. Acquisition of flowmeter/tachometer signal data
3. Added a flowmeter as an LPM acquisition sensor
4. MilliAmpere output calibration
5. Calibrate the LPM output

2.5.1. MiliAmpere Signal Generator

Prior to optimization, development and modification, signal input is provided
through an electronic cabinet. However, because the electronic cabinet is no longer

operational, this signal input is replaced by using an industrial computer 610-H and an
electronic panel box.

Figure 2. 17 Industrial Computer 610-H

In order to be processed by the servovalve, the signal input must be an analog

signal in mA. Meanwhile, the input signal generated by a computer device is in the
form of a digital signal. Therefore, in order for the signal to function, a converter is
needed that is able to convert the digital signal stream into an analog signal. A
system capable of converting this signal flow is DAC which is an electronic device
with a conversion system used to convert digital (discrete) signals into analog
(continuous) signals. The DAC component that the team used was the PIC 1742U
DAC Module type. The output of the DAC analog signal is a voltage of ± 10. This
voltage is then converted in milliAmpere form to be processed by the servovalve
using a VAC with a VAC output current of ± 60 𝑚𝐴 (the value changes depending
on the servovalve input range specifications).

Figure 2. 18 Signal Generator Diagram

2.5.2. Signal Flowmeter Data Acquisition
The flowmeter data acquisition process on the servovalve performance testing
machine starts from the servovalve's response due to the input control signal (mA)
resulting in fluid or oil flow in pipe A and pipe B of the servovalve. The fluid or oil
flow is detected by the Turbine Pump Tachometer installed on the testing machine. The
flow of fluid or oil flowing through the turbine meter so that it hits the Turbine Pump
Tachometer blades which will then cause friction and make the turbine blades rotate.
The flowing fluid will cause the rotor to rotate at an angular speed proportional to the
fluid flow rate and produce a DC signal output. The DC signal is converted by the
ADC Module PCI-1742U via pin AI0 (Analog Input 0) into a digital value which can
then be converted into LPM units which can be further processed (recorded or
displayed graphically).
After the servovale is electrified and gets an order from the signal initialization
by the industrial computer, a fluid flow occurs which will move the needle on the
servovalve. Servovalve fluid flow, controlled (large volume of fluid flow, fluid flow
direction) by the milliampere signal input. Fluid flow is measured using a flow meter
and monitored by flow rate monitoring which is attached to each port A and port B of
the servo valve. Flowrate monitoring is used to display the flowrate of fluid flowing
(flowrate) and to issue an analog signal which will be sent to the computer via the
ADC. Because the output signal from the servovalve is in analog form, the signal will
be converted back into a digital signal which can then be streamed and processed by a
computer using the PCI-1742U module (pin 0 for port A and pin 1 for port B).

Figure 2. 19 Flowmeter Sensor Reading Diagram

The signal output from the servovalve begins with determining the maximum
flowrate of the servovalve, at this stage of development and optimization the team uses
65 LPM. Flowmeter A which is integrated with flowrate display A issues an analog

signal which is then connected to the DAC Module PCI-1742U via pin 0 (digital value
A), while flowmeter B which is integrated with flowrate display B issues an analog
signal which is then connected to the DAC Module PCI-1742U via pin 1 (digital value
B). Digital values A and B will then be recorded and further processed by computers
and software.
Based on the digital input signal (which is converted by the DAC Module PCI-
1742U then converted by the VAC-VC-2100 to a miliAmpere signal and sent to the
servovalve) and reading the LPM flowmeter/tachometer response (started from the
tachometer DC signal, then converted by the DAC Module PCI - 1742U so that it
becomes a digital signal). The digital value converted by the DAC Module PCI-
1742U is read by a computer and the data recording process and further data
processing will be carried out. In addition, the milliAmpere input magnitude and the
LPM response magnitude are displayed in the form of a mAmpere versus LPM graph
which shows the performance of the servovalve. To find out and analyze the
accuracy of the servovalve performance for further maintenance or repair.
Table 2. 2 Comparison of Command mA and LPM Response

Spesifikasi Servovalve:
• Input range : +50 until -50
• Output range : 65 LPM
Respon (LPM)
Command (mA)
Port A Port B
+50 65 0
+40 52 0
+30 39 0
+20 26 0
+10 13 0
0 0 0
-10 0 13
-20 0 26
-30 0 39
-40 0 52
-50 0 65

The fluid output path from the flowmeter will return to the powerpack via
the R line. The LPM and Voltage equations can be seen in the following table,

Table 2. 3 LPM and Voltage Equation

LPM Voltage
0 0
15 1
30 2
45 3
60 4
75 5
90 6
105 7
120 8
135 9
150 10

2.5.3. MiliAmpere Output Calibration

In the milliAmpere generator system, signals originating from industrial
computers are digital signals or digital values. On the one hand, the input signal
received by the servovalve is a milliAmpere analog signal. Therefore, the input
signal from the industrial computer will be streamed to the DAC module PCI-1742U
and converted to +/- 10 Volt DC voltage. The DC voltage from the DAC module
PCI-1742U will be converted to mA by the VAC 2100. The milliAmperes output
from the VAC 2100 needs to be optimized so that the output signal is read
accurately. Optimization is carried out by utilizing a digital multimeter display
(milliAmpere display mode).
Table 2. 4 Signal Calibration Results milliAmpere Output

Input Voltage
6,732 40
5,019 30
3,336 20
1,653 10
0,030 0
-1,712 -10
-3,395 -20
-5,077 -30
-6,729 -40

The results of optimizing the milliampere output signal obtained as shown in

Table 2.4 will be used as a reference or standard milliamperes output signal that must

be generated by the servovalve in perfect conditions when testing the servovalve on
the servovalve performance testing machine. The LPM optimization above uses the
assumption method that the servovalve installed is new and perfectly according to
specifications, namely;
- Input range -40 mA to 40 mA
- Output range 63 LPM
To ensure the amount of fluid flow output that is obtained as an LPM unit in a
convincing manner, an official calibration of the turbine pump tachometer is needed
with external parties using standard components and accredited systems. This is
achieved by direct comparison against a measuring standard or certified reference

2.5.4. Calibration of Output LPM

In addition to the mA signal, the output from the servovalve that needs to be
optimized is the output of the fluid flow during testing in LPM. The data obtained
when calibrating the LPM output is shown in table 2.5
Table 2. 5 Calibration Result Data

Output DC Tachometer
Port A Port B
Volt LPM Volt LPM
40 5,712 63,00 0 0
30 4,284 47,25 0 0
20 2,856 31,50 0 0
10 1,428 15,75 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
-10 0 0 1,428 15,75
-20 0 0 2,856 31,50
-30 0 0 4,284 47,25
-40 0 0 5,712 63,00

The LPM optimization above uses the assumption method that the installed
servovalve is new and perfectly according to specifications, namely;
- Input range -40 mA to 40 mA
- Output range 63 LPM

The results of the optimization of the LPM output obtained as shown in
Table 2.5 will be used as a reference or standard for the LPM output that must be
produced by the servovalve in perfect conditions when testing the servovalve on the
servovalve performance testing machine. To ensure the amount of fluid flow output
that is obtained as an LPM unit in a convincing manner, an official calibration of
the turbine pump tachometer is needed with external parties using standard
components and accredited systems. This is achieved by direct comparison against
a measuring standard or certified reference material.

2.6 Electronic Panels

The Electronic Panel circuit consists of DAC, ADC, VAC. Which functions as a
milliAmpere signal generator. In order to be processed by the servovalve, the signal input
must be an analog signal in milliAmperes (mA). Therefore, so that the signal can function,
a converter is needed in the form of a DAC, ADC and VAC.
DAC is a device that functions to convert the input signal in digital form into an
output signal in analog form (voltage). The output voltage of the DAC is the same as the
output digital value. The DAC accepts digital information and then transforms it into
analog voltage. The DAC is capable of converting a digital word to an analog voltage by
providing a scaled analog output that is zero when all bits are zero and a maximum number
of values when all bits are one. [3]
For now, almost all modern DAC applications are in the form of integrated circuits
(IC), which are shown as black boxes having certain input and output characteristics.
Generally, DAC is used as a controller for computer equipment [3]. The DAC component
used in this study is the PIC 1742U DAC Module.
ADC is a semiconductor whose function is to convert analog input quantities into
digital output quantities (binary bits). ADC is widely used as a component of industrial
process regulators in testing/measurement activities [6]. The series of Electronic Panels is
shown in the figure below,

Figure 2. 20 Multi Channel Network

2.7 Flow meter

A flow meter is a tool used to measure the flow rate or the amount of fluid flowing
in a closed pipe or open channel. The flowmeter is a hall effect sensor type transducer,
which is a transducer that produces a changing output voltage in response to changes in the
magnetic field [8].
In this study the flowmeter used was Flowmeter Type SCQ 150, the specifications
of the flowmeter used in this study are described in the following table,
Table 2. 6 SCQ Parker Flowmeter Technical Specifications
Type SCQ 150
Flow Range QN -150...+150 I/min
Qmax -165...+165 I/min
Media Connection M42(NG16)
Weight (g) 1,050

2.8 Error Deviation Statistical Method

Measurement and testing are activities that are usually carried out in the laboratory.
Where every measurement and testing process that produces a physical quantity and has a
certain unit will always have an uncertainty value which will lead to an error value. To
estimate the error of a function consisting of several variables, the error propagation
method is often used by researchers. This method accommodates the uncertainty of each
measuring instrument used. The magnitude of the uncertainty of a measurement can be

categorized into standard deviation (σ) and presented in the form of an error bar. If the data
displayed on a graph is data from direct measurement results, then the displayed error bar
is the uncertainty value of the measuring instrument.
In general, estimating errors using the error propagation method can be done using
the following equation [2.1] :
𝑌 = 𝑓(𝑋𝑖, 𝑋𝑖 + 1 … … 𝑋𝑛) (2.1)

where Y is a function of several variables measured by Xi. So the standard deviation of Y


𝑛 𝜕𝑌 2

∆𝑌 = ± ∑ 1 ( ) (∆𝑋𝑖)2 (2.2)
𝑖 𝜕𝑋𝑖

where and ∆𝑋𝑖 is the partial derivative of the function Y on the variable Xi and the

standard deviation of the variable Xi.

The standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance. Standard
deviation is a non-negative number, and has the same units as data [16]. The standard
deviation for a measurement data is defined by the formula [2.3]:

1 𝑁
𝜎 = √ ∑ (𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥 2 )² (2.3)
𝑁 𝑖=1

𝜎 : Standard deviation value or standard deviation
𝑥𝑖 : Population data 1
𝑥₂ : Population data 2
𝑁 : Amount of data
In statistics standard deviation is used to provide an overview of; the distribution of
the data to the average, the quality of the sample data obtained, and the uncertainty value
when making repeated measurements.

2.9 Binary Number System

Binary numbers are numbers based on two numbers, namely zero and one. This
number has a radix of 2 and is usually called the base 2 number system, so binary numbers
use 2n calculations. Each binary digit is called a bit, while the four-bit binary number is

called a nibble and the eight-bit binary number is called a bit [9]. The image below
illustrates this

Figure 2. 21 Binary Number System

The decimal number system is considered imprecise in the digital system. This
makes it difficult to design electronic devices that operate at ten different voltage levels,
where one decimal place represents the voltage level. It would be very easy to design
digital circuits that only operate on two voltage levels. Therefore, almost all digital systems
use the binary number system as the basis for their functional number system [10].

2.10 User Interface Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic is a programming language that is event-driven. In everyday language
event-driven programming is script programming that reacts when an event is triggered by
the user, for example when pressing the "submit" button, "calculate", and so on. The
Visual Basic programming language is a development of its predecessor, namely the
BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming language.
Visual Basic is a computer programming language that supports objects (Object Oriented
Programming = OOP) and IDE (Integrated Development Environment) [11] [12].
In writing programs (coding) related to electronic control systems include:
• Sending computer data and then converting it into analog signal data (+/-10VDC).
• Converting analog signals (+/-10VDC) into computer data that can be processed
• Transmitting binary computer data and then converting it into High/Low pulse
analog data (0/5 VDC).

Figure 2. 22 Visual Basic Software [12]

In the servovalve test, the magnitude of the command input signal sent to the
servovalve electronic control and the expected output response will adjust to the
specifications of the servovalve being tested. Servovalve command input values are
typically 40 mA to -40 mA, 50 mA to -50 mA, and 60 mA to -60 mA. The command input
signal 0 – 50 miliAmpere (the value changes according to the specifications of the
servovalve) will sound louder the sound of the engine, likewise when the input command
signal moves from 50 – 0 mA the sound of the engine will decrease.
Coding software created for sinusoidal formulas in the Visual Basic Programming
Language can be seen as follows:

In the flushing test process, monitoring of the detection of oil flow coming out of
the servovalve by the flowmeter sensor is not carried out. In this process only controlling
the milliAmpere command input is sent to the servovalve electronic controller. This is
done repeatedly with a time of about 1 hour.
Computer software modules for the automation of the flushing process need to be
developed so that the procedure is expected to be as follows:
• Prepare the servovalve to be tested.
• Set up the servovalve performance test machine.

• Prepare the computer software to test the servovalve performance.
• Enter the servo valve parameters.
• Click <Flush Button>.
• Then the software will send a signal in the form of a sinusoidal line equation, and
the servovalve performance testing machine responds by carrying out electronic
control and hydraulic control of the servovalve.
• The operator monitors the Servovalve Performance Test Machine by standing by in
front of the computer monitor screen and listening to changes in engine sound. If
you want the test to be finished, the operator will click <Stop>.
• For system safety, it needs to be equipped with an emergency button (Quick Stop)
and safety software.

In this study, the 3 servo valves used have different specifications. Servovalve 1
specifications include an input signal of 40 mA to -40 mA with a maximum output of
38.00 LPM to -38.00 LPM. Meanwhile, specifications for servo valves 2 and 3 have an
input signal of 50 mA to -50 mA with a maximum output of 65.00 LPM to -65.00 LPM.
The servovalves will be attached to the testing machine alternately and then the test will be
controlled through the monitor.


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