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Commented [Michael S1]: You will need Bumbayo

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“I don’t know why she chose me. I used to joke that maybe it’s because I always
recycled. But this isn’t a joke. Whatever reason it was, Mother Nature has made
me hers. And I protect her from these damned things.”

A Monster of the Week hunter playbook. Commented [Michael S2]: For the text body, use
Gentium Book Basic.
To make your Earthbound, pick a name. Then follow the instruc-
tions below to decide your look, ratings, moves, and gear. Fi-
nally, introduce yourself and pick history.

• Man, woman, boy, girl, mysterious, concealed.

• Messy hair, oiled hair, grassy hair, coloured hair, natural
hair, no hair. Whenever you roll a highlighted rating, mark experience.
• Hippy clothes, moss-covered clothes, business clothes,  -1 0  +1  +2  +3
casual clothes, leather clothes. Basic moves: Manipulate Someone
Highlight:  Commented [Michael S3]: Each rating line should
Pick one line, then mark each rating on the right   -1 0  +1  +2  +3 include one +2, and add to +3 in total. Exceptions: a
second +2 counts as +3. You might add +1 to the total
 Charm-0, Cool+0, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird+2 Basic moves: Act Under Pressure, Help Out Highlight: per line, counting that extra point as one of the playbook
 moves (an implied “you get +1 to this rating” move).
 Charm+1, Cool+0, Sharp-1, Tough+1, Weird+2
 -1 0  +1  +2  +3
 Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+0, Tough+1, Weird+2
Basic moves: Investigate, Read a Bad Situation Highlight:
 Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+0, Weird+2 
 Charm+2, Cool-1, Sharp+0, Tough+0, Weird+2  -1 0  +1  +2  +3
Basic moves: Kick Some Ass, Protect Someone Highlight:

Commented [Michael S4]: Each playbook should get
You get all the basic moves, and three Earthbound moves.  -1 0  +1  +2  +3 three moves. Exceptions: if a move has about equal
good and bad sides, you may not wish to count it.
Beast Speech: You can speak the language of a certain Basic moves: Use Magic
Highlight:  Commented [Michael S5]: You don't have to include a
group of creatures. Pick a group from birds, rodents, felines, ca-
mandatory move: it can be all player choice if you
nines, reptiles and amphibians. (or work with your Keeper to prefer, or there could be more than one that is
choose another group.) You can talk with and manipulate them mandatory.
as you would a human. Spirit of the Earth: You are aided by a familiar spirit, tak-
ing the form of a small creature such as a bird, a sentient rock,
That’s Not Natural: When you see a monster or hear a a cat, a succulent or any other form, which counts as an ally for
detailed account, you can roll +Sharp. On a 10+ hold 2, on a you. You must choose what type of ally from the list below:
7-9 hold one. You may spend these hold to ask a question from
this list. Lieutenant (motivation: to follow the spirit of your instruc-
Is this monster from another world?
Friend (motivation: to provide emotional support)
Has this monster been genetically engineered?
Confidante (motivation: to advise)
Is this monster sentient?
The Trees Have Eyes, The Walls Have Ears: You may
Is this monster alive? touch an object made from a natural material such as wood or
stone and inconspicuously mark it. At any point you may tune
What does this monster feed upon? in to this object and see, hear and smell out of it; losing all of
your current senses. This effect can be magically dispelled, if
Has this monster been magically created?
detected. You may only have one of these marks active at any
The Stare: When an animal or monster not capable under- one time.
standing normal speech is hostile to you, you can assert your
Binder: When you use magic on someone or something,
dominance over it. For a mundane creature, this works auto-
you may choose from these additional effects.
matically. For a monster, roll +Weird. On a 10+ the creature
backs down or flees. On a 7-9, it flees but will take a final The target is marked; you feel the earth move beneath
cocky swipe at you or another hunter. On a 6 or below, the them. You know their location, in distance and direc-
creature stares you down instead and you take -1 forward. tion from you, as long as you both are touching the
Hard as Stone: When you are in contact with the ground.
ground, the earth will protect you. Take +1 armour (max 2) as
The target is petrified and turns to stone for the dura-
your skin hardens to a temporary barrier of rock, wood, crystal
or scales. tion; no harm is taken.

Snake in the Grass: When you remain stationary, your Cause plants or rock formations to grow very rapidly
form becomes one with that which surrounds you. Roll +Weird in the immediate area
as you call upon nature to help you. On a 10+ you’re out of im- Accidental Botanist: You can identify any plant sample
mediate danger and take +1 ongoing when acting on the sur- you touch; you know the species instinctively, as well as locate
prise. On a 7-9 take a +1 forward instead of ongoing. On a 6 or the nearest sample of the same species.
below, you’re really not hidden as well as you think...
When the Earth chose you, your body changed with the physical marks of your binding.
Pick two marks:

 You have taken on the natural weapons of your familiar (2-harm hand  You cause all metal in your presence to rust. Your innate magic is
messy) that of the trees. (wooden weapons count as magical)
 Your body is tattooed with marks that can produce toxins (0-harm  Your arms are wrapped in thorny vines. (1-harm close entangling)
close sedating or hallucinogenic.)
 Your teeth are powerful and allow you to eat a diet of stones and
 One of your limbs is replaced by a tree branch. (2-harm close messy) fallen bark. (1-harm intimate.)
 Your eyes see the patterns of earth itself. You can cause the earth to  Your fists are made of rock, metal or crystal. (2-harm close)
erupt and grasp someone. (0 harm far entangling.)

Pick one of these:

 Baseball bat (2-harm hand messy innocuous wood)  Sling and seeds (1-harm close wood)

 Compass  Skateboard
 Multitool (1-harm hand useful)  Bag of crystals and pendulum
 Rolling Pin (1-harm hand innocuous wood)  Bushknife (1-harm hand)

When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you can do your introductions together.
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Hunter by name and look, and tell the group what they know about you.

Go around the group again. When it's your turn, pick one for each of the other hunters:

Hunter History Notes Commented [Michael S6]: The listed suggestions are
only suggestions. Try to aim for this sort of spread and
This Hunter was there when the Earth bound you. Tell them what happened, then ask
variety, but the most important thing is being true to the
how much they saw. vision of the hunter type.
You are closely related, but something kept you apart. Tell them how you are related,
then ask them what happened.
You had a childhood crush on this Hunter. Ask them how long ago it was.
This Hunter was the first person to whom you told your secret. Ask them how they
You and this Hunter are friends because of a shared hobby. Ask them what it is
This Hunter saved you back before you were Bound. Now you have powers, you want
to save them too.
This Hunter used to work with you. Decide who was who’s boss.
You and this Hunter were both interested in the same person. Ask them who it was, and
decide if you still like them.

You can mark off a Luck box to either change a roll you just made to a 12, as if you had rolled that; or change a wound you have
just taken to count as just 0-harm. If your Luck boxes all get filled, you've run out of good luck.

When you suffer harm, mark of the number of boxes equal to harm suffered. More than four harm is especially dangerous.
OkayDying Unstable:  (Unstable injuries will worsen as time passes)
Experience: 
Whenever you roll a highlighted rating, or a move tells you to, mark an experience box.
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the list below.

 Get +1 Weird, max +3  Take another Earthbound move

 Get +1 Tough, max +2  Take another Earthbound Mark.
 Get +1 Charm, max +2  Choose another group of animals for your Beast Speech move.
 Get +1 Sharp, max +2  Take a move from another playbook
 Take another Earthbound move  Take a move from another playbook
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for advanced improvements in addition to these, from the list below.

 Get +1 to any rating, max +3.  Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
 Change this hunter to a new type.  Retire this hunter to safety.
 Make up a second hunter to play as well as this one.  Erase one used luck mark from your playbook.
 Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
This is a hunter playbook for . Find out more at

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