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c Ghostly Possession: You are connected to the afterlife, you

I’M NOT DEAD YET or another spirit has rooted itsself in the Material world,

, Immortals, Liches, Cursed, and Bound. Call them what you like, but
they do not die, one way or another, and you’ve joined their ranks.
keeping your corporeal body to act out the unfinished buis-
ness. When trying to do something using your spirit, roll

The Deathless
Unstoppable, you’ve turned your focus to Hunting. +Weird. On a +10 choose an effect:
Discuss on how you’ve attained your current state with you Keeper, •You are intangible
and define your hunter by choosing a source of undeath, and moves •You move supernaturally fast
that suit it. •You can fly
•You project your spirit out of your body
Think killing me is enough? Go for it. I’ll keep coming •You may speak to a spirit or lost soul
for you again, and again, and again. I will not stop MOVES On a 7-9, the Keeper choses a glitch:
until those around me are safe, and until you are You get all of the basic moves, plus three Deathless moves. •The duration is even shorter
only ash. •The effect only partially works
You get these two: •The effect uses your body as a conduit.
(1-harm ignore armor)

•You feel sick from pushing out the spirit
• Manipulate Someone c Banished from Death: Whether you are cursed, blessed, or cre- (-1 forward)
ated, you are unable to die permanently. When the harm tract On a miss, there is an issue with your spirit, and it
is filled, you are currently dying and, unless something is done never ends well for you or those around you.

about it, you will die. Shortly thereafter, you will return from Additionally you may, Once per mystery, use your spec-
• Act Under Pressure death, and clear your harm track. tral side to force any living person become your ally,
• Help Out When you are killed you mark experience. If you die saving though they may betray you.
someone then you mark 2 experience.

SHARP • Investigate a Mystery

c Respawn: No matter how badly you are injured, your body
remains in perfect condition. When you die, you can choose
• Read a Bad Situation c Source of Undeath: Death’s grip on you has loosened. Intention-
what you take with you, and what you leave behind.
ally or unintentionally, you’ve found a way around it, and you’ve
decided to use that to hunt unnatural things in the world. Pick a

TOUGH • Kick Some Ass You also have your Ultimate Ability. Choose one tag from
category below and take the associated moves.
each column below to begin building it.
• Protect Someone
c Sands of Time: You are integral to history. You must see
things to their proper conclusion. Once per scene, you may ULIMATE

WEIRD reverse time briefly to reroll one of your dice. Range: Output: Type:
• Use Magic Once per mystery, You can reverse time back to the c self c line c Buff
beginning of the scene, perhaps securing a better result. c intimate c sphere c Damage
c hand c cone c Summoning
c close c target c Information
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from an in- c Cloning: You back up your memories, and recreate your
c far
jury. body, Changing it with each iteration. When you take this
move you get +1 to any rating (max +3). Each time you are
killed, you may change which rating it goes to. Discuss the workings of your Ulimate with your Keeper,
Okay c c c c c c c Doomed like how you can receive the chance to use it. Do you have
As side effect of your rapid growth you also learn to build it up, can you use it in different stages, or does it
Deathless special: A complication arises during your next charge on its own? Feel free to pull from these suggestions,
far faster than normal. By observing another hunter, You
ressurection. may use one of their moves for the rest of the scene. when building your own:
Death Blossom (Damage: 4-harm, burst, close, reckless)
HARM c Necromancy: Your body radiates with necrotic magic, pre-
Farsight (far, sphere, info: see the truth, and see all crea-
When you reach 5 harm, you are on the verge of death, and venting you from passing on to the afterlife. At any time you
may transfer your lifeforce into the living, tures)
will die soon.
healing another person for as many harm as you take.
Okay c c c c c Dying You may do this as many times as physically possible. Shinespark (self, line, obvious, Buff: move impossibly fast,
and jump impossibly far)
EXPERIENCE Additionally you may, once per mystery, call
upon the necrotic energy inside you resurrecting a recent- Mimic (intimate, target, messy, damage: consume part
Experience: c c c c c of an enemy, taking their chracteristics and some of their
ly deceased corpse for a short time. (Relative to the mys-
tery’s timeframe). abilities)
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move
tells you to, mark an experience box.
This playbook is not ©2015 by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. But it is made by Brian B. with help from Brian E. Feel free to share with your buds- actually
please do share with your buds
Then pick one of these:
The Deathless might be buried or issued their gear, discuss with
c Guess Who’s Back: When returning to a location you your Keeper what you may have, which may be things not listed
were driven from, you are more intimate with its secrets. here.
You can ask “What is being concealed here” as a free ques- Otherwise, Choose one melee weapon and one ranged weapon.
tion, and you take -1 harm from any environmental hazards. Choose one Melee:
c Brass Knuckles (1-harm hand quiet small intimidating)
c Deja Vu: When you get a miss on read a bad situation, you
may choose to still receive one hold at the cost of the failure c Big Knife (1-harm hand)
being extra hard. c Heirloom Sword (2-harm hand messy)
c Crowbar (2-harm hand useful)
c Jamais Vu: When you investigate a mystery, you may ask
“Where have I seen this before?” as a free question. c Metal Baseball bat (2-harm hand innocuous messy)

c Second Wind: When your harm track is filled by an at- ...and choose one ranged:
c Mutation: Incineration, broken spine, decapitation all of
tack from a threat, roll +Tough. On +10 you heal 1 harm, c Throwing Knives (1-harm close many)
those are only setbacks for you. Your death is just a stepping
stone, and you’ll be better next time. Upon resurrection and take +1 forward, 7-9 you stay at the harm maximum,, c Hand Crossbow (2-harm close slow)
you will be more resistant to what killed you previously, and the next hit will kill you. On a miss, your death causes a c 38 Revolver (2-harm close reload loud)
Work out the details with the Keeper. problem to those around you.
c Compact SMG (2-harm close reload auto)

Your cells refuse the call of death, renewing you

c Lethal: You are resourceful and use anything you can as a c Shotgun (3-harm close messy loud)
weapon. Any improvised weaponry recieves +1 harm, and
no matter what happens to your body. At the end of every
scene, roll +Tough. On a +10 heal two harm and get +1 for-
the “messy, ricochet” tags. GETTING STARTED
ward. On a 7-9 heal 1 harm. On a miss your healing doesn’t To make your Deathless, first pick a name. Then follow the instructions
c Expendable: When another hunter misses a roll, you may
in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, Source of Undeath, moves,
go off, Weird. choose to take on their consequences (?) If you do, take + 1
and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and pick history.
forward, and give them +1 ongoing as long as you are deal-
c Patron: You are not allowed to perish, not yet. You’re still...
ing with their concequences.
useful. When you return from the dead, roll +Weird. On LOOK, PICK ONE FROM EACH LIST:
+10 hold 3, on a 7 - 9 hold 2, on a miss hold 1 (do not take • Male, Female, Boy, Girl, Unknown, Robot, Corpse
experience). They may be spent at any time to receive hints
c YOU Only Live Once: When you tell another person
• Tired eyes, Curious eyes, Focused eyes, Timeless eyes, Hollow
about your previous wounds and how to avoid them roll
or warnings from your patron for the rest of the scene. eyes, Wise eyes, Familiar eyes.
+Charm. On 10+ they take -2 harm from their next injury,
• Scraps and rags, Ancient Armour, Fitted Suit, Traditional
or the concequences for the next miss are less harsh. 7-9,
When you die, you receive one hold to be Clothes, Futuristic Jumpsuit, Sinister Robes, Sports Wear
they take -1 harm from their next injury. On a miss, you may
spent immediately. You may ask one question from the in-
have made it worse.
vestigate a mystery move who will respond using the knowl-
edge of your patron. This can only be used three times per c Discombobulate: When you “deal” with mundane peo-
mystery. ple, you are immune to all 0-harm moves, and you have
some time, you never need to roll kick some ass when
c Cursed: Calamity has befallen you, Trapped in a cycle of fighting against them, instead you are allowed to act as if
Life and Death until you can break what holds its sway over you have always rolled a 7. You may choose to kick some
you. For a small sacrifice, you can count your body as a ass anyway, and when you roll a 10+ you have the additional
component for any Use Magic or Big Magic roll, When you option of knocking out one combatant.
die, you have an explosive exit, or entrance, your choice. (4-
harm, area, and one additional tag) c Agile: You never have to act under pressure when climbing,
jumping or tumbling.
You have a form that is unique, unusual, and per-
haps terrifying. Pick one of the options below:
c A fresh start: When your harm track is clear, you have a
+1 ongoing.
c Transformation: You terrify those around you
that are unaccustomed to the unusual and count as having
1 armor. You may pressure those you scare into helping you
c At my side, all along: Pick a weapon. You bind yourself to
it, and can bring it to your hand at any time. You can rebind
once before they flee. When you take any harm, you trans- with a new weapon with a ritual if your previous one is bro-
form instantly. ken or damaged.
c Permanent: Your form is far more unnatural
than “usual”. You gain all the benefits above, including an
attack (1-harm, far, magic), and an additonal benefit (extra
limbs, prehensile hair, etc.) with an obvious identifier.
This playbook is not ©2015 by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. But it is made by Brian B. with help from Brian E. Feel free to share with your buds- actually
please do share with your buds
c Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird=0 When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase the
c Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2 marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
c Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird=0
c Charm+1, Cool-1, Sharp+1, Tough=0, Weird+2
c Charm+1, Cool+1, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird=0 c Get +1 Charm, max +3
c Charm+1, Cool+1, Sharp-1, Tough=0, Weird+2 c Get +1 Cool, max +3
c Get +1 Sharp, max +3
INTRODUCTIONS c Get +1 Tough, max +3
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you can do your
c Get +1 Weird, max +3
introductions together.
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Deathless by c Take another Deathless move
name and look, and tell the group what they know about you. c Take another Deathless move
c Gain an ally
HISTORY c Take a move from another playbook
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick onefor each of
Take a move from another playbook
the other hunters:
• You both were in a serious committed relationship before your
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for advanced improve-
untimley death.
ments in addition to these. They’re below.
• The hunter had a hand in your initial death.
• They were once your childhood friend. Work together to describe
how you grew apart.
• You owe this hunter a potentially insurmountable debt. c Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
• You used to work with this person. How closely you worked is up c Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
to them. c Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
• They knew you in one of your previous lives, some time ago. Work
together to discern the relationship then, and the relationship now. c Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
• This hunter had a part in your undeath. c Change this hunter to a new type.
• You keep running into one other. It no longer seems like a coinci- c Retire this hunter to safety.
dence. You describe the nature of the run-ins, They describe the c Take a second Source of Undeath
possible meanings.
• This hunter is destined to break your cycle of undeath.
• They previously hunted you. You tell them why they hunted you,
they tell you why they stopped.
• This hunter watched you die. They encountered you again later.
They tell you how you died, you tell them how you met them again.
• They are familiar with how your undeath manifested. You tell
them how it manifested. They tell you how they are familiar.
• You took a secret of theirs to the grave. Literally. You tell them
what the secret might be, they tell you why you went into the
ground with it.

This playbook is not ©2015 by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. But it is made by Brian B. with help from Brian E. Feel free to share with your buds- actually
please do share with your buds

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